Wednesday, December 7, 2022


 From: Zionworkz



“Total consecration” simply means giving all that you are and all that you own to God in trust that he will use it for his purposes. This giving all to God is an act of consecration because He is holy and the purpose he will use these resources for is holy. A further understanding, in the pure, everlasting and restored gospel’s context means that the bishop or appointed agent of the church will receive your resources, or an accounting of them to be put into the storehouse. These resources become jointly or cooperatively owned by the church members to be used and applied for the best fulfillment of each person’s needs and potential. God’s promise is that in obeying this holy directive, the value and potential of these resources will be multiplied many-fold for each person and for the Kingdom. The bishop is entrusted with the responsibility to manage all of these resources and distribute them to each person and each needed function of the church for the maximum benefit of each.

As we become more committed to Christ and individually determined to obeying the gospel, the reality of total consecration comes to the fore of our thinking. We have the personal desire to be totally committed to Christ in all aspects of our lives, but we don’t see many people living in total consecration and the storehouse principle under the directions of the Lord. But wait…some people ARE doing their best to live by the Lord’s pattern and directions. We don’t have to go on a National Geographic expedition to discover them, and like that expedition, we don’t seek to discover them to judge them, but to see what they’re all about. As it happens, there are many people in Jackson County and counties round about, from families to at least one group, living according to Christ’s directions to be independent of Babylon and be self-sufficient as much as practicable. Some or all of them have the vision and dedication to continue to obey and grow to the full measure Christ describes in scripture until the Kingdom (Zion) flourishes.

In this coming Sunday afternoon’s Zionworks meeting, Kevin Romer will be revealing and discussing his experience as the bishop in a functioning and successful Zionic church and physical community. His presentation will include a question and answer period. This will be extremely informative and revealing.

In addition to the urgency that we see to be prepared for living out from under the turmoil and disaster of this worlds present track to destruction, we see the necessity of gathering all of those God calls “His People” to live in love among each other. Please pray for this condition and for God to orchestrate it. I want to quote, here, from an email sent to me on November 21st : “Jim, as I reflect on the idea expressed about reaching out to other branches in whatever factions they may be, there might indeed be some synergy that could come to prevail in overcoming that which divides us, primarily our sin, contention and accompanying pride… According to the message just given in Kirtland, we have now less than two years to come together AND build at least the foot hold of Zion. And the message also declared that many are not prepared for what will transpire in these next two years.” This gentleman also referred to the possibility for all of the branches to recognize that the store house principle practiced in and among the individual branches can be a uniting factor as we see its necessity and promise. Uniting all of God’s people is God’s desire.

One of the delightful highlights of our efforts to bring about actual Zionic conditions was Gary Metzger’s Power Point presentation on the storehouse at our last meeting. It was the most carefully, clearly compiled, and compelling explanation of the storehouse as related to Zion and last days prophecy unfolding I have ever seen. This power Point presentation will be repeated at any time you request and can be brought to your congregation or meeting place.

For your own personal curiosity and investigation of the last days and Zion, I have compiled a short topical concordance in the last pages of the Preparedness Guide. This guide is short and its attraction is that its content is all derived from scripture. I only recommend it because it can streamline your efforts in study and application of last days living. It is too condensed to take the place of a larger study of all scripture and much prayer. If you don’t have one, email me at:
It’s free.

Times are risky. Stock up now on provisions to keep you and your family alive. Come to the next meetings to ask and discuss this. I listened to a video while working today that was profoundly informative and I recommend it. It was from a couple of days ago on Brighteon called “Kill Grid Countdown”. When I learn how to, I will be able to link these things to you.


Workday coming up this coming Saturday, Dec. 10th. A lady named Blessing has a tree down in her yard that needs cutting, splitting and stacking. With enough man power, we can get the job done quickly for her. The plan is to meet at her house at 10518 E. 19th Terrace in Independence at 10:00 am. In addition to man power, we need chain saws, axes, shovels, rakes and buck saws. These work days are always fun (God created men to work, but the women don’t have to stay home.) We may make a run for tacos if we don’t get done before lunch. If it rains, we will have to postpone. We’ll see what happens.

We still need a person to volunteer with some computer and website ability or desire to help.


Zionworks’ next meeting will be this coming Sunday at Zion’s Hope Restoration Branch, 36436 E. Stoenner Road., Sibley at 2:00 pm. Although it has a Sibley address, its location is actually just shy of a mile south of Levassy. ‘Easy to find even if you don’t have an e-map. Head east from Independence on Hwy 24, pass through Buckner until you get to Levassy and go south on Hwy H for less than a mile. Turn right on Stoenner Road and proceed west for about 8/10ths of a mile. Be looking for the small white church on your right. Zion’s Hope invites you to worship with them. The morning class starts at 9:45 and it’s an excellent class taught by Richard Hoff. The 11:00 service will have a sermon containing some powerful personal past experiences revealing events that are now unfolding and that give instructions for our present and future duties. Pastor Aaron Pettengill says you are welcome to bring something to eat in their fellowship hall, if that makes your day more practical.

The main feature of the meeting will be the presentation by Bishop Kevin Romer. This will be an extremely informative meeting. Other items on the agenda will be, of course, pertaining to keeping alive, healthy and thriving in Christ’s environment.


For any comments or questions that you have, email

or call 816-690-8464
or 816-694-2284


“Those who have TOTALLY committed themselves to Christ and the gospel will live happily in Zion and will abide in celestial Glory.” Anonymous Elder of the Restoration

God bless you all.
With Christ as our bond,
Jim Huseby, preparedness chairman

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