From: Linley Tate
ISO Oversized Recliner and Chest of Drawers
My husband just got out of the hospital from a heart condition. The doctors suggested propping his feet up in a chair to keep his swelling down. We are in need of an oversized recliner in good condition (he’s a bigger guy). We are also looking for a chest of drawers as well. We don’t have a lot of money to spend, but are willing to pay something for them.
~Linley Tate-Ioanis
Friday, January 31, 2020
Beloveds Meal Prep Volunteers for February 1st
From: Muriel Luedeman
Beloveds Meal Prep Volunteers for February 1st
Hello IIAW Friends,
Reminder: Meals will be prepared for the Beloveds tomorrow, February 1st at the Unity Center at 803 W. 23rd Street. 8-10:30am. Volunteers are needed.
The next meal prep dates are February 15th and 29th at Living Hope Church kitchen, 2425 S. Crysler Avenue.
Muriel Luedeman
Communications Secretary
Beloveds Meal Prep Volunteers for February 1st
Hello IIAW Friends,
Reminder: Meals will be prepared for the Beloveds tomorrow, February 1st at the Unity Center at 803 W. 23rd Street. 8-10:30am. Volunteers are needed.
The next meal prep dates are February 15th and 29th at Living Hope Church kitchen, 2425 S. Crysler Avenue.
Muriel Luedeman
Communications Secretary
Francis Harper Message for 1/31/2020
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Francis Harper
Francis Harper Message for 1/31/2020
The High Calling of God
The Lord’s ultimate purpose for each of us is that we become like his Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus prayed; “I pray for them; I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; . . . I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from evil . . . Sanctify them through thy truth; thy word is truth. As thou hast sent me into the world, even so I have also sent them into the world. . . . Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us; that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. . . .” (John 17:9-23).
Jesus commands us to be perfect: “Ye are commanded to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect” (Matthew 5:50 IV; 5:48 KJV). Would Jesus command us to be perfect if perfection is impossible for us to achieve? Nephi wrote: “I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them” (1 Nephi 1:65). It was Jesus who said: “. . . I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man cometh unto the Father but by me” (John 14:6). Perfection is possible for us with Jesus as our intercessor.
John, the Beloved disciple, wrote of how we can know we have been filled with the pure love of Christ: “Hereby perceive we the love of Christ, because he laid down his life for us; . . . we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren (1 John 3:16).
This is “the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14). Those who follow Jesus are called to give their lives in service to others. “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). John challenges us: “My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue only; but in deed and in truth” (1 John 3:18).
Doing good for others is costly. “When Christ calls a man,” says Dietrich Bonhoeffer, “he bids him come and die.”Accepting Jesus and his forgiveness and going to church for an hour or so on Sunday is not discipleship!
After being awakened several times at 3:33 A.M., I said, “Lord, I think I understand the significance of the number 666 but what is the meaning of 333? I received an immediate answer, I will never forget: “That is the way of the cross. I spent three hours on the cross, three days in the tomb and on the third day I rose again. He that would come after me must ‘deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.’ ” (Matthew 16:25 IV; 16:24 KJV).
Am I willing to deny myself of all ungodliness, and every worldly lust, keep his commandments, and take up my cross and follow him? Far too often we savor not the things of God but those that be of men. See Matthew 16:24-26 IV; 16:23 KJV.
Being a disciple of Jesus requires more than many are willing to give! Those who fail to fulfill God’s high calling will forfeit great blessings in this life and in the life hereafter.

The story is told of a naturalist who loved to observe the lives of eagles. On one of his field trips he found an eagle’s nest with two eggs. He was thrilled. This would give him an opportunity to study the hatching, growth and development of the eaglets.
He enjoyed watching the parental care given throughout the process of hatching and feeding of their young family. He watched and waited patiently for the young eagles to try their wings and see them fly as only eagles can fly. He watched as they began flying with the song-birds; then with the hawks and buzzards. He continued to watch and wait for them to soar higher and higher but that long awaited day never came. The young eagles seemed to be totally satisfied with flying with the hawks and buzzards!
The naturalist lamented: “This is a tragedy of the woodands; to have the wings of eagles and not fly as eagles can fly.” I fear the same is true for far too many of us who are called to become Christ-like and are satisfied to live as the rest of the world. This is the greatest of all tragedies!
Dear Ones,
A favorite hymn we often sing encourages us to “press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14).
“I’m pressing on the upward way, new heights I’m gaining every day, still praying as I onward bound, Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.
Refrain: “Lord lift me up and let me stand, by faith, on heaven’s table-land, A higher plane than I have found; Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.
“My heart has no desire to stay, where doubts arise and fears dismay; though some may dwell where these abound, my prayer, my aim is higher ground.
“I want to live above the world, though Satan’s darts at me are hurled; for faith has caught the joyful sound, the song of saints on higher ground.
“I want to scale the utmost height, and catch a gleam of glory bright, but still I’ll pray till heaven I’ve found, Lord lead me on to higher ground.”
(Hymns of the Restoration. #291).
A few years ago, I heard a young woman share an unforgettable testimony. She said while in high school, she fell in love with a young man, but because she belonged to the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, his parents broke up the relationship. She was devastated.
Before this painful experience, she had remained true to all she had been taught as a member of the church. In her pain, she decided to live as her classmates. She began to drink and “party” with them, until one of her friends came to her and expressed her disappointment. She said, “We always looked up to you and admired you for the way you were before.” This statement helped her return to the path she had formerly walked. God, and even many of our acquaintances, expect us to live according to our covenants and commitments. “I would be true for there are those who trust me . . .” (Hymns of the Restoration. #322).
The words of Admonition given by Joseph Luff are appropriate for us to consider:
“O my people, saith the Spirit, Hear the word of God today; Be not slothful, but obedient; Tis the world’s momentous day! Unto honor I have called you, honor great as angels know; Heed ye then a Father’s counsel, And by deeds your purpose show.
Time is ripe! My work must hasten! Whoso will may bide the hour. Naught can harm whom God protecteth, elements confess his power. Up ye, then to the high places I have bid you occupy! Peril waits upon the heedless, grace upon the souls who try!
Whoso lusteth after pleasure, high estate or mammon’s store, envious or proud remaineth – tho he gain the world, is poor. If ye would be rich, be holy! Would ye dwell all heights above? Heed ye then this admonition: climb to atmospheres of love.
Love ye me and love all people, as I have loved you; thus be my disciples true. Then in this exalted station, your companion I will be; Every promise of my Scriptures will be verified in thee.
Get ye up, then, to your mountain, Zion of this closing day! For the glory of my coming waits to break upon your way! Forth from thence your testimony shall to trembling nations go, and the world confess that with you God has residence below” (Hymns of the Restoration. #180).
My Love to All,
High Priest Francis Harper
From: Francis Harper
Francis Harper Message for 1/31/2020
The High Calling of God
The Lord’s ultimate purpose for each of us is that we become like his Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus prayed; “I pray for them; I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; . . . I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from evil . . . Sanctify them through thy truth; thy word is truth. As thou hast sent me into the world, even so I have also sent them into the world. . . . Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us; that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. . . .” (John 17:9-23).
Jesus commands us to be perfect: “Ye are commanded to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect” (Matthew 5:50 IV; 5:48 KJV). Would Jesus command us to be perfect if perfection is impossible for us to achieve? Nephi wrote: “I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them” (1 Nephi 1:65). It was Jesus who said: “. . . I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man cometh unto the Father but by me” (John 14:6). Perfection is possible for us with Jesus as our intercessor.
John, the Beloved disciple, wrote of how we can know we have been filled with the pure love of Christ: “Hereby perceive we the love of Christ, because he laid down his life for us; . . . we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren (1 John 3:16).
This is “the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14). Those who follow Jesus are called to give their lives in service to others. “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). John challenges us: “My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue only; but in deed and in truth” (1 John 3:18).
Doing good for others is costly. “When Christ calls a man,” says Dietrich Bonhoeffer, “he bids him come and die.”Accepting Jesus and his forgiveness and going to church for an hour or so on Sunday is not discipleship!
After being awakened several times at 3:33 A.M., I said, “Lord, I think I understand the significance of the number 666 but what is the meaning of 333? I received an immediate answer, I will never forget: “That is the way of the cross. I spent three hours on the cross, three days in the tomb and on the third day I rose again. He that would come after me must ‘deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.’ ” (Matthew 16:25 IV; 16:24 KJV).
Am I willing to deny myself of all ungodliness, and every worldly lust, keep his commandments, and take up my cross and follow him? Far too often we savor not the things of God but those that be of men. See Matthew 16:24-26 IV; 16:23 KJV.
Being a disciple of Jesus requires more than many are willing to give! Those who fail to fulfill God’s high calling will forfeit great blessings in this life and in the life hereafter.

The story is told of a naturalist who loved to observe the lives of eagles. On one of his field trips he found an eagle’s nest with two eggs. He was thrilled. This would give him an opportunity to study the hatching, growth and development of the eaglets.
He enjoyed watching the parental care given throughout the process of hatching and feeding of their young family. He watched and waited patiently for the young eagles to try their wings and see them fly as only eagles can fly. He watched as they began flying with the song-birds; then with the hawks and buzzards. He continued to watch and wait for them to soar higher and higher but that long awaited day never came. The young eagles seemed to be totally satisfied with flying with the hawks and buzzards!
The naturalist lamented: “This is a tragedy of the woodands; to have the wings of eagles and not fly as eagles can fly.” I fear the same is true for far too many of us who are called to become Christ-like and are satisfied to live as the rest of the world. This is the greatest of all tragedies!
Dear Ones,
A favorite hymn we often sing encourages us to “press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14).
“I’m pressing on the upward way, new heights I’m gaining every day, still praying as I onward bound, Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.
Refrain: “Lord lift me up and let me stand, by faith, on heaven’s table-land, A higher plane than I have found; Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.
“My heart has no desire to stay, where doubts arise and fears dismay; though some may dwell where these abound, my prayer, my aim is higher ground.
“I want to live above the world, though Satan’s darts at me are hurled; for faith has caught the joyful sound, the song of saints on higher ground.
“I want to scale the utmost height, and catch a gleam of glory bright, but still I’ll pray till heaven I’ve found, Lord lead me on to higher ground.”
(Hymns of the Restoration. #291).
A few years ago, I heard a young woman share an unforgettable testimony. She said while in high school, she fell in love with a young man, but because she belonged to the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, his parents broke up the relationship. She was devastated.
Before this painful experience, she had remained true to all she had been taught as a member of the church. In her pain, she decided to live as her classmates. She began to drink and “party” with them, until one of her friends came to her and expressed her disappointment. She said, “We always looked up to you and admired you for the way you were before.” This statement helped her return to the path she had formerly walked. God, and even many of our acquaintances, expect us to live according to our covenants and commitments. “I would be true for there are those who trust me . . .” (Hymns of the Restoration. #322).
The words of Admonition given by Joseph Luff are appropriate for us to consider:
“O my people, saith the Spirit, Hear the word of God today; Be not slothful, but obedient; Tis the world’s momentous day! Unto honor I have called you, honor great as angels know; Heed ye then a Father’s counsel, And by deeds your purpose show.
Time is ripe! My work must hasten! Whoso will may bide the hour. Naught can harm whom God protecteth, elements confess his power. Up ye, then to the high places I have bid you occupy! Peril waits upon the heedless, grace upon the souls who try!
Whoso lusteth after pleasure, high estate or mammon’s store, envious or proud remaineth – tho he gain the world, is poor. If ye would be rich, be holy! Would ye dwell all heights above? Heed ye then this admonition: climb to atmospheres of love.
Love ye me and love all people, as I have loved you; thus be my disciples true. Then in this exalted station, your companion I will be; Every promise of my Scriptures will be verified in thee.
Get ye up, then, to your mountain, Zion of this closing day! For the glory of my coming waits to break upon your way! Forth from thence your testimony shall to trembling nations go, and the world confess that with you God has residence below” (Hymns of the Restoration. #180).
My Love to All,
High Priest Francis Harper
Thursday, January 30, 2020
January Meeting Highlights and Upcoming Events
From: Muriel Luedeman
January Meeting Highlights and Upcoming Events
Hello, IIAW Friends,
A high energy meeting Tuesday evening, January 28th.
Dennis Cato opened the session.
New meeting attendee, Becky Stayton gave the opening prayer and shared her ministry of teaching young children to be prayer warriors. The age range is 6 - 12 years. She is looking for ways to reach more children and build up this effort. Contact Becky at, for more information or volunteering.
A medical doctor was on the Unity Center property this night to provide care for the Beloveds. Stella Bird, a first time attendee with medical nursing skills, was introduce to the doctor. God is moving very quickly. The IIAW has representation from a Catholic woman, who asked to have her name added to the IIAW email list.
Dennis gave a general overview of the Unity Center and the IIAW for those who were first time attendees.
The Unity Center - Services to Beloveds - a warm place during the day, personal items and clothing, meals, showers, haircuts, medical attention twice a month on Tuesdays. No overnight stays in the building yet. After February 24th there will be a mobile unit on the property that will house about 20 people overnight.
Beloveds Meal Prep Dates - February 1st, 8 - 10:30am, Unity Center,
February 15, 29, March 7 meal prep will be at Living Hope Church, 2425 S. Crysler Avenue, the gym in the back of the property.
March 21 Meal prep at Unity Center.
April 4, 18: May 2, 16, and 30 Meal prep at Living Hope
Neighborhood Transformation - February 8, Unity Center. 8 - 11am, potluck breakfast, prayers, then assignments for the day. The second Saturday each month.
March 14
April 11
May 9
Dennis says there will be several LDS crews out in their own neighborhoods, as well as providing workers for the designated area the IIAW will serve. We pick a high traffic area; the next location will be along 23rd Street from Crysler Avenue to Noland Road.
Brother Dennis informed the members that the IIAW leaders will be meeting with the Mayor and City Council in a pre-City Council meeting, Monday, February 24th at 6:00pm to introduce the IIAW to the city leaders and outline our purpose and plans. Please keep this session in your prayers.
Brother Brian Carline spoke about all of the donations and services that are being made available at the Unity Center. They are outlined above. Donations of clothing, building materials, 2 large electric soup kettles, other kitchen equipment, shelving, as well as winter clothing and personal items are flowing into the Center for the Beloveds. A gathering to address sex trafficking in the city is in the works. Date, time and place to be announced.
Living Hope Restoration Church has donated the use of their commercial kitchen for Team Jesus meal prepping days until the the Unity kitchen is finished.
An IIAW potluck dinner idea was presented to celebrate God's achievements this past year. To be discussed.
We have volunteer help to design a website for the IIAW. Shawn Driscoll has information and skills to help us get started on that.
That's about all. Send me any questions and anything that needs to be communicated.
Muriel Luedeman
IIAW Communications Secretary
January Meeting Highlights and Upcoming Events
Hello, IIAW Friends,
A high energy meeting Tuesday evening, January 28th.
Dennis Cato opened the session.
New meeting attendee, Becky Stayton gave the opening prayer and shared her ministry of teaching young children to be prayer warriors. The age range is 6 - 12 years. She is looking for ways to reach more children and build up this effort. Contact Becky at, for more information or volunteering.
A medical doctor was on the Unity Center property this night to provide care for the Beloveds. Stella Bird, a first time attendee with medical nursing skills, was introduce to the doctor. God is moving very quickly. The IIAW has representation from a Catholic woman, who asked to have her name added to the IIAW email list.
Dennis gave a general overview of the Unity Center and the IIAW for those who were first time attendees.
The Unity Center - Services to Beloveds - a warm place during the day, personal items and clothing, meals, showers, haircuts, medical attention twice a month on Tuesdays. No overnight stays in the building yet. After February 24th there will be a mobile unit on the property that will house about 20 people overnight.
Beloveds Meal Prep Dates - February 1st, 8 - 10:30am, Unity Center,
February 15, 29, March 7 meal prep will be at Living Hope Church, 2425 S. Crysler Avenue, the gym in the back of the property.
March 21 Meal prep at Unity Center.
April 4, 18: May 2, 16, and 30 Meal prep at Living Hope
Neighborhood Transformation - February 8, Unity Center. 8 - 11am, potluck breakfast, prayers, then assignments for the day. The second Saturday each month.
March 14
April 11
May 9
Dennis says there will be several LDS crews out in their own neighborhoods, as well as providing workers for the designated area the IIAW will serve. We pick a high traffic area; the next location will be along 23rd Street from Crysler Avenue to Noland Road.
Brother Dennis informed the members that the IIAW leaders will be meeting with the Mayor and City Council in a pre-City Council meeting, Monday, February 24th at 6:00pm to introduce the IIAW to the city leaders and outline our purpose and plans. Please keep this session in your prayers.
Brother Brian Carline spoke about all of the donations and services that are being made available at the Unity Center. They are outlined above. Donations of clothing, building materials, 2 large electric soup kettles, other kitchen equipment, shelving, as well as winter clothing and personal items are flowing into the Center for the Beloveds. A gathering to address sex trafficking in the city is in the works. Date, time and place to be announced.
Living Hope Restoration Church has donated the use of their commercial kitchen for Team Jesus meal prepping days until the the Unity kitchen is finished.
An IIAW potluck dinner idea was presented to celebrate God's achievements this past year. To be discussed.
We have volunteer help to design a website for the IIAW. Shawn Driscoll has information and skills to help us get started on that.
That's about all. Send me any questions and anything that needs to be communicated.
Muriel Luedeman
IIAW Communications Secretary
Hand Crafted Oak Bookcase
From: Sue Manning
Hand Crafted Oak Bookcase
For Sale at The Book of Mormon Foundation
Hand crafted bookcase
Solid oak
Excellent condition
Oak cross on each end
Hidden casters for easy mobility
4 shelves on front and back.
16 inches wide at top
26 inches wide at bottom
8 feet long
51 inches tall
Display case is at the office at 210 W White Oak St in Independence.
Call 816.461.3722 with any questions

Sue Manning
Office Manager
The Book of Mormon Foundation
210 W White Oak St
Independence MO 64050
Hand Crafted Oak Bookcase
For Sale at The Book of Mormon Foundation
Hand crafted bookcase
Solid oak
Excellent condition
Oak cross on each end
Hidden casters for easy mobility
4 shelves on front and back.
16 inches wide at top
26 inches wide at bottom
8 feet long
51 inches tall
Display case is at the office at 210 W White Oak St in Independence.
Call 816.461.3722 with any questions

Sue Manning
Office Manager
The Book of Mormon Foundation
210 W White Oak St
Independence MO 64050
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Mentor4Moms Course Preview!
From: Holly McLean
Mentor4Moms Course Preview!
Next Tuesday, Feb 4, 10am-noon
Mentor4Moms will meet and preview several sessions including:
Sibling Helpers
Social Interactions
Meeting & Greeting
Overcoming Shyness
Separation Anxiety
And more!
FREE childcare with stories and crafts! RSVP to 816-206-0690
824 E Devon Street
Email questions to
Mentor4Moms Course Preview!
Next Tuesday, Feb 4, 10am-noon
Mentor4Moms will meet and preview several sessions including:
Sibling Helpers
Social Interactions
Meeting & Greeting
Overcoming Shyness
Separation Anxiety
And more!
FREE childcare with stories and crafts! RSVP to 816-206-0690
824 E Devon Street
Email questions to
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Free Story and Clark Piano
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: April Erwin
Free Story and Clark Piano
We are giving away our Story and Clark piano for free to the first to claim it and haul it away. We must have it gone by February 3rd at the latest so we can install a handicap ramp for my mom to come home from the rehab center. It's in very good condition and has good sound.
Call Angel or April Erwin at:
816-833-4368 or 816-833-7976
or email April at:
April Erwin
Available Now: NEW Aspects of Faith, Creation's Ballad, Dysfunction Junction, Justice Burning

From: April Erwin
Free Story and Clark Piano
We are giving away our Story and Clark piano for free to the first to claim it and haul it away. We must have it gone by February 3rd at the latest so we can install a handicap ramp for my mom to come home from the rehab center. It's in very good condition and has good sound.
Call Angel or April Erwin at:
816-833-4368 or 816-833-7976
or email April at:
April Erwin
Available Now: NEW Aspects of Faith, Creation's Ballad, Dysfunction Junction, Justice Burning

Restoration Women's Council Event February 1, 2020
From: Karen Parker
Restoration Women's Council Event February 1, 2020
The Restoration Women's Council will have our Winter Luncheon on February 1st at the Buckner Restoration Branch. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. and the opening prayer is at 9:00 a.m. Becky Stayton and Nancy Eyerly will be sharing on the theme "A Servant by Choice." The Buckner Branch will be providing lunch about 11:30 a.m. and we will take a freewill offering to help cover the costs.
You can still register with Karen Parker by text or phone call at:
or email
Come be encouraged in your choice to gather and serve!
Thank you!
Karen Parker
Restoration Women's Council Event February 1, 2020
The Restoration Women's Council will have our Winter Luncheon on February 1st at the Buckner Restoration Branch. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. and the opening prayer is at 9:00 a.m. Becky Stayton and Nancy Eyerly will be sharing on the theme "A Servant by Choice." The Buckner Branch will be providing lunch about 11:30 a.m. and we will take a freewill offering to help cover the costs.
You can still register with Karen Parker by text or phone call at:
or email
Come be encouraged in your choice to gather and serve!
Thank you!
Karen Parker
Barbara Volskay is Home
----- Forwarded message -----
From: Dale Volskay
Barbara Volskay is Home
Barbara was released this evening around
4:30 p.m. and is resting at home.
Dale Volskay
From: Dale Volskay
Barbara Volskay is Home
Barbara was released this evening around
4:30 p.m. and is resting at home.
Dale Volskay
Pray for Shirley Johnson
From: Dave Johnson
Pray for Shirley Johnson
Please pray for Shirley Johnson. She has suffered a Heart Attack and is in the Centerpoint ICU.
Pray for Shirley Johnson
Please pray for Shirley Johnson. She has suffered a Heart Attack and is in the Centerpoint ICU.
IIAW Meeting Reminder January 28
From: Muriel Luedeman
IIAW Meeting Reminder January 28
Hello, IIAW Friends,
The IIAW general update and planning meeting is this evening, January 28th, at 6:30pm, at the Unity Center, 803 W. 23rd Street.
Committee reports and updates
Shawn Driscoll has been invited to share information on website design for the IIAW.
Time to celebrate last year's successes and dream for the future.
Muriel Luedeman
IIAW Communications Secretary
IIAW Meeting Reminder January 28
Hello, IIAW Friends,
The IIAW general update and planning meeting is this evening, January 28th, at 6:30pm, at the Unity Center, 803 W. 23rd Street.
Committee reports and updates
Shawn Driscoll has been invited to share information on website design for the IIAW.
Time to celebrate last year's successes and dream for the future.
Muriel Luedeman
IIAW Communications Secretary
Free Refrigerator
From: Gayle Fleming
Free Refrigerator
My Aunt is getting rid of an older refrigerator and looking for a family that may need one.
No charge but you would have to move it.
It is around 12 years old. Kenmore black side by side with water and ice in the door.
Works fine.
If interested Text or Email Gayle Fleming at:
Free Refrigerator
My Aunt is getting rid of an older refrigerator and looking for a family that may need one.
No charge but you would have to move it.
It is around 12 years old. Kenmore black side by side with water and ice in the door.
Works fine.
If interested Text or Email Gayle Fleming at:
Monday, January 27, 2020
Ed VanFleet Services
From: Ron and Brenda VanFleet
Ed VanFleet Services
Thank you everyone for your kind memories and words. For those who would like to join us we will be honoring Ed this Saturday, February 1st, 2020 at the Groves Chapel at:
1515 West White Oak
Independence Missouri 64050
Visitation at 1:00 p.m.
Memorial Service at 2:00 p.m.
Thank you for your prayers!
Ed VanFleet Services
Thank you everyone for your kind memories and words. For those who would like to join us we will be honoring Ed this Saturday, February 1st, 2020 at the Groves Chapel at:
1515 West White Oak
Independence Missouri 64050
Visitation at 1:00 p.m.
Memorial Service at 2:00 p.m.
Thank you for your prayers!
King Bedroom Set For Sale
----- Forwarded message -----
From: Robert Bobbitt
King Bedroom Set For Sale
Bedroom set includes bed, mattress, bedside table, and armoire.lightly used. In excellent shape.
Too big for our guest room, as we moved to smaller house.
$700 OBO
Please contact Missy Bobbitt at:

From: Robert Bobbitt
King Bedroom Set For Sale
Bedroom set includes bed, mattress, bedside table, and armoire.lightly used. In excellent shape.
Too big for our guest room, as we moved to smaller house.
$700 OBO
Please contact Missy Bobbitt at:

Prayer Request - Tasha Steedman
----- Forwarded message -----
From: Neil Kerswell
Prayer Request - Tasha Steedman
A family friend Natasha Steedman has lung cancer in her left lung, a small amount in the C4 vertebrae of her spine and small cluster in the very bottom of her brain.
Tasha is very positive and still active, she was originally given 3 to 9 months to live, now she has 3 to 4 months. My wife Joanne and I have promised we will remember her in prayer.
I have asked my children and some relatives to also add their faith.
I am hoping as many as feel led to do so, will remember her in prayer and thought.
Testimony: Natasha’s husband Ken Steedman was a close workmate of mine for years and when our workplace closed down they moved back to New Zealand for work.
In 2004 I felt prompted to contact Ken and found he had Leukemia and was in trouble. The branch I worshiped in here all got behind Ken in much prayer. Mark Churchill in America spread the word and there were prayer groups all over the USA praying for Ken. Ken had treatment and made a full recovery. When Ken was well he contacted me to thank all those who had prayed for him in Australia and America who had shown such love for someone they didn’t know. Ken acknowledged to me that he believed God had helped him and was thankful.
Recently I had felt promptings again to make contact with Ken and his wife. I found their email address and thankfully it was still the same. Sadly Tasha responded to tell me of her cancer and shared much, I will share just a little (Hi Neil, I thought I'd draft this up first thing this morning. Was so nice to see your name as Ken often mentions you even after all these years and I cried in the middle of the library when Ken was so sick in 2004 and you sent a prayer so again I find myself quite emotional especially the timing. Things happen for a reason I believe.)
Tasha knows God helped with the timing of prayers to help Ken her husband years ago. She has hope that the contact has come at the right time again to help her.
They are a beautiful family and I plead with everyone who will, to pray for her in her time of great need. Also Ken and Jayden their son must be in great need.
I know God rewards the coming together in faith of his people. I saw it in Ken’s life and I hope for Tasha the same.
God be with you all is my prayer in the name of Christ
From: Neil Kerswell
Prayer Request - Tasha Steedman
A family friend Natasha Steedman has lung cancer in her left lung, a small amount in the C4 vertebrae of her spine and small cluster in the very bottom of her brain.
Tasha is very positive and still active, she was originally given 3 to 9 months to live, now she has 3 to 4 months. My wife Joanne and I have promised we will remember her in prayer.
I have asked my children and some relatives to also add their faith.
I am hoping as many as feel led to do so, will remember her in prayer and thought.
Testimony: Natasha’s husband Ken Steedman was a close workmate of mine for years and when our workplace closed down they moved back to New Zealand for work.
In 2004 I felt prompted to contact Ken and found he had Leukemia and was in trouble. The branch I worshiped in here all got behind Ken in much prayer. Mark Churchill in America spread the word and there were prayer groups all over the USA praying for Ken. Ken had treatment and made a full recovery. When Ken was well he contacted me to thank all those who had prayed for him in Australia and America who had shown such love for someone they didn’t know. Ken acknowledged to me that he believed God had helped him and was thankful.
Recently I had felt promptings again to make contact with Ken and his wife. I found their email address and thankfully it was still the same. Sadly Tasha responded to tell me of her cancer and shared much, I will share just a little (Hi Neil, I thought I'd draft this up first thing this morning. Was so nice to see your name as Ken often mentions you even after all these years and I cried in the middle of the library when Ken was so sick in 2004 and you sent a prayer so again I find myself quite emotional especially the timing. Things happen for a reason I believe.)
Tasha knows God helped with the timing of prayers to help Ken her husband years ago. She has hope that the contact has come at the right time again to help her.
They are a beautiful family and I plead with everyone who will, to pray for her in her time of great need. Also Ken and Jayden their son must be in great need.
I know God rewards the coming together in faith of his people. I saw it in Ken’s life and I hope for Tasha the same.
God be with you all is my prayer in the name of Christ
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Prayer Request for Kristin
From: Deanne Murnieks
Prayer Request for Kristin
My mom has a friend named Kristin who is requesting prayers. She has only one kidney and is experiencing a urinary tract infection, and possibly a kidney infection as well. Thank you for your prayers!
"Oh that Zion were come, the salvation of Israel; for out of Zion shall they be judged, when God bringeth back the captivity of his people. And Jacob shall rejoice; Israel shall be glad."
Psalms 53:7
Prayer Request for Kristin
My mom has a friend named Kristin who is requesting prayers. She has only one kidney and is experiencing a urinary tract infection, and possibly a kidney infection as well. Thank you for your prayers!
"Oh that Zion were come, the salvation of Israel; for out of Zion shall they be judged, when God bringeth back the captivity of his people. And Jacob shall rejoice; Israel shall be glad."
Psalms 53:7
Money and Marriage Event
----- Forwarded message -----
From: James Bullard
Money and Marriage Event
"Money and Marriage” Date Night Event
Dear Saints and friends,
The Pastorate of the Oak Grove Restoration Branch invites you to consider attending the special Valentine's Day event described below.
Click on the link to watch a promotional video:
When ~ February 14th from 6:30-9:30
Where ~ Oak Grove Restoration Branch ~ 1203 N. Broadway, Oak Grove
What ~ Date night with your sweetie
Intermission ~ “Sweets for your Sweetie” will be included
Cost ~ Free
Child Care ~ Provided (Movie/games), registration required for child care
Registration ~ Only required for child care, however if you do not need childcare, registration would still be helpful
To register, please respond no later than February 12th.
You may either:
Call: James Bullard: (816) 405-4277
(Note: In offering this livestream event, the Pastorate of the Oak Grove Restoration Branch does not imply an all-inclusive endorsement of Dave Ramsey, his organization, his publications or his other products.)
From: James Bullard
Money and Marriage Event
"Money and Marriage” Date Night Event
Dear Saints and friends,
The Pastorate of the Oak Grove Restoration Branch invites you to consider attending the special Valentine's Day event described below.
Click on the link to watch a promotional video:
When ~ February 14th from 6:30-9:30
Where ~ Oak Grove Restoration Branch ~ 1203 N. Broadway, Oak Grove
What ~ Date night with your sweetie
Intermission ~ “Sweets for your Sweetie” will be included
Cost ~ Free
Child Care ~ Provided (Movie/games), registration required for child care
Registration ~ Only required for child care, however if you do not need childcare, registration would still be helpful
To register, please respond no later than February 12th.
You may either:
Call: James Bullard: (816) 405-4277
(Note: In offering this livestream event, the Pastorate of the Oak Grove Restoration Branch does not imply an all-inclusive endorsement of Dave Ramsey, his organization, his publications or his other products.)
Boys Dance Week + Auditions for Upcoming Production!!
----- Forwarded message -----
From: Pure Dance Studio
Boys Dance Week + Auditions for Upcoming Production!!
Pure Dance Studio has two very exciting events next week. Please join us!
Boys Dance Week
What: Come explore the world of dance! Try any of our weekly classes for free (click here to view schedule).
When: January 27-30
Who: Boys ages 3 yrs-teen
Cost: FREE
Please contact us for details and to reserve your spot (RSVP required).
Open Audition for "Facing the Tiger"
What: Open auditions for Pure Dance Studio's production, "Facing the Tiger"
When: January 30, 2020
Who: Children of all agesCost: FREE
Please contact us for details and to reserve your spot (RSVP required).
Performance Dates: August 6 & 7, 2020
"Facing the Tiger" is a full length dance & musical theatre production based on the
short story, "The Lady or the Tiger," by Frank R. Stockton.
We hope to see you soon at one or both of these events!
Thank you,
Cassy & Kelda
Pure Dance Studio
Cassy: 816.405.8624
Kelda: 816.616.3287
From: Pure Dance Studio
Boys Dance Week + Auditions for Upcoming Production!!
Pure Dance Studio has two very exciting events next week. Please join us!
Boys Dance Week
What: Come explore the world of dance! Try any of our weekly classes for free (click here to view schedule).
When: January 27-30
Who: Boys ages 3 yrs-teen
Cost: FREE
Please contact us for details and to reserve your spot (RSVP required).
Open Audition for "Facing the Tiger"
What: Open auditions for Pure Dance Studio's production, "Facing the Tiger"
When: January 30, 2020
Who: Children of all agesCost: FREE
Please contact us for details and to reserve your spot (RSVP required).
Performance Dates: August 6 & 7, 2020
"Facing the Tiger" is a full length dance & musical theatre production based on the
short story, "The Lady or the Tiger," by Frank R. Stockton.
We hope to see you soon at one or both of these events!
Thank you,
Cassy & Kelda
Pure Dance Studio
Cassy: 816.405.8624
Kelda: 816.616.3287
Saturday, January 25, 2020
SCRB Winter Series 2020
From: Duff Daugherty
SCRB Winter Series 2020
Come Worship with us at
The South Crysler Restoration Branch
of The Church of Jesus Christ
Winter Preaching Series
“Come Unto Christ"
Sunday, February 9th
11:00 A.M.
Speaker: Elder Dan Brotherton
“The Life and Ministry of Jesus”
Sunday, February 16th
11:00 A.M.
Speaker: Elder Vern Leutzinger
“What Must I do to be Saved?”
Sunday, February 23rd
11:00 A.M.
Speaker: Elder Todd Smith
“Do Spiritual Gifts Exist Today?”
Sunday, March 29th
11:00 A.M.
Speaker: Elder Steve Smith
“Which Church Should I Join?”
Winter 2020
Join us for the evening services
February 9th through March 29th
For Presentations on The Fullness
Sunday, February 9th
(5:45 PM.)
Speaker: Elder Duff Daugherty
“Church of Jesus Christ (part 1)”
Sunday, February 16th
(6:00 PM.)
Speaker: Elder Don Thomas
“Church of Jesus Christ (part 2)”
Sunday, February 23rd
(6:00 PM.)
Speaker: Elder Aaron Bailey
“The Falling Away”
Sunday, March 1st
(6:00 PM.)
Speaker: Elder Tim Carr
“The Restoration”
Sunday, March 8th
(6:00 PM.)
Speaker: Elder David Schoff
“Book of Mormon Evidences”
Sunday, March 15th
(6:00 PM.)
Speaker: Elder Lyle Smith
“Christ in America”
Sunday, March 22nd
(6:00 PM.)
Speaker: Elder Clayton Brown
“Life After Death”
The South Crysler Restoration Branch
of The Church of Jesus Christ
16101 Salisbury Road
Independence, MO
SCRB Winter Series 2020
Come Worship with us at
The South Crysler Restoration Branch
of The Church of Jesus Christ
Winter Preaching Series
“Come Unto Christ"
Sunday, February 9th
11:00 A.M.
Speaker: Elder Dan Brotherton
“The Life and Ministry of Jesus”
Sunday, February 16th
11:00 A.M.
Speaker: Elder Vern Leutzinger
“What Must I do to be Saved?”
Sunday, February 23rd
11:00 A.M.
Speaker: Elder Todd Smith
“Do Spiritual Gifts Exist Today?”
Sunday, March 29th
11:00 A.M.
Speaker: Elder Steve Smith
“Which Church Should I Join?”
Winter 2020
Join us for the evening services
February 9th through March 29th
For Presentations on The Fullness
Sunday, February 9th
(5:45 PM.)
Speaker: Elder Duff Daugherty
“Church of Jesus Christ (part 1)”
Sunday, February 16th
(6:00 PM.)
Speaker: Elder Don Thomas
“Church of Jesus Christ (part 2)”
Sunday, February 23rd
(6:00 PM.)
Speaker: Elder Aaron Bailey
“The Falling Away”
Sunday, March 1st
(6:00 PM.)
Speaker: Elder Tim Carr
“The Restoration”
Sunday, March 8th
(6:00 PM.)
Speaker: Elder David Schoff
“Book of Mormon Evidences”
Sunday, March 15th
(6:00 PM.)
Speaker: Elder Lyle Smith
“Christ in America”
Sunday, March 22nd
(6:00 PM.)
Speaker: Elder Clayton Brown
“Life After Death”
The South Crysler Restoration Branch
of The Church of Jesus Christ
16101 Salisbury Road
Independence, MO
Friday, January 24, 2020
February 2020 Australian Restoration News
----- Forwarded message -----
From: Noel Rowlatt
February 2020 Australian Restoration News
FEBRUARY, 2020. Around and About the Centre Place by High Priest Paul J. Gage, Independence, Missouri.
Greetings to the lovely Saints of Australia, I hope your new year is off to a great start and that the good Lord continues to be with and bless you even in the midst of trials and tribulations. As we progress through this special year, "2020," how is your vision? Most everyone has their eyes checked regularly and hope we have 2020 vision. There are two types of vision; physical and spiritual. We need to think of the two together as one because everything that affects us physically also affects us spiritually. So, what is your vision for 2020? Exciting changes, maybe Zion, life as usual, etc. Many people write out new year's resolutions of something they want to change in their lives. You cannot have resolution without having a revolution and you cannot have a revolution without a revelation. In order for a resolution to have any effect a person must decide to revolt from their usual pattern and generally when we revolt, we receive a revelation of something new. Jesus said we are to put on the new creature meaning we must resolve to revolt from our old nature and find revelation in the newness in Christ. In the Church, Stewardship was always strongly emphasized during the month of January and of course, many look at February as the "Love Month," mainly due to Valentine Day. Actually Stewardship and Love go hand in hand just like all of God's teachings and methods. Many times we think of stewardship only from the money angle, but stewardship is our whole life. All the aspects of stewardship are important or God would not have placed them in His Church. We should always remember that stewardship is not God taking something from us; it is His method of bestowing His richest gifts upon His people. One of the best definitions of stewardship, I think, is in DC 147:5a "Stewardship is the response of my people to the ministry of my Son, and is required alike of all those who seek to build the kingdom." How close does that scripture relate to John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave His Only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish; but have everlasting life." As God gave because He "so loved," then shouldn't our response to the ministry of His Son, Jesus Christ, be out of our love for him. Stewardship should always be a joy to God's people because it is a demonstration of our love and sacrifice as we seek to build the kingdom. There are four principles of Biblical stewardship and we can include the Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants as well: 1. Ownership: God owns everything since He created everything. We really do not "own" anything. God even gave us our agency to choose Him as our Father. 2. Responsibility: God gave man dominion over the earth which means we are responsible, as stewards over God's creation. 3. Accountability: DC 72:1c states, :...for it is required of the Lord, at the hand of every steward to render an account of his stewardship, both in time and eternity." 4.Rewards for obedience. Read DC 81:3 and everywhere it says, "you" put your name. There is a book available entitled, "When God Doesn't Fix It", by Laura Story. It is the story of the struggle she and her husband go through and how God dispels all their "myths" with His truth. From her experience, she wrote a song called, "Blessings." Ones verse says, "We pray for wisdom, your voice to hear, We cry in anger when we cannot feel you near. We doubt your goodness, we doubt your love as if every promise from Your Word is not enough. And all the while, you hear each desperate plea and long that we'd have faith to believe. The chorus goes on, cause what if your blessings come through rain drops, what if your healing comes through tears.
What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know you're near. What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise. She points out all through the book that it is not about us, who we are or what we've done for God, but rather it is all about HIM and who He is and what He has done for us. Maybe it is time for each of us to resolve to revolt from life as usual and find a new revelation of Jesus Christ in our lives. 2020 How is your vision? So far, in the Centre Place, the winter has been mild, but it is not over yet. On December 15th and January 12th, many of the churches in the area closed, due to winter storms. There are many natural disasters taking place around the world as there are in Australia. We say with firm belief, "Our only hope is You Jesus, Our only hope is You." The Conference of Restoration Elders, Pastors of Zion and Pastors of Central Missouri continue to work separately and together to try to provide meaningful experiences for the Saints in the Centre Place. The Missionary groups; ARM (African Restoration Ministries), GEM, (Greater European Ministries), LAMB ( Latin American Missions Board) and SEAAM ( Southeast Asia and Australian Ministries) continue to function in the areas of their world. Mission trips are planned in 2020 for Africa, East and West; Canada, England, Germany, Nepal, Philippines, Australia and possibly other parts of the world. Centre Place Restoration School continues to operate effectively. The enrollment is up and many activities are planned for this year. God bless.
Riches From The Scriptures. by Elder Neil Kerswell, Queensland, Australia Vol 4 Chapter 7 Christ Visits his other Sheep in America - 2 Last time we met, we saw Christ visiting the ancient inhabitants of America. God revealed Himself unto them in a manner that they could see, hear, touch & feel. Ministers were called and authorised by Christ to teach the people the Truth, these Ministers were to share from the abundance of all the things Jesus had taught unto them. This is indeed how all Ministries should function. As Christ reveals Truth into our lives bringing understanding to us we in turn are to share that knowledge and understanding with God’s people. Jesus was setting this people in order so they could have His Church & Kingdom amongst them. There is much to read in its entirety and I encourage all the read the whole Book of Mormon, especially when Christ visits. It is truly a treasure in these latter days. For now however we will just touch on a couple of the gems along the way. [3 Nephi 5:76] Behold, it is written by them of old time, that thou shalt not commit adultery; [3 Nephi 5:77] But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her, hath committed adultery already in his heart. [3 Nephi 5:78] Behold, I give you a commandment, that ye suffer none of these things to enter into your heart; for it is better that ye should deny yourselves of these things, wherein ye will take up your cross, than that ye should be cast into hell. [3 Nephi 5:79] It hath been written, that whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement. [3 Nephi 5:80] Verily, verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery; and whoso shall marry her who is divorced, committeth adultery. Our church family and indeed society as a whole depends upon the strength and integrity of each individual family unit to remain healthy and strong, this is why Christ very early in his visits with the Nephites brings the understanding of the importance of Families loving each other for life. Think about it, baby girls grow up to be women, wives and mothers etc. and the foundation for a joyful life in all these areas starts in the home. Baby boys grow up to be men, husbands and fathers and likewise the foundation in the home from childhood to having responsibilities of their own is paramount to joyful success. This is why the Priest’s role in the church is so important in his responsibility to visit in the homes of each member. If Satan can break down enough family units, he doesn’t have to work so hard on our Church and Society as a whole. If we turn our attention to today, our governments interfere in the way children are taught and disciplined. God has been largely taken out of our children’s schools, and this is just the beginning to the ways our little ones are being undermined. Is it any wonder we have scripture like in 2nd Nephi. [2 Nephi 8:49] Wo unto the wicked! for they shall perish: for the reward of their hands shall be upon them. [2 Nephi 8:50] And my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they who lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths. Let it suffice to say our families are most precious and are of the greatest importance to the future success of the church and Zion. We know the world as a whole will reject God, it is prophesied, however the Lords people although few in number shall be armed with righteousness and with power and great glory. [1 Nephi 3:226] And it came to pass that I beheld the church of the Lamb of God, and its numbers were few, because of the wickedness and abominations of the whore who sat upon many waters; [1 Nephi 3:230] And it came to pass that I, Nephi, beheld the power of the Lamb of God, that it descended upon the saints of the church of the Lamb, and upon the covenant people of the Lord, who were scattered upon all the face of the earth; [1 Nephi 3:231] And they were armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory. Let us continue with Christ’s visit. [3 Nephi 7:14] And behold, this is the land of your inheritance; and the Father hath given it unto you. [3 Nephi 7:15] And not at any time hath the Father given me commandment that I should tell it unto your brethren at Jerusalem; neither at any time hath the Father given me commandment, that I should tell unto them concerning the other tribes of the house of Israel, whom the Father hath led away out of the land. [3 Nephi 7:16] This much did the Father command me, that I should tell unto them, that other sheep I have, which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd. [3 Nephi 7:17] And now because of stiff-neckedness and unbelief, they understood not my word; therefore I was commanded to say no more of the Father concerning this thing unto them. [3 Nephi 7:18] But, verily, I say unto you, that the Father hath commanded me, and I tell it unto you, that ye were separated from among them because of their iniquity; therefore it is because of their iniquity, that they know not of you. [3 Nephi 7:19] And verily, I say unto you again, that the other tribes hath the Father separated from them; and it is because of their iniquity, that they know not of them. [3 Nephi 7:20] And verily, I say unto you, that ye are they of whom I said, Other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice, and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd. [3 Nephi 7:21] And they understood me not, for they supposed it had been the Gentiles; for they understood not that the Gentiles should be converted through their preaching; [3 Nephi 7:22] And they understood me not that I said they shall hear my voice; and they understood me not that the Gentiles should not at any time hear my voice; that I should not manifest myself unto them, save it were by the Holy Ghost. [3 Nephi 7:23] But behold, ye have both heard my voice, and seen me, and ye are my sheep, and ye are numbered among those whom the Father hath given me. [3 Nephi 7:24] And verily, verily, I say unto you, that I have other sheep, which are not of this land; neither of the land of Jerusalem; neither in any parts of that land round about, whither I have been to minister. [3 Nephi 7:25] For they of whom I speak, are they who have not as yet heard my voice; neither have I at any time manifested myself unto them. [3 Nephi 7:26] But I have received a commandment of the Father, that I shall go unto them, and that they shall hear my voice, and shall be numbered among my sheep, that there may be one fold, and one shepherd.
God has no favourites, he has shown mercy unto many, by leading them away from the Holy Land and into places far away where they could bare fruit unto the Lord. Christ was born amongst the Jews and crucified, then rose again and taught his Apostles and followers many days preparing them for the day of Pentecost when the Holy Ghost was given. He visited the Nephites in the Americas and told them they were His other sheep and then enlarged upon this truth with (I have other sheep, which are not of this land; neither of the land of Jerusalem; neither in any parts of that land round about, whither I have been to minister. For they of whom I speak, are they who have not as yet heard my voice; neither have I at any time manifested myself unto them). I have often wondered where all these people were. Years ago I had opportunity to get our Coat of Arms in relation to our English heritage long ago. In the history section of the documents it says (there are still serious claims that Jesus visited the area where they came from approx 20 A.D.) I don’t know whether it is true or not, however I thought it strange and it was the last thing I expected to see in relation to a Coat of Arms. It’s nice to consider however that long ago our people may have met Christ face to face. For all of us that are covenanted members of Christ’s Church today, and seek with all our hearts to Honour God through the name of Jesus Christ. We have promise that God is with us and will remember us when He comes to make up His Jewels. This is a blessed assurance. I hope the best for all of you who have shared with me in reading these words. I also encourage you to read the scriptures regularly and ask for God’s Guidance and direction and you shall be filled with the Light of God. For these things can only be truly understood by the Power of the Holy Ghost. The Revealment of God only becomes a Revelation when it is received through the gift of Understanding one of the most precious gifts of God to Man. A gift whereby you will be able to hear what He is saying and interpret those words of Life. God be with you, is my Prayer in the name of Christ. Amen.
Ministerial Visit by Elders from USA delayed, The following is an extract from an email I received from Elder Tom Rindels on 16th January. “Hi Noel , I apologize for not responding sooner. I'm still trying to get the return trip put together. Kevin has experienced some significant medical issues and can't be sure about his status until first part of February.We have been diligently seeking another Elder to accompany me perhaps 2 , each for a three week stay. Would still like to plan on sometime in March, I know God will fill the voids for me, I just wish I could give you a set date right now, but we will come and I'll keep you posted , please pass this on to the saints and I ask them for an interest in their prayers concerning this. Will the fires be any kind of an issue. You and your nation are in our prayers.”
Tamworth News submitted by Sr. Helen Archer.
Happy New Year Everyone! Hope this year brings many Blessing and New adventures and may the Lord be with you and bless you. On Sunday the 12 January at the Archers’ residence Elder Peter presided over a Sacrament Service and gave the message. We had all our small group of five in attendance. Followed by a fellowship lunch. Brother Bob had returned from being away with his Daughter. On Sunday the 19th January we had 10 in Attendance with Elder Danny and Kris Archer coming from Sydney and with Elder Peter presiding and Elder Danny Giving the Message , We also had Sister Chloe Schubert and her two children Bridey and Cooper from Tumut for church - followed by a Fellowship lunch. I would like to thank everyone who prayed for my Mum Sister Daphne Schubert for the operation she had on Monday 20th of January. It was day surgery and she is home and doing well. Birthday. Patty Fulton 2nd February
Victoria News. Church of Jesus Christ Restoration Branch. Kelvin View, Euroa.
Reported by Elder Murray Broughton, Pastor
24-11-19. Church in Euroa,in our Home.
Sacrament Service. Reading 1 John 3: 16 - 18.
Apostles died a cruel death, gave their lives, and they will take them up again.
Sr Dawn who is 92 years of age was with us today.
Went to Cobram to have Sacrament with Deacon Dirk Waasdorp.
27- 11-19.
Bible Study in our Home. 2 Peter Chapter 2 & Chapter 3. Linda Jukes with us.
1-12 -19 Church at Kelvin View Hall. Reading 1 John 3: - 18. 1 Corinthians Chapter 15: 57 - 58. Sacrament with the saints.
8-12- 19.
Church at Kelvin View Hall. Text Matthew 24 v 39. And Whoso treasureth up my words, shall not be deceived. Sermon- 11 Timothy Chapter 3: 1-7. 11 Timothy Chapter 4: 3 - 4. Matthew Chapter 24 v 23-51.
Church at Kelvin View Hall. Elder Bob Cackler-from U S A. Assisted by Elder Murray Broughton.
Church at Kelvin View Hall. Christmas Service, with Christmas Hymns. - followed by the Sacrament. We fly out early on Saturday Morning[ 28 Dec for the Philippines. Please remember us in your prayers. Thank You. Your Bro. In Christ. . Elder Murray Broughton, Pastor.
Please include in your daily prayers the following people who are in need of a blessing
Gwen Whately,
Alma & Janice Kerswell
Audrey Kerswell
Adrienne & Robert Windsor
Gary Rowlatt,
Michael & Patty Fulton ,
Ellen Sheppard,
Rhonda Byers,
Jane Broughton.
17-19 Juers Street,
Kingston, Queensland.
Pastor: Elder Alma Kerswell. Phone 07 3800 1151
Sun. 2nd.
10.00 a.m. COMMUNION SERVICE. Elder A. Kerswell asstd. by Priest G. Kerswell
Musical Item for Service. Rebecca & Gary Melling
11.10 a.m.. Prayer and Testimony. Elder A. Kerswell
Sun. 9th.
9.50 a.m. Hymn Sing: Linda Myers Flowers: Linda Myers
10.00 a.m. PREACHING SERVICE. Elder G. Melling Elder N. Melling Musical Item for Service. Linda Myers
11.10 a.m. Priesthood Meeting. Elder N. Rowlatt
11.10.a.m. Ladies Chat Time.
Sun. 16th.
9.50 a.m. Hymn Sing: Rebecca Melling Flowers: Janice Kerswell
10.00 a.m. PREACHING SERVICE. Elder N. Churchill asstd. by Elder N. Melling
11.10 a.m. Class. Elder G. Melling
Sun. 23th.
9.50 a.m. Hymn Sing: Elsie Melling Flowers: Cathy Melling
10.00 a.m. Favourite Hymn, Scripture, Prayer & Testimony. Priest G. Kerswell
11.10 a.m. Class: Elder N. Churchill
BRANCH NEWS and ANNOUNCEMENTS for Kingston Branch..
Birthdays. Our best wishes to the following people who are celebrating their Birthdays in February. Bethany Melling on the 12th, Amy Scott on the 18th. and Bill Kerswell has his Birthday on the 21st
Wedding Anniversaries. Neil & Joanne Kerswell will have their Wedding Anniversary on the 11th February. Alma & Janice Kerswell will celebrate theirs on the 18th.
Guest Speaker. While on holidays from America visiting with family and relaxing on the coast over the Christmas/New year, Elder Mark Churchill and his wife Paula visited Kingston Branch on 2 Sundays and on each occasion Mark delivered an excellent sermon. Paula added to the worshipful experiences by singing solos on each occasion. We all appreciated their visit and ministry.
Contributions to the Australian Restoration News need to come by the 20th of the month and must be submitted by email if possible.Email details are Phone contact: 07 3824 8386
We would love to have contributions from isolated members in Australia; articles or testimonies or just greetings. We would also like to hear from American saints who have ministered in Australia.
If you do not have access to an internet facility and would like to post your article to me, I will try and have it typed and included, but I would need to receive it by the 18th of the month for inclusion in the next issue. Postal details are as follows: Noel Rowlatt, 6 Wetheral Place, Alexandra Hills. Q4161
From: Noel Rowlatt
February 2020 Australian Restoration News
FEBRUARY, 2020. Around and About the Centre Place by High Priest Paul J. Gage, Independence, Missouri.
Greetings to the lovely Saints of Australia, I hope your new year is off to a great start and that the good Lord continues to be with and bless you even in the midst of trials and tribulations. As we progress through this special year, "2020," how is your vision? Most everyone has their eyes checked regularly and hope we have 2020 vision. There are two types of vision; physical and spiritual. We need to think of the two together as one because everything that affects us physically also affects us spiritually. So, what is your vision for 2020? Exciting changes, maybe Zion, life as usual, etc. Many people write out new year's resolutions of something they want to change in their lives. You cannot have resolution without having a revolution and you cannot have a revolution without a revelation. In order for a resolution to have any effect a person must decide to revolt from their usual pattern and generally when we revolt, we receive a revelation of something new. Jesus said we are to put on the new creature meaning we must resolve to revolt from our old nature and find revelation in the newness in Christ. In the Church, Stewardship was always strongly emphasized during the month of January and of course, many look at February as the "Love Month," mainly due to Valentine Day. Actually Stewardship and Love go hand in hand just like all of God's teachings and methods. Many times we think of stewardship only from the money angle, but stewardship is our whole life. All the aspects of stewardship are important or God would not have placed them in His Church. We should always remember that stewardship is not God taking something from us; it is His method of bestowing His richest gifts upon His people. One of the best definitions of stewardship, I think, is in DC 147:5a "Stewardship is the response of my people to the ministry of my Son, and is required alike of all those who seek to build the kingdom." How close does that scripture relate to John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave His Only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish; but have everlasting life." As God gave because He "so loved," then shouldn't our response to the ministry of His Son, Jesus Christ, be out of our love for him. Stewardship should always be a joy to God's people because it is a demonstration of our love and sacrifice as we seek to build the kingdom. There are four principles of Biblical stewardship and we can include the Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants as well: 1. Ownership: God owns everything since He created everything. We really do not "own" anything. God even gave us our agency to choose Him as our Father. 2. Responsibility: God gave man dominion over the earth which means we are responsible, as stewards over God's creation. 3. Accountability: DC 72:1c states, :...for it is required of the Lord, at the hand of every steward to render an account of his stewardship, both in time and eternity." 4.Rewards for obedience. Read DC 81:3 and everywhere it says, "you" put your name. There is a book available entitled, "When God Doesn't Fix It", by Laura Story. It is the story of the struggle she and her husband go through and how God dispels all their "myths" with His truth. From her experience, she wrote a song called, "Blessings." Ones verse says, "We pray for wisdom, your voice to hear, We cry in anger when we cannot feel you near. We doubt your goodness, we doubt your love as if every promise from Your Word is not enough. And all the while, you hear each desperate plea and long that we'd have faith to believe. The chorus goes on, cause what if your blessings come through rain drops, what if your healing comes through tears.
What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know you're near. What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise. She points out all through the book that it is not about us, who we are or what we've done for God, but rather it is all about HIM and who He is and what He has done for us. Maybe it is time for each of us to resolve to revolt from life as usual and find a new revelation of Jesus Christ in our lives. 2020 How is your vision? So far, in the Centre Place, the winter has been mild, but it is not over yet. On December 15th and January 12th, many of the churches in the area closed, due to winter storms. There are many natural disasters taking place around the world as there are in Australia. We say with firm belief, "Our only hope is You Jesus, Our only hope is You." The Conference of Restoration Elders, Pastors of Zion and Pastors of Central Missouri continue to work separately and together to try to provide meaningful experiences for the Saints in the Centre Place. The Missionary groups; ARM (African Restoration Ministries), GEM, (Greater European Ministries), LAMB ( Latin American Missions Board) and SEAAM ( Southeast Asia and Australian Ministries) continue to function in the areas of their world. Mission trips are planned in 2020 for Africa, East and West; Canada, England, Germany, Nepal, Philippines, Australia and possibly other parts of the world. Centre Place Restoration School continues to operate effectively. The enrollment is up and many activities are planned for this year. God bless.
Riches From The Scriptures. by Elder Neil Kerswell, Queensland, Australia Vol 4 Chapter 7 Christ Visits his other Sheep in America - 2 Last time we met, we saw Christ visiting the ancient inhabitants of America. God revealed Himself unto them in a manner that they could see, hear, touch & feel. Ministers were called and authorised by Christ to teach the people the Truth, these Ministers were to share from the abundance of all the things Jesus had taught unto them. This is indeed how all Ministries should function. As Christ reveals Truth into our lives bringing understanding to us we in turn are to share that knowledge and understanding with God’s people. Jesus was setting this people in order so they could have His Church & Kingdom amongst them. There is much to read in its entirety and I encourage all the read the whole Book of Mormon, especially when Christ visits. It is truly a treasure in these latter days. For now however we will just touch on a couple of the gems along the way. [3 Nephi 5:76] Behold, it is written by them of old time, that thou shalt not commit adultery; [3 Nephi 5:77] But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her, hath committed adultery already in his heart. [3 Nephi 5:78] Behold, I give you a commandment, that ye suffer none of these things to enter into your heart; for it is better that ye should deny yourselves of these things, wherein ye will take up your cross, than that ye should be cast into hell. [3 Nephi 5:79] It hath been written, that whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement. [3 Nephi 5:80] Verily, verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery; and whoso shall marry her who is divorced, committeth adultery. Our church family and indeed society as a whole depends upon the strength and integrity of each individual family unit to remain healthy and strong, this is why Christ very early in his visits with the Nephites brings the understanding of the importance of Families loving each other for life. Think about it, baby girls grow up to be women, wives and mothers etc. and the foundation for a joyful life in all these areas starts in the home. Baby boys grow up to be men, husbands and fathers and likewise the foundation in the home from childhood to having responsibilities of their own is paramount to joyful success. This is why the Priest’s role in the church is so important in his responsibility to visit in the homes of each member. If Satan can break down enough family units, he doesn’t have to work so hard on our Church and Society as a whole. If we turn our attention to today, our governments interfere in the way children are taught and disciplined. God has been largely taken out of our children’s schools, and this is just the beginning to the ways our little ones are being undermined. Is it any wonder we have scripture like in 2nd Nephi. [2 Nephi 8:49] Wo unto the wicked! for they shall perish: for the reward of their hands shall be upon them. [2 Nephi 8:50] And my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they who lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths. Let it suffice to say our families are most precious and are of the greatest importance to the future success of the church and Zion. We know the world as a whole will reject God, it is prophesied, however the Lords people although few in number shall be armed with righteousness and with power and great glory. [1 Nephi 3:226] And it came to pass that I beheld the church of the Lamb of God, and its numbers were few, because of the wickedness and abominations of the whore who sat upon many waters; [1 Nephi 3:230] And it came to pass that I, Nephi, beheld the power of the Lamb of God, that it descended upon the saints of the church of the Lamb, and upon the covenant people of the Lord, who were scattered upon all the face of the earth; [1 Nephi 3:231] And they were armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory. Let us continue with Christ’s visit. [3 Nephi 7:14] And behold, this is the land of your inheritance; and the Father hath given it unto you. [3 Nephi 7:15] And not at any time hath the Father given me commandment that I should tell it unto your brethren at Jerusalem; neither at any time hath the Father given me commandment, that I should tell unto them concerning the other tribes of the house of Israel, whom the Father hath led away out of the land. [3 Nephi 7:16] This much did the Father command me, that I should tell unto them, that other sheep I have, which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd. [3 Nephi 7:17] And now because of stiff-neckedness and unbelief, they understood not my word; therefore I was commanded to say no more of the Father concerning this thing unto them. [3 Nephi 7:18] But, verily, I say unto you, that the Father hath commanded me, and I tell it unto you, that ye were separated from among them because of their iniquity; therefore it is because of their iniquity, that they know not of you. [3 Nephi 7:19] And verily, I say unto you again, that the other tribes hath the Father separated from them; and it is because of their iniquity, that they know not of them. [3 Nephi 7:20] And verily, I say unto you, that ye are they of whom I said, Other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice, and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd. [3 Nephi 7:21] And they understood me not, for they supposed it had been the Gentiles; for they understood not that the Gentiles should be converted through their preaching; [3 Nephi 7:22] And they understood me not that I said they shall hear my voice; and they understood me not that the Gentiles should not at any time hear my voice; that I should not manifest myself unto them, save it were by the Holy Ghost. [3 Nephi 7:23] But behold, ye have both heard my voice, and seen me, and ye are my sheep, and ye are numbered among those whom the Father hath given me. [3 Nephi 7:24] And verily, verily, I say unto you, that I have other sheep, which are not of this land; neither of the land of Jerusalem; neither in any parts of that land round about, whither I have been to minister. [3 Nephi 7:25] For they of whom I speak, are they who have not as yet heard my voice; neither have I at any time manifested myself unto them. [3 Nephi 7:26] But I have received a commandment of the Father, that I shall go unto them, and that they shall hear my voice, and shall be numbered among my sheep, that there may be one fold, and one shepherd.
God has no favourites, he has shown mercy unto many, by leading them away from the Holy Land and into places far away where they could bare fruit unto the Lord. Christ was born amongst the Jews and crucified, then rose again and taught his Apostles and followers many days preparing them for the day of Pentecost when the Holy Ghost was given. He visited the Nephites in the Americas and told them they were His other sheep and then enlarged upon this truth with (I have other sheep, which are not of this land; neither of the land of Jerusalem; neither in any parts of that land round about, whither I have been to minister. For they of whom I speak, are they who have not as yet heard my voice; neither have I at any time manifested myself unto them). I have often wondered where all these people were. Years ago I had opportunity to get our Coat of Arms in relation to our English heritage long ago. In the history section of the documents it says (there are still serious claims that Jesus visited the area where they came from approx 20 A.D.) I don’t know whether it is true or not, however I thought it strange and it was the last thing I expected to see in relation to a Coat of Arms. It’s nice to consider however that long ago our people may have met Christ face to face. For all of us that are covenanted members of Christ’s Church today, and seek with all our hearts to Honour God through the name of Jesus Christ. We have promise that God is with us and will remember us when He comes to make up His Jewels. This is a blessed assurance. I hope the best for all of you who have shared with me in reading these words. I also encourage you to read the scriptures regularly and ask for God’s Guidance and direction and you shall be filled with the Light of God. For these things can only be truly understood by the Power of the Holy Ghost. The Revealment of God only becomes a Revelation when it is received through the gift of Understanding one of the most precious gifts of God to Man. A gift whereby you will be able to hear what He is saying and interpret those words of Life. God be with you, is my Prayer in the name of Christ. Amen.
Ministerial Visit by Elders from USA delayed, The following is an extract from an email I received from Elder Tom Rindels on 16th January. “Hi Noel , I apologize for not responding sooner. I'm still trying to get the return trip put together. Kevin has experienced some significant medical issues and can't be sure about his status until first part of February.We have been diligently seeking another Elder to accompany me perhaps 2 , each for a three week stay. Would still like to plan on sometime in March, I know God will fill the voids for me, I just wish I could give you a set date right now, but we will come and I'll keep you posted , please pass this on to the saints and I ask them for an interest in their prayers concerning this. Will the fires be any kind of an issue. You and your nation are in our prayers.”
Tamworth News submitted by Sr. Helen Archer.
Happy New Year Everyone! Hope this year brings many Blessing and New adventures and may the Lord be with you and bless you. On Sunday the 12 January at the Archers’ residence Elder Peter presided over a Sacrament Service and gave the message. We had all our small group of five in attendance. Followed by a fellowship lunch. Brother Bob had returned from being away with his Daughter. On Sunday the 19th January we had 10 in Attendance with Elder Danny and Kris Archer coming from Sydney and with Elder Peter presiding and Elder Danny Giving the Message , We also had Sister Chloe Schubert and her two children Bridey and Cooper from Tumut for church - followed by a Fellowship lunch. I would like to thank everyone who prayed for my Mum Sister Daphne Schubert for the operation she had on Monday 20th of January. It was day surgery and she is home and doing well. Birthday. Patty Fulton 2nd February
Victoria News. Church of Jesus Christ Restoration Branch. Kelvin View, Euroa.
Reported by Elder Murray Broughton, Pastor
24-11-19. Church in Euroa,in our Home.
Sacrament Service. Reading 1 John 3: 16 - 18.
Apostles died a cruel death, gave their lives, and they will take them up again.
Sr Dawn who is 92 years of age was with us today.
Went to Cobram to have Sacrament with Deacon Dirk Waasdorp.
27- 11-19.
Bible Study in our Home. 2 Peter Chapter 2 & Chapter 3. Linda Jukes with us.
1-12 -19 Church at Kelvin View Hall. Reading 1 John 3: - 18. 1 Corinthians Chapter 15: 57 - 58. Sacrament with the saints.
8-12- 19.
Church at Kelvin View Hall. Text Matthew 24 v 39. And Whoso treasureth up my words, shall not be deceived. Sermon- 11 Timothy Chapter 3: 1-7. 11 Timothy Chapter 4: 3 - 4. Matthew Chapter 24 v 23-51.
Church at Kelvin View Hall. Elder Bob Cackler-from U S A. Assisted by Elder Murray Broughton.
Church at Kelvin View Hall. Christmas Service, with Christmas Hymns. - followed by the Sacrament. We fly out early on Saturday Morning[ 28 Dec for the Philippines. Please remember us in your prayers. Thank You. Your Bro. In Christ. . Elder Murray Broughton, Pastor.
Please include in your daily prayers the following people who are in need of a blessing
Gwen Whately,
Alma & Janice Kerswell
Audrey Kerswell
Adrienne & Robert Windsor
Gary Rowlatt,
Michael & Patty Fulton ,
Ellen Sheppard,
Rhonda Byers,
Jane Broughton.
17-19 Juers Street,
Kingston, Queensland.
Pastor: Elder Alma Kerswell. Phone 07 3800 1151
Sun. 2nd.
10.00 a.m. COMMUNION SERVICE. Elder A. Kerswell asstd. by Priest G. Kerswell
Musical Item for Service. Rebecca & Gary Melling
11.10 a.m.. Prayer and Testimony. Elder A. Kerswell
Sun. 9th.
9.50 a.m. Hymn Sing: Linda Myers Flowers: Linda Myers
10.00 a.m. PREACHING SERVICE. Elder G. Melling Elder N. Melling Musical Item for Service. Linda Myers
11.10 a.m. Priesthood Meeting. Elder N. Rowlatt
11.10.a.m. Ladies Chat Time.
Sun. 16th.
9.50 a.m. Hymn Sing: Rebecca Melling Flowers: Janice Kerswell
10.00 a.m. PREACHING SERVICE. Elder N. Churchill asstd. by Elder N. Melling
11.10 a.m. Class. Elder G. Melling
Sun. 23th.
9.50 a.m. Hymn Sing: Elsie Melling Flowers: Cathy Melling
10.00 a.m. Favourite Hymn, Scripture, Prayer & Testimony. Priest G. Kerswell
11.10 a.m. Class: Elder N. Churchill
BRANCH NEWS and ANNOUNCEMENTS for Kingston Branch..
Birthdays. Our best wishes to the following people who are celebrating their Birthdays in February. Bethany Melling on the 12th, Amy Scott on the 18th. and Bill Kerswell has his Birthday on the 21st
Wedding Anniversaries. Neil & Joanne Kerswell will have their Wedding Anniversary on the 11th February. Alma & Janice Kerswell will celebrate theirs on the 18th.
Guest Speaker. While on holidays from America visiting with family and relaxing on the coast over the Christmas/New year, Elder Mark Churchill and his wife Paula visited Kingston Branch on 2 Sundays and on each occasion Mark delivered an excellent sermon. Paula added to the worshipful experiences by singing solos on each occasion. We all appreciated their visit and ministry.
Contributions to the Australian Restoration News need to come by the 20th of the month and must be submitted by email if possible.Email details are Phone contact: 07 3824 8386
We would love to have contributions from isolated members in Australia; articles or testimonies or just greetings. We would also like to hear from American saints who have ministered in Australia.
If you do not have access to an internet facility and would like to post your article to me, I will try and have it typed and included, but I would need to receive it by the 18th of the month for inclusion in the next issue. Postal details are as follows: Noel Rowlatt, 6 Wetheral Place, Alexandra Hills. Q4161
Washer/Dryer Wanted
----- Forwarded message -----
From: Jared Brotherton
Washer/Dryer Wanted
Hey everyone,
I’ve recently moved and need to purchase a electric washer and dryer, I figured before I go buy them somewhere I’d see if there’s anyone that is getting rid of there old ones to upgrade. I’ve got a couple of weeks before I need to get them. Looking to spend $150-$200.
Call or text
Jared Brotherton
From: Jared Brotherton
Washer/Dryer Wanted
Hey everyone,
I’ve recently moved and need to purchase a electric washer and dryer, I figured before I go buy them somewhere I’d see if there’s anyone that is getting rid of there old ones to upgrade. I’ve got a couple of weeks before I need to get them. Looking to spend $150-$200.
Call or text
Jared Brotherton
Painting by Rick Johansen
From: Rick Johansen
Painting by Rick Johansen
Considering having a room or rooms brightened up?
Whether there is snow or rain I am still available to provide bids for your painting projects. Inside or outside .
Spring will be here soon for the outdoors needs. Now is a good time to address inside painting.
I have 40 plus years experience.
Give a call Rick Johansen
Painting by Rick Johansen
Considering having a room or rooms brightened up?
Whether there is snow or rain I am still available to provide bids for your painting projects. Inside or outside .
Spring will be here soon for the outdoors needs. Now is a good time to address inside painting.
I have 40 plus years experience.
Give a call Rick Johansen
Francis Harper Message for 1/24/2020
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Francis Harper
Francis Harper Message for 1/24/2020
“Pray With All The Energy Of Heart”
(Moroni 7:53)
I was awakened recently with these words, “Pray with all the energy of heart” being repeated in my mind. The full text is: “Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son Jesus Christ, that ye may become the sons of God, that when he shall appear we shall be like him . . .” (Moroni 7:53). See also 1 John 3:2.
This scripture is a call to prayer. Asking the Father to fill us with his celestial love should not be a half-hearted plea. Of all our prayer requests this should be given highest priority.
Moroni’s counsel should be heeded: “Wherefore, cleave unto charity, which is the greatest of all, for all things must fail; but charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth for ever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with them” (Moroni 7:52). Jesus said, “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another” (John 13:35).

I was led to find this stone at the Sacred Grove of Palmyra in 1997. It had two slices that fit together like two pieces of sliced bread. I held in my hand replicas of the tables of stone given to Moses on Mount Sinai!” And Moses turned, and went down from the mount, and the two tables of testimony were in his hand; the tables were written on both their sides; on the one side and on the other were they written” (Exodus 32:15).
The first four of the Ten Commandments speak of our relationship with God. (Love the Lord is engraved on the back of the stone on the left). The last six deal with our relationship with our neighbor. (Love thy neighbor is engraved on the back of the stone on the right).

Jesus was asked, “Master, which is the great commandment in the law?” Jesus answered, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it; thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets” (Matthew 22:35-40).
This stone is confirmation and tangible evidence of truth. Here in this sacred place, God spoke to Joseph Smith, Jr. in 1820 A.D. as he spoke to Moses in 1500 B.C. And his commandments are just as valid today as they were so long ago. “For I am the Lord, I change not . . .” (Malachi 3:6). “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8).

Jesus also said: “He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me; and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him (John 14:21).
Love is the supreme virtue and the precursor of all virtues. “Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not . . . is not puffed up [is humble] . . . seeketh not her own [is unselfish], is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil . . .” (1 Corinthians 13).
Love is the key to an inheritance in celestial glory. “We know that we have passed from death unto life because we love the brethren” (1 John 3:14). It would be profitable for us to pray that our love be increased and that we read the words of 1 John and 1 Corinthians 13, daily!
A scribe said to Jesus: “There is one God, and there is none other but him. And to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength; and to love his neighbor as himself, is more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.” And Jesus said to him, “Thou art not far from the kingdom of God” (Mark 12:33-39).
Dear Ones,
A story is told of a chaplain who found a severely wounded soldier dying on a battlefield. The chaplain asked if he could read some comforting verses of scripture for him? The young soldier said “I am so thirsty!!” The chaplain quickly reached for his own canteen and gave him a drink. Then the wounded man said, “I am very cold.” Without hesitation, the chaplain removed his overcoat and covered him. Then the soldier said “I am also very hungry.” Once again, the chaplain fed him from his own scanty ration. At this point the wounded man said, “Sir, if there is something in the Bible that caused you to do all you have done for me, I want to hear it!”
Perhaps the chaplain read: “When the Son of Man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then he shall sit upon the throne of his glory; And before him shall be gathered all nations; and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth sheep from the goats; the sheep on his right hand, . . . [with] the goats on his left. And he shall sit upon his throne, and the twelve apostles with him. Then shall the king say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat; I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink; I was a stranger, and ye took me in; naked, and ye clothed me; I was sick, and ye visited me; I was in prison, and ye came unto me. Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungered, and fed thee; or thirsty, and gave thee drink? When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in; or naked, and clothed thee? Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? And the king shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me (Matthew 25: 32-41).
Love qualifies us as servants of God. And we serve God by serving our neighbors. “When ye are in the service of your fellow beings, ye are . . . in the service of your God” (Mosiah 1:49).
During the month of June, 1993, I attended a two week “School of the Prophets,” at Ben Israel, in Northern Minnesota. Arthur Katz was the camp pastor or leader. Art, a Jew, was converted to Christianity as he was hitchhiking across Europe, at age 34. This was in 1963. He was a self-proclaimed atheist, looking for answers when he was picked up at the side of a road, in a bone-chilling rain, by a man who bought him dinner and then asked, “Art, do you know what this world needs?” Art had been asking himself this question. He responded, “No, what does this world need?” The answer was given: “This world needs people who are willing to wash one another’s feet.” These words penetrated Art’s hardened heart, like no other words would have. Later Art searched for the man who had spoken the words he needed to hear, but he could not be found. He wondered: “Was he a man, or an angel?”
How will our hearts be filled with the pure love of Christ? I often think of the words recorded in 3 Nephi 9:10-14: “. . . behold, they [the Lord’s disciples] knelt again, and prayed to the Father in the name of Jesus, and they did pray for that which they most desired; and they desired that the Holy Ghost should be given unto them . . . and they were filled with the Holy Ghost and fire.” Let us “pray with all the energy of heart” that we, like them, will be filled with the Holy Ghost, for “the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance . . .” (Galatians 5:22-23).
“And no one can assist in this work, except he shall be humble and full of love” (Doctrine and Covenants 11:4-b).
My Love to All,
High Priest Francis Harper
From: Francis Harper
Francis Harper Message for 1/24/2020
“Pray With All The Energy Of Heart”
(Moroni 7:53)
I was awakened recently with these words, “Pray with all the energy of heart” being repeated in my mind. The full text is: “Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son Jesus Christ, that ye may become the sons of God, that when he shall appear we shall be like him . . .” (Moroni 7:53). See also 1 John 3:2.
This scripture is a call to prayer. Asking the Father to fill us with his celestial love should not be a half-hearted plea. Of all our prayer requests this should be given highest priority.
Moroni’s counsel should be heeded: “Wherefore, cleave unto charity, which is the greatest of all, for all things must fail; but charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth for ever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with them” (Moroni 7:52). Jesus said, “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another” (John 13:35).

I was led to find this stone at the Sacred Grove of Palmyra in 1997. It had two slices that fit together like two pieces of sliced bread. I held in my hand replicas of the tables of stone given to Moses on Mount Sinai!” And Moses turned, and went down from the mount, and the two tables of testimony were in his hand; the tables were written on both their sides; on the one side and on the other were they written” (Exodus 32:15).
The first four of the Ten Commandments speak of our relationship with God. (Love the Lord is engraved on the back of the stone on the left). The last six deal with our relationship with our neighbor. (Love thy neighbor is engraved on the back of the stone on the right).

Jesus was asked, “Master, which is the great commandment in the law?” Jesus answered, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it; thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets” (Matthew 22:35-40).
This stone is confirmation and tangible evidence of truth. Here in this sacred place, God spoke to Joseph Smith, Jr. in 1820 A.D. as he spoke to Moses in 1500 B.C. And his commandments are just as valid today as they were so long ago. “For I am the Lord, I change not . . .” (Malachi 3:6). “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8).

Jesus also said: “He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me; and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him (John 14:21).
Love is the supreme virtue and the precursor of all virtues. “Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not . . . is not puffed up [is humble] . . . seeketh not her own [is unselfish], is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil . . .” (1 Corinthians 13).
Love is the key to an inheritance in celestial glory. “We know that we have passed from death unto life because we love the brethren” (1 John 3:14). It would be profitable for us to pray that our love be increased and that we read the words of 1 John and 1 Corinthians 13, daily!
A scribe said to Jesus: “There is one God, and there is none other but him. And to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength; and to love his neighbor as himself, is more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.” And Jesus said to him, “Thou art not far from the kingdom of God” (Mark 12:33-39).
Dear Ones,
A story is told of a chaplain who found a severely wounded soldier dying on a battlefield. The chaplain asked if he could read some comforting verses of scripture for him? The young soldier said “I am so thirsty!!” The chaplain quickly reached for his own canteen and gave him a drink. Then the wounded man said, “I am very cold.” Without hesitation, the chaplain removed his overcoat and covered him. Then the soldier said “I am also very hungry.” Once again, the chaplain fed him from his own scanty ration. At this point the wounded man said, “Sir, if there is something in the Bible that caused you to do all you have done for me, I want to hear it!”
Perhaps the chaplain read: “When the Son of Man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then he shall sit upon the throne of his glory; And before him shall be gathered all nations; and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth sheep from the goats; the sheep on his right hand, . . . [with] the goats on his left. And he shall sit upon his throne, and the twelve apostles with him. Then shall the king say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat; I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink; I was a stranger, and ye took me in; naked, and ye clothed me; I was sick, and ye visited me; I was in prison, and ye came unto me. Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungered, and fed thee; or thirsty, and gave thee drink? When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in; or naked, and clothed thee? Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? And the king shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me (Matthew 25: 32-41).
Love qualifies us as servants of God. And we serve God by serving our neighbors. “When ye are in the service of your fellow beings, ye are . . . in the service of your God” (Mosiah 1:49).
During the month of June, 1993, I attended a two week “School of the Prophets,” at Ben Israel, in Northern Minnesota. Arthur Katz was the camp pastor or leader. Art, a Jew, was converted to Christianity as he was hitchhiking across Europe, at age 34. This was in 1963. He was a self-proclaimed atheist, looking for answers when he was picked up at the side of a road, in a bone-chilling rain, by a man who bought him dinner and then asked, “Art, do you know what this world needs?” Art had been asking himself this question. He responded, “No, what does this world need?” The answer was given: “This world needs people who are willing to wash one another’s feet.” These words penetrated Art’s hardened heart, like no other words would have. Later Art searched for the man who had spoken the words he needed to hear, but he could not be found. He wondered: “Was he a man, or an angel?”
How will our hearts be filled with the pure love of Christ? I often think of the words recorded in 3 Nephi 9:10-14: “. . . behold, they [the Lord’s disciples] knelt again, and prayed to the Father in the name of Jesus, and they did pray for that which they most desired; and they desired that the Holy Ghost should be given unto them . . . and they were filled with the Holy Ghost and fire.” Let us “pray with all the energy of heart” that we, like them, will be filled with the Holy Ghost, for “the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance . . .” (Galatians 5:22-23).
“And no one can assist in this work, except he shall be humble and full of love” (Doctrine and Covenants 11:4-b).
My Love to All,
High Priest Francis Harper
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Prayer Vigil for Life - January 22
---- Forwarded message ----
From: Steve Bishop
Prayer Vigil for Life - January 22
Today Wednesday January 22, 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Please join us and others all across America as we silently pray for the unborn, their mothers and fathers, our nation and stand as a witness against abortion.
Prayer vigil will be held near the intersection of Noland Road and 24 Highway in front of Planned Parenthood tonight between 6:00 pm and 7:00 pm.
From: Steve Bishop
Prayer Vigil for Life - January 22
Today Wednesday January 22, 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Please join us and others all across America as we silently pray for the unborn, their mothers and fathers, our nation and stand as a witness against abortion.
Prayer vigil will be held near the intersection of Noland Road and 24 Highway in front of Planned Parenthood tonight between 6:00 pm and 7:00 pm.
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Bill Barrett
We are in need of gently used Priesthood study materials. Suggested materials are:
² Book of Mormon – 1908 Version
² Doctrine & Covenants
² Holy Scriptures - Inspired Version
² 3 In One
² Priesthood Manuals
² Membership Manuals
² Ministry of the Elder, Priest, Teacher, Deacon
² Rules and Resolutions
² Joseph Smith Jr. Tells His Own Story
² Blue Hymns of the Restoration, Enlarged Edition
² Materials for Children’s Sunday School
Also needed are funds to ship the books using the most inexpensive rate, which is US Postal Service media bag at $268 for 40 pounds.
CPRS Religious classes will coordinate the drive. Books can be delivered to CPRS.
Donations can be made out to ARM (African Restoration Ministries). Please put “Book Drive” on the memo line and drop off at CPRS OR mail to: 20509 E. Courtney Atherton Rd./ Independence, MO. 64058
Thank you,
Bill Barrett
From: Bill Barrett
We are in need of gently used Priesthood study materials. Suggested materials are:
² Book of Mormon – 1908 Version
² Doctrine & Covenants
² Holy Scriptures - Inspired Version
² 3 In One
² Priesthood Manuals
² Membership Manuals
² Ministry of the Elder, Priest, Teacher, Deacon
² Rules and Resolutions
² Joseph Smith Jr. Tells His Own Story
² Blue Hymns of the Restoration, Enlarged Edition
² Materials for Children’s Sunday School
Also needed are funds to ship the books using the most inexpensive rate, which is US Postal Service media bag at $268 for 40 pounds.
CPRS Religious classes will coordinate the drive. Books can be delivered to CPRS.
Donations can be made out to ARM (African Restoration Ministries). Please put “Book Drive” on the memo line and drop off at CPRS OR mail to: 20509 E. Courtney Atherton Rd./ Independence, MO. 64058
Thank you,
Bill Barrett
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
IIAW Meeting Date January 28
From: Muriel Luedeman
IIAW Meeting Date January 28
Hello, IIAW Friends,
My apologies for the last email reminder for the general meeting tonight. I messed up on my dates and the meeting is NOT until January 28th.
I must tell you, though, that a few IIAW Friends did meet tonight and God made good use of the time. We made some new connections and passed along great communication that furthered God's work, SO, it makes me think that an IIAW meeting was supposed to take place. This situation makes me think of the verse Romans where Paul says that "all things work for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purposes."
I ask you all, "Is it possible, then, for a man, or woman of God to make a mistake?" Something for all Christians, who know they are sons and daughters of God, to ponder.
Once again, I am sorry for any anxiety my caused. I will send an email reminder on January 27th.
Muriel Luedeman
IIAW Communications Secretary
IIAW Meeting Date January 28
Hello, IIAW Friends,
My apologies for the last email reminder for the general meeting tonight. I messed up on my dates and the meeting is NOT until January 28th.
I must tell you, though, that a few IIAW Friends did meet tonight and God made good use of the time. We made some new connections and passed along great communication that furthered God's work, SO, it makes me think that an IIAW meeting was supposed to take place. This situation makes me think of the verse Romans where Paul says that "all things work for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purposes."
I ask you all, "Is it possible, then, for a man, or woman of God to make a mistake?" Something for all Christians, who know they are sons and daughters of God, to ponder.
Once again, I am sorry for any anxiety my caused. I will send an email reminder on January 27th.
Muriel Luedeman
IIAW Communications Secretary
Family in Need of Help (Transportation)
From: Shaun Turner
Family in Need of Help (Transportation)
To whom this may concern,
There is a young single mother with two children whom is facing the repossession of her vehicle, today. She is in this situation because her employer demoted her after taking FMLA, due to a severe medical diagnosis. Her family is doing what they can to resolve the repossession and return the vehicle to the Dealership, so that they will not seek out a judgement against her due to breach of contract. However, that leaves her without the ability to get to work and transport her children to and from school.
The family is asking if there is a Saint that has a reliable vehicle that they would be willing to sell to this mother on monthly payments with no interest. The vehicle would have to be less than $4000 and reliable.
Brothers and sisters, I know this is not a small thing to ask, but it is an opportunity for the Church at large to reach into this young lady's life and make a huge difference.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Feel free to contact me if you would like to help.
Shaun Turner
Shaun Turner
"I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death." Thomas Paine
Family in Need of Help (Transportation)
To whom this may concern,
There is a young single mother with two children whom is facing the repossession of her vehicle, today. She is in this situation because her employer demoted her after taking FMLA, due to a severe medical diagnosis. Her family is doing what they can to resolve the repossession and return the vehicle to the Dealership, so that they will not seek out a judgement against her due to breach of contract. However, that leaves her without the ability to get to work and transport her children to and from school.
The family is asking if there is a Saint that has a reliable vehicle that they would be willing to sell to this mother on monthly payments with no interest. The vehicle would have to be less than $4000 and reliable.
Brothers and sisters, I know this is not a small thing to ask, but it is an opportunity for the Church at large to reach into this young lady's life and make a huge difference.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Feel free to contact me if you would like to help.
Shaun Turner
Shaun Turner
"I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death." Thomas Paine
Job Postings for Fort Osage R-1 School District Jan 21, 2020
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Rachel Horn
Job Postings for Fort Osage R-1 School District Jan 21, 2020
Fort Osage R-1 School District
Below you will find a list of jobs posted between Jan 12, 2020 and Jan 19, 2020.
Job Posting Title Job Category
Part-Time (4 hour) Custodian Classified Apply Now
2020 Summer School Secretary Classified Apply Now
Before and After School Childcare Substitute Classified Apply Now
Certificated Teacher - Elementary K-4 (20-21 School Year) Certified Apply Now
Certificated Teacher- Elementary Grades 5-6 (20-21 School Year) Certified Apply Now
Counselor - Career and Technology Center (20-21 School Year) Certified Apply Now
Certificated Teacher - High School Science (20-21 School Year) Certified Apply Now
Elementary Principal - 20-21 School Year Certified Apply Now
Certificated Teacher - Band Grades 5-6 (20-21 School Year) Certified Apply Now
Certificated Teacher - Middle School Social Studies (20-21 School Year) Certified Apply Now
Certificated Teacher - Elementary Reading - 20-21 Certified Apply Now
Early Childhood Principal/Parents as Teachers Coordinator - 20-21 School Year Certified Apply Now
Certificated Paraeducator - Early Childhood Special Education Classified Apply Now
Jobs scheduled to stop accepting applications between Jan 19, 2020 and Jan 26, 2020.
Job Posting Title Job Category
Cook/Cashier Classified Apply Now
From: Rachel Horn
Job Postings for Fort Osage R-1 School District Jan 21, 2020
Fort Osage R-1 School District
Below you will find a list of jobs posted between Jan 12, 2020 and Jan 19, 2020.
Job Posting Title Job Category
Part-Time (4 hour) Custodian Classified Apply Now
2020 Summer School Secretary Classified Apply Now
Before and After School Childcare Substitute Classified Apply Now
Certificated Teacher - Elementary K-4 (20-21 School Year) Certified Apply Now
Certificated Teacher- Elementary Grades 5-6 (20-21 School Year) Certified Apply Now
Counselor - Career and Technology Center (20-21 School Year) Certified Apply Now
Certificated Teacher - High School Science (20-21 School Year) Certified Apply Now
Elementary Principal - 20-21 School Year Certified Apply Now
Certificated Teacher - Band Grades 5-6 (20-21 School Year) Certified Apply Now
Certificated Teacher - Middle School Social Studies (20-21 School Year) Certified Apply Now
Certificated Teacher - Elementary Reading - 20-21 Certified Apply Now
Early Childhood Principal/Parents as Teachers Coordinator - 20-21 School Year Certified Apply Now
Certificated Paraeducator - Early Childhood Special Education Classified Apply Now
Jobs scheduled to stop accepting applications between Jan 19, 2020 and Jan 26, 2020.
Job Posting Title Job Category
Cook/Cashier Classified Apply Now
Job Search - Lauren Lavar's Resume
From: Lauren Lavar
Job Search - Lauren Lavar's Resume
Lauren Lavar
Grain Valley, Missouri 64029
Dynamic, highly motivated individual looking to demonstrate my skills in a challenging corporate career setting. Dependable with a positive outlook to complete the tasks presented.
Highly Adaptable
Attention to Detail
Effective Written and Verbal Communication
Harrah’s Casino August 2018-Present
Beverage Server
Slot Attendant
Fire Prairie Middle School September 2017-May 2018
Teacher and Student Meal Account Manager
Homemaker January 2008- September 2017
Created and implemented weekly & monthly home budget
Scheduled medical appointments and school activities
Supervised and maintained the overall cleanliness of the home
Provided nutritional meals for family including preparing breakfast/lunch/dinner
Daily tutoring of children in all required areas of education
Participated with children in recreational activities in order to facilitate social acceptance
Tanner’s Bar and Grill January 2007-Dec. 2008
House of Heavilin 2006-2007
Blue River Community College 2004-2005
Northwest Missouri State University 2003-2004
Fort Osage High School Graduate 2003
Job Search - Lauren Lavar's Resume
Lauren Lavar
Grain Valley, Missouri 64029
Dynamic, highly motivated individual looking to demonstrate my skills in a challenging corporate career setting. Dependable with a positive outlook to complete the tasks presented.
Highly Adaptable
Attention to Detail
Effective Written and Verbal Communication
Harrah’s Casino August 2018-Present
Beverage Server
Slot Attendant
Fire Prairie Middle School September 2017-May 2018
Teacher and Student Meal Account Manager
Homemaker January 2008- September 2017
Created and implemented weekly & monthly home budget
Scheduled medical appointments and school activities
Supervised and maintained the overall cleanliness of the home
Provided nutritional meals for family including preparing breakfast/lunch/dinner
Daily tutoring of children in all required areas of education
Participated with children in recreational activities in order to facilitate social acceptance
Tanner’s Bar and Grill January 2007-Dec. 2008
House of Heavilin 2006-2007
Blue River Community College 2004-2005
Northwest Missouri State University 2003-2004
Fort Osage High School Graduate 2003
Job Posting - Label Printing Assistant
---- Forwarded message ----
From: Tammie Wilkin
Job Posting - Label Printing Assistant
Chemical Universe in North Kansas City, MO
JOB SUMMARY: The Label Printing Assistant will ensure
that the proper labels are printed correctly promptly
for the production team. The main duties will be to operate the label
printers and die cutters, which requires a well-organized individual with
strong attention to detail.
Day-to-day responsibilities include but are not
limited to the setup and operation of printing machines for our manufacturing
team and managing label inventory.
• Review orders to determine which labels need to be printed
• Review information-double checking work to verify accuracy and notify supervisor of discrepancies
• Ability to learn proper printing procedures
• Maintain label inventory
• Performs routine equipment maintenance
• Troubleshooting minor equipment/machine issues and/or call support service when necessary
o High school diploma or general education degree (GED)
o Physical capability to lift 50lbs
o Requires standing, requires walking
o Repeating the same physical activities
o Requires work with others in a group or team
o Job tasks are completed in an office setting
o Self-motivated
o Positive attitude and works well with other
o Good math skills
o Computer skills (Microsoft)
o Must adhere to office dress code
Pay $12 per hour depending on experience
Call for appointment to apply or come in to fill out application at:
Send resumes to:
ChemicalUniverse, Inc.
1133 Saline Street
North Kansas City MO 64116
From: Tammie Wilkin
Job Posting - Label Printing Assistant
Chemical Universe in North Kansas City, MO
JOB SUMMARY: The Label Printing Assistant will ensure
that the proper labels are printed correctly promptly
for the production team. The main duties will be to operate the label
printers and die cutters, which requires a well-organized individual with
strong attention to detail.
Day-to-day responsibilities include but are not
limited to the setup and operation of printing machines for our manufacturing
team and managing label inventory.
• Review orders to determine which labels need to be printed
• Review information-double checking work to verify accuracy and notify supervisor of discrepancies
• Ability to learn proper printing procedures
• Maintain label inventory
• Performs routine equipment maintenance
• Troubleshooting minor equipment/machine issues and/or call support service when necessary
o High school diploma or general education degree (GED)
o Physical capability to lift 50lbs
o Requires standing, requires walking
o Repeating the same physical activities
o Requires work with others in a group or team
o Job tasks are completed in an office setting
o Self-motivated
o Positive attitude and works well with other
o Good math skills
o Computer skills (Microsoft)
o Must adhere to office dress code
Pay $12 per hour depending on experience
Call for appointment to apply or come in to fill out application at:
Send resumes to:
ChemicalUniverse, Inc.
1133 Saline Street
North Kansas City MO 64116
Monday, January 20, 2020
From: Holly McLean
“What can I do about my child being a picky eater? Our mealtimes are always a battle and I dread them.”
Tuesday evenings at 8:15pm will be the new time for the LIVESTREAMS on the Mommy Answer Lady YouTube channel!
Come and join the chat!
“What can I do about my child being a picky eater? Our mealtimes are always a battle and I dread them.”
Tuesday evenings at 8:15pm will be the new time for the LIVESTREAMS on the Mommy Answer Lady YouTube channel!
Come and join the chat!

Freedom Stewardship Ministries Training
From: Janet Dickson
Freedom Stewardship Ministries Training
Just a gentle reminder that Freedom Stewardship Ministries will be having their training on budgeting and debt reduction this Saturday, January 25, 2020 at:
Missionary Restoration Branch
3415 N Elsea Smith Road
Buckner MO 64016
Class is from 9:30 a.m. - Noon.
Please contact Janet Dickson at 940-783-7987 (text or call) OR to register email at:
Registering is not mandatory, we just want to make sure we have the correct amount of materials for everyone.
See you there!
Freedom Stewardship Ministries Training
Just a gentle reminder that Freedom Stewardship Ministries will be having their training on budgeting and debt reduction this Saturday, January 25, 2020 at:
Missionary Restoration Branch
3415 N Elsea Smith Road
Buckner MO 64016
Class is from 9:30 a.m. - Noon.
Please contact Janet Dickson at 940-783-7987 (text or call) OR to register email at:
Registering is not mandatory, we just want to make sure we have the correct amount of materials for everyone.
See you there!

Saturday, January 18, 2020
Pre-Ordering Now Open for Organic Vegetable/Herb Plants
From: Kelli Miesse
Pre-Ordering Now Open for Organic Vegetable/Herb Plants
Now taking pre-orders for organic garden vegetable/herb plants, with targeted availability in mid-April for large plants, first part of March for cold weather plants.
Also this year, several gorgeous colors of petunias and coleus will be available, depending on growing success.
All edible plants are hand-sown and organically grown in my house and yard.
Please respond to this email [] with what you would like to reserve, and what quantity. Some items are limited in number, so don’t wait! All pre-orders due by January 31st.
Cold Weather [available March, earlier if grow well]
Lettuce [red, green, freckled roamines]
Kale [Red]
Kale [Green]
Tomatoes [Available mid-late April]
Better Boy
Early Girl
Yellow Beefsteak
Black Krim
Mortgage Lifter [XL]
Paul Robeson
Mr. Stripey
Cherokee Purple
Cherry [Red}
Red Pear
Yellow Pear
Bell [Red]
Bell [Orange]
Bell [Yellow]
Bell [Green]
Mint [Spearmint]
Mint [Peppermint]
Mint [Chocolate]
Pre-Ordering Now Open for Organic Vegetable/Herb Plants
Now taking pre-orders for organic garden vegetable/herb plants, with targeted availability in mid-April for large plants, first part of March for cold weather plants.
Also this year, several gorgeous colors of petunias and coleus will be available, depending on growing success.
All edible plants are hand-sown and organically grown in my house and yard.
Please respond to this email [] with what you would like to reserve, and what quantity. Some items are limited in number, so don’t wait! All pre-orders due by January 31st.
Cold Weather [available March, earlier if grow well]
Lettuce [red, green, freckled roamines]
Kale [Red]
Kale [Green]
Tomatoes [Available mid-late April]
Better Boy
Early Girl
Yellow Beefsteak
Black Krim
Mortgage Lifter [XL]
Paul Robeson
Mr. Stripey
Cherokee Purple
Cherry [Red}
Red Pear
Yellow Pear
Bell [Red]
Bell [Orange]
Bell [Yellow]
Bell [Green]
Mint [Spearmint]
Mint [Peppermint]
Mint [Chocolate]
Requst Prayer for Elder Walter Baker
From: Karen Baker
Prayer request for Elder Walter Baker
Walter was taken to the hospital this morning, he has second stage pneumonia and is dehydrated. The wound/infection in his foot is requiring the bariatric chamber to treat. Please uphold him in your prayers and also Jane Baker that she might be able to have the strength she needs and she sits with Dad and that she'll be able to get some rest.
Prayer request for Elder Walter Baker
Walter was taken to the hospital this morning, he has second stage pneumonia and is dehydrated. The wound/infection in his foot is requiring the bariatric chamber to treat. Please uphold him in your prayers and also Jane Baker that she might be able to have the strength she needs and she sits with Dad and that she'll be able to get some rest.
Friday, January 17, 2020
January 18 Workday Cancelled
From: Muriel Luedeman
January 18 Workday Cancelled
Dear, IIAW Friends,
The Team Jesus meal prep for the homeless Beloveds has been cancelled for tomorrow, January 18th. A small crew will be going out to serve the camps with blankets, winter clothes, emergency supplies and personal items. Keep them all, beloveds and the crew, in your prayers on the ice in freezing temperatures.
Mark your calendars for the Beloveds meal prep schedule for February and March. February 15th and 29th. March 7th and 21st. Also, the location for the meal prep has changed. The food will be at Living Hope Church, 2425 S. Crysler Avenue. The metal gym building at the back of the parking lot.
Muriel Luedeman
IIAW Communications Secretary
January 18 Workday Cancelled
Dear, IIAW Friends,
The Team Jesus meal prep for the homeless Beloveds has been cancelled for tomorrow, January 18th. A small crew will be going out to serve the camps with blankets, winter clothes, emergency supplies and personal items. Keep them all, beloveds and the crew, in your prayers on the ice in freezing temperatures.
Mark your calendars for the Beloveds meal prep schedule for February and March. February 15th and 29th. March 7th and 21st. Also, the location for the meal prep has changed. The food will be at Living Hope Church, 2425 S. Crysler Avenue. The metal gym building at the back of the parking lot.
Muriel Luedeman
IIAW Communications Secretary
Oak Grove Retreat is on for Tonight
From: Horn, Vim
Oak Grove Retreat is on for Tonight
News concerning the January Priesthood and Men’s Retreat at Oak Grove Restoration Branch for Friday night.
Dear Brethren:
After looking at the road conditions and the weather forecast for the afternoon, we have determined to go ahead with tonight’s gathering as scheduled. The church parking lot and sidewalks will be salted and should be fine for tonight.
We are aware that some of you may have circumstances that would cause you concern about traveling tonight and we fully understand if you are unable to attend. Please pray for us, and join us by internet if you can by going to the Oak Grove Restoration Branch website - OGRB.ORG.
We will be having the retreat as scheduled on Saturday.
Please continue to pray for this gathering and the safe travel of those attending tonight and tomorrow.
William (Vim) Horn
Cell Phone # - 816-803-0297
Email -
Oak Grove Retreat is on for Tonight
News concerning the January Priesthood and Men’s Retreat at Oak Grove Restoration Branch for Friday night.
Dear Brethren:
After looking at the road conditions and the weather forecast for the afternoon, we have determined to go ahead with tonight’s gathering as scheduled. The church parking lot and sidewalks will be salted and should be fine for tonight.
We are aware that some of you may have circumstances that would cause you concern about traveling tonight and we fully understand if you are unable to attend. Please pray for us, and join us by internet if you can by going to the Oak Grove Restoration Branch website - OGRB.ORG.
We will be having the retreat as scheduled on Saturday.
Please continue to pray for this gathering and the safe travel of those attending tonight and tomorrow.
William (Vim) Horn
Cell Phone # - 816-803-0297
Email -
Francis Harper Message for 1/17/2020
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Francis Harper
Francis Harper Message for 1/17/2020
The Roaring Lion
God speaking through Isaiah said: “I form the light and create darkness; I make peace, and create evil; I the Lord do all these things” (Isaiah 45:7). I recall a lively discussion at church long ago, that was sparked by the question; Did God create evil? Some were saying, “Why would he do such a thing?”
Nephi wrote: “For it must needs be (it is necessary), that there is an opposition in all things. If not so . . . righteousness could not be brought to pass; neither wickedness; neither holiness nor misery; neither good nor bad . . . Even the forbidden fruit in opposition to the tree of life . . . the Lord God gave unto man that he should act for himself . . . man could not act for himself save it should be that he be enticed by the one or the other” (2 Nephi 1:81-82, 99-100). My wife has often asked; “Why didn’t God just create us good in the beginning?”

God created Satan; our opposition. We must remember that he is a formidable foe. We need to be constantly aware that our “adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour” (2 Peter 5, 8). “. . . for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time” (Revelation 12:12).
We need to understand that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places . . .” (Ephesians 6:12-18). Knowing Satan and his devious ways will help us overcome his efforts to destroy us. Every soldier in the U.S. Army is taught; Know the Enemy.
Alma counseled: “Cry unto him (God) against the power of your enemies; cry unto him against the devil, who is an enemy to all righteousness” (Alma 16:219). Praying the precious phrases of the Lord’s prayer will help us: “Suffer us not to be led into temptation, but deliver us from evil (from every form of corruption, deception and confusion) (Matthew 6:14 IV). “The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptation” (2 Peter 2:9). He has delivered me from temptation, and I know he will also help you if you ask for his assistance!
Jesus met “the enemy of all righteousness in the wilderness (Matthew 4:2-10 IV; 4:3-11 KJV). Likewise Joseph Smith, Jr., encountered the powers of darkness in the Sacred Grove. We are deceived if we think we are immune to the power of the evil one.
A missionary in China, James Fraser, wrote of his struggles against the power of darkness. Satan tried to wreck him as a missionary. First he noticed a strange uncertainty beginning to shadow his inward life. All that he had believed and rejoiced in, became unreal. Uncertainty, doubt and depression began to destroy his witnessing. His foundations were being shaken until he realized Satan was seeking to overwhelm him.
Sometime later the young missionary was much tried by persistent evil thoughts. He wrote: “I went out of the city to a hidden gully on a hillside, one of my favorite prayer haunts, and there voiced my determined resistance to Satan. I even shouted my resistance to Satan and all his evil thoughts. The opposition collapsed then and there like a pack of cards, to return no more. In times of conflict, I find deliverance through repeating Scriptures out loud.” (Behind the Ranges, by Geraldine Taylor pp 104-105).
I was asked to administer to a young lady who was being troubled with seizures. After returning home she began to experience the signs of another seizure and she surmised that it was a satanic attack. She shouted: “Satan, leave me alone, I belong to Jesus.” She suffered no more with seizures! Resist the devil and he will flee from you” James 4:7).
Dear Ones,
Some believe Satan does not exist. Satan wants us to ignore or think he does not exist. Nephi wrote: “Behold . . . he saith unto them, I am no devil, for there is none (2 Nephi 12:27). Denying the reality of Satan is denying the Lord and his experience in the wilderness!
Satan is Real
(Testimony of my mother Bessie Harper)
“All the family was in bed except for my sister Thelma and I. She had just told me that she had a girlfriend in college who had something called a Patriarchal Blessing. I told her I also had one and asked her if she would like to read it. I told her it was very sacred to me and asked her to consider it carefully, even as sacred scripture. She would read a sentence or two, and we would discuss the meaning before we proceeded. She seemed very interested and pleased.
“During our discussion, I lifted my head and looked toward the kitchen of our house. I felt a cold chill go through me as I noticed a personage just inside the door! I knew immediately who he was and why he was there. He was dressed in black. I can’t say if he had eyes, nose, and mouth, but he was in the form of a man. He was there because my sister was believing. I couldn’t endure looking at him for more than a moment. I was filled with fear by his appearance, yet I felt I must watch him. I looked up three times, and each time he was nearer.
“I recalled that my mother-in-law [Minnie Fry Harper] once told me that if I ever had an encounter with Satan, all I needed to do was pray because God has power over him. I didn’t dare let my sister know what I was witnessing because I was afraid she wouldn’t be able to see him, and she might think I was losing my mind.
“I bowed my head and said, “Dear God, take him away!” That was a very short, humble prayer, but it did the work because when I looked up again he was gone.
“I thought to myself, “Old fellow, you are not going to get the best of me. I’m going to stay right here and talk to my sister as long as she is interested.” But when she said we better go to bed, I didn’t say we should stay up longer because I was still very frightened. I immediately went upstairs to bed and awakened my husband, Francis. I told him my experience, and cried because I was extremely upset. And every time I tell of this experience, even to this day, it still affects my emotions.
“I have always been rather disgusted that I had to see Satan. I have always thought how much more pleasant it would have been to be permitted to see an angel of light. Yet, seeing Satan has been a blessing to me because now I know how near he can be to us in this life and how he is always right there to discourage us whenever we want to do good. I have always guarded against him. Always remember to pray if you encounter Satan. He has no power when God comes to your rescue.”
“Neither will ye suffer that your children transgress the laws of God, and fight and quarrel one with another, and serve the devil, who is the master of sin . . . he being an enemy to all righteousness” (Mosiah 2:26).
My Love to All,
High Priest Francis Harper
From: Francis Harper
Francis Harper Message for 1/17/2020
The Roaring Lion
God speaking through Isaiah said: “I form the light and create darkness; I make peace, and create evil; I the Lord do all these things” (Isaiah 45:7). I recall a lively discussion at church long ago, that was sparked by the question; Did God create evil? Some were saying, “Why would he do such a thing?”
Nephi wrote: “For it must needs be (it is necessary), that there is an opposition in all things. If not so . . . righteousness could not be brought to pass; neither wickedness; neither holiness nor misery; neither good nor bad . . . Even the forbidden fruit in opposition to the tree of life . . . the Lord God gave unto man that he should act for himself . . . man could not act for himself save it should be that he be enticed by the one or the other” (2 Nephi 1:81-82, 99-100). My wife has often asked; “Why didn’t God just create us good in the beginning?”

God created Satan; our opposition. We must remember that he is a formidable foe. We need to be constantly aware that our “adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour” (2 Peter 5, 8). “. . . for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time” (Revelation 12:12).
We need to understand that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places . . .” (Ephesians 6:12-18). Knowing Satan and his devious ways will help us overcome his efforts to destroy us. Every soldier in the U.S. Army is taught; Know the Enemy.
Alma counseled: “Cry unto him (God) against the power of your enemies; cry unto him against the devil, who is an enemy to all righteousness” (Alma 16:219). Praying the precious phrases of the Lord’s prayer will help us: “Suffer us not to be led into temptation, but deliver us from evil (from every form of corruption, deception and confusion) (Matthew 6:14 IV). “The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptation” (2 Peter 2:9). He has delivered me from temptation, and I know he will also help you if you ask for his assistance!
Jesus met “the enemy of all righteousness in the wilderness (Matthew 4:2-10 IV; 4:3-11 KJV). Likewise Joseph Smith, Jr., encountered the powers of darkness in the Sacred Grove. We are deceived if we think we are immune to the power of the evil one.
A missionary in China, James Fraser, wrote of his struggles against the power of darkness. Satan tried to wreck him as a missionary. First he noticed a strange uncertainty beginning to shadow his inward life. All that he had believed and rejoiced in, became unreal. Uncertainty, doubt and depression began to destroy his witnessing. His foundations were being shaken until he realized Satan was seeking to overwhelm him.
Sometime later the young missionary was much tried by persistent evil thoughts. He wrote: “I went out of the city to a hidden gully on a hillside, one of my favorite prayer haunts, and there voiced my determined resistance to Satan. I even shouted my resistance to Satan and all his evil thoughts. The opposition collapsed then and there like a pack of cards, to return no more. In times of conflict, I find deliverance through repeating Scriptures out loud.” (Behind the Ranges, by Geraldine Taylor pp 104-105).
I was asked to administer to a young lady who was being troubled with seizures. After returning home she began to experience the signs of another seizure and she surmised that it was a satanic attack. She shouted: “Satan, leave me alone, I belong to Jesus.” She suffered no more with seizures! Resist the devil and he will flee from you” James 4:7).
Dear Ones,
Some believe Satan does not exist. Satan wants us to ignore or think he does not exist. Nephi wrote: “Behold . . . he saith unto them, I am no devil, for there is none (2 Nephi 12:27). Denying the reality of Satan is denying the Lord and his experience in the wilderness!
Satan is Real
(Testimony of my mother Bessie Harper)
“All the family was in bed except for my sister Thelma and I. She had just told me that she had a girlfriend in college who had something called a Patriarchal Blessing. I told her I also had one and asked her if she would like to read it. I told her it was very sacred to me and asked her to consider it carefully, even as sacred scripture. She would read a sentence or two, and we would discuss the meaning before we proceeded. She seemed very interested and pleased.
“During our discussion, I lifted my head and looked toward the kitchen of our house. I felt a cold chill go through me as I noticed a personage just inside the door! I knew immediately who he was and why he was there. He was dressed in black. I can’t say if he had eyes, nose, and mouth, but he was in the form of a man. He was there because my sister was believing. I couldn’t endure looking at him for more than a moment. I was filled with fear by his appearance, yet I felt I must watch him. I looked up three times, and each time he was nearer.
“I recalled that my mother-in-law [Minnie Fry Harper] once told me that if I ever had an encounter with Satan, all I needed to do was pray because God has power over him. I didn’t dare let my sister know what I was witnessing because I was afraid she wouldn’t be able to see him, and she might think I was losing my mind.
“I bowed my head and said, “Dear God, take him away!” That was a very short, humble prayer, but it did the work because when I looked up again he was gone.
“I thought to myself, “Old fellow, you are not going to get the best of me. I’m going to stay right here and talk to my sister as long as she is interested.” But when she said we better go to bed, I didn’t say we should stay up longer because I was still very frightened. I immediately went upstairs to bed and awakened my husband, Francis. I told him my experience, and cried because I was extremely upset. And every time I tell of this experience, even to this day, it still affects my emotions.
“I have always been rather disgusted that I had to see Satan. I have always thought how much more pleasant it would have been to be permitted to see an angel of light. Yet, seeing Satan has been a blessing to me because now I know how near he can be to us in this life and how he is always right there to discourage us whenever we want to do good. I have always guarded against him. Always remember to pray if you encounter Satan. He has no power when God comes to your rescue.”
“Neither will ye suffer that your children transgress the laws of God, and fight and quarrel one with another, and serve the devil, who is the master of sin . . . he being an enemy to all righteousness” (Mosiah 2:26).
My Love to All,
High Priest Francis Harper
January 18 Neighborhood Clean Up Update
From: Muriel Luedeman
January 18 Neighborhood Clean Up Update
Hello, IIAW Friends,
The Neighborhood Clean Up we had planned for tomorrow, January 18th, has been cancelled.
Meal prep for the homeless beloveds camps will still take place.
Living Hope Church has offered Team Jesus the use of their commercial kitchen for meal prep until the Unity Center kitchen is ready. Arrangements are being made now to move tomorrow's meal prep to Living Hope at 2425 S. Crysler Avenue. Several people and factors are involved, and I will send out an email notice when I have confirmation on where we will be set up as soon as we have all parties on board. I will also put a notice on the Unity Center door tomorrow if we are successful.
The next IIAW meeting is next Tuesday at 6:30pm at the Unity Center, 803 W. 23rd Street.
Muriel Luedeman
Communications Secretary
January 18 Neighborhood Clean Up Update
Hello, IIAW Friends,
The Neighborhood Clean Up we had planned for tomorrow, January 18th, has been cancelled.
Meal prep for the homeless beloveds camps will still take place.
Living Hope Church has offered Team Jesus the use of their commercial kitchen for meal prep until the Unity Center kitchen is ready. Arrangements are being made now to move tomorrow's meal prep to Living Hope at 2425 S. Crysler Avenue. Several people and factors are involved, and I will send out an email notice when I have confirmation on where we will be set up as soon as we have all parties on board. I will also put a notice on the Unity Center door tomorrow if we are successful.
The next IIAW meeting is next Tuesday at 6:30pm at the Unity Center, 803 W. 23rd Street.
Muriel Luedeman
Communications Secretary
Brother John Concert POSTPONED to SATURDAY
From: Kevin McMilian
Brother John Concert POSTPONED to SATURDAY
Due to the incoming weather, the Brother John/Made New concert has been POSTPONED to tomorrow, SATURDAY, January 18th. The time is still 6:30 PM, and the doors still open at 5:30.
Please spread the word to those who may not receive these emails.
See you Saturday!
Event Link:
Brother John Concert POSTPONED to SATURDAY
Due to the incoming weather, the Brother John/Made New concert has been POSTPONED to tomorrow, SATURDAY, January 18th. The time is still 6:30 PM, and the doors still open at 5:30.
Please spread the word to those who may not receive these emails.
See you Saturday!
Event Link:
Thursday, January 16, 2020
RE: Men's Retreat and Weather Warning
From: Horn, Vim
RE: Men's Retreat and Weather Warning
News concerning cancellation of the January Priesthood and Men’s Retreat at Oak Grove Restoration Branch
Dear Brethren:
As most of you are aware we are anticipating inclement weather later tonight and tomorrow morning that could seriously affect road conditions. At this time we are unsure of the extent of the impact. Since we are not sure, I will monitor weather and road conditions and make a determination early Friday afternoon whether or not we will have the retreat on Friday night. Please monitor the local TV channels for cancellation information, as well as your email.
Even if Friday night is cancelled, we will still have the retreat on Saturday and may extend it an hour or so to allow for what was missed on Friday evening. Please pray for good conditions, safety, and those who will be bringing ministry.
William (Vim) Horn
Cell Phone # - 816-803-0297
Email -
RE: Men's Retreat and Weather Warning
News concerning cancellation of the January Priesthood and Men’s Retreat at Oak Grove Restoration Branch
Dear Brethren:
As most of you are aware we are anticipating inclement weather later tonight and tomorrow morning that could seriously affect road conditions. At this time we are unsure of the extent of the impact. Since we are not sure, I will monitor weather and road conditions and make a determination early Friday afternoon whether or not we will have the retreat on Friday night. Please monitor the local TV channels for cancellation information, as well as your email.
Even if Friday night is cancelled, we will still have the retreat on Saturday and may extend it an hour or so to allow for what was missed on Friday evening. Please pray for good conditions, safety, and those who will be bringing ministry.
William (Vim) Horn
Cell Phone # - 816-803-0297
Email -
CMRB Spring Retreats 2020
From: Jacara Foss
CMRB Spring Retreats 2020
The CMRB Spring Retreats are coming up! The dates are listed below and bulletin inserts are attached.
Older Youth (college-age)
March 20th-22nd
7pm Friday - 1pm Sunday
Directors: Sean and Rachel O'Keefe
Senior High (10th-12th grade)
March 6th-8th
7pm Friday - 1pm Sunday
Directors: Jeff and Shelly Morrison
Junior High (7th-9th grade)
March 13th-15th
7pm Friday - 1pm Sunday
Directors: Mark and Nikki McCormick
Junior (4th-6th grade)
March 28th-29th
9am Saturday - 1pm Sunday
Directors: Jared and Katie Mulheron
Theme: Rod of Iron ~ I Nephi 2:69
Please register at:
Jacara Foss
CMRB Spring Retreats 2020
The CMRB Spring Retreats are coming up! The dates are listed below and bulletin inserts are attached.
Older Youth (college-age)
March 20th-22nd
7pm Friday - 1pm Sunday
Directors: Sean and Rachel O'Keefe
Senior High (10th-12th grade)
March 6th-8th
7pm Friday - 1pm Sunday
Directors: Jeff and Shelly Morrison
Junior High (7th-9th grade)
March 13th-15th
7pm Friday - 1pm Sunday
Directors: Mark and Nikki McCormick
Junior (4th-6th grade)
March 28th-29th
9am Saturday - 1pm Sunday
Directors: Jared and Katie Mulheron
Theme: Rod of Iron ~ I Nephi 2:69
Please register at:
Jacara Foss

Services for Lucy Scherer
From: Terri Price
Services for Lucy Scherer
Lucy Ann Scherer, 84, of Independence, MO passed away January 14, 2020.

Visitation will be from 6 - 8:00 p.m., Friday, January 17, at:
Charter Funerals
5000 Blue Ridge Cutoff
Kansas City MO 64133
Memorial service will be held at 1:00 p.m., Saturday, January 18, at:
South Crysler Restoration Branch
16101 Salisbury Road
Independence MO 64050
Burial at Oak Ridge Memory Gardens.
Condolences may be left at:
Lucy Ann (Lesh) Scherer was born September 6, 1935 in Independence, Missouri. She lived most of her life in Independence.
She is preceded in death by her parents Floyd and Flora Lesh; her brothers: Wilbur, Leonard, Raymond and David; and her sisters Florence and Ruby.
She is survived by Jacob, her husband of 62 years; and by her twin sister Mary Lou Yahnig (Dave) and her sister Leah Thompson. She is also survived by her four children: Terri Price (Duane Jr.), Rhonda Presler (Rex), Bradly Scherer (Kathy) and John Scherer; as well as her 13 grandchildren: Anna Price, Duane Price, Amy Downey, Stephanie Perrin (Jeff), Laura Presler, Beth Presler, Jacob Presler, Alison Scherer, Rob Scherer, Michael Scherer, Anna Scherer, Drew Scherer and Daniel Scherer; and her great grandchildren, Holden Downey and Isa Perrin.
As a young woman, Lucy worked at Stephenson’s Restaurant and JC Penneys. She received an Associate of Arts degree in Elementary Education at Graceland University. She then taught for two years in Idaho where she made lifelong friends. After teaching those two years, she attended Central Missouri State University where she completed her Bachelor’s degree. While at CMSU, she met and married her husband Jacob. They started their family shortly afterwards.
Lucy was a homemaker for many years and also served on the Independence School Board. She spent time substitute teaching and at one point had taught in every school in the Independence School District. She later taught for several alternative programs at William Chrisman High School and completed her teaching career by running the In School Suspension room for many years.
Lucy suffered a stroke in August of 2018 and resided at Rosewood at the Groves until her death on January 14, 2020. She went peacefully after holding her husband’s hand for most of the day.
Services for Lucy Scherer
Lucy Ann Scherer, 84, of Independence, MO passed away January 14, 2020.

Visitation will be from 6 - 8:00 p.m., Friday, January 17, at:
Charter Funerals
5000 Blue Ridge Cutoff
Kansas City MO 64133
Memorial service will be held at 1:00 p.m., Saturday, January 18, at:
South Crysler Restoration Branch
16101 Salisbury Road
Independence MO 64050
Burial at Oak Ridge Memory Gardens.
Condolences may be left at:
Lucy Ann (Lesh) Scherer was born September 6, 1935 in Independence, Missouri. She lived most of her life in Independence.
She is preceded in death by her parents Floyd and Flora Lesh; her brothers: Wilbur, Leonard, Raymond and David; and her sisters Florence and Ruby.
She is survived by Jacob, her husband of 62 years; and by her twin sister Mary Lou Yahnig (Dave) and her sister Leah Thompson. She is also survived by her four children: Terri Price (Duane Jr.), Rhonda Presler (Rex), Bradly Scherer (Kathy) and John Scherer; as well as her 13 grandchildren: Anna Price, Duane Price, Amy Downey, Stephanie Perrin (Jeff), Laura Presler, Beth Presler, Jacob Presler, Alison Scherer, Rob Scherer, Michael Scherer, Anna Scherer, Drew Scherer and Daniel Scherer; and her great grandchildren, Holden Downey and Isa Perrin.
As a young woman, Lucy worked at Stephenson’s Restaurant and JC Penneys. She received an Associate of Arts degree in Elementary Education at Graceland University. She then taught for two years in Idaho where she made lifelong friends. After teaching those two years, she attended Central Missouri State University where she completed her Bachelor’s degree. While at CMSU, she met and married her husband Jacob. They started their family shortly afterwards.
Lucy was a homemaker for many years and also served on the Independence School Board. She spent time substitute teaching and at one point had taught in every school in the Independence School District. She later taught for several alternative programs at William Chrisman High School and completed her teaching career by running the In School Suspension room for many years.
Lucy suffered a stroke in August of 2018 and resided at Rosewood at the Groves until her death on January 14, 2020. She went peacefully after holding her husband’s hand for most of the day.
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