Monday, January 6, 2025




  Last week we received an email encouraging us in our efforts and asking how Zionworks manages communion services since we’re comprised from different denominations. This is the answer sent:

  Thanks for asking. Each person comes from their own congregation or denomination to deliberate and work together for Zion as described and promised in scripture and as implanted by Christ into the pure in heart. The individual congregations must be trusted to raise people up in righteousness, teach and glorify Christ and the gospel, and see that their people live responsibly and prayerfully. The congregations must bring their people together in covenant with Christ and genuinely provide renewal of that covenant. Traditionally, that service is held by the restoration congregations on the first Sunday of each month, as you are so familiar with.  

  Zionworks’ meetings and events do have a very real spirit of Christ presence because of the sincerity and dedication of its people to "thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." When healings and blessings are needed, hands are laid on the heads, shoulders, arms and hands of those in need (as the person's head doesn't have enough surface area for all of the people wanting to pass God's healing love to the person. Elders are asked to officiate. There have been several miraculous healings. There is a session of prayer at the beginning of each meeting for people and situations in need. Our friendships have become strong even though we vary in perspectives and backgrounds. Christ and his love are the central issue and bond among us. For those reasons, we are something like a church and like church experience should be, but we are not a separate church, we are the Kingdom-building arm of the church. We can't exist independent of Christ’s description of the church and the church cannot be the church without the Kingdom as its beginning and end goal. In my belief, the Restored gospel as it came from Christ in its purity, is the eternal gospel, simply the unspoiled gospel that has existed from the beginning. It contains, in scripture and purpose, more than adequate information, example and instruction for the building the authentic Kingdom. With this kind of sincere dedication and the God-given ingenuity granted the people, any missing instructions will be provided by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. 

  Thank you for your sincere prayers and good will for the Kingdom. Keep praying! 

  Very best, 

  Jim Huseby 


  The Storehouse 


  Think of the Ark. Its purpose was to provide a place of safety and refuge for the pure in heart while the societies of the earth were all corrupted and unable to produce a workable and enduring model of loving, enduring and cohesive existence among each other. Though they were very intelligent and very practiced in the arts of living, they had turned against God’s intelligence and his perfect and eternal plan. Things had gone too far, the situation couldn’t save itself. There comes a time when God has had enough -- especially when He and Noah and previous prophets had been preaching and teaching (by word and example) so plainly among the populace and individuals. Only those who would seek and act upon truth from its real source would or could survive. 

  There was a storehouse on the ark. It was the storehouse for all that would be cleansed, including the earth, itself. As has been said before, any items of food or survival or anything that would float, if given to the disbelieving public, would have depleted and destroyed the ark and its mission. The takers of these goods would not have repented; they would have continued to live for themselves while abusing and trying to destroy God’s mission. Meanwhile, Noah, the crew, the animals and the provisions for New Life on the earth would have perished. It was a very sad situation for the crew to have to see beloved friends and relatives die, very trying. But God will not be mocked.  

  Today, God’s storehouse principle has not changed. Its provisions are for Christ’s pure in heart and those who have pledged and will pledge themselves to Christ. Jesus knows who they are and where they are. We cannot presume to be able to judge who and where they are unless clearly given to know by the Spirit. (Now read on; it gets better.) The storehouse goods are for the building up of The Kingdom and for the equitable use of those dedicated to and destined to be in The Kingdom… very similar to the Ark. Yet, Jesus certainly said to love our neighbors as ourselves and not to turn away the beggar. He said to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, provide sustenance, support and friendship for the widows, fatherless and orphans…He said if we don’t do this, we will certainly be left to the alternative of heaven. He placed in our hearts the love for all people and the desire to help them physically and spiritually. He said it –we must do it. 

  The difference is that, even though the storehouse principle can’t be altered or compromised, meeting the needs of the needy come from different funds and sources. Those sources are our own pockets, church relief funds and goods, “oblation” funds and our own time and resources. A serious look through the scriptures reveals these solutions. You may also look at the small topical concordance in the Preparedness Guide for a short and quick look at these topics and more. If you don’t have it, ask for it and we will send it to you, free of course. The scriptures are the ultimate authority and guide for the realization of Zion. 




  “…every man that will not take up his sword against his neighbor must needs flee unto Zion for safety. And there shall be gathered unto it out of every nation under heaven; and it shall be the only people that shall not be at war with one another.” 

  Zionworks exists to facilitate this gathering of peace, unity and cooperative work among those Christ calls his, to establish his kingdom on the earth. 



  NEXT MEETING: This coming Sunday, January 5th at Central Branch, 919 S. Delaware, Independence at 2:00 PM. On the agenda: Appealing to Christ for direction and correct vision of his kingdom, preparing to thrive during coming desolate times, recognizing the times we’re in, preparing for the gathering in of Christ’s innocent, planning, exchanging ideas and enjoying the blessing of fellowship. We hope you will join us in this environment of working for the Kingdom.  

  If it is icy or snowy, we will postpone the meeting until the following Sunday. 




  We would like to hear from you. For questions or comments, please contact or . 


  With Christ and his love as our bond, 

  Your brothers and sisters at Zionworks 


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