Thursday, January 30, 2025



Greetings to the precious Saints of God, all over the world,

January has sped by as perhaps another indication that “Time is ripe, My work must hasten, whoso will may bide the hour, naught can harm whom God protecteth, elements confess His power, Up YE then to the high places, I have bid you occupy, peril waits upon the heedless, Grace upon the souls who try.”

We all know life is fragile and that it is appointed unto man, once to die. We also know that God has His plan prepared for those who choose Him as their Father, as well as plans for those who do not choose Him as their Father.

Death is something we may not want to think about very much and yet it takes place all around us twenty-four hours every day. Every day we hear about natural disasters, mankind caused tragedies, diseases ravaging our bodies and so forth. Though we may not understand death in its fullness, yet we know it is part of our living in the Kingdom as well as for the “Ultimate Kingdom of God.” In this earthly life, as we strive to live as citizens in the Kingdom of God, we realize there is yet a greater promise and hope for the actual Kingdom of God, when Jesus comes to take His rightful place as “King of Kings and Lord of Lords.”

It is how we live our individual lives each day that has a bearing on what happens when we die. For many years the Church produced a book called, “Daily Bread,” which included a devotional thought and story for each day of the year. The stories were written by every day Latter Day Saints and dealt with the daily struggles and experiences of life.

In one story, a well known elder was having lunch and ordered his meal and a glass of milk. His meal came with a glass of beer. He debated with himself as to what to do. There was no one in the restaurant that knew him and he had never drank beer. A tempting voice encouraged him to drink it as “No one would know the difference.” The Holy Spirit reminded him that he would know the difference and that God would know the difference. He made the right choice and asked again for the milk. This might have been an attempt by the adversary to tempt him. It also proves that God is true to His promises when He says He will never leave us alone.

In another story, a person asked the astronomy professor, “If the universe is so vast and we on earth are such a small part of it, can we expect God to pay any attention to our small voices?” The professor replied, “It depends on one thing. How big is the God you worship? How big is the One you believe in?” Life’s problems seem to pile up on us. Disconcerting things are frequently happening to all of us. We become wrapped up in the earthly affairs of life and neglect to talk things over with God. In trying to carry all our burdens alone, trying to solve all our problems without seeking inspiration from God, we cut ourselves off from the Source of all power and intelligence.

Faith, trust and prayer are the daily components against the trials and temptations common to everyone. Our God is big enough to meet all our needs. As one song says: “How big is God, how big and wide is his domain To try to tell these lips can only start He's big enough to rule the mighty universe Yet small enough to live within my heart.”

God bless

Paul Gage



Thursday, January 23, 2025





Best wishes to the beloved Saints around the world.


Time is fleeting and days getting longer

As the world turns, are you weaker or stronger

Each day is a test to see how, when and where

Our trust is in Jesus, the One who does care.


So as we go though every day, every hour

Remember that God is the source of our power

He has called us to serve Him, where ere we may be

To reflect His Great Light so that others can see.


That as His salt and light,

We are to share His story

Living in His Kingdom bright,

Bringing Him the Honor and Glory


That is our purpose for existing on this earth, to honor and glorify God in everything we do. We sing the well beloved hymn, “We’ve a story to tell," with the additional verses, “We’ve a song to be sung," ”We’ve a message to give," and “We’ve a SAVIOR TO SHOW.” To whom are we to “tell, sing, give and show?” The nations of the world, beginning with our own nation, in our own state/province, city, neighborhood, and family.


When did you last share something about Jesus Christ outside your own family or at church? Pray for and look for opportunities to “Tell, sing, give and show” the message of salvation to whoever God sends your way. What did Jesus do during the forty days between His resurrection and

Ascension? Acts 1:1 “The former treatise have I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach, 2 Until the day in which he was taken up, after that he through the Holy Ghost had given commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen, 3 To whom also he showed himself alive after his sufferings by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God,”


The following comes from a daily prayer book I have and read from each day. “Dear father, take this day’s life into Thine own keeping. Control my thoughts and feelings. Direct all my energies. Instruct my mind. Sustain my will. Take my hands and make them skilful to serve Thee. Take my feet and make them swift to do Thy bidding. Take my eyes and keep them fixed upon Thine everlasting beauty. Take my mouth and make it eloquent in testimony to Thy love. Make this day’s work a significant part of our lives as we live in your Kingdom. Even so. Amen.


God bless,

Paul Gage


Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Zionworks News for January 20th, 2025

 Zionworks News for January 20th, 2025                 

The good, the bad and the momentous…and the urgent    

We were reminded today that each one of us is free to pursue and accomplish the full purpose and potential placed in us at creation and to live in a Godly world united in good will for each other and united as a nation. We were reminded that the health and preservation of those Principles that were Ordained to make this nation great require that each one of us has a part in it.  Beyond that, the call from Heaven to establish, on this land, a place of safety and refuge for the pure-hearted from near and far, a society that will live by the reliable principles of Christ and his gospel, protected from the forces of evil, is more powerful and urgent than ever before…and here we are, with you and I having a practical part in it if we will pursue it. As we have discovered, no two of us engaged in this effort are the same. We find that the would-be challenges from this fact work to Zion’s advantage—if we work at it with applied love and de-commissioned ego. We find compassion where otherwise there would have been distrust. But we aren’t quite there yet; but,it’s growing and we’re amazed with it. Now is the time for all who yearn for the Kingdom on the earth to come together with our hopes and our resources and work with commitment, under the leadership of Christ, and watch his wonders happen.                                          


Because of the urgency of getting these notices out, much of the intended message for this newsletter will need to wait for next time.                                         


I received this email from Richard Boyden at 2:44 this afternoon, but I was at work and didn’t get to read it until about 6:44. I tried to call Lakota Plains Propane at that time and they were closed, so then I called the sender of the email. He said that the minimum amount the propane company will accept is $200 and that he is also calling another propane company to get the lowest price. One of our members has volunteered to send $250 to the propane co. tomorrow, but will need to get reimbursed. If each of us that receive this message can donate at least $10, much more than the minimum can be collected for the health and survival of these people. Tomorrow (Tuesday) I will be unable to communicate for a while, so someone else has volunteered to coordinate the effort. You can reach her at 816 721 3962. Here is Richard’s message:  

EMERGENCY! INDIAN FAMILY FREEZING!  I just talked to the daughter of Chester Steele, Tia Steele from the village of Rocky Ford on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in south-east South Dakota  They just ran out of propane and it's -3 there. Ten people ages 7 to 72 live in this poorly insulated home.  If someone would call Lakota Plains propane and purchase a minimum of $200 in propane, they will deliver ASAP. MORE WOULD BE BETTER!  This Tribe of Manasseh as documented in the Book of Mormon as well as Jews family could freeze to death. And they are not members of the Church.   1-605-867-5199 is the number of Lakota Plains Propane  Tia is the grand daughter of Chester Steele and today is her birthday no less. She does craft work but needs supplies!  Questions please contact me, Richard Boyden, at 816-599-1388  Thank you!                                                  
A little more good news for our area-- after Tuesday the forecast daytime highs for the next eight days are to reach above freezing and even into the 40’s. We can starting counting the days to planting time…and mowing and weeding. Though February and March can be miserable, we’ll tough it out until the birds sing and the daffodils pop up.                                          


NEXT MEETING: This coming Sunday, January 26th at Central Branch, 919 S. Delaware, Independence at 2:00PM. On the agenda: Specifics of living for Christ in his kingdom / working as individuals and as teams, interesting reports, interesting exchanges of ideas, and the fellowship that is always enjoyed.   

CONTACT: Your questions and comments are welcome at and .                           

With Christ and his love as our bond,                          

Your brothers and sisters at Zionworks 

Prayer Request for Kelli

 Prayer Request for Kelli

GE Adora Electric Stove

 GE Adora Electric Stove

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Catharine Ann Mesle - Obituary


Catharine Ann Mesle - Obituary
Fri, Jan 17 at 8:19 PM

Mobile Blood Drive Schedule


Friday, January 17, 2025





Hello Dear Saints,


I hope you have your seat belt tightened up or as we are reminded in Ephesians 6 where Paul is telling us to “Put on the whole armor of God.” He says in 6:14,”Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth.” In a human, the loins are the area between the lower ribs and the pelvis or lower part of the back. The pelvis is a basin shaped structure of bones that connects the spine to the legs. It supports the upper body, protects organs, and helps with balance and walking. What this structure of the body does for us physically, TRUTH does for us spiritually. To have advantage of the “whole armor of God,” we must be truthful, after all, Jesus defines Himself as being “The Truth.” Truth is what will hold us together when all else around us seems to be going down to destruction.


“Girt up” means to “gird up” or as we might say today,”Tighten up your belt.” In today’s world, in most every area, including Christianity and even the “Restoration,” things seem to be way too loose. Imagine trying to run with some garments down around your legs. Did you ever take part in a sack race? Then you know what Paul is referring to. The Jews wore long tunics. If they had to hurry, they would pull the tunic up and tuck (gird) it up under their belt, sash, or whatever they have around their waist. It has been said that if you always tell the truth you won’t have to try to remember what you said. In our courts, a witness will promise to “Tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God.” If they violate their own promise, they commit perjury, which then makes them guilty of a crime.


Now, in some cases, people want to eliminate the phrase, “So help me God,” because they don’t want to think God knows what they are doing. It is the ongoing battle between Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and Satan, the Father of lies. Praise God! We know Jesus won the battle/war before it started. The enemy is trying to “capture” God’s soldiers. Therefore we must stand, having our loins girt about with Truth/Jesus. Roman soldiers had several weapons that hung from their belt, so if the belt was loose, the weapons might not be as easy to reach in the heat of the battle.


Paul reminds us that we are dealing with spiritual warfare in most every aspect of our lives, and thus it behooves us to be ready at every moment. We have all experienced incidents in our lives where something unexpectedly happens and cause us some concern. In warfare, it is called an ambush. An ambush is an attack by surprise from a hidden place. That hidden place could be our heart or mind. Have you ever had a “wild thought” just pop into your mind and you think, “Where did that come from?”


To “Stand” is to always be on the alert and ready to respond as led by the Holy Spirit. John 16:7-14 tells why Jesus had to go back to the Father. It was so the Comforter, the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of truth could come and that He would lead us into all truth. As Jesus, in the flesh, was restricted as are we, we can’t be in two places at the same time. But, again PRAISE GOD! The Holy Ghost can be anywhere, anytime, every where, all the time, and IS. We must be ready in order for the Holy Ghost to have maximum benefit.


This next week might be filled with uncertainties, due to changes in the US government. So read Ephesians 6:10-18 daily for the next week.


God bless

Paul Gage


Saturday, January 11, 2025

Zionworks News January 10, 2025


Book of Mormon Round Table - January 19

 Book of Mormon Round Table - January 19

Jennifer Lynn Baltzer - Obituary

 Jennifer Lynn Baltzer - Obituary

Darrell Ray Simpson - Obituary


Sat, Jan 11 at 1:46 AM