“In life, what you really want will never come easy.” “The journey doesn’t get easier, we get stronger.” “Confidence unlocks every opportunity in life.” Benjamin Franklin
Bringing to pass the Kingdom requires a lot of work. Don’t be misled into thinking otherwise. We are told “Wherefore ye must bow down before him, and worship him with all your might, mind and strength, and your whole soul, and if ye do this, ye shall in no wise be cast out.” As my friend, Dave Atkins says, “Whatever you’re supposed to do, get after it!” For some of us, the opportunity to do our responsibilities may be past as we have procrastinated the day of our repentance. The remorse in our remaining days and the remorse to be experienced at the judgement bar are agonizing. Life cannot be fulfilling without living it with gusto in our obedience to our callings and responsibilities.
Each one of us must come to the powerful realization that our Creator has placed in our hands the power of the universe (because He is the power of the universe) to be the person he has created us to be and to perform all asks he has given us. Knowing that, you cannot be intimidated by other’s opinions of you or your present opinion of yourself. You cannot be restrained by anyone’s attempt to impose a wrong identity upon you. You can’t be restrained by social, cultural or churchy pressure, not even by your family and friends. You were created to be free, to be confident. The path is prepared and cleared for your full expression and your fulfillment in purpose. Zion suffers because we don’t realize as well as we should that, with Jesus, we’re unstoppable. When we gather together, support each other as dedicated friends and work cooperatively, Zion becomes the reality and the world will see it. The world will see the Kingdom and see God’s will being done on earth as it is in Heaven. They will see an entire society thriving outside the failure of Babylon. We have to “get after it”. Yes, lots of work-- and infinitely more happiness. The scriptures describing Zion are true.
The Kingdom really depends on us. The scriptures don’t say that God will drop down and do our work and diligence for us. He is looking for a willing people, pure in heart. To a great and living extent, there is a group of people that have gathered together to live by and for Kingdom purposes. As we have discovered, God has delivered on his promises. We must keep growing and keep growing each other. As His promises unfold, we are able to better understand and experience prophesy, miracles, progress and the growth of love. This work together has shown progress in becoming independent of Babylon, and it has a long way to go, under Christ’s plan and guidance. There are limitless opportunities for types of fellowship to be experienced and enjoyed...testimonies, dreams, personal envisioning of ideal fellowship and cooperative efforts, fellowship just for the enjoyment of it, helping each other to grow, classes, helping each other in our daily lives, hearing out and sharing deep personal pains and struggles, help with chores, etc. Zion should be enjoyed as well as employed. We would like to see the Zionic experience bear the full spectrum of fulfilled life through trials, and joys. Of course, the only way that can happen is by full commitment and surrender to Christ.
“Winners are not people who never fail, but people who never quit.” B. Franklin
Three weeks ago, we received an email with the question, "Who are the priesthood leaders in this group?" Since many others may have this same question, this is the response: “The vital answer is that Jesus Christ gave definite direction to get this effort organized and in action to build Zion. Jesus is at the head of it. Zion, or The Kingdom on the earth, can only be built by and on celestial principles. Those are Christ's uncompromising principles. They originate in Christ; they are not devised by any person.
“On at least three occasions of praying day and night about what Jesus would have me have do, I was instructed by His clear voice and vision, "ZION". Other times, by His clear and distinct voice, He has given me wisdom. Oddly, it would seem, He has not spoon fed me on most particulars, but rather, has caused me to search the Scriptures for His eternal instructions, patterns and examples. It seems that if I am not diligent in spending my life's efforts in searching His directions, promises and commandments, then I would be too lukewarm to entrust with his work. He has alerted me to my carelessness in life. It is a very interesting and compelling story which I would be glad to tell you when you would like to hear it.
“At present, because Christ gave me the duty, I am the coordinator of Zionworks. There are many priesthood members and others exercising leadership in Zionworks. Rather than to give you all of their names, I invite you to visit our meetings and work days, meet these people, get involved and enjoy the fellowship. Then you will get your questions answered first hand.
“If you are not familiar with Zionworks, the only way you can get truly informed is to investigate first hand. I am forwarding tomorrow's newsletter and some introductory information in this email to augment your quest. You have this email as documented answer to your question. Please use it and share it when informing others about Zionworks.”
Very best regards,
Jim Huseby, authentically called and ordained teacher
Zionworks coordinator
I failed to mention that most members in this Zionic effort have leadership roles since there are many, many aspects in the operation of Zion that need coordination and leadership. These include men and women of varied backgrounds, gifts, talents and careers. Members include elders, priests, missionaries, pastors and members of varied denominations all gathered to fellowship and work at Jesus’ feet. We have been judged to be moving too slowly and we have been judged to be moving too fast. We don’t judge ourselves to be perfect, yet sure enjoy the effort.
“Finally... Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you.” 2 Corinthians 13:11
We would like to hear from you. For questions or comments, please contact zionworkz@protonmail.com or yyeoman@protonmail.com .
With Christ and his love as our bond,
Your brothers and sisters at Zionworks
Jim Huseby, coordinator
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