Friday, December 31, 2021

A Christmas Gift To You

From: Becky Stayton

A Christmas Gift To You

This is a story that my mother, Lorna (Wheeler) Smith wrote many years ago.  I made it into a little video as my gift to all children and children at heart.  May you have a joyous Christmas as you celebrate the true meaning of this day.

Happy New Year, Initiative and Unity Center Friends!

 From: Muriel Luedeman

Happy New Year, Initiative and Unity Center Friends!

At the beginning of this momentous year 2022, I send you greetings, encouragement, light, and hope. The following message is a transcript of Christian motivational speaker Jordan Peterson's Video Presentation that a friend sent me. May it bless you as much as it has me.


Inspiration from Christian Motivational Speaker Jordan Peterson

"There is no better way to self realization and the enablement of being, than to pause at the highest good that you can conceive of and commit yourself to it. Then you can ask yourself, and this is really worth asking, "Do you really have anything better to do? And if you don't, why would you do anything else? If you orient yourself properly, and then pay attention to what you do every day, that works. 

"The world shifts itself around your aim. You're a creature that has an aim. You have to have an aim to do something. You're an aiming creature. You look at a point and you move towards it. It's built right into you.

"Well, let's say your aim is the highest possible aim. Well, then, that sets up the world around you. It organizes all of your perceptions. It organizes what you see and you don't see. It organizes your emotions and your motivations. So, you organize yourself around that aim and then what happens is, the day manifests itself as a set of challenges and problems. And if you solve them properly then you stay on the pathway towards that aim. And you can concentrate on the day. So that way, you get to have your cake and eat too. Because you can point into the distance, the far distance, and you can live in the day. And It seems to me that that makes every moment of the day supercharged with meaning, because if everything you are doing is related to the highest possible aim that you can conceptualize, that's the very definition of the meaning that would sustain you in your life."

The questions I ask myself, then, are "What is my highest aim? What do I want most to see become reality for me personally, for my family, my neighborhood and my city? What would be the most satisfying, fulfilling, and best things to do?"

What would your answer be to those questions? I plan to write them down. Save them for evaluation reference and check my progress from time to time, share them as the Spirit leads with friends and family of like mind, and encourage each other in this pursuit of the highest good to be achieved, individually and collectively. 

These questions are life changers, and city changers if we decide they are important enough to seriously pursue. God bless and sustain us all in our Kingdom desires and efforts in 2022.

Muriel Luedeman
IIAW Communications Secretary
816 726 8425

New Beginnings With Kingdom Kids

 From: Becky Stayton


New Beginnings With Kingdom Kids

January is a time for new beginnings!

Hello!  Just in time for the new year, the Kingdom Kids On Their Knees website is up and functioning! There are at least 10 lessons ready for you to get you started.  All materials are FREE.  Whether you are a parent, Junior Church leader or Sunday School teacher, this website is designed to help guide children to a deeper, closer walk with the Lord and to deepen their prayer life. 

As we continue, we would love to hear from you.
Try a lesson or two and then email us at:

• Tell us what you liked about the lesson(s).
• What would make it/them better?
• Do you have suggestions of other songs, scriptures or activities that could be used?
• What about Kingdom Kids has blessed you and/or your family in the past or recently?
• Do you have testimonies of children's prayers that you would be willing to share?

Make sure you are subscribed to the website to get updates.
(Hint, please add to your contacts so emails do not go to your spam)
Find us on Facebook and YouTube 

Begin the new year with Kingdom Kids! We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Thursday, December 30, 2021


 From: paul gage


DECEMBER 30, 2021

Hello Dear Saints,

Here we are approaching the New Year 2022. A Happy and blessed New Year to each Saint as well as all people on the Earth. The word "portal" has been heard a great deal for a few years as it applies to college athletics. A portal is simply a doorway, gate, or some other type of entrance from one area to another. Each door in a building is just a way to go from one room to another. You don't even need a door as just the opening is the portal or way of entering. In athletics, a portal is a procedure whereby an athlete can transfer from one school to another without penalties or obligations. If an athlete is not getting to play much at one school they can enter the portal and go to another school without any real hassle.

At this time each year, we talk about entering into the portal which takes us into the next year. This can be a nervous, fearful, or anxious experience. One person might be fearful of what the new year might bring. The next person might be eager when thinking about new or different opportunities. Everyone will go through that portal on December 31 when the clock where they live moves from 12 midnight to one second after 12 midnight. s the earth rotates, it takes every one of us into the new year whether we want to go or not. So we can approach each new year in many ways, but the best way is to go through the portal with God.

Many people take a lot of time making a list of New Year Resolutions. That is things they want to change, drop, gain, and so forth. this is all well and good IF we have the determination to cause our resolutions to become realities. For some time now, we have been talking about the spiritual disciplines, especially of fasting, praying and studying. If we were to ask any number of people what their "plans" are for fasting, praying and studying in the New Year we would likely get as many answers as the number of people we asked, which is ok. My methods may not be the same as someone else, but if each one makes sure their plan works then it is successful.

There is a hymn in some of our hymnals entitled "Standing At The Portal." Here are the verses

1. Standing at the portal                     Of the opening year,
Words of comfort meet us,                 Hushing every fear;
Spoken through the silence                 By our Father's voice,
Tender, strong and faithful,                making us rejoice.

Onward, then, and fear not,               Children of the day;
For His word shall never,                    Never pass away.

2. "I, the Lord, am with thee,             Be thou not afraid;
I will help and strengthen,                  Be thou not dismayed.
Yea, I will uphold thee                       With My own right hand;
Thou art called and chosen                 `In My sight to stand." [Refrain:]

3. For the year before us,                    O what rich supplies!
For the poor and needy                       Living streams shall rise;
For the sad and sinful                         Shall His grace abound;
For the faint and feeble                      Perfect strength be found. [Refrain:]

4. He will never fail us,                       He will not forsake;
His eternal covenant                           He will never break.
Resting on His promise.                      What have we to fear?
God is all-sufficient                            For the coming year. [Refrain:]


There is another portal that we are all aware of and that is the portal going from life in the flesh to death and life in the spirit. Alma in chapter 19:28-47, in his fatherly counsel to his wayward son, Corianton explains this portal of life to death to life as well as is found in the Scriptures. This is a much more important portal than just going from one room to the next or one year to the next and we have all had the experience of losing someone we know though that portal. After all, it is God's portal. He designed it and He controls it. It is not to be feared though we grieve greatly when someone we know is called home. Read verse four of the hymn again and always remember the last two lines, "Resting on His promise, What have we to fear? God is all-sufficient for 2022 and every day of every year.

God bless and keep you

Paul Gage

Kenya Vehicle Donation Drive

 From: Mark Farnham

Kenya Vehicle Donation Drive

Subsequent to the unsafe travel situation experienced by Eric Odida and others in Kenya, I am helping to raise funds for a newer vehicle.

Branches or individuals may contribute to ARM.  Checks can be made payable to ARM or African Restoration Ministries.

Checks may be mailed to Brian Mundy's home address:
20509 E Courtney Atherton Road
Independence MO 64058 

Brian will be traveling to Kenya in mid-January.   Donations should be made as soon as possible. For any questions feel free to give Brian a call.

Many thanks to the branches and individuals who have already pledged, or intend to do so.

Please continue to uphold our Kenyan brothers and sisters in your prayers.

Your brother in Jesus Christ,
Mark Farnham

Veterinarian Needed

From: Sarah Lade

Veterinarian Needed

Fairview Veterinary Hospital is in need of an additional veterinarian.  If you or someone you know is interested please call Farview Vet at 816-257-5454 or email the resume to the following email:

You are also welcome to come up and fill out an application. 

Our address is 

17710 Susquehanna Ridge

Independence, MO 64056

Daily Message - 12/30/2021

 From: Muriel L

Daily Message - 12/30/2021
From a believer friend:

It is challenging to live as Christians, for we breathe in the life of our surroundings; but we should exhale the word of the Lord. Jesus taught us through the word, and we learn through how we react to this world. Be a witness of the ways of God; not just a spectator. Show the world the ways of Christ. Teach them, don't be taught by them. Be one in the Holy Spirit. 

~Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man. (Matthew 15:11)

Message from Eric Odida:

 From: Mark Farnham

Message from Eric Odida: 

"Dear brother please put our case to The Lord. Myself and Elder Eli are stranded in Rift Valley with a broken down car. There is no where to even safely leave it in order to proceed with our journey. We are off road and amongst the Kalenjin. Elizabeth and her family is waiting for us. We’ve been here for over 3 hours. Please also pray for Elizabeth and family."



Latest message. Seems Eric is OK now. Quite a miracle.

"I so much praise The Lord. We had been in this isolated place without any signs of rescue. Mechanics who had come earlier were unable to figure out the problem. The rain was threatening to fall. I realized we needed help. The Lord brought a mechanic who got us and the car to safety just before the rain started falling. He is Lord.

Thanks for promptly sharing with the saints. I had been praying but I realized I needed help of the church family. Many thanks to the saints"

Eric Odida

Prayer Request for Judy

From:  Dan Hearns


Prayer Request for Judy

Please pray for Judy.

Judy is very sick and is at:

University Health

2301 Holmes Street

Kansas City MO 64108


Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Handyman Looking for Work

From: Paul Wallace

Handyman Looking for Work

I can do anything and would like to use the talents that God has provided me to get your job done efficiently and to your satisfaction.  My pricing is reasonable and discounted for church members.  Times are tough right now and we will do anything to help us pay our bills.  

Please text me at:
or call me at 

Paul Wallace

Looking for a Wheelchair

 From: Julie Marsh

Looking for a Wheelchair

We are looking for a wheelchair, my mother fell and broke her leg.
If someone has one that would like to sell or get rid of, we would appreciate it.
I live in the Independence area. 

Please contact Tammie Wilkin

Jingle All the Way Dad Review!

 From: Holly McLean

Jingle All the Way Dad Review!
What can be learned from popular movies about parents and how they handle various situations?  

This is the second installment of parenting reviews in movies by the Mommy Answer Lady!

What do you think of the parenting commentary?  Write a comment below the video and let me know.