Sunday, January 7, 2024




Just this week, I was sharing a table, but not the conversation, with some folks of another Christian denomination. Though they were unaware of my enthusiasm about all of the scriptures over time that point to our responsibilities to build the physical kingdom of God on earth, they were discussing the need for Christ’s kingdom to be here (in Independence!) and now and the practical measures to make it happen. As long as they take their instructions from the Lord and not from a man-made culture, they will get it done and it will please the Lord. If we take our instructions directly from the Lord and not through tiers of officialdom and years of big talk, we will be able to work with them joyfully, side-by side. We won’t be able to say, ”Hey, God gave us this job first”, or “Step aside, I’ll show you how to do this.”

Another side of this coin is this: Since 1830, when first mentioned in modern revelation, many attempts have been made to take both modern and ancient scriptures seriously about building a righteous community or the Kingdom on the earth (what God terms, ”Zion”) with varying degrees of success. Though there were failures, God-given scriptures can never be erased or explained away. People with vision always get knocked down and always get up again and never stop trying. It is especially heartbreaking when friends knock us down, but people with vision and with a determination not to let God down can never give up despite their own failures or sabotage imposed on them by others. The focus has to be on Jesus Christ. Though fraught with difficulties and trials, this path always has the reinforcement of the Spirit and supporting fellowship. One of the current gatherings of folks dedicated and determined for Zion on God’s terms and by all of his scriptures, calls themselves Zionworks. Please investigate us, and bring your hopes for the Kingdom to share and to come to fruition.

Our hope is that soon all of Jesus’ followers around the world will be able to rejoice in the awareness that we all belong to Him and that no denominational prejudices or quagmires can get in the way of our love for Him and each other. Zion will attract God’s children from around the world, or in His own words, “And there shall be gathered unto it out of every nation under Heaven; and it shall be the only people that shall not be at war one with another.” D&C 45:13b from April 1830. He gives us the opportunity (admonition) to be busy making that city and that community happen.


NEXT MEETING will be this coming Sunday, January 7th at 2:00 PM at Central Branch, 919 S. Delaware, Independence. There is much to plan and do including some opportunities, first-hand news of Kingdom-building in operation, garden planning, storehouse stocking, and any and all that needs to get done to make a righteous community, independent of Babylon, for the safety, refuge and thriving of Jesus’ people from around the world. ‘Huge undertaking, yes, but the Word is true that “I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHICH STRENGTHENS ME.” And we have been called to this task.

The watchman’s report will be very informative on the significance and portent of national and world events and will help identify our place in God’s time line.


NEXT WORK DAY: Scheduled for Jan. 13th. Weather permitting, we will be splitting and stacking firewood for a lady in need. Anyone who can help before then, please contact me and we will try to get a crew and a day planned.


Stock up on all necessities for keeping you and your family alive and happy through perilous times and while Zion is being built and into the time of Jesus’ return.


For questions, plans or comments, please contact, 816 690 8464 or 816 838 1593.

With Christ and his love as our bond,

Your friends at Zionworks

Jim Huseby, coordinator

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