Thursday, August 1, 2024

Prepare and Enrich Class Sept. 21 with Deadline of 9/6/24



Prepare and Enrich Class Sept. 21 with Deadline of 9/6/24


Prepare and Enrich is a tremendous system for a counselor to work with couples regarding Premarriage
or Marriage. I have been using this system for over 25 years.

It is mainly a facilitator program meaning you follow the instructions on each page when talking to the
couple. You will be able to add your own wisdom or choose not to.

The couple is charged a fee of $35. They then answer some background questions followed by 170
multiple choice questions about themselves and their relationship. This is all done on the web.

We get back a report that is around 20 pages about the couple. The report is designed to generate a lot
of conversation plus some new insights. The training will help you to use the report to guide and bless
the couple.

See the attached bulletin for details about time and place.

The cost is $92 for material which you must have to be accredited. You will also receive a free $35
coupon to pay for your first couple. You will also have access to their facilitator web site that will have a
lot of helpful continued education.

This class can also be attended by people that are already accredited but want to review and ask
questions at no cost.

We recommend the training be done by husband/wife couples who will share the training material.

My hope is that every congregation will have someone trained and able to use the system when needed.
You may ask further questions by email to

We will provide a simple lunch for a donation.
You must register by 9/06 with full payment of $92 if not already accredited. Send Check to Jim Bailey
1813 S Lake Dr., Independence, MO 64055.
Elder Jim Bailey from South Crysler Restoration Branch.

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