Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Zionworks News for January 12th, 2024

 Zionworks News for January 12th, 2024


God doesn’t want any of his people to freeze or starve. He wants them to be warm, full and secure in his love. He doesn’t want anyone to be starved of the truth and thereby left confused, mislead or even contemptuous of truth and contemptuous of other people. He wants people’s minds and souls to be nourished, free, and to soar in pursuit of present and future happiness while understanding that one of us can’t be fully happy while another’s happiness is taken away. Mentally and spiritually healthy people are therefore bonded to others in the world in this desire for the happiness and fulfillment of all. We have the gospel of Jesus Christ as the sound basis for the fundamental understanding of how minds are freed and fulfilled and how other’s needs can be met. This always takes action on our parts: going to visit the hurting and needy; sheltering, clothing and feeding the needy; sharing the love Christ on a personal basis; carrying other’s burdens, and sharing the abundance of that which we have been blessed with. All of these things take personal initiative and God charges each of us with the personal responsibilities to perform these duties, and to answer to Him for our performance.

The inevitable byproduct of this lifestyle is that God blesses us with a sense of fulfillment and an eternal place in his kingdom. Yet another giant blessing that comes our way is the joy of working together and watching His kingdom on the earth develop!

Seeing eye-to-eye has always been difficult, though. Heartbreak, discouragement and disillusionment destroy hopes and vision when disagreements spring up. How is this to be avoided when we inevitably all have different influences, intellects and perspectives even while having perfect and innocent motives for a perfect cooperative kingdom on the earth? The answer may be in stepping away from ourselves. Starting here; if I pray for the ability to entirely escape from my personal views and from my personality and to see all of my misconceptions and arrogance from God’s perspective (that would be enough to make me wish I were dead), I would then be able to entirely forget about myself and see all of the good and potential in others. My love for others would then be total, free from judgement and free from fear.


NO WORKDAYS THIS WEEK END. Jackie Howell says she has enough firewood split to provide her into February. She wants us to stay warm this weekend and is looking forward to a “wood splitting party” when the weather warms up a bit, maybe Saturday, Jan. 27.

Likewise, work at Ray Oatman’s has been postponed until the weather makes working outside possible.

NEXT ZIONWORKS MEETING: Sunday, January 21st. Be praying for bold, clear vision of Zion as God will have it and for the spiritual and physical determination to entirely engage in it. Be praying that all who will respond to God’s call to build Zion will come together under Christ’s guidance and instruction. The results of this will probably be outside of many of our expectations. As usual, the meeting’s deliberations will center around making the kingdom on earth a reality.


Stock up on all necessities for keeping you and your family alive and happy through perilous times, while Zion is being built, and into the time of Jesus’ return. Remember also that many others from around the world will be fleeing to Zion for safety, for refuge and to be involved in the Kingdom!


For questions and comments, please contact, 816 690 8464 or 816 838 1593.

With Christ and his love as our bond,

Your friends at Zionworks

Jim Huseby, coordinator

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