From: Betty Vickery
Servants of Honor Camp 2019 June 2-8

Ages 12-18 or 19 if just graduated.
We were created to be in the presence of God. He designed us to be there. It is his stated purpose that we should have immortality and eternal life with him. After the fall of Adam, Christ covenanted with the Father to restore us to that possibility if we would love and serve only God. The blessings of the atonement covenant are the foundation of every other blessing and covenant that affects our lives. We will study the blessings of covenant and just who we were meant to be this week. We will have opportunities to witness our covenant with God as we serve our community and our fellow campers. We look forward to seeing you there.
To God be the glory!! Betty Vickery
Servants of Honor Registration 2019
You Belong in His Presence; The Blessings of Covenant
Camp information
No money other than camp offering is needed.
- The use of tobacco, alcohol, unprescribed drugs, etc., is prohibited at or during camp.
Prescribed drugs should be in the care of the camp nurse unless other arrangements are made upon arrival at camp.
- No items that can be typically or obviously considered weapons are allowed.
- All campers are to be in their sleeping quarters during Lights Out.
- Boys are NOT allowed in, or around girls’ quarters and VICE VERSA
- No littering. - Campers may NOT leave the campgrounds without staff permission.
- Attendance at all planned activities is expected.
- Fighting, stealing, or swearing will not be tolerated.
- All campers should dress in a manner that does not draw unwise or inappropriate attention to themselves. If an individual’s dress is perceived to cause difficulty with other campers, they will be asked to change at the staff’s discretion.
- Campers may be asked to wear a T shirt over their swim suits. Please have one available.
- Campers are expected to show the utmost respect towards the property of other campers and the camp property. - If any camper is responsible for damaging camp property they will be held accountable and will need to pay any repairs and/or replacement costs occurred.
- Campers who aren’t willing to abide by the rules may be, at the discretion of the camp director, sent home, at any time during the camp.
- Campers are encouraged to leave tablets, music players, etc. at home, all such devices will be surrendered for safe keeping upon arrival.
What to bring:
__Medallions if you are a past camper. Armor pieces if you have them.
__Dress up outfit for the banquet (or at least nicer than every day),
__work clothes as well as regular clothes for working with the public.
__signed registration and medical permission forms. (or email me a copy)
__Bedding, extra blankets if nights are cool, jacket
__personal items, (hygiene), sunscreen, bug spray, etc., towels
__ swim suits: ( a T shirt or tank top to wear over if it might cause a problem for someone else.)
__ A free will contribution to the cost of the camp if you are able
__ watch or clock if you have one.
__ Instruments-- we will be having some jam sessions bring guitars, and other instruments
Parental Permissions
For your child to be able to attend camp the Camp Information Record must be filled out and the following statement signed:
I, the undersigned hereby
• agree that my child may participate in camp activities on or off the campgrounds
• to let Volunteer licensed driver’s who are at least 18 years old to transport my child to any camp sponsored activities which may be held away from the campgrounds. Such activities may include swimming, athletic activities, community service activities, etc.
• agree that I, nor any member of my immediate or distant family, now or in the future, may hold the staff of the Servants of Honor Camp, volunteer drives, the owners of the campgrounds, camp sponsors, the Heartland District, or any member thereof liable for any injuries or accidents which may occur to or with your child while attending the camp.
__ I do ___I do not give permission to the camp director(s) and his/her staff authority to secure emergency medical, surgical treatment for your child while attending camp if there is insufficient time to contact you or if you cannot be reached. (Note: If permission is not granted, please provide instruction signed by a notary public on the procedure you wish to have followed and/or a person in attendance who you authorize to make decisions concerning your child's health.
__ I do___I do not
Authorize the camp director and his/her staff permission to secure routine, non-surgical medical care for your child while attending camp. I acknowledge that I am aware that my insurance carrier will be the primary insurance.
__I do __I do not give my consent and authorization to the Servants of Honor Camp and its successors and representatives to use and reproduce my child’s name, voice and/or likeness (photos, audio recordings, videos, electronic or digital image) for any official resource, use, or purpose including print, film, electronic media and reproduction or digital representation of every description on the internet/world wide web without compensation. Consideration is hereby waived in perpetuity and no further claim of any nature whatsoever shall be made by me, my heirs, or assigns.
Please copy this information should you need to contact the camp. Betty Vickery's cell: 573-469-2132 email:
Camp: Location:
Providence Hill Campground
8721 Old Highway 54
New Bloomfield MO 65063
T shirt size__________________
Servants of Honor Camp Information Record
Please be sure to read and sign the reverse side. Mail the forms to the directors or send them via e mail. You may bring the forms to camp but please let us know you are coming as soon as possible so that we can plan the appropriate staff.
Name of Camper______________________________ Date of Birth ________ Sex ______
School Grade in September ____________ Date of last Tetanus Shot ____________________
Name of Parents ______________________________ Home Phone ____________________
Address _____________________________________ Work Phone ____________________
Camper email________________________ Parent email___________________________
Youth cell phone or number where they can be reached.______________________________ Emergency Contact Information (someone else who can be contacted if you cannot be reached.
Health Insurer _______________________________________________________________
Insurance number ____________________________________________________________
Camper’s Physician’s Name ________________________________ Phone ______________
List any health, behavioral or emotional problems camper has, including infectious diseases, special needs, limitations, special diets, allergies camper may have, include any medications the camper takes.
Who may pick up your child from camp?_________________________________________________
*Campers will need to have staff permission to leave grounds and may only leave in the care o the person/persons designated above unless other arrangements are made with the camp director previous to pick up time.
Any special instructions should your child become ill or injured and you cannot be reached?