From: Brian Mundy
Pledges for Kenya Students Completed
Brothers and Sisters
I am sipping from the saucer because my cup is over flowing. Today I received pledges for the last 3 students. May god bless each of for your prayers and support!
Thank you so much!!!!
Brian K. Mundy
Africa Restoration Ministries
Monday, December 30, 2019
Sunday, December 29, 2019
American Heritage Center, Property Therapy Essay Contest
American Heritage Center, Property Therapy Essay Contest

The person who writes and submits the most convincing essay will win this 1985 Honda Aetna scooter. The scooter has a top speed of 35 miles per hour, with a 39 cc engine, so it does not require a driver’s license. Send essays to After six months, from January 1st, the American Heritage Center will announce the winner.
The content of the essays will be judged according to need, merit, and stewardship criteria, and must address:
Why do you need this scooter? (need criteria)
Why should you be the winner of this scooter? (merit criteria)
How are you going to help yourself and others with the scooter?
How will this give greatest return for you, your family, friends, and community?
How will it help stabilize you, to participate in “flow-down economics” for others, one day?
How are you going to take care of the scooter? (stewardship criteria)
If you won the scooter, how would you:
Protect it from theft;
Repair it, if it breaks? (This is an older scooter, so there will be mechanical issues)
Lastly, what kind of demonstrated repair skills do you have, or intend to acquire, and how will you acquire them; or what kind of property therapy support network do you have around you?
Property Therapy History of this item:
This scooter was purchased for $50. The prior owner let it sit in a garage for 20 years, unused.
The gas tank needed to be cleaned out and liner coated to prevent rust (liquid liner coating was $40, and was purchased at O’Reilly’s Auto Parts, discounted),
A new gas filter was purchased and installed ($40).
The cleaning out process of the gas tank is featured on video, on the “American Heritage Center,” facebook page. Be sure and follow us on facebook.
Donnell’s motorcycles, Independence, MO, helped us get the scooter going, and cleaned out the carburetor.
A new battery was purchased from Auto Zone, on Noland Road, at discount ($40)
Total property therapy investment: $170.
Statement of non-liability:
The American Heritage Center assumes no liability for this scooter or any other items in its property therapy program, and it provides no warranty of merchantability, and no warranty of fitness for particular purpose. There is no guarantee this item will function properly, and contest winner assumes all risk, and liability related to it. Contest winner agrees to have any issues resolved by arbitration, under the contest resolution committee, at the American Heritage Center.

The person who writes and submits the most convincing essay will win this 1985 Honda Aetna scooter. The scooter has a top speed of 35 miles per hour, with a 39 cc engine, so it does not require a driver’s license. Send essays to After six months, from January 1st, the American Heritage Center will announce the winner.
The content of the essays will be judged according to need, merit, and stewardship criteria, and must address:
Why do you need this scooter? (need criteria)
Why should you be the winner of this scooter? (merit criteria)
How are you going to help yourself and others with the scooter?
How will this give greatest return for you, your family, friends, and community?
How will it help stabilize you, to participate in “flow-down economics” for others, one day?
How are you going to take care of the scooter? (stewardship criteria)
If you won the scooter, how would you:
Protect it from theft;
Repair it, if it breaks? (This is an older scooter, so there will be mechanical issues)
Lastly, what kind of demonstrated repair skills do you have, or intend to acquire, and how will you acquire them; or what kind of property therapy support network do you have around you?
Property Therapy History of this item:
This scooter was purchased for $50. The prior owner let it sit in a garage for 20 years, unused.
The gas tank needed to be cleaned out and liner coated to prevent rust (liquid liner coating was $40, and was purchased at O’Reilly’s Auto Parts, discounted),
A new gas filter was purchased and installed ($40).
The cleaning out process of the gas tank is featured on video, on the “American Heritage Center,” facebook page. Be sure and follow us on facebook.
Donnell’s motorcycles, Independence, MO, helped us get the scooter going, and cleaned out the carburetor.
A new battery was purchased from Auto Zone, on Noland Road, at discount ($40)
Total property therapy investment: $170.
Statement of non-liability:
The American Heritage Center assumes no liability for this scooter or any other items in its property therapy program, and it provides no warranty of merchantability, and no warranty of fitness for particular purpose. There is no guarantee this item will function properly, and contest winner assumes all risk, and liability related to it. Contest winner agrees to have any issues resolved by arbitration, under the contest resolution committee, at the American Heritage Center.
Saturday, December 28, 2019
New Online Resource
----- Forwarded message ------
From: Andrew King
New Online Resource
The Great Plan of Redemption is an invitation for all who desire to know the Lord Jesus Christ and is expanded into three distinct segments. The first, entitled “The Great Plan of Redemption,” is designed to cover everything from the creation to life after death using primarily the King James Version of the Bible (there is one Book of Mormon reference). This segment covers twelve principles found with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Creation, Jesus from the Beginning, the Holy Ghost, the Fall of Man, Redemption through Christ, the Fundamental Principles, the Church and Authority, the Gospel of the Kingdom, the Falling Away and Restoration, the Book of Mormon, Zion and the Second Coming of Christ, and Eternal Life.
The second segment, “The Gospel of Jesus Christ,” expounds on the teachings of Jesus in which we learn that there is much more to life than anything the world can possibly offer. And that through repentance, faith, and enduring to the end, all mankind can become a son or daughter of God and receive eternal life. This work is separated into three sections, the Introduction of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Living in the Kingdom of God, and Scriptural Studies. Each section has been written for the sole purpose of edifying the reader and bringing them to a greater knowledge of our Lord and Savior. It uses the three standard books, the Inspired Version, the Book of Mormon, and the Doctrine and Covenants.
The third segment is titled “Classes & Studies.” A man once said, "The main facts in human life are five: birth, food, sleep, love and death." Is this all there is? Or is there perhaps more to life? Experience the joy of learning the principles of God and His eternal truths. This segment contains numerous classes and studies by various restoration members concerning several topics, such as Zion, the Kingdom of God, Go Ye and Teach, the Book of Revelation, End times, etc. The segment also utilizes the three standard books of Scripture.
Finally, the website also contains numerous Sermons by prominent speakers of the Church, including Arthur Oakman (233 radio segments, 13 series containing 65 sermons, 28 individual sermons, and 6 different lectures or classes containing 18 classes), Al Pelletier (7 sermons), Henry Schaeffer (4 sermons), Hubert Case (3 sermons), Oscar Case (10 sermons), and Bill Davies (8 sermons).
Please feel free to use this site as a resource and to share with others, especially brothers and sisters in outlying areas.
Thank you and may God bless you.
Your brother in Christ,
Andrew King
From: Andrew King
New Online Resource
The Great Plan of Redemption is an invitation for all who desire to know the Lord Jesus Christ and is expanded into three distinct segments. The first, entitled “The Great Plan of Redemption,” is designed to cover everything from the creation to life after death using primarily the King James Version of the Bible (there is one Book of Mormon reference). This segment covers twelve principles found with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Creation, Jesus from the Beginning, the Holy Ghost, the Fall of Man, Redemption through Christ, the Fundamental Principles, the Church and Authority, the Gospel of the Kingdom, the Falling Away and Restoration, the Book of Mormon, Zion and the Second Coming of Christ, and Eternal Life.
The second segment, “The Gospel of Jesus Christ,” expounds on the teachings of Jesus in which we learn that there is much more to life than anything the world can possibly offer. And that through repentance, faith, and enduring to the end, all mankind can become a son or daughter of God and receive eternal life. This work is separated into three sections, the Introduction of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Living in the Kingdom of God, and Scriptural Studies. Each section has been written for the sole purpose of edifying the reader and bringing them to a greater knowledge of our Lord and Savior. It uses the three standard books, the Inspired Version, the Book of Mormon, and the Doctrine and Covenants.
The third segment is titled “Classes & Studies.” A man once said, "The main facts in human life are five: birth, food, sleep, love and death." Is this all there is? Or is there perhaps more to life? Experience the joy of learning the principles of God and His eternal truths. This segment contains numerous classes and studies by various restoration members concerning several topics, such as Zion, the Kingdom of God, Go Ye and Teach, the Book of Revelation, End times, etc. The segment also utilizes the three standard books of Scripture.
Finally, the website also contains numerous Sermons by prominent speakers of the Church, including Arthur Oakman (233 radio segments, 13 series containing 65 sermons, 28 individual sermons, and 6 different lectures or classes containing 18 classes), Al Pelletier (7 sermons), Henry Schaeffer (4 sermons), Hubert Case (3 sermons), Oscar Case (10 sermons), and Bill Davies (8 sermons).
Please feel free to use this site as a resource and to share with others, especially brothers and sisters in outlying areas.
Thank you and may God bless you.
Your brother in Christ,
Andrew King
Chilton Repair Books, Do it Yourself set, and 3 Others
From: Archie Gatrost
Chilton Repair Books, Do it Yourself set, and 3 Others
We have several books we are about to pass on to Red Rack and wanted to give the Saints an opportunity for them if they are interested. You can contact me at my email address "" Listed are the Titles
1989-96 Chrysler Truck
1988-96 GM Corsica/Beretta
1970-79 GM Trucks
1982-93 GMC S-10 and S-15
1969-82 Jimmy Blazer
1995 - Britannica Book of Fascinating Facts
1988 - David Macauley The Way Things Work
1987 - Herman Viola Exploring The West
1968 - 16 volumn Set Popular Mechanics Do-It-Yourself Exclopedia
May God be With You This Day.
Have a Wonderful Day!?? :)
Chilton Repair Books, Do it Yourself set, and 3 Others
We have several books we are about to pass on to Red Rack and wanted to give the Saints an opportunity for them if they are interested. You can contact me at my email address "" Listed are the Titles
1989-96 Chrysler Truck
1988-96 GM Corsica/Beretta
1970-79 GM Trucks
1982-93 GMC S-10 and S-15
1969-82 Jimmy Blazer
1995 - Britannica Book of Fascinating Facts
1988 - David Macauley The Way Things Work
1987 - Herman Viola Exploring The West
1968 - 16 volumn Set Popular Mechanics Do-It-Yourself Exclopedia
May God be With You This Day.
Have a Wonderful Day!?? :)
Friday, December 27, 2019
Francis Harper Message 2 for 1/3/2020
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Francis Harper
Francis Harper Message 2 for 1/3/2020
Dear Ones,
Horatio Spafford was a latter day Job who suffered similar losses, yet neither did his faith waver. We are indebted to him for his song; “It is Well With My Soul.”
The song “It Is Well With My Soul” was written by a successful Christian lawyer Horatio Spafford. His only son died at age 4 in 1871. In 1872, the great Chicago fire wiped out his vast estate, made from a successful legal career. In 1873 he sent his wife & 4 daughters over to Europe on a summer trip on the ill fated SS Ville du Havre. Since he had a lot of work to do, he planned to follow them later. The Ship sank and he lost his 4 daughters with the wife being the only survivor. She sent him a famous telegram which simply read, “SAVED ALONE . . .” On his return home, his Law firm was burned down and the insurance company refused to pay him. They said “it’s an Act of God.” He had no money to pay for his house and no work, he also lost his house. Then while sitting and thinking what’s happening to him, being a spiritual person, he wrote a song – “Whatever, my Lord, You have taught me to say – It is well, it is well with my soul.”
It Is Well With My Soul
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, It is well, it is well with my soul.
Thou Satan should buffet, thou’ trials should come, Let this blest assurance control, that Christ has regarded my helpless estate, And hath shed His own blood for my soul.
My sin oh, the bliss of this glorious tho’t My sin not in part, but the whole, Is nailed to the cross and I bear it no more, Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!
And, Lord, haste the day when our faith shall be sight, The clouds be rolled back as a scroll, The trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend, “Even so” it is well with my soul.
It is well, with my soul, It is well, it is well, with my soul.
From: Francis Harper
Francis Harper Message 2 for 1/3/2020
Dear Ones,
Horatio Spafford was a latter day Job who suffered similar losses, yet neither did his faith waver. We are indebted to him for his song; “It is Well With My Soul.”
The song “It Is Well With My Soul” was written by a successful Christian lawyer Horatio Spafford. His only son died at age 4 in 1871. In 1872, the great Chicago fire wiped out his vast estate, made from a successful legal career. In 1873 he sent his wife & 4 daughters over to Europe on a summer trip on the ill fated SS Ville du Havre. Since he had a lot of work to do, he planned to follow them later. The Ship sank and he lost his 4 daughters with the wife being the only survivor. She sent him a famous telegram which simply read, “SAVED ALONE . . .” On his return home, his Law firm was burned down and the insurance company refused to pay him. They said “it’s an Act of God.” He had no money to pay for his house and no work, he also lost his house. Then while sitting and thinking what’s happening to him, being a spiritual person, he wrote a song – “Whatever, my Lord, You have taught me to say – It is well, it is well with my soul.”
It Is Well With My Soul
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, It is well, it is well with my soul.
Thou Satan should buffet, thou’ trials should come, Let this blest assurance control, that Christ has regarded my helpless estate, And hath shed His own blood for my soul.
My sin oh, the bliss of this glorious tho’t My sin not in part, but the whole, Is nailed to the cross and I bear it no more, Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!
And, Lord, haste the day when our faith shall be sight, The clouds be rolled back as a scroll, The trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend, “Even so” it is well with my soul.
It is well, with my soul, It is well, it is well, with my soul.
Franics Harper Message for 12/27/2019
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Francis Harper
Francis Harper Message for 12/27/2019
“Blessed Are They That Mourn”

“Blessed are they that mourn; for they shall be comforted” (Matthew 5:6). We sing; “let sorrow do its work, come grief or pain . . .” (“More Love to Thee, O Christ” Hymns of the Restoration #325).
Those who are feeling the emotions of sorrow and grief at the time of the loss of a loved one may wonder how sorrow and mourning can ever be a blessing. Yet I have often witnessed how those who have suffered the loss of loved ones, have invariably been blessed with a greater level of faith, love and compassion than ever before.
Within a short period of time several families in our local congregation of the church suffered great losses. One couple lost their only son. He was 16 and in the full vigor of his youth on Friday evening and by Sunday night he was dead; a victim of polio. Another family lost a daughter; a senior in high school, when she fell from a moving vehicle. A third family lost a
2 year old son, who was crushed by his father, as he was backing his tractor out of a building on their farm. In spite of these tragic losses each of these families were able to overcome their grief by turning to God for his strength and comfort.
When people of faith are suddenly faced with the loss of a loved one, or with some other trouble or trial, they instinctively turn to their Heavenly Father; even as a small child runs to his mother when trouble comes. Jesus promised: “I will not leave you comfortless; I will come to you.” (John 14:18). The Lord Jesus keeps his promises. Our faith in the Lord will sustain us through every trial we may encounter in life.
“Closely cling to Jesus, ask him for his grace, in his words of comfort find a resting place. Never be discouraged, trust the Father’s word, in the time of trial let His voice be heard; trusting in His promise, though the waiting long, He will surely bless us; praise Him with a song” (Hymns of the Restoration #287).
“From that time [and from this time!] many of his disciples went back and walked no more with him. Then said Jesus unto the twelve, will ye also go away? Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life. And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the Living God” (John 6:66-68).
What a sad thing it is to see anyone turn back and walk no more with Jesus. What a tragic mistake this is! Hopefully you and I can say with Peter: “We believe and are sure that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God.” The words, Son of the living God seem to have greater meaning to the saints who live in the Hindu world where hundreds of gods are worshipped, who are not living!
Jesus said “. . . I am the resurrection, and the life; he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live; and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die” (John 11:25-26). “. . . Sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. Wherefore comfort one another with these words” (1 Thessalonians 4:13, 18).
Without Jesus we would have no hope! But the angel said “. . . fear not, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day, in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:10-11). With Jesus we have hope for life everlasting. “For God so loved the world that he gave his Only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish; but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). What a gift he is! And he has promised: “. . . your sorrow shall be turned into joy” (John 16:20).
High Priest Francis Harper
Dear Ones,
Terri and I took my wife, Iris to the Missouri Valley Hospital in Missouri Valley, IA, on Friday, December 6, 2019. She was admitted to the hospital at about 2 PM. Her symptoms were swollen feet, legs and thighs, shortness of breath and coughing. Iris told me she had asked the Lord to take her.
Early on the next day, Saturday, December 7th, I was awakened at 3:33 AM, and the time immediately changed to 3:34. It was the precise timing of the Lord. I had not been awakened at that time since May 25, 2019, a period of seven months! It was the Lord’s blessed assurance that even as we would be walking in the valley and shadow of death He would be with us, and He was.
Iris was moved to the I.C.U. of Mercy Hospital in Council Bluffs, IA., on December 10, 2019. On December 12 she was moved from Intensive Care to Comfort Care or Hospice. Then on Saturday morning December 14, we were pleasantly surprised by Iris, with her eyes wide open, and communications limited, she said, “I want to go home.” After some discussion we decided to make the necessary arrangements to fulfill her desire to go home for her final hours. Terri went to the nurse’s station to do the necessary paperwork. She was given the form that needed to be completed with date and time of the transfer and signature. Terri asked the nurse for the time and she answered: “It is 3:33 PM.” Terri smiled as she posted the time and signed the form. As Alan and I were returning from a trip to the parking lot in our preparations for returning home with Iris, I said to him, “I hope we have made the right decision in taking Iris home.” Shortly after our return to Iris’ room, Terri came with the discharge/transfer papers signed at 3:33 PM!

It was the Lord’s approval of our decision. We do indeed worship a living God! And he knows and loves each of the seven billion of us on this planet with an everlasting love.
On Sunday morning, December 15, the day of her death, Iris was able to eat some pudding, jello, whipped potatoes and even one of her favorite cookies. Then she told me she wanted to get out of bed. I told her I could not help her do this. When Bridget, the Hospice nurse came, she asked again for help to get out of bed. Bridget told her she was still too weak to do this. After Bridget gave her some pills with pudding she went to sleep and rested peacefully until her death at 11:00 PM on December 15, 2019.
Obituary for Iris Harper
Iris Lorraine (Edwards) Harper was born on May 20, 1931 at the Mary Greeley Hospital in Ames, Iowa. Her parents were Cecil Francis Edwards and Yvonne Marie (Bruhand) Edwards. Cecil served in the US Army during World War I. It was during his tour of duty in France that he met and married his wife, Yvonne. They established their permanent residence in Ames, Iowa, where they raised their two children, Normand Francis (as in Normandy, France) and Iris Lorraine (as in Alsace Lorraine, France). Iris was proud of her French heritage.
After her graduation from Ames High School in 1950, Iris was employed by the Iowa State Highway Commission, where she worked until after her marriage. She became engaged to be married to Francis Harper Jr., on New Year’s Eve, 1951. They were married on September 14, 1952. They were blessed to be together for 67 years. They became the parents of three children; Terri Lyn, Marc Ammon and Loni Yvonne. Terri was born in the same hospital, assisted by the same nurse, as her mother Iris, 22 years earlier.
On January 9, 1954, Iris and her baby daughter, Terri, accompanied Francis as he reported for active duty with the U.S. Army at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey. It was during his two year tour of active duty that Marc was born at Fort Gordon, Georgia. Loni was born after her parents had moved to the farm near Woodbine, Iowa.
In the spring of 1956, Iris began her life as a farm wife. Being a city girl this was a difficult adjustment for her. In spite of the difficulties; she endured. She had vowed she would never marry a farmer but she was willing to learn and participated in such duties as removing weeds from the soybeans and occasionally helped with the livestock chores. She was pleased when the decision was made to move into Woodbine in the fall of 1979.
Iris was a faithful follower of Jesus Christ. She accepted the gospel as it is taught by the Restoration Branches; formerly known as the Reorganized Latter Day Saints. She was baptized in November, 1950. She fully supported the ministry of her husband Francis, even when he traveled in distant lands doing missionary work for extended periods of time. Iris especially enjoyed attending the annual church family camps, which are called reunions. She not only took her own children but often took additional children with her to these week-long encampments. She attended these camps for at least 60 consecutive summers. This must be a record.
Traveling with members of her family was always enjoyed by Iris. She traveled to France three times; first with her mother, later with her brother Normand, accompanied by his wife, and Iris’ daughter, Terri. Finally she and her husband, Francis, traveled together to visit the South of France.
Traveling with her husband was one of the favorite things they enjoyed most. In January of 1990 they traveled with their daughter Terri, and a friend to the Holy Land of Israel. This journey was the most rewarding of all their traveling. They also visited such places as Mexico, Hawaii, and nearly all the states with the exception of Alaska. During the fall of 2002 they traveled three weeks and five thousand miles to celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary. They were blessed with good health and safety with Iris doing all the driving, allowing Francis to do the sight-seeing. This was her wish. She felt safer with her hands on the wheel.
After several years of failing health she prayed for the deliverance from her mortal body, believing the Lord’s promise that he had a far better place prepared for her. She looked forward to the reunion with her loved ones who had preceded her in death. She passed into the eternal realms on December 15, 2019, at her home at 1209 Normal Street in Woodbine, Iowa.
She was preceded in death by her parents, her brother, Normand, daughter, Loni Yvonne, and granddaughter Whitney Yvonne. Included among the many who will cherish the precious memories of their relationship with Iris are her husband, Francis Harper Jr.; daughter, Terri Lyn Ronk and husband Alan; son, Marc Harper and wife Andrea. All of her immediate family resides in Woodbine or the vicinity.
In addition to her immediate family she is survived by ten grandchildren, seven great grandchildren and many relatives and friends.
A memorial service for Iris will be scheduled and announced at a later date.
From: Francis Harper
Francis Harper Message for 12/27/2019
“Blessed Are They That Mourn”

“Blessed are they that mourn; for they shall be comforted” (Matthew 5:6). We sing; “let sorrow do its work, come grief or pain . . .” (“More Love to Thee, O Christ” Hymns of the Restoration #325).
Those who are feeling the emotions of sorrow and grief at the time of the loss of a loved one may wonder how sorrow and mourning can ever be a blessing. Yet I have often witnessed how those who have suffered the loss of loved ones, have invariably been blessed with a greater level of faith, love and compassion than ever before.
Within a short period of time several families in our local congregation of the church suffered great losses. One couple lost their only son. He was 16 and in the full vigor of his youth on Friday evening and by Sunday night he was dead; a victim of polio. Another family lost a daughter; a senior in high school, when she fell from a moving vehicle. A third family lost a
2 year old son, who was crushed by his father, as he was backing his tractor out of a building on their farm. In spite of these tragic losses each of these families were able to overcome their grief by turning to God for his strength and comfort.
When people of faith are suddenly faced with the loss of a loved one, or with some other trouble or trial, they instinctively turn to their Heavenly Father; even as a small child runs to his mother when trouble comes. Jesus promised: “I will not leave you comfortless; I will come to you.” (John 14:18). The Lord Jesus keeps his promises. Our faith in the Lord will sustain us through every trial we may encounter in life.
“Closely cling to Jesus, ask him for his grace, in his words of comfort find a resting place. Never be discouraged, trust the Father’s word, in the time of trial let His voice be heard; trusting in His promise, though the waiting long, He will surely bless us; praise Him with a song” (Hymns of the Restoration #287).
“From that time [and from this time!] many of his disciples went back and walked no more with him. Then said Jesus unto the twelve, will ye also go away? Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life. And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the Living God” (John 6:66-68).
What a sad thing it is to see anyone turn back and walk no more with Jesus. What a tragic mistake this is! Hopefully you and I can say with Peter: “We believe and are sure that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God.” The words, Son of the living God seem to have greater meaning to the saints who live in the Hindu world where hundreds of gods are worshipped, who are not living!
Jesus said “. . . I am the resurrection, and the life; he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live; and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die” (John 11:25-26). “. . . Sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. Wherefore comfort one another with these words” (1 Thessalonians 4:13, 18).
Without Jesus we would have no hope! But the angel said “. . . fear not, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day, in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:10-11). With Jesus we have hope for life everlasting. “For God so loved the world that he gave his Only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish; but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). What a gift he is! And he has promised: “. . . your sorrow shall be turned into joy” (John 16:20).
High Priest Francis Harper
Dear Ones,
Terri and I took my wife, Iris to the Missouri Valley Hospital in Missouri Valley, IA, on Friday, December 6, 2019. She was admitted to the hospital at about 2 PM. Her symptoms were swollen feet, legs and thighs, shortness of breath and coughing. Iris told me she had asked the Lord to take her.
Early on the next day, Saturday, December 7th, I was awakened at 3:33 AM, and the time immediately changed to 3:34. It was the precise timing of the Lord. I had not been awakened at that time since May 25, 2019, a period of seven months! It was the Lord’s blessed assurance that even as we would be walking in the valley and shadow of death He would be with us, and He was.
Iris was moved to the I.C.U. of Mercy Hospital in Council Bluffs, IA., on December 10, 2019. On December 12 she was moved from Intensive Care to Comfort Care or Hospice. Then on Saturday morning December 14, we were pleasantly surprised by Iris, with her eyes wide open, and communications limited, she said, “I want to go home.” After some discussion we decided to make the necessary arrangements to fulfill her desire to go home for her final hours. Terri went to the nurse’s station to do the necessary paperwork. She was given the form that needed to be completed with date and time of the transfer and signature. Terri asked the nurse for the time and she answered: “It is 3:33 PM.” Terri smiled as she posted the time and signed the form. As Alan and I were returning from a trip to the parking lot in our preparations for returning home with Iris, I said to him, “I hope we have made the right decision in taking Iris home.” Shortly after our return to Iris’ room, Terri came with the discharge/transfer papers signed at 3:33 PM!

It was the Lord’s approval of our decision. We do indeed worship a living God! And he knows and loves each of the seven billion of us on this planet with an everlasting love.
On Sunday morning, December 15, the day of her death, Iris was able to eat some pudding, jello, whipped potatoes and even one of her favorite cookies. Then she told me she wanted to get out of bed. I told her I could not help her do this. When Bridget, the Hospice nurse came, she asked again for help to get out of bed. Bridget told her she was still too weak to do this. After Bridget gave her some pills with pudding she went to sleep and rested peacefully until her death at 11:00 PM on December 15, 2019.
Obituary for Iris Harper
Iris Lorraine (Edwards) Harper was born on May 20, 1931 at the Mary Greeley Hospital in Ames, Iowa. Her parents were Cecil Francis Edwards and Yvonne Marie (Bruhand) Edwards. Cecil served in the US Army during World War I. It was during his tour of duty in France that he met and married his wife, Yvonne. They established their permanent residence in Ames, Iowa, where they raised their two children, Normand Francis (as in Normandy, France) and Iris Lorraine (as in Alsace Lorraine, France). Iris was proud of her French heritage.
After her graduation from Ames High School in 1950, Iris was employed by the Iowa State Highway Commission, where she worked until after her marriage. She became engaged to be married to Francis Harper Jr., on New Year’s Eve, 1951. They were married on September 14, 1952. They were blessed to be together for 67 years. They became the parents of three children; Terri Lyn, Marc Ammon and Loni Yvonne. Terri was born in the same hospital, assisted by the same nurse, as her mother Iris, 22 years earlier.
On January 9, 1954, Iris and her baby daughter, Terri, accompanied Francis as he reported for active duty with the U.S. Army at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey. It was during his two year tour of active duty that Marc was born at Fort Gordon, Georgia. Loni was born after her parents had moved to the farm near Woodbine, Iowa.
In the spring of 1956, Iris began her life as a farm wife. Being a city girl this was a difficult adjustment for her. In spite of the difficulties; she endured. She had vowed she would never marry a farmer but she was willing to learn and participated in such duties as removing weeds from the soybeans and occasionally helped with the livestock chores. She was pleased when the decision was made to move into Woodbine in the fall of 1979.
Iris was a faithful follower of Jesus Christ. She accepted the gospel as it is taught by the Restoration Branches; formerly known as the Reorganized Latter Day Saints. She was baptized in November, 1950. She fully supported the ministry of her husband Francis, even when he traveled in distant lands doing missionary work for extended periods of time. Iris especially enjoyed attending the annual church family camps, which are called reunions. She not only took her own children but often took additional children with her to these week-long encampments. She attended these camps for at least 60 consecutive summers. This must be a record.
Traveling with members of her family was always enjoyed by Iris. She traveled to France three times; first with her mother, later with her brother Normand, accompanied by his wife, and Iris’ daughter, Terri. Finally she and her husband, Francis, traveled together to visit the South of France.
Traveling with her husband was one of the favorite things they enjoyed most. In January of 1990 they traveled with their daughter Terri, and a friend to the Holy Land of Israel. This journey was the most rewarding of all their traveling. They also visited such places as Mexico, Hawaii, and nearly all the states with the exception of Alaska. During the fall of 2002 they traveled three weeks and five thousand miles to celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary. They were blessed with good health and safety with Iris doing all the driving, allowing Francis to do the sight-seeing. This was her wish. She felt safer with her hands on the wheel.
After several years of failing health she prayed for the deliverance from her mortal body, believing the Lord’s promise that he had a far better place prepared for her. She looked forward to the reunion with her loved ones who had preceded her in death. She passed into the eternal realms on December 15, 2019, at her home at 1209 Normal Street in Woodbine, Iowa.
She was preceded in death by her parents, her brother, Normand, daughter, Loni Yvonne, and granddaughter Whitney Yvonne. Included among the many who will cherish the precious memories of their relationship with Iris are her husband, Francis Harper Jr.; daughter, Terri Lyn Ronk and husband Alan; son, Marc Harper and wife Andrea. All of her immediate family resides in Woodbine or the vicinity.
In addition to her immediate family she is survived by ten grandchildren, seven great grandchildren and many relatives and friends.
A memorial service for Iris will be scheduled and announced at a later date.
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Need in Kenya - December 2019
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From: Brian Mundy
Need in Kenya - December 2019
Saints and friends,For the last 11 years we have been sponsoring children in Kenya to go to High School. The government provides free education through 8Th grade. However in order for them to come out of the vicious cycle of poverty they need to attend high school and then some type of higher education. We have so many testimonies that has come out of this program. To share just one there was a girl named Emily, a modern day Cinderella story. Her lot was set in life but instead she went through the program and now is an electrical engineer working for Kenya Power. They employ 55 electrical engineers only 3 are women and 1 of those is Emily.
I know you hear a lot about the needs in Africa, there are so many. Eric Odida sent me a list today adding 32 children to the high school program. Would you be willing to sponsor a child to get through High School? I don’t want this to take away from any of your other contributions I just want to present the need to you. The cost is $500 a year I will give you a name and photo and hopefully a letter from time to time. Branches can also sponsor as many as they would like.
Please contact me at 816-668-4521 if you would like to sponsor a Child's education. Your tax deductible contribution can be made out to ARM and in the memo put Lisana HS program. School starts January 7th so please let me know right away please.
Thank you very much for your prayerful consideration.
Brian Mundy
From: Brian Mundy
Need in Kenya - December 2019
Saints and friends,For the last 11 years we have been sponsoring children in Kenya to go to High School. The government provides free education through 8Th grade. However in order for them to come out of the vicious cycle of poverty they need to attend high school and then some type of higher education. We have so many testimonies that has come out of this program. To share just one there was a girl named Emily, a modern day Cinderella story. Her lot was set in life but instead she went through the program and now is an electrical engineer working for Kenya Power. They employ 55 electrical engineers only 3 are women and 1 of those is Emily.
I know you hear a lot about the needs in Africa, there are so many. Eric Odida sent me a list today adding 32 children to the high school program. Would you be willing to sponsor a child to get through High School? I don’t want this to take away from any of your other contributions I just want to present the need to you. The cost is $500 a year I will give you a name and photo and hopefully a letter from time to time. Branches can also sponsor as many as they would like.
Please contact me at 816-668-4521 if you would like to sponsor a Child's education. Your tax deductible contribution can be made out to ARM and in the memo put Lisana HS program. School starts January 7th so please let me know right away please.
Thank you very much for your prayerful consideration.
Brian Mundy
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Christmas Concert Rescheduled
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From: King, Jeffery A (Jeff)
Christmas Concert Rescheduled
The Christmas Concert that was cancelled due to snow on December 15th, with Jeff King Organ and Lisa Erickson Flute, has been rescheduled for this Sunday December 29th at 3:00 p.m. at Outreach Restoration Branch.
From: King, Jeffery A (Jeff)
Christmas Concert Rescheduled
The Christmas Concert that was cancelled due to snow on December 15th, with Jeff King Organ and Lisa Erickson Flute, has been rescheduled for this Sunday December 29th at 3:00 p.m. at Outreach Restoration Branch.
From: Holly McLean
"Should children receive allowance and how much?"
That is the question up or discussion on The Mommy Answer Lady YouTube LIVE STREAM the day after Christmas!
Thursday at 10AM, join in the chat with other moms about this common question!
Here's the link to the YouTube channel.
"Should children receive allowance and how much?"
That is the question up or discussion on The Mommy Answer Lady YouTube LIVE STREAM the day after Christmas!
Thursday at 10AM, join in the chat with other moms about this common question!
Here's the link to the YouTube channel.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019
From: Paul Ludy
Join us if you can for a
9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Wednesday, January 1, 2020,
at the Bates City Restoration Branch
Come for as much as you can—
2 hours, all morning, all afternoon, or all day.
We will begin reading with the Third Book of Nephi and go as far as we can.
Bring your favorite edition of the Book of Mormon,
a notebook, and other resources that might be helpful.
Bring snacks to share and food for the noon
meal if you can stay and eat with your friends.
We will be sitting in a circle and taking turns reading.
(You may pass if you don’t want to read orally.)
We expect to READ MORE and TALK LESS—
but we will stop to discuss verses as needed.
Each person will receive a certificate showing which
chapters and verses he/she has read during the day.
Whether you are able to join us on January 1 or not, please plan
to make reading the Scriptures a daily practice throughout 2020.
Contact Phone Number, if needed:
Join us if you can for a
9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Wednesday, January 1, 2020,
at the Bates City Restoration Branch
Come for as much as you can—
2 hours, all morning, all afternoon, or all day.
We will begin reading with the Third Book of Nephi and go as far as we can.
Bring your favorite edition of the Book of Mormon,
a notebook, and other resources that might be helpful.
Bring snacks to share and food for the noon
meal if you can stay and eat with your friends.
We will be sitting in a circle and taking turns reading.
(You may pass if you don’t want to read orally.)
We expect to READ MORE and TALK LESS—
but we will stop to discuss verses as needed.
Each person will receive a certificate showing which
chapters and verses he/she has read during the day.
Whether you are able to join us on January 1 or not, please plan
to make reading the Scriptures a daily practice throughout 2020.
Contact Phone Number, if needed:
Monday, December 23, 2019
Saturday Events - Thank You!
From: Muriel Luedeman
Saturday Events - Thank You!
Dear IIAW Friends,
Thank you all who supported two Initiative events Saturday. Brother Brian Carline and Team Jesus especially wanted say how grateful they were for all the help they received making meals for the Beloveds. They were finished in record time and it was a blessing to have very young volunteers involved.
Also on Saturday, Brother Dennis Cato came with sixty-five young people and leaders from ten LDS congregations to the Luedeman's home to assemble and set out 325 luminaria bags along S. Main Street for the 10th Christmas lighting. It was amazing to see so many people gathered together to create this gift to our Savior and bless the city with this gift as well.
These events are how the Kingdom works in daily life! Loving God and loving our neighbors.
January 4th and 18th are the next dates for making sack lunches for Team Jesus. They visit the Beloveds camps every other Saturday, so volunteers are consistently needed for this ministry of loving service.
Blessings to our Lord and to all of you this Christmas season. We have so much for which to rejoice!
Please pray for continued momentum for Team Jesus, God's Love Ministries, the Unity Center, all our allied churches and individuals, for all our efforts to sacrifice and serve our community.
Muriel Luedeman
IIAW Communications Secretary
Saturday Events - Thank You!
Dear IIAW Friends,
Thank you all who supported two Initiative events Saturday. Brother Brian Carline and Team Jesus especially wanted say how grateful they were for all the help they received making meals for the Beloveds. They were finished in record time and it was a blessing to have very young volunteers involved.
Also on Saturday, Brother Dennis Cato came with sixty-five young people and leaders from ten LDS congregations to the Luedeman's home to assemble and set out 325 luminaria bags along S. Main Street for the 10th Christmas lighting. It was amazing to see so many people gathered together to create this gift to our Savior and bless the city with this gift as well.
These events are how the Kingdom works in daily life! Loving God and loving our neighbors.
January 4th and 18th are the next dates for making sack lunches for Team Jesus. They visit the Beloveds camps every other Saturday, so volunteers are consistently needed for this ministry of loving service.
Blessings to our Lord and to all of you this Christmas season. We have so much for which to rejoice!
Please pray for continued momentum for Team Jesus, God's Love Ministries, the Unity Center, all our allied churches and individuals, for all our efforts to sacrifice and serve our community.
Muriel Luedeman
IIAW Communications Secretary
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Restoration Bookstore Holiday Hours
From: David Price
Restoration Bookstore Holiday Hours
The Restoration Bookstore will be closed for the holiday season on the following dates:
Tuesday, December 24
Wednesday, December 25
Wednesday, January 1
Except for the above dates, our regular business hours are:
9:00 - 5:00 Monday through Thursday
9:00 - Noon Saturday
(We are closed on Fridays)
Don't forget, our 25% off sale will continue through December 31. Many books and CDs are included in this sale, and we still have a good selection of used books priced from $1 to $3 each.
From all the staff at the Restoration Bookstore--
We hope all of you have a very blessed Christmas, and may God's richest blessings be yours in the new year.
Restoration Bookstore Holiday Hours
The Restoration Bookstore will be closed for the holiday season on the following dates:
Tuesday, December 24
Wednesday, December 25
Wednesday, January 1
Except for the above dates, our regular business hours are:
9:00 - 5:00 Monday through Thursday
9:00 - Noon Saturday
(We are closed on Fridays)
Don't forget, our 25% off sale will continue through December 31. Many books and CDs are included in this sale, and we still have a good selection of used books priced from $1 to $3 each.
From all the staff at the Restoration Bookstore--
We hope all of you have a very blessed Christmas, and may God's richest blessings be yours in the new year.
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Obituary of Amogene "Jeanie" Kretzschmar
Obituary of Amogene "Jeanie" Kretzschmar
“Amogene “Jeanie” Kretzschmar, 81, of Columbia, passed away at her home on December 17, 2019, having been blessed with one last beautiful snowfall to view from her window.
Jeanie was born September 29, 1938, in Magnolia, IA, and grew up in Osborne, MO. She married Mark Kretzschmar in 1960, and raised a family in Columbia. She is survived by her husband, her sister Karen Fowler of Osborne, and her two children: Sheri Carmichael (spouse Chris) of Blue Springs, MO; and Mark Kretzschmar, Jr. (spouse Michelle), of Columbia. She is also survived by four grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
Jeanie worked for the Columbia Public Schools as a secretary at Two Mile Prairie Elementary, West Junior High, and West Boulevard Elementary during her career.
As a capable pianist, Jeanie spent many Sunday mornings accompanying the singing of the great hymns of the saints during worship. She was known on occasion to play a rousing rendition of “This Old House,” but during her last months she found tremendous comfort in “Great Is Thy Faithfulness.”
Jeanie was immensely proud of her family, and leaves behind nothing but beautiful memories of encouragement, kindness, and love to those around her.
Memorial services will be held on Saturday, December 28, 2019 at 11:00 AM at the Knob Noster Restoration Branch, 305 E Bridge St , Knob Noster MO and Saturday, January 11th at 11:00 AM at the Columbia Restoration Branch 3681 Mexico Gravel Rd Columbia MO. The family requests donations to Compassus Hospice in lieu of sending flowers.”
“Amogene “Jeanie” Kretzschmar, 81, of Columbia, passed away at her home on December 17, 2019, having been blessed with one last beautiful snowfall to view from her window.
Jeanie was born September 29, 1938, in Magnolia, IA, and grew up in Osborne, MO. She married Mark Kretzschmar in 1960, and raised a family in Columbia. She is survived by her husband, her sister Karen Fowler of Osborne, and her two children: Sheri Carmichael (spouse Chris) of Blue Springs, MO; and Mark Kretzschmar, Jr. (spouse Michelle), of Columbia. She is also survived by four grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
Jeanie worked for the Columbia Public Schools as a secretary at Two Mile Prairie Elementary, West Junior High, and West Boulevard Elementary during her career.
As a capable pianist, Jeanie spent many Sunday mornings accompanying the singing of the great hymns of the saints during worship. She was known on occasion to play a rousing rendition of “This Old House,” but during her last months she found tremendous comfort in “Great Is Thy Faithfulness.”
Jeanie was immensely proud of her family, and leaves behind nothing but beautiful memories of encouragement, kindness, and love to those around her.
Memorial services will be held on Saturday, December 28, 2019 at 11:00 AM at the Knob Noster Restoration Branch, 305 E Bridge St , Knob Noster MO and Saturday, January 11th at 11:00 AM at the Columbia Restoration Branch 3681 Mexico Gravel Rd Columbia MO. The family requests donations to Compassus Hospice in lieu of sending flowers.”
2 Acoustic Guitars
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From: Monica Rush
2 Acoustic Guitars
I am in need of 2 acoustic guitars for learners.
If you have any you are willing to sell please let me know by private message.
No information needs to be shared this time of year. hehe
Thank you
Monica Rush
From: Monica Rush
2 Acoustic Guitars
I am in need of 2 acoustic guitars for learners.
If you have any you are willing to sell please let me know by private message.
No information needs to be shared this time of year. hehe
Thank you
Monica Rush
Movie: In Emma's Footsteps
------ Forwarded message -----
From: Jon Tandy
Movie: In Emma's Footsteps
Waldo Avenue Restoration Branch will be showing the movie “In Emma’s Footsteps”
on Sunday night, December 29, at 6:00 PM.
This is a movie about Emma Smith.
After the martyrdom of Joseph Smith, Jr., his wife Emma Hale Smith was left with much to shoulder: salvaging Joseph's estate, the safety of her family, her own grief, and growing isolation as danger and rumors swirled around her. Through the eyes of one of her sons and Lucy Mack Smith, Emma's struggles reveal a courageous woman who stood as a pillar of strength for her loved ones.
Jon Tandy

From: Jon Tandy
Movie: In Emma's Footsteps
Waldo Avenue Restoration Branch will be showing the movie “In Emma’s Footsteps”
on Sunday night, December 29, at 6:00 PM.
This is a movie about Emma Smith.
After the martyrdom of Joseph Smith, Jr., his wife Emma Hale Smith was left with much to shoulder: salvaging Joseph's estate, the safety of her family, her own grief, and growing isolation as danger and rumors swirled around her. Through the eyes of one of her sons and Lucy Mack Smith, Emma's struggles reveal a courageous woman who stood as a pillar of strength for her loved ones.
Jon Tandy

Friday, December 20, 2019
Black Leather Belt
From: Linda Datschefski
Black Leather Belt

I have a 42" custom detailed leather belt. It says "Big John" on it. Free to first responder. Worn only once or twice. Will make a wonderful Christmas present.
Contact Linda
Black Leather Belt

I have a 42" custom detailed leather belt. It says "Big John" on it. Free to first responder. Worn only once or twice. Will make a wonderful Christmas present.
Contact Linda
Alma Houston would enjoy visit
From: Richard Hoff
Alma Houston would enjoy visit
For those that know Alma Houston, he fell and is presently in the St. Mary's Hospital room 105 and enjoys visitors.
Richard Hoff
Alma Houston would enjoy visit
For those that know Alma Houston, he fell and is presently in the St. Mary's Hospital room 105 and enjoys visitors.
Richard Hoff
Prayer Request for Elder Walter Baker
From: Karen Baker
Prayer Request for Elder Walter Baker
We are asking for continuous prays for Elder Walter Baker. He has been hospitalized with an infection in his foot. They've started him on antibiotics and are watching to see if they can get the infection under control. We are asking for a healing from our Lord so that he does not lose his other foot. We have absolute faith that our prayers will be heard even as promised in the scriptures...
John 14:14 If ye shall ask anything in my name, I will do it.
Thank you for your faith and prayers on Walter's behalf and please remember his wife Jane as she sits by his side.
Karen Baker
Prayer Request for Elder Walter Baker
We are asking for continuous prays for Elder Walter Baker. He has been hospitalized with an infection in his foot. They've started him on antibiotics and are watching to see if they can get the infection under control. We are asking for a healing from our Lord so that he does not lose his other foot. We have absolute faith that our prayers will be heard even as promised in the scriptures...
John 14:14 If ye shall ask anything in my name, I will do it.
Thank you for your faith and prayers on Walter's behalf and please remember his wife Jane as she sits by his side.
Karen Baker
Francis Harper Message for 12/20/2019
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Francis Harper
Francis Harper Message for 12/20/2019
“A virgin shall conceive and shall bear a Son . . .”
(Isaiah 7:14)

A few days before Christmas of 1992, I thought of six friends I wanted to add to our Christmas card list. I asked Iris if she had some cards expressing the real message of the season, to which I could add a personal note. I was not satisfied with the cards she had on hand. So I told her I would pick up the ones I needed at the local Hallmark shop. I was surprised when from the hundreds of cards on display, I could not find a single one that satisfied me.
I returned to our store discouraged and frustrated. To my secretary I expounded and exhorted about the atheistic, unbelieving society in which we live. She listened patiently, then searched our files and found a few generic cards, obviously designed not to offend anyone except the believers.
I sat down with a feeling of heaviness in my heart. I had not realized how little the people of this world seem to care about the real message of Christmas. I wanted to shout, “Doesn’t anyone know, or appreciate, how much God loves us, sending his Son that ‘we might have life and have it more abundantly?’ ”
Suddenly the phone rang. It was after five and closing time. It was cousin Tom. He asked if I could stay at the store a little longer. He explained he had found some things he wanted to show me.
I was not certain about the urgency of his request, but I promised to wait. As I waited, I recalled that earlier that day I had tried to discourage him from going to the orchard warehouse to continue cleaning it. I felt the weather was too cold. My words had not discouraged him.
He soon arrived with a box he had found at the warehouse. The box was filled with a few of my father’s keepsakes. Among these things were my father’s eighth grade diploma, some musty old letters, A Big Chief Tablet with minutes of the “Brush Hollow Pig and Chick Club,” a Saint’s Hearld from the year 1897, and six unused Christmas cards, complete with envelopes! I thanked him for bringing the mementos and we both returned to our homes.
The significance of this experience soon began to dawn upon me. Tom had brought me the exact number of cards I wanted, each with the message I had been looking for, complete with envelopes, in perfect condition, preserved in a larger envelope, all in perfect timing. I had no doubt this was the work of God! It was a miracle.
Pictured on the cards was a painting by the seventeenth century artist, Esteban Murillo, entitled The Adoration of the Shepherds. The cards were beautiful, and so appropriate.
I wrote my Christmas messages that day, rejoicing and pondering: Jesus was born of a virgin just as it was prophesied. God, who sent his only Son two thousand years ago is still revealing his love today.
After this testimony was given to me, do you suppose I will ever doubt any of the miraculous details of the nativity of Jesus? “Where is room for doubt? No where!”
Dear Ones,
My message this week is the same message sent to you on 12/21/18. It is timeless. It is the best breaking news story ever reported. The news was announced by an angel, who said: “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you [and all people] is born this day, in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this is the way you shall find the babe, he is wrapped in swaddling clothes, and is lying in a manger” (Luke 2:10-11).
Many artists have endeavored to portray the way it was when the shepherds hastily came, as they were directed by the angel, to visit the newborn Christ-child. I believe none have done better than Murillo. His masterpiece depicts the reality and truth of the actual event that took place a little more than two thousand years ago.
I have an enlarged picture of Murillo’s The Adoration of the Shepherds that I love to share with people. I ask a series of questions about the scene. I point to the baby, and ask, who is this? Nearly everyone correctly identifies the baby as being Jesus. Next I point to the lady hovering over the baby. Once again, she is most often correctly identified as Mary; the mother of Jesus. Then I point to the man standing near Mary. He is also easily identified by most people. I proceed by asking the identity of the other two men. This is a little more difficult but eventually someone will notice that one of the men is holding on to a sheep and the other is wearing an article of sheep-skin clothing, identifying them as shepherds.
Who is the other lady? I usually have to give some hints to help in the identification of this final person. You may not have noticed the hens sitting under the manger, or the basket of eggs the woman is carrying? And if the picture was a little larger you could see the expression of joy on her face. Surely the artist wanted us to sense the reality of this great historical event. He wanted us to look beyond the scene he painted and imagine the rest of the story. Someone like the woman with the eggs had to meet the couple, weary from many days of travel, whose troubles were being compounded by the beginning of the young woman’s labor pains. The one who had compassion was the woman whose husband owned the stable with the cow and chickens. It is quite likely that she also provided the swaddling clothes and was privileged to assist in the delivery of the “Savior, who is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:11).
Centuries before this event, of which I write, it was prophesied by Isaiah: “Hear ye now, O house of David; . . . Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel” (Isaiah 7:13-14). Only God could have arranged the fulfillment of this prophecy.
The prophet Micah, who was a contemporary of the prophet Isaiah, prophesied: “But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from old, from everlasting” (Micah 5:2). Once again, it was only by the divine arrangements of God, that this prophecy was fulfilled. “Oh the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! For who hath known the mind of the Lord? Or who hath been his counsellor? For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things; to whom be glory for ever. Amen” (Romans 11:33-34, 36).
My Love to All,
High Priest Francis Harper
From: Francis Harper
Francis Harper Message for 12/20/2019
“A virgin shall conceive and shall bear a Son . . .”
(Isaiah 7:14)

A few days before Christmas of 1992, I thought of six friends I wanted to add to our Christmas card list. I asked Iris if she had some cards expressing the real message of the season, to which I could add a personal note. I was not satisfied with the cards she had on hand. So I told her I would pick up the ones I needed at the local Hallmark shop. I was surprised when from the hundreds of cards on display, I could not find a single one that satisfied me.
I returned to our store discouraged and frustrated. To my secretary I expounded and exhorted about the atheistic, unbelieving society in which we live. She listened patiently, then searched our files and found a few generic cards, obviously designed not to offend anyone except the believers.
I sat down with a feeling of heaviness in my heart. I had not realized how little the people of this world seem to care about the real message of Christmas. I wanted to shout, “Doesn’t anyone know, or appreciate, how much God loves us, sending his Son that ‘we might have life and have it more abundantly?’ ”
Suddenly the phone rang. It was after five and closing time. It was cousin Tom. He asked if I could stay at the store a little longer. He explained he had found some things he wanted to show me.
I was not certain about the urgency of his request, but I promised to wait. As I waited, I recalled that earlier that day I had tried to discourage him from going to the orchard warehouse to continue cleaning it. I felt the weather was too cold. My words had not discouraged him.
He soon arrived with a box he had found at the warehouse. The box was filled with a few of my father’s keepsakes. Among these things were my father’s eighth grade diploma, some musty old letters, A Big Chief Tablet with minutes of the “Brush Hollow Pig and Chick Club,” a Saint’s Hearld from the year 1897, and six unused Christmas cards, complete with envelopes! I thanked him for bringing the mementos and we both returned to our homes.
The significance of this experience soon began to dawn upon me. Tom had brought me the exact number of cards I wanted, each with the message I had been looking for, complete with envelopes, in perfect condition, preserved in a larger envelope, all in perfect timing. I had no doubt this was the work of God! It was a miracle.
Pictured on the cards was a painting by the seventeenth century artist, Esteban Murillo, entitled The Adoration of the Shepherds. The cards were beautiful, and so appropriate.
I wrote my Christmas messages that day, rejoicing and pondering: Jesus was born of a virgin just as it was prophesied. God, who sent his only Son two thousand years ago is still revealing his love today.
After this testimony was given to me, do you suppose I will ever doubt any of the miraculous details of the nativity of Jesus? “Where is room for doubt? No where!”
Dear Ones,
My message this week is the same message sent to you on 12/21/18. It is timeless. It is the best breaking news story ever reported. The news was announced by an angel, who said: “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you [and all people] is born this day, in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this is the way you shall find the babe, he is wrapped in swaddling clothes, and is lying in a manger” (Luke 2:10-11).
Many artists have endeavored to portray the way it was when the shepherds hastily came, as they were directed by the angel, to visit the newborn Christ-child. I believe none have done better than Murillo. His masterpiece depicts the reality and truth of the actual event that took place a little more than two thousand years ago.
I have an enlarged picture of Murillo’s The Adoration of the Shepherds that I love to share with people. I ask a series of questions about the scene. I point to the baby, and ask, who is this? Nearly everyone correctly identifies the baby as being Jesus. Next I point to the lady hovering over the baby. Once again, she is most often correctly identified as Mary; the mother of Jesus. Then I point to the man standing near Mary. He is also easily identified by most people. I proceed by asking the identity of the other two men. This is a little more difficult but eventually someone will notice that one of the men is holding on to a sheep and the other is wearing an article of sheep-skin clothing, identifying them as shepherds.
Who is the other lady? I usually have to give some hints to help in the identification of this final person. You may not have noticed the hens sitting under the manger, or the basket of eggs the woman is carrying? And if the picture was a little larger you could see the expression of joy on her face. Surely the artist wanted us to sense the reality of this great historical event. He wanted us to look beyond the scene he painted and imagine the rest of the story. Someone like the woman with the eggs had to meet the couple, weary from many days of travel, whose troubles were being compounded by the beginning of the young woman’s labor pains. The one who had compassion was the woman whose husband owned the stable with the cow and chickens. It is quite likely that she also provided the swaddling clothes and was privileged to assist in the delivery of the “Savior, who is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:11).
Centuries before this event, of which I write, it was prophesied by Isaiah: “Hear ye now, O house of David; . . . Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel” (Isaiah 7:13-14). Only God could have arranged the fulfillment of this prophecy.
The prophet Micah, who was a contemporary of the prophet Isaiah, prophesied: “But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from old, from everlasting” (Micah 5:2). Once again, it was only by the divine arrangements of God, that this prophecy was fulfilled. “Oh the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! For who hath known the mind of the Lord? Or who hath been his counsellor? For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things; to whom be glory for ever. Amen” (Romans 11:33-34, 36).
My Love to All,
High Priest Francis Harper
Air Purifier For Sale - $200 OBO
From: Linda Datschefski
Air Purifier For Sale

I no longer need this stand alone unit. It is a Health Way. Company is based in Minnesota. It requires new filters. You can go on line and read about them. The unit is pricey. Company suggests replacing the filters once a year. But I vacuum them out periodically n can get them to last 2 years. When I bought it the cost was around $800. If you put it by the cold air return for your furnace it works well to cover more of your house instead of a smaller area. I'm asking $200.00 OBO for it. A set of filters run around $200 plus tax and shipping. I have company contact info to order new filters.
Contact Linda at:
or email
Air Purifier For Sale

I no longer need this stand alone unit. It is a Health Way. Company is based in Minnesota. It requires new filters. You can go on line and read about them. The unit is pricey. Company suggests replacing the filters once a year. But I vacuum them out periodically n can get them to last 2 years. When I bought it the cost was around $800. If you put it by the cold air return for your furnace it works well to cover more of your house instead of a smaller area. I'm asking $200.00 OBO for it. A set of filters run around $200 plus tax and shipping. I have company contact info to order new filters.
Contact Linda at:
or email
Hello, IIAW Friends - Dec 20
From: Muriel Luedeman
IIAW Communications Secretary
Hello, IIAW Friends - Dec 20
Here is a way you can assist the beloved homeless:
Prepare sack meals to take to the Team Jesus beloveds' camps
December 21st, 8 - 10:30am
Unity Center of Independence, 803 W. 23rd Street
Team Jesus provides hot meals and supplies at several homeless camps, along with sack meals for the Beloveds to take with them. If you have a calling for this kind of ministry, this is a wonderful opportunity to serve this great need.
Christmas blessings to all,
Muriel Luedeman
IIAW Communications Secretary
IIAW Communications Secretary
Hello, IIAW Friends - Dec 20
Here is a way you can assist the beloved homeless:
Prepare sack meals to take to the Team Jesus beloveds' camps
December 21st, 8 - 10:30am
Unity Center of Independence, 803 W. 23rd Street
Team Jesus provides hot meals and supplies at several homeless camps, along with sack meals for the Beloveds to take with them. If you have a calling for this kind of ministry, this is a wonderful opportunity to serve this great need.
Christmas blessings to all,
Muriel Luedeman
IIAW Communications Secretary
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Brother John Concert - January 17th
From: Kevin McMilian
Brother John Concert - January 17th
The Brother John/Made New concert is just under a month away! We are blessed to have the chance to invite them in for their show, "He Lives On!", which will be an evening of worship, music, and testimonies as they share over an hour of ministry.
Date: Friday, January 17th
Time: 6:30 PM (Doors open at 5:30)
Where: Zarahemla Branch (502 SW 17th Street, Blue Springs, MO 64015)
This is a free public concert, so invite your friends and family! See you there!
Event Link:
Brother John Concert - January 17th
The Brother John/Made New concert is just under a month away! We are blessed to have the chance to invite them in for their show, "He Lives On!", which will be an evening of worship, music, and testimonies as they share over an hour of ministry.
Date: Friday, January 17th
Time: 6:30 PM (Doors open at 5:30)
Where: Zarahemla Branch (502 SW 17th Street, Blue Springs, MO 64015)
This is a free public concert, so invite your friends and family! See you there!
Event Link:

Wednesday, December 18, 2019
From: Holly McLean
Don't miss the
LIVE STREAM broadcasts
every Thursday morning 10AM
on the Mommy Answer Lady YouTube channel!
This week, Thursday, December 19 -
discussion will be about
"How many gifts should a
child get for Christmas?"
You can listen, chat, ask questions and join in with Holly
and other moms online each week!
Check out the link to Mommy Answer Lady YouTube Channel!
Don't miss the
LIVE STREAM broadcasts
every Thursday morning 10AM
on the Mommy Answer Lady YouTube channel!
This week, Thursday, December 19 -
discussion will be about
"How many gifts should a
child get for Christmas?"
You can listen, chat, ask questions and join in with Holly
and other moms online each week!
Check out the link to Mommy Answer Lady YouTube Channel!

Wanted - Couch
From: Karen O'Dell
Wanted - Couch
I need a couch.
Free or Cheap
Please Call Karen at:
Wanted - Couch
I need a couch.
Free or Cheap
Please Call Karen at:
From: Pam Miller
For Sale: Like new (played 5-10 times for total of less than 2 hours)Williams Allegro Digital Piano. 88 weighted hammer action keys, simple, easy to use controls, LED display and data control dial, 8 Piano keyboard sounds, Audio and MIDI connectivity,53 inched in length. Paid $399.00 plus tax. new. Asking $300.00
Please call, text, or email Pam Miller
For Sale: Like new (played 5-10 times for total of less than 2 hours)Williams Allegro Digital Piano. 88 weighted hammer action keys, simple, easy to use controls, LED display and data control dial, 8 Piano keyboard sounds, Audio and MIDI connectivity,53 inched in length. Paid $399.00 plus tax. new. Asking $300.00
Please call, text, or email Pam Miller

Bountiful String Quartet Christmas Concert
----- Forwarded message -----
From: Bountiful String Quartet
Bountiful String Quartet Christmas Concert

"Greetings!" It has been a while.
We have an announcement.
You are invited to join us for an evening of Christmas Carols
Saturday, December 21, at 7:00 p.m.
Independence Visitor Center
937 W Walnut Street
Independence MO 64050
Admission is free
See you there!
From: Bountiful String Quartet
Bountiful String Quartet Christmas Concert

"Greetings!" It has been a while.
We have an announcement.
You are invited to join us for an evening of Christmas Carols
Saturday, December 21, at 7:00 p.m.
Independence Visitor Center
937 W Walnut Street
Independence MO 64050
Admission is free
See you there!
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
From: Janet Williams
I am in desperate need of a Windows 10 compatible computer before support for Windows 7 is discontinued in January. I own a small business and can't afford to purchase a new computer at this time. If you have one to donate or can offer me a price that I can afford, please respond asap, as January is fast approaching and I am in a quandary over losing my ability to conduct business without a computer. Thank you so much for your consideration!
Janet L Williams
Piano Instructor
I am in desperate need of a Windows 10 compatible computer before support for Windows 7 is discontinued in January. I own a small business and can't afford to purchase a new computer at this time. If you have one to donate or can offer me a price that I can afford, please respond asap, as January is fast approaching and I am in a quandary over losing my ability to conduct business without a computer. Thank you so much for your consideration!
Janet L Williams
Piano Instructor
Monday, December 16, 2019
Auditioning for Joseph Smith Jr.
From: April LaJune
Auditioning for Joseph Smith Jr.
Auditions are now posted for Joseph Smith, Jr. Both the adult and boy Joseph will be necessary for Part 1.
Script and instructions for auditioning including address, time and date are posted on under Auditions>Scripts.
You can follow this link to read the audition.
For additional information you can email me at:
or text 303-888-5583
Thank you!
Auditioning for Joseph Smith Jr.
Auditions are now posted for Joseph Smith, Jr. Both the adult and boy Joseph will be necessary for Part 1.
Script and instructions for auditioning including address, time and date are posted on under Auditions>Scripts.
You can follow this link to read the audition.
For additional information you can email me at:
or text 303-888-5583
Thank you!
Auditioning for Emma Smith
----- Forwarded message -----
From: April LaJune
Auditioning for Emma Smith
Auditions are now posted for Emma Smith.
Script and instructions for auditioning including address, time and date are posted on
under Auditions>Scripts.
You can follow this link to read the audition.
For additional information you can email me at:
or text 303-888-5583
Thank you!
From: April LaJune
Auditioning for Emma Smith
Auditions are now posted for Emma Smith.
Script and instructions for auditioning including address, time and date are posted on
under Auditions>Scripts.
You can follow this link to read the audition.
For additional information you can email me at:
or text 303-888-5583
Thank you!
Merry Christmas from Owl Hollow Farm 2019
----- Forwarded message -----
From: Owl Hollow Farm
Merry Christmas from Owl Hollow Farm 2019
Christmas is about giving.
And so we give thanks to God for bringing you into our lives.
From the entire team at Owl Hollow Farm, we thank you for your love and support.
Because of you, we make a difference in the lives of children.
Because of you, we save the lives of horses.
Healing Horses & Hearts,
Owl Hollow Farm
Get Involved at:

From: Owl Hollow Farm
Merry Christmas from Owl Hollow Farm 2019
Christmas is about giving.
And so we give thanks to God for bringing you into our lives.
From the entire team at Owl Hollow Farm, we thank you for your love and support.
Because of you, we make a difference in the lives of children.
Because of you, we save the lives of horses.
Healing Horses & Hearts,
Owl Hollow Farm
Get Involved at:

Job Postings for Fort Osage R-1 School District Dec 16
---- Forwarded Message -----
From: Rachel Horn
Job Postings for Fort Osage R-1 School District Dec 16
From: "Fort Osage R-1 School District"
Date: December 15, 2019 at 5:51:18 PM CST
Fort Osage R-1 School District
Below you will find a list of jobs posted between Dec 8, 2019 and Dec 15, 2019.
Job Posting Title Job Category
First Cook Classified Apply Now
Hostess Classified Apply Now
No jobs scheduled to stop accepting applications between Dec 15, 2019 and Dec 22, 2019.
Fort Osage R-1 School District
Click the link below to see listings:
From: Rachel Horn
Job Postings for Fort Osage R-1 School District Dec 16
From: "Fort Osage R-1 School District"
Date: December 15, 2019 at 5:51:18 PM CST
Fort Osage R-1 School District
Below you will find a list of jobs posted between Dec 8, 2019 and Dec 15, 2019.
Job Posting Title Job Category
First Cook Classified Apply Now
Hostess Classified Apply Now
No jobs scheduled to stop accepting applications between Dec 15, 2019 and Dec 22, 2019.
Fort Osage R-1 School District
Click the link below to see listings:
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Messiah Performance Today
Messiah Performance Today
7:00 p.m., Saturday, December 14
at: Trinity Presbyterian Church
1400 W Sheley Road
Independence MO 64052
$10.00 donation for tickets
7:00 p.m., Saturday, December 14
at: Trinity Presbyterian Church
1400 W Sheley Road
Independence MO 64052
$10.00 donation for tickets
Friday, December 13, 2019
December 21st Christmas Luminaria Lighting Event
From: Muriel Luedeman
December 21st Christmas Luminaria Lighting Event
The 10th S. Main Street Luminaria Lighting
Location: Muriel and Bruce Luedeman's
620 S Main Street
Independence MO 64050
Date: December 21st
Noon: Potluck lunch
1:00pm-ish Assembling and setting 300 bags of tea lights along S. Main from Short Street to 23rd Street. Time required 1 1/2 hours
5:30pm Lighting the candles 15-30 minutes depending on how many helper we have
2:00pm December 22 Luminaria pick up. Time required 1 hour.
What to bring: Warm clothes, gloves, hats, Bic lighters, and a potluck dish to share.
Come and fellowship for part or all of this beautiful celebration of the journey to Bethlehem to find the Baby Jesus.
Contact me, Muriel Luedeman if you can help.
Skilled volunteer help needed
Billy Tharp needs someone skilled in dry wall and mudding to do a small job at the Unity Center Jesus Store.
Please pray about this if you are interested in helping out in this way.
Thank you
Muriel Luedeman
December 21st Christmas Luminaria Lighting Event
The 10th S. Main Street Luminaria Lighting
Location: Muriel and Bruce Luedeman's
620 S Main Street
Independence MO 64050
Date: December 21st
Noon: Potluck lunch
1:00pm-ish Assembling and setting 300 bags of tea lights along S. Main from Short Street to 23rd Street. Time required 1 1/2 hours
5:30pm Lighting the candles 15-30 minutes depending on how many helper we have
2:00pm December 22 Luminaria pick up. Time required 1 hour.
What to bring: Warm clothes, gloves, hats, Bic lighters, and a potluck dish to share.
Come and fellowship for part or all of this beautiful celebration of the journey to Bethlehem to find the Baby Jesus.
Contact me, Muriel Luedeman if you can help.
Skilled volunteer help needed
Billy Tharp needs someone skilled in dry wall and mudding to do a small job at the Unity Center Jesus Store.
Please pray about this if you are interested in helping out in this way.
Thank you
Muriel Luedeman
Francis Harper Message for 12/13/2019
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Francis Harper
Francis Harper Message for 12/13/2019
The Two Miraculous Births
The Christmas Story as it is recorded in the Scriptures is not fiction. It is not a story created in the mind of man. The story of the birth of Jesus recorded by Luke and Matthew is based upon historical facts and happenings not on cunningly devised fables. They did not invent the story of the birth of Jesus and the events surrounding it. Luke interviewed eye-witnesses and recorded their testimonies that you might know the “certainty” of the angel visitations and the miraculous events that followed.
Although I was not an eye-witness of the events that transpired at the time of the birth of our Lord, I can say with Paul, “as one born out of due time” that the events described by Luke actually happened as they are described.
In January of 1990, Randy Killpack, our daughter Terri, Iris and I visited Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nazareth and Ein Karem; the places at which the angels appeared and these miracles happened.
The story of Christmas is really about the birth of two baby boys; John and Jesus. They were cousins. John, who became known as John, the Baptist, was born 6 months before Jesus. Both of their births were miraculous. John’s parents, Elizabeth and Zacharias, lived in Ein Karem, a suburb of Jerusalem. They were, as Luke put it, “well stricken in years.” Zacharias was a priest who took his turn in serving at the temple in Jerusalem. He and his wife had prayed for many years for a child but their prayers had not been answered. Then one day as Zacharias was burning the incense, the angel Gabriel appeared to him and told him his prayer had been heard and his wife would conceive and give birth to a son and they should call him John. Gabriel added “And he shall go before the Lord in the spirit and power of Elias . . . to make ready a people prepared for the Lord” (Luke 1:17). Elizabeth conceived as the angel had promised.
Six months later the angel Gabriel was sent from God to the city of Nazareth (80-90 miles north of Jerusalem) to visit a virgin who was engaged to be married to a man whose name was Joseph. Her name was Mary. She was told she would conceive by the Holy Spirit and bear a son, and his name should be called Jesus. And Mary said, “. . . be it unto me, according to thy word” (Luke 1:38).

How could Mary explain her pregnancy to her parents and especially to Joseph? Mary had been told by the angel Gabriel that her cousin Elizabeth was going to have a baby. She would surely understand Mary’s concerns. Luke simply states that Mary went with haste to the house of Zacharias and Elizabeth. As Mary approached her cousin, the baby in Elizabeth’s womb leaped, and she told Mary that “. . . those things which were told thee by the angel of the Lord, shall be fulfilled” (Luke 1:44 IV; 1:45 KJV). Mary stayed with Elizabeth about three months, which would have been near the time of the delivery of Elizabeth’s son. It seems reasonable to believe that Mary would have stayed with Elizabeth until her baby was born. Then Mary returned to her home.
It was probably during Mary’s absence that Joseph was given a vision in which he was told not to be afraid to take Mary as his wife “. . . for that which is conceived in her, is of the Holy Ghost” and that she would bring forth a son and “thou shalt call his name Jesus; for he shall save his people from their sins.” (Matthew 2:1-4).
As the time of the birth of Mary’s son drew near, Joseph and Mary had to go to Bethlehem to be taxed as subjects of Caesar Augustus and the Roman Empire. How many days do you suppose it took for Joseph and Mary to travel from Nazareth to Bethlehem, nearly 100 miles? Could they average more than 10 miles per day? Could they complete the journey in a week? The Lord’s timing was precise. They arrived just in time to fulfill the prophecy of Micah. “But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting” (Micah 5:2).
“And so it was, that while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her first-born son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger because there was none to give room for them in the inns. And there were in the same country, shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flocks by night. And lo, an angel of the Lord appeared unto them, and the glory of the Lord shone around about them; and they were sore afraid. But the angel said unto them, Fear not, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day, in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this is the way you shall find the babe, he is wrapped in swaddling clothes, and is lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel, a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest; and on earth, peace; good will to men. [Can you imagine the singing?] And it came to pass, when the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go, unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which has come to pass, which the Lord has made known unto us. And they came with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger. And when they had seen, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child. All they who heard it, wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds: But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart. And the shepherds returned glorifying and praising God for all the things which they had heard and seen, as they were manifested unto them” (Luke 2:6-20).
Dear Ones,
During my daily walk recently I met a young man with whom I sensed I needed to communicate. I have known him since he was a child. He was attracted to the baby chicks we displayed in the window of our store during the week we celebrate the Resurrection each year. He liked to help me feed and water the chicks. I asked Mike to stop by for a visit. He came the next day. He was in more trouble than I had expected.
The following Monday, he would be going to court on two drug charges. When I suggested he consider enlisting in one of the military services, he said he had dropped out of school and had not completed the requirements for a GED. Without meeting this requirement he could not enlist. He would also need to satisfy the demands of the court. When I said he needed some spiritual help, he seemed to delight in saying, “I’m an atheist.” In spite of this remark I assured him that there is a God that loves him and that I love him. After I offered a prayer for him he went on his way. I wondered how many others there are like Mike, who are living lives of quiet desperation. How can we help them? What would Jesus say?
I thought of the words of Peter: “For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eye-witnesses of his majesty” (2 Peter 1:16). How can we convince people how much they need the Lord? I love the song, “People need the Lord.” “Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is” (Jeremiah 17:7). In reality, without the Lord, there is very little hope. Ether reminds us: “Whoso believeth in God, might with surety hope for a better world, yea, even a place at the right hand of God, which hope cometh of faith, maketh an anchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding in good works, being led to glorify God” (Ether 5:4).
“Atheists and other unbelievers, seeking a way to circumvent the fact of the 333 fulfilled prophecies of Jesus [given centuries before his birth] in the Old Testament, have argued that the fulfillments were accidental, chance or coincidental. But when such complete details are given, the chance fulfillment of these prophecies is ruled out. The probability of chance fulfillment as calculated by mathematicians, according to the theory of probabilities, is less than one in 1,125,000,000,000,000. This is enough, one would think, to silence forever all pleas for chance as furnishing an unbeliever the least opportunity of escape from the evidence of prophecy” (The Prophets Still Speak, Fred John Meldau. Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, PO Box 908, Bellmawr, NJ 08099). (Gregory’s Letters) [Alexander Keith, Evidences of Prophecy, p. 8].
Dr. A.T. Pierson says: “There would be no honest infidel [or atheist] in the world if the messianic prophecies [of the Old Testament; fulfilled in the New Testament] were studied . . . nor would there be any doubting disciples if this fact of prediction and fulfillment were fully understood. But the sad fact is, we have yet to meet the first honest skeptic or critic who has carefully studied the prophecies which center in Christ” (Many Infallible Proofs).
Many today are “willingly ignorant” of the truth. See 2 Peter 3:5. They seem to prefer to walk in darkness. “And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men love darkness rather than light . . .” (John 3:19).
My Love to All,
High Priest Francis Harper
From: Francis Harper
Francis Harper Message for 12/13/2019
The Two Miraculous Births
The Christmas Story as it is recorded in the Scriptures is not fiction. It is not a story created in the mind of man. The story of the birth of Jesus recorded by Luke and Matthew is based upon historical facts and happenings not on cunningly devised fables. They did not invent the story of the birth of Jesus and the events surrounding it. Luke interviewed eye-witnesses and recorded their testimonies that you might know the “certainty” of the angel visitations and the miraculous events that followed.
Although I was not an eye-witness of the events that transpired at the time of the birth of our Lord, I can say with Paul, “as one born out of due time” that the events described by Luke actually happened as they are described.
In January of 1990, Randy Killpack, our daughter Terri, Iris and I visited Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nazareth and Ein Karem; the places at which the angels appeared and these miracles happened.
The story of Christmas is really about the birth of two baby boys; John and Jesus. They were cousins. John, who became known as John, the Baptist, was born 6 months before Jesus. Both of their births were miraculous. John’s parents, Elizabeth and Zacharias, lived in Ein Karem, a suburb of Jerusalem. They were, as Luke put it, “well stricken in years.” Zacharias was a priest who took his turn in serving at the temple in Jerusalem. He and his wife had prayed for many years for a child but their prayers had not been answered. Then one day as Zacharias was burning the incense, the angel Gabriel appeared to him and told him his prayer had been heard and his wife would conceive and give birth to a son and they should call him John. Gabriel added “And he shall go before the Lord in the spirit and power of Elias . . . to make ready a people prepared for the Lord” (Luke 1:17). Elizabeth conceived as the angel had promised.
Six months later the angel Gabriel was sent from God to the city of Nazareth (80-90 miles north of Jerusalem) to visit a virgin who was engaged to be married to a man whose name was Joseph. Her name was Mary. She was told she would conceive by the Holy Spirit and bear a son, and his name should be called Jesus. And Mary said, “. . . be it unto me, according to thy word” (Luke 1:38).

How could Mary explain her pregnancy to her parents and especially to Joseph? Mary had been told by the angel Gabriel that her cousin Elizabeth was going to have a baby. She would surely understand Mary’s concerns. Luke simply states that Mary went with haste to the house of Zacharias and Elizabeth. As Mary approached her cousin, the baby in Elizabeth’s womb leaped, and she told Mary that “. . . those things which were told thee by the angel of the Lord, shall be fulfilled” (Luke 1:44 IV; 1:45 KJV). Mary stayed with Elizabeth about three months, which would have been near the time of the delivery of Elizabeth’s son. It seems reasonable to believe that Mary would have stayed with Elizabeth until her baby was born. Then Mary returned to her home.
It was probably during Mary’s absence that Joseph was given a vision in which he was told not to be afraid to take Mary as his wife “. . . for that which is conceived in her, is of the Holy Ghost” and that she would bring forth a son and “thou shalt call his name Jesus; for he shall save his people from their sins.” (Matthew 2:1-4).
As the time of the birth of Mary’s son drew near, Joseph and Mary had to go to Bethlehem to be taxed as subjects of Caesar Augustus and the Roman Empire. How many days do you suppose it took for Joseph and Mary to travel from Nazareth to Bethlehem, nearly 100 miles? Could they average more than 10 miles per day? Could they complete the journey in a week? The Lord’s timing was precise. They arrived just in time to fulfill the prophecy of Micah. “But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting” (Micah 5:2).
“And so it was, that while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her first-born son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger because there was none to give room for them in the inns. And there were in the same country, shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flocks by night. And lo, an angel of the Lord appeared unto them, and the glory of the Lord shone around about them; and they were sore afraid. But the angel said unto them, Fear not, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day, in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this is the way you shall find the babe, he is wrapped in swaddling clothes, and is lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel, a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest; and on earth, peace; good will to men. [Can you imagine the singing?] And it came to pass, when the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go, unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which has come to pass, which the Lord has made known unto us. And they came with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger. And when they had seen, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child. All they who heard it, wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds: But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart. And the shepherds returned glorifying and praising God for all the things which they had heard and seen, as they were manifested unto them” (Luke 2:6-20).
Dear Ones,
During my daily walk recently I met a young man with whom I sensed I needed to communicate. I have known him since he was a child. He was attracted to the baby chicks we displayed in the window of our store during the week we celebrate the Resurrection each year. He liked to help me feed and water the chicks. I asked Mike to stop by for a visit. He came the next day. He was in more trouble than I had expected.
The following Monday, he would be going to court on two drug charges. When I suggested he consider enlisting in one of the military services, he said he had dropped out of school and had not completed the requirements for a GED. Without meeting this requirement he could not enlist. He would also need to satisfy the demands of the court. When I said he needed some spiritual help, he seemed to delight in saying, “I’m an atheist.” In spite of this remark I assured him that there is a God that loves him and that I love him. After I offered a prayer for him he went on his way. I wondered how many others there are like Mike, who are living lives of quiet desperation. How can we help them? What would Jesus say?
I thought of the words of Peter: “For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eye-witnesses of his majesty” (2 Peter 1:16). How can we convince people how much they need the Lord? I love the song, “People need the Lord.” “Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is” (Jeremiah 17:7). In reality, without the Lord, there is very little hope. Ether reminds us: “Whoso believeth in God, might with surety hope for a better world, yea, even a place at the right hand of God, which hope cometh of faith, maketh an anchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding in good works, being led to glorify God” (Ether 5:4).
“Atheists and other unbelievers, seeking a way to circumvent the fact of the 333 fulfilled prophecies of Jesus [given centuries before his birth] in the Old Testament, have argued that the fulfillments were accidental, chance or coincidental. But when such complete details are given, the chance fulfillment of these prophecies is ruled out. The probability of chance fulfillment as calculated by mathematicians, according to the theory of probabilities, is less than one in 1,125,000,000,000,000. This is enough, one would think, to silence forever all pleas for chance as furnishing an unbeliever the least opportunity of escape from the evidence of prophecy” (The Prophets Still Speak, Fred John Meldau. Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, PO Box 908, Bellmawr, NJ 08099). (Gregory’s Letters) [Alexander Keith, Evidences of Prophecy, p. 8].
Dr. A.T. Pierson says: “There would be no honest infidel [or atheist] in the world if the messianic prophecies [of the Old Testament; fulfilled in the New Testament] were studied . . . nor would there be any doubting disciples if this fact of prediction and fulfillment were fully understood. But the sad fact is, we have yet to meet the first honest skeptic or critic who has carefully studied the prophecies which center in Christ” (Many Infallible Proofs).
Many today are “willingly ignorant” of the truth. See 2 Peter 3:5. They seem to prefer to walk in darkness. “And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men love darkness rather than light . . .” (John 3:19).
My Love to All,
High Priest Francis Harper
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Office furnishings For Sale
----- Forwarded message -----
From: Susan Emslie
Office furnishings For Sale
Office furniture and printer...perfect for home office or small business. Items include desk & chair, HP All-in-One 6700 printer, printer table, small bookcase, and two client chairs.
Would like to sell all items as package for $200 or best offer, but will sell items individually, if preferred, priced as follows: desk, $75; desk chair, $25; HP 6700 All-in-One printer, $40; printer table, $25; small bookcase, $20; two client chairs, $15 each.
All items in very good condition. Must be moved from office at 601 Jefferson St, Blue Springs, by the end of December.
If you would like further information, please call/text 816-686-6126
Sue Emslie

From: Susan Emslie
Office furnishings For Sale
Office furniture and printer...perfect for home office or small business. Items include desk & chair, HP All-in-One 6700 printer, printer table, small bookcase, and two client chairs.
Would like to sell all items as package for $200 or best offer, but will sell items individually, if preferred, priced as follows: desk, $75; desk chair, $25; HP 6700 All-in-One printer, $40; printer table, $25; small bookcase, $20; two client chairs, $15 each.
All items in very good condition. Must be moved from office at 601 Jefferson St, Blue Springs, by the end of December.
If you would like further information, please call/text 816-686-6126
Sue Emslie

From: Paul Ludy
Yes, we have the Holy Scriptures (the new 3-in-1). And this is the ONLY PLACE to get it. It includes the Inspired Version, 1908 Book of Mormon, and the Doctrine and Covenants (through Section 144). The book has a bonded leather cover and sharp, clear type.
The book is normally $80.00. But we are offering a number of books at $70.00 because of a very minor pattern on the front or back cover. This was caused by pressure of the corrugations of the boxes they are packed in. The pattern shows up only when you look at a certain angle. It does not affect the books in any way and would not be noticed most of the time.
So you have a choice of a 3-in-1 for $80.00 or for $70.00.
We also have the Inspired Version by itself for $50.00. It also has a leather cover and sharp, clear type.
You can see photos and scans of pages at Restoration:
Call me at 816-210-8450 to arrange for shipment, pick up at Bates City, MO, or delivery to the Independence, MO area.
You can still make someone very happy this Christmas!
Paul V. Ludy
Yes, we have the Holy Scriptures (the new 3-in-1). And this is the ONLY PLACE to get it. It includes the Inspired Version, 1908 Book of Mormon, and the Doctrine and Covenants (through Section 144). The book has a bonded leather cover and sharp, clear type.
The book is normally $80.00. But we are offering a number of books at $70.00 because of a very minor pattern on the front or back cover. This was caused by pressure of the corrugations of the boxes they are packed in. The pattern shows up only when you look at a certain angle. It does not affect the books in any way and would not be noticed most of the time.
So you have a choice of a 3-in-1 for $80.00 or for $70.00.
We also have the Inspired Version by itself for $50.00. It also has a leather cover and sharp, clear type.
You can see photos and scans of pages at Restoration:
Call me at 816-210-8450 to arrange for shipment, pick up at Bates City, MO, or delivery to the Independence, MO area.
You can still make someone very happy this Christmas!
Paul V. Ludy
From: Holly McLean
Tomorrow morning, Thursday, December 12th at 10am!
join the Mommy Answer Lady in the discussion about
You can join the chat during the webcast at the YouTube channel here...
Tomorrow morning, Thursday, December 12th at 10am!
join the Mommy Answer Lady in the discussion about
You can join the chat during the webcast at the YouTube channel here...
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Free Hanging File Folders
From: Muriel Luedeman
Free Hanging File Folders
I have three hundred or so light green file folders to give away. Good condition, labeled on one side.
Seems a shame to pitch them. They would be great for artist subject matter files. I am using part of the batch I received at my studio. These are the leftovers.
Muriel Luedeman
Free Hanging File Folders
I have three hundred or so light green file folders to give away. Good condition, labeled on one side.
Seems a shame to pitch them. They would be great for artist subject matter files. I am using part of the batch I received at my studio. These are the leftovers.
Muriel Luedeman

Monday, December 9, 2019
For Sale - Kubota Tractor
From: Wayne Bateman
For Sale - Kubota Tractor
2016 KUBOTA L2501
LA525 Front Loader
60” Tarter Rotary Cutter
Turf Tires
3 Stage Hydrostat Transmission
Always kept in Garage
Please call or text: Wayne Bateman
For Sale - Kubota Tractor
2016 KUBOTA L2501
LA525 Front Loader
60” Tarter Rotary Cutter
Turf Tires
3 Stage Hydrostat Transmission
Always kept in Garage
Please call or text: Wayne Bateman

Must Sell - Spanish Dining Set and Queen Bed
----- Forwarded message -----
From: Elsie Hensley
Must Sell - Spanish Dining Set and Queen Bed
Must sell:
1. 74 x 46 Spanish style dining table with 6 chairs.
Best offer

2. Queen size bed and head board
Best offer

From: Elsie Hensley
Must Sell - Spanish Dining Set and Queen Bed
Must sell:
1. 74 x 46 Spanish style dining table with 6 chairs.
Best offer

2. Queen size bed and head board
Best offer

Sunday, December 8, 2019
Job Postings for Fort Osage December 2019
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Rachel Horn
Job Postings for Fort Osage December 2019
Begin forwarded message:
Fort Osage R-1 School District
Below you will find a list of jobs posted between Dec 1, 2019 and Dec 8, 2019.
Job Posting Title Job Category
Child Care Assistant Classified Apply Now
Certificated Paraeducator - Elm Grove Classified Apply Now
Certificated Paraeducator - Buckner Classified Apply Now
Certificated Paraeducator - Fort Osage High School Classified Apply Now
Jobs scheduled to stop accepting applications between Dec 8, 2019 and Dec 15, 2019.
Job Posting Title Job Category
Server/Dishwasher Classified Apply Now
From: Rachel Horn
Job Postings for Fort Osage December 2019
Begin forwarded message:
Fort Osage R-1 School District
Below you will find a list of jobs posted between Dec 1, 2019 and Dec 8, 2019.
Job Posting Title Job Category
Child Care Assistant Classified Apply Now
Certificated Paraeducator - Elm Grove Classified Apply Now
Certificated Paraeducator - Buckner Classified Apply Now
Certificated Paraeducator - Fort Osage High School Classified Apply Now
Jobs scheduled to stop accepting applications between Dec 8, 2019 and Dec 15, 2019.
Job Posting Title Job Category
Server/Dishwasher Classified Apply Now
Prayer Request for Tom See
----- Forwarded message -----
From: Mark Strychacz
Prayer Request for Tom See
Tom See, my daughters father in-law, had his intestine nicked during stomach surgery. He is in ICU with a septic infection and they are not sure he is going to make it.
Thank you
Mark Strychacz
From: Mark Strychacz
Prayer Request for Tom See
Tom See, my daughters father in-law, had his intestine nicked during stomach surgery. He is in ICU with a septic infection and they are not sure he is going to make it.
Thank you
Mark Strychacz
Bowerman Sermon Recordings...
From: David Bowerman
Bowerman Sermon Recordings...
Good Morning! I am looking to track down any and all sermons, classes or other church service/reunion recordings of my grandfather David W. Bowerman and my father Grant Bowerman.
It does not matter what audio format or how old. I hope to make copies of anything available or purchase anything people have as duplicates.
Thanks and take care.
David G. Bowerman
Bowerman Sermon Recordings...
Good Morning! I am looking to track down any and all sermons, classes or other church service/reunion recordings of my grandfather David W. Bowerman and my father Grant Bowerman.
It does not matter what audio format or how old. I hope to make copies of anything available or purchase anything people have as duplicates.
Thanks and take care.
David G. Bowerman
Saturday, December 7, 2019
David Eugene Brooks of Independence, Missouri | 1943 - 2019 | Obituary
From: Carrie Hamilton
David Eugene Brooks of Independence, Missouri | 1943 - 2019 | Obituary

David Eugene Brooks, 76, of Independence, Missouri, went to his heavenly home on December 6, 2019. He passed away at Kansas City Hospice House, surrounded by family.
A memorial service celebrating his life will be held at The Church of Jesus Christ Atherton Restoration Branch, 4910 N Main, Independence, Missouri 64058 on Saturday, December14, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. The visitation will be from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. before the memorial service.
Born August 25, 1943, in Vernon County, Missouri, Dave was the third of six children born to David and Francis Brooks. He graduated from Hume High School.
Dave was a veteran who served in the United States Army. It was during this time that his sister Norann asked him to write a friend she had met, Patricia A. Dragoo. They wrote letters to each other and finally met and fell in love. They were married on May 29, 1965, in Independence, Missouri, and they enjoyed 54 years of marriage.
Dave was a member of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for 47 years. He was a High Priest and pastor for many years. He attended the Mt. Zion Restoration Branch. He loved the Lord. He had a generous heart and helped many people throughout his life.
He worked in the Fastener Industry, operating for several years, and then for 9 years, he owned BTM, Inc., a company that manufactured/distributed bent & threaded products. For several years, he was a developer and contractor for building residential homes. He started up and owned Quality Fasteners for 7 years but decided to sell when he found out he had cancer.
He owned registered black Angus cattle and had quarter horses. He loved fishing and being outdoors. He loved spending time with his family! He had a great sense of humor and was so much fun to be around.
Dave is survived by his wife, Pattie Brooks, and two children: Carrie Hamilton (Scott) & Christie Fountain (Craig); 7 grandchildren: Jason (Cathy), Kyle, Jacob, Joseph (Margaret), Anna (Chris), Emma, & Josh; 5 great-grandchildren: Carley, Jarom, Grace, Addy, & Elouise; 4 sisters: Norann Brooks, Rita Burns (Kenneth), Mildred Bell, & Helen Owens (David); and 1 brother: Frank Brooks (Barb).
The family would like to express their appreciation and thanks to the Kansas City Hospice, especially his nurse Tammy who was such a blessing!
In lieu of flowers, the family would appreciate donations to be made to Center Place Restoration School, 819 W. Waldo Avenue, Independence, MO 64050, where all of Dave’s grandchildren and great-grandchildren have and are attending, or to Kansas City Hospice, 12000 Warnall Road, Kansas City, MO 64145.
Arrangements: Cullen Funeral Home, Raymore, Missouri 816.322.5278
Saturday, December 14, 2019
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
The Church of Jesus Christ Atherton Restoration Branch
4910 N. Main
Independence, Mo - Missouri 64058
Memorial Service
Saturday, December 14, 2019
11:00 AM
The Church of Jesus Christ Atherton Restoration Branch
4910 N. Main
Independence, MO - Missouri 64058
David Eugene Brooks of Independence, Missouri | 1943 - 2019 | Obituary

David Eugene Brooks, 76, of Independence, Missouri, went to his heavenly home on December 6, 2019. He passed away at Kansas City Hospice House, surrounded by family.
A memorial service celebrating his life will be held at The Church of Jesus Christ Atherton Restoration Branch, 4910 N Main, Independence, Missouri 64058 on Saturday, December14, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. The visitation will be from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. before the memorial service.
Born August 25, 1943, in Vernon County, Missouri, Dave was the third of six children born to David and Francis Brooks. He graduated from Hume High School.
Dave was a veteran who served in the United States Army. It was during this time that his sister Norann asked him to write a friend she had met, Patricia A. Dragoo. They wrote letters to each other and finally met and fell in love. They were married on May 29, 1965, in Independence, Missouri, and they enjoyed 54 years of marriage.
Dave was a member of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for 47 years. He was a High Priest and pastor for many years. He attended the Mt. Zion Restoration Branch. He loved the Lord. He had a generous heart and helped many people throughout his life.
He worked in the Fastener Industry, operating for several years, and then for 9 years, he owned BTM, Inc., a company that manufactured/distributed bent & threaded products. For several years, he was a developer and contractor for building residential homes. He started up and owned Quality Fasteners for 7 years but decided to sell when he found out he had cancer.
He owned registered black Angus cattle and had quarter horses. He loved fishing and being outdoors. He loved spending time with his family! He had a great sense of humor and was so much fun to be around.
Dave is survived by his wife, Pattie Brooks, and two children: Carrie Hamilton (Scott) & Christie Fountain (Craig); 7 grandchildren: Jason (Cathy), Kyle, Jacob, Joseph (Margaret), Anna (Chris), Emma, & Josh; 5 great-grandchildren: Carley, Jarom, Grace, Addy, & Elouise; 4 sisters: Norann Brooks, Rita Burns (Kenneth), Mildred Bell, & Helen Owens (David); and 1 brother: Frank Brooks (Barb).
The family would like to express their appreciation and thanks to the Kansas City Hospice, especially his nurse Tammy who was such a blessing!
In lieu of flowers, the family would appreciate donations to be made to Center Place Restoration School, 819 W. Waldo Avenue, Independence, MO 64050, where all of Dave’s grandchildren and great-grandchildren have and are attending, or to Kansas City Hospice, 12000 Warnall Road, Kansas City, MO 64145.
Arrangements: Cullen Funeral Home, Raymore, Missouri 816.322.5278
Saturday, December 14, 2019
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
The Church of Jesus Christ Atherton Restoration Branch
4910 N. Main
Independence, Mo - Missouri 64058
Memorial Service
Saturday, December 14, 2019
11:00 AM
The Church of Jesus Christ Atherton Restoration Branch
4910 N. Main
Independence, MO - Missouri 64058
2020 January Priesthood and Men's Retreat
From: Horn, Vim
2020 January Priesthood and Men's Retreat
To register online go to the CRE website:
Or use this link:
2020 January Priesthood and Men's Retreat
To register online go to the CRE website:
Or use this link:

Reminder - Restoration Choir and Orchestra Christmas Services - 2019
----- Forwarded message -----
From: Larry Ward
Reminder - Restoration Choir and Orchestra Christmas Services - 2019
If you are looking for a time of reflection, worship, and joy in the midst of your Advent season... will you join us this Sunday evening? We would love to have you with us during this powerful service as we celebrate the Promise that God made to all the world -- the Promise that He kept when He sent us His Son.
Choir, orchestra, narration, and fellowship afterwards.
For more information visit:
or contact Larry and Diane Ward at:

From: Larry Ward
Reminder - Restoration Choir and Orchestra Christmas Services - 2019
If you are looking for a time of reflection, worship, and joy in the midst of your Advent season... will you join us this Sunday evening? We would love to have you with us during this powerful service as we celebrate the Promise that God made to all the world -- the Promise that He kept when He sent us His Son.
Choir, orchestra, narration, and fellowship afterwards.
For more information visit:
or contact Larry and Diane Ward at:

Friday, December 6, 2019
From: Cindy Friend
Send me a personal email reply if…
You are interested in working in a small business office in Independence at the front desk.
Must be able to provide good customer service face to face as well as on the phone, be confident with basic computer skills such as Word, Excel and emails, and be dependable and eager to learn.
Cindy Friend
Independence Community Connect
Send me a personal email reply if…
You are interested in working in a small business office in Independence at the front desk.
Must be able to provide good customer service face to face as well as on the phone, be confident with basic computer skills such as Word, Excel and emails, and be dependable and eager to learn.
Cindy Friend
Independence Community Connect
Made New/Brother John Concert - Save the Date!
From: Kevin McMilian
Made New/Brother John Concert - Save the Date!
On January 17th, Made New, the second generation of Brother John, will be performing a concert in Blue Springs at Zarahemla Branch. It will be a wonderful evening of worship, music, and fellowship as they share over an hour of campfire-style music and ministry.
This is a free public concert, so invite your friends and family! Doors open at 5:30 and the concert starts at 6:30.
See you there!
FB Event Link:
Printable Flyers:
Made New/Brother John Concert - Save the Date!
On January 17th, Made New, the second generation of Brother John, will be performing a concert in Blue Springs at Zarahemla Branch. It will be a wonderful evening of worship, music, and fellowship as they share over an hour of campfire-style music and ministry.
This is a free public concert, so invite your friends and family! Doors open at 5:30 and the concert starts at 6:30.
See you there!
FB Event Link:
Printable Flyers:

Family In Need
----- Forwarded message -----
From: Wes Ferraiuolo
Family In Need
I recently met a couple that is really struggling. His tires blew and destroyed the rims, her car was shot, their furnace doesn't work he has been out of work for a little while (he just started a new job) so money non-existent. Between the two of them they have 6 girls. She is a waitress at a popular breakfast spot in Blue Springs. I have often heard stories of people leaving large tips during the Christmas season. I know she is working Saturday if you would be willing to go out for breakfast and want to leave a generous tip to help this family message me and I will share the details. I would ask for you to make this a matter of prayer and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in this endeavor.
Wes Ferraiuolo
From: Wes Ferraiuolo
Family In Need
I recently met a couple that is really struggling. His tires blew and destroyed the rims, her car was shot, their furnace doesn't work he has been out of work for a little while (he just started a new job) so money non-existent. Between the two of them they have 6 girls. She is a waitress at a popular breakfast spot in Blue Springs. I have often heard stories of people leaving large tips during the Christmas season. I know she is working Saturday if you would be willing to go out for breakfast and want to leave a generous tip to help this family message me and I will share the details. I would ask for you to make this a matter of prayer and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in this endeavor.
Wes Ferraiuolo
Francis Harper Message for 12/6/2019
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Francis Harper
Francis Harper Message for 12/6/2019
Divine Revelation
Brother Bakht Singh [1903-2000] of India, wrote: “I began to read the book of Genesis in the month of January 1930. I found these words again and again in the same chapter: God said, God said. I found these words repeated 500 times and this very fragment was a blessing to me: God speaks, God speaks. So I said, O God, speak to me. I want to hear Thy voice. I have no ambition for any other experience. The longing of my soul is that you should speak to me and show me thy way day by day. I believed like a child. Even though it may take some time to learn the lesson that God speaks, the fact remains that when He becomes real [to us] He does speak. A day came when I began to hear His voice every day.” (Brother Bakht Singh of India. TE Koshy, OM Books. Secunderabal 500002, Andhra Pradesh, India. Page 86).

Bakht Singh became the greatest evangelist and church planter in India of the 20th century. One day he needed a haircut, so he prayed and asked the Lord whether he should go for a haircut that day or not. He felt restrained from going. Again after a few days, he asked the Lord whether or not he should go for a haircut, and this time he was constrained to go. When he arrived at the barber shop, the barber, by the name of Bruce, was all alone. While getting his haircut, Bakht Singh and the barber had a good conversation which led Bakht Singh to share his testimony. Then he asked Bruce if he had ever received the Lord. The man replied, “no.” So, Bakht Singh said to him that he would be glad to show him from the Scriptures how to receive the Lord after he had finished the haircut. This he did. (Ibid. Page 52). This experience proves “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord . . .” (Psalm 37:23). And the Lord’s timing is precise.
We need to “Hear Him.” (Matthew 3:46 I.V.), “Matthew 17:4 IV; 17:5 KJV), (3 Nephi 5:8), (History of the Church Vol 1, page 9).
The words of a well known hymn are an excellent reminder of what we need to do each day; “I would be prayerful through each busy moment; I would be constantly in touch with God; I would be tuned to hear his slightest whisper . . .” (Hymns of the Restoration, #322).
The gates of hell prevail against the Church of Jesus Christ whenever the line of communication with God is broken. Jesus asked his disciples: “Whom say ye that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou Simon Bar-Jona; for flesh and blood [man] hath not revealed this unto thee, but my Father who is in heaven. And I say also unto thee, . . . upon this rock [divine revelation] I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:16-19).
The Apostle Paul understood the absolute necessity that the church of Jesus Christ be led by God and not by man. He wrote: “But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man. For I neither received of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ. . . . I conferred not with flesh and blood [man]” (Galatians 1:11-12, 16).
Neither did Joseph Smith, Jr., confer with flesh and blood in the re-establishment of the Church of Jesus Christ on April 6, 1830. Neither did he receive the Restoration from man, nor was he taught it by man, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ and the ministry of angels. See History of the Church Vol. 1, pp 1-67.
Dear Ones,
I believe the prophet Amos could have been prophesying of our day and land, when the Lord through him said, “Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord; And they shall wander from sea to sea; (“From sea to shining sea,” America, the Beautiful)and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the Lord, and shall not find it. In that day shall the fair virgins and young men faint for thirst” (Amos 8:11-13).
It is written that in the time of Eli: “. . . the word of the Lord was precious [scarce] in those days; there was no open vision” (1 Samuel 3:1). The same words could be spoken of our day. We need to hear the Lord. “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches” (Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 29, 3:6, 13, 22). What is the Spirit saying to the Restoration Branches?
God still wants to speak to us. “For I am the Lord, I change not” (Malachi 3:16). We need to improve our hearing. Jesus set the example for all of us, especially for the priesthood, who are called of God to be His spokesmen. Jesus said: “For I have not spoken of myself, but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment what I should say and what I should speak; . . . whatsoever I speak therefore, even as the Father said unto me, so I speak” (John 12:49-50). As priesthood, we should endeavor to do the same.
The Doctrine and Covenants contains the revelations of God given to his prophets of the 19th and 20th centuries. The majority of these revelations were received by Joseph Smith, Jr., and his eldest son Joseph Smith III.
Some complained that Joseph (III) did not prophesy or use “Thus saith the Lord” enough; as though God’s words were not as effective and binding when faithfully declared without that preface, as with it” (Autobiography of Elder Charles Derry, page 255). Joseph III “did not aim at grand, eloquent language. It was plain, simple, and very comprehensive. He used no redundancy of words, but every word was meat for the hungry soul. Truly, the mantle of his father had rested upon him” (Ibid. page 221).
Joseph Smith III wrote: “The means by which revelation [of God] is given to man may be said to be infinite” (Joseph Smith III and the Restoration, page 597).
Among the infinite number of ways and means God uses to reveal his will to us; is that he speaks to us through the Scriptures. Three examples of this are given below.
1) “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not [will not censure]; and it shall be given him” (James 1:5). Joseph Smith, Jr., wrote: Never did any passage of scripture come with more power to the heart of man than this did at this time to mine . . . I reflected upon it again and again.” (1820).
2) “Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God . . .” (Doctrine and Covenants 16:3-c). My father was a young farmer, still in his twenties, when he became afflicted with a disease the doctors said could afflict him for a period of six weeks, to as long as seven years! He called for the elders to come and pray for him. He promised the Lord, if he was healed, he would make a more diligent effort to study the Scriptures. He was healed. He began his study of the Scriptures with the Doctrine and Covenants. When he reached Section 16:3-c, he said the words seemed to be magnified and stand out on the page. This scripture became his lodestar; a guiding star, for the rest of his life. (1933)
3) “Whosoever, therefore, shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 10:28 IV; 10:32 KJV). I was summoned to the Funeral Home to meet with a family whose 21 year old son had been killed when the car he was driving was hit by a large truck on an icy bridge. Needless to say his family was grief-stricken by their tragic loss.
Later, at the funeral, his mother and sister wept throughout the service. I felt the ministry they needed had not been received. The family planned to remain in our area a few days, so I asked if they would come and visit with me before returning to their homes. They accepted my invitation. I wanted another opportunity to share the testimony of Jesus and the hope we have in Him. We “sorrow not as those without hope” (1 Thessalonians 4:13). This second effort was a blessing for all of us. The Holy Comforter was present. The words: “Blessed are they that mourn; for they shall be comforted” were fulfilled. See Matthew 5:6.
After the family’s visit, I leaned back in my chair and breathed a sigh of blessed relief. Then suddenly, the words of an unfamiliar scripture (at the time) were quoted to me, word for word: “Whosoever, therefore, shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father who is in heaven” Then I noticed that on a small digital clock, attached to the wall, the time was precisely 3:33 PM. I could not doubt that the Lord was speaking directly to me through this precious scriptural promise.
My Love to All,
High Priest Francis Harper
From: Francis Harper
Francis Harper Message for 12/6/2019
Divine Revelation
Brother Bakht Singh [1903-2000] of India, wrote: “I began to read the book of Genesis in the month of January 1930. I found these words again and again in the same chapter: God said, God said. I found these words repeated 500 times and this very fragment was a blessing to me: God speaks, God speaks. So I said, O God, speak to me. I want to hear Thy voice. I have no ambition for any other experience. The longing of my soul is that you should speak to me and show me thy way day by day. I believed like a child. Even though it may take some time to learn the lesson that God speaks, the fact remains that when He becomes real [to us] He does speak. A day came when I began to hear His voice every day.” (Brother Bakht Singh of India. TE Koshy, OM Books. Secunderabal 500002, Andhra Pradesh, India. Page 86).

Bakht Singh became the greatest evangelist and church planter in India of the 20th century. One day he needed a haircut, so he prayed and asked the Lord whether he should go for a haircut that day or not. He felt restrained from going. Again after a few days, he asked the Lord whether or not he should go for a haircut, and this time he was constrained to go. When he arrived at the barber shop, the barber, by the name of Bruce, was all alone. While getting his haircut, Bakht Singh and the barber had a good conversation which led Bakht Singh to share his testimony. Then he asked Bruce if he had ever received the Lord. The man replied, “no.” So, Bakht Singh said to him that he would be glad to show him from the Scriptures how to receive the Lord after he had finished the haircut. This he did. (Ibid. Page 52). This experience proves “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord . . .” (Psalm 37:23). And the Lord’s timing is precise.
We need to “Hear Him.” (Matthew 3:46 I.V.), “Matthew 17:4 IV; 17:5 KJV), (3 Nephi 5:8), (History of the Church Vol 1, page 9).
The words of a well known hymn are an excellent reminder of what we need to do each day; “I would be prayerful through each busy moment; I would be constantly in touch with God; I would be tuned to hear his slightest whisper . . .” (Hymns of the Restoration, #322).
The gates of hell prevail against the Church of Jesus Christ whenever the line of communication with God is broken. Jesus asked his disciples: “Whom say ye that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou Simon Bar-Jona; for flesh and blood [man] hath not revealed this unto thee, but my Father who is in heaven. And I say also unto thee, . . . upon this rock [divine revelation] I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:16-19).
The Apostle Paul understood the absolute necessity that the church of Jesus Christ be led by God and not by man. He wrote: “But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man. For I neither received of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ. . . . I conferred not with flesh and blood [man]” (Galatians 1:11-12, 16).
Neither did Joseph Smith, Jr., confer with flesh and blood in the re-establishment of the Church of Jesus Christ on April 6, 1830. Neither did he receive the Restoration from man, nor was he taught it by man, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ and the ministry of angels. See History of the Church Vol. 1, pp 1-67.
Dear Ones,
I believe the prophet Amos could have been prophesying of our day and land, when the Lord through him said, “Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord; And they shall wander from sea to sea; (“From sea to shining sea,” America, the Beautiful)and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the Lord, and shall not find it. In that day shall the fair virgins and young men faint for thirst” (Amos 8:11-13).
It is written that in the time of Eli: “. . . the word of the Lord was precious [scarce] in those days; there was no open vision” (1 Samuel 3:1). The same words could be spoken of our day. We need to hear the Lord. “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches” (Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 29, 3:6, 13, 22). What is the Spirit saying to the Restoration Branches?
God still wants to speak to us. “For I am the Lord, I change not” (Malachi 3:16). We need to improve our hearing. Jesus set the example for all of us, especially for the priesthood, who are called of God to be His spokesmen. Jesus said: “For I have not spoken of myself, but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment what I should say and what I should speak; . . . whatsoever I speak therefore, even as the Father said unto me, so I speak” (John 12:49-50). As priesthood, we should endeavor to do the same.
The Doctrine and Covenants contains the revelations of God given to his prophets of the 19th and 20th centuries. The majority of these revelations were received by Joseph Smith, Jr., and his eldest son Joseph Smith III.
Some complained that Joseph (III) did not prophesy or use “Thus saith the Lord” enough; as though God’s words were not as effective and binding when faithfully declared without that preface, as with it” (Autobiography of Elder Charles Derry, page 255). Joseph III “did not aim at grand, eloquent language. It was plain, simple, and very comprehensive. He used no redundancy of words, but every word was meat for the hungry soul. Truly, the mantle of his father had rested upon him” (Ibid. page 221).
Joseph Smith III wrote: “The means by which revelation [of God] is given to man may be said to be infinite” (Joseph Smith III and the Restoration, page 597).
Among the infinite number of ways and means God uses to reveal his will to us; is that he speaks to us through the Scriptures. Three examples of this are given below.
1) “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not [will not censure]; and it shall be given him” (James 1:5). Joseph Smith, Jr., wrote: Never did any passage of scripture come with more power to the heart of man than this did at this time to mine . . . I reflected upon it again and again.” (1820).
2) “Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God . . .” (Doctrine and Covenants 16:3-c). My father was a young farmer, still in his twenties, when he became afflicted with a disease the doctors said could afflict him for a period of six weeks, to as long as seven years! He called for the elders to come and pray for him. He promised the Lord, if he was healed, he would make a more diligent effort to study the Scriptures. He was healed. He began his study of the Scriptures with the Doctrine and Covenants. When he reached Section 16:3-c, he said the words seemed to be magnified and stand out on the page. This scripture became his lodestar; a guiding star, for the rest of his life. (1933)
3) “Whosoever, therefore, shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 10:28 IV; 10:32 KJV). I was summoned to the Funeral Home to meet with a family whose 21 year old son had been killed when the car he was driving was hit by a large truck on an icy bridge. Needless to say his family was grief-stricken by their tragic loss.
Later, at the funeral, his mother and sister wept throughout the service. I felt the ministry they needed had not been received. The family planned to remain in our area a few days, so I asked if they would come and visit with me before returning to their homes. They accepted my invitation. I wanted another opportunity to share the testimony of Jesus and the hope we have in Him. We “sorrow not as those without hope” (1 Thessalonians 4:13). This second effort was a blessing for all of us. The Holy Comforter was present. The words: “Blessed are they that mourn; for they shall be comforted” were fulfilled. See Matthew 5:6.
After the family’s visit, I leaned back in my chair and breathed a sigh of blessed relief. Then suddenly, the words of an unfamiliar scripture (at the time) were quoted to me, word for word: “Whosoever, therefore, shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father who is in heaven” Then I noticed that on a small digital clock, attached to the wall, the time was precisely 3:33 PM. I could not doubt that the Lord was speaking directly to me through this precious scriptural promise.
My Love to All,
High Priest Francis Harper
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