From: Francis Harper
Francis Harper Message for 12/27/2019
“Blessed Are They That Mourn”

“Blessed are they that mourn; for they shall be comforted” (Matthew 5:6). We sing; “let sorrow do its work, come grief or pain . . .” (“More Love to Thee, O Christ” Hymns of the Restoration #325).
Those who are feeling the emotions of sorrow and grief at the time of the loss of a loved one may wonder how sorrow and mourning can ever be a blessing. Yet I have often witnessed how those who have suffered the loss of loved ones, have invariably been blessed with a greater level of faith, love and compassion than ever before.
Within a short period of time several families in our local congregation of the church suffered great losses. One couple lost their only son. He was 16 and in the full vigor of his youth on Friday evening and by Sunday night he was dead; a victim of polio. Another family lost a daughter; a senior in high school, when she fell from a moving vehicle. A third family lost a
2 year old son, who was crushed by his father, as he was backing his tractor out of a building on their farm. In spite of these tragic losses each of these families were able to overcome their grief by turning to God for his strength and comfort.
When people of faith are suddenly faced with the loss of a loved one, or with some other trouble or trial, they instinctively turn to their Heavenly Father; even as a small child runs to his mother when trouble comes. Jesus promised: “I will not leave you comfortless; I will come to you.” (John 14:18). The Lord Jesus keeps his promises. Our faith in the Lord will sustain us through every trial we may encounter in life.
“Closely cling to Jesus, ask him for his grace, in his words of comfort find a resting place. Never be discouraged, trust the Father’s word, in the time of trial let His voice be heard; trusting in His promise, though the waiting long, He will surely bless us; praise Him with a song” (Hymns of the Restoration #287).
“From that time [and from this time!] many of his disciples went back and walked no more with him. Then said Jesus unto the twelve, will ye also go away? Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life. And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the Living God” (John 6:66-68).
What a sad thing it is to see anyone turn back and walk no more with Jesus. What a tragic mistake this is! Hopefully you and I can say with Peter: “We believe and are sure that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God.” The words, Son of the living God seem to have greater meaning to the saints who live in the Hindu world where hundreds of gods are worshipped, who are not living!
Jesus said “. . . I am the resurrection, and the life; he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live; and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die” (John 11:25-26). “. . . Sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. Wherefore comfort one another with these words” (1 Thessalonians 4:13, 18).
Without Jesus we would have no hope! But the angel said “. . . fear not, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day, in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:10-11). With Jesus we have hope for life everlasting. “For God so loved the world that he gave his Only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish; but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). What a gift he is! And he has promised: “. . . your sorrow shall be turned into joy” (John 16:20).
High Priest Francis Harper
Dear Ones,
Terri and I took my wife, Iris to the Missouri Valley Hospital in Missouri Valley, IA, on Friday, December 6, 2019. She was admitted to the hospital at about 2 PM. Her symptoms were swollen feet, legs and thighs, shortness of breath and coughing. Iris told me she had asked the Lord to take her.
Early on the next day, Saturday, December 7th, I was awakened at 3:33 AM, and the time immediately changed to 3:34. It was the precise timing of the Lord. I had not been awakened at that time since May 25, 2019, a period of seven months! It was the Lord’s blessed assurance that even as we would be walking in the valley and shadow of death He would be with us, and He was.
Iris was moved to the I.C.U. of Mercy Hospital in Council Bluffs, IA., on December 10, 2019. On December 12 she was moved from Intensive Care to Comfort Care or Hospice. Then on Saturday morning December 14, we were pleasantly surprised by Iris, with her eyes wide open, and communications limited, she said, “I want to go home.” After some discussion we decided to make the necessary arrangements to fulfill her desire to go home for her final hours. Terri went to the nurse’s station to do the necessary paperwork. She was given the form that needed to be completed with date and time of the transfer and signature. Terri asked the nurse for the time and she answered: “It is 3:33 PM.” Terri smiled as she posted the time and signed the form. As Alan and I were returning from a trip to the parking lot in our preparations for returning home with Iris, I said to him, “I hope we have made the right decision in taking Iris home.” Shortly after our return to Iris’ room, Terri came with the discharge/transfer papers signed at 3:33 PM!

It was the Lord’s approval of our decision. We do indeed worship a living God! And he knows and loves each of the seven billion of us on this planet with an everlasting love.
On Sunday morning, December 15, the day of her death, Iris was able to eat some pudding, jello, whipped potatoes and even one of her favorite cookies. Then she told me she wanted to get out of bed. I told her I could not help her do this. When Bridget, the Hospice nurse came, she asked again for help to get out of bed. Bridget told her she was still too weak to do this. After Bridget gave her some pills with pudding she went to sleep and rested peacefully until her death at 11:00 PM on December 15, 2019.
Obituary for Iris Harper
Iris Lorraine (Edwards) Harper was born on May 20, 1931 at the Mary Greeley Hospital in Ames, Iowa. Her parents were Cecil Francis Edwards and Yvonne Marie (Bruhand) Edwards. Cecil served in the US Army during World War I. It was during his tour of duty in France that he met and married his wife, Yvonne. They established their permanent residence in Ames, Iowa, where they raised their two children, Normand Francis (as in Normandy, France) and Iris Lorraine (as in Alsace Lorraine, France). Iris was proud of her French heritage.
After her graduation from Ames High School in 1950, Iris was employed by the Iowa State Highway Commission, where she worked until after her marriage. She became engaged to be married to Francis Harper Jr., on New Year’s Eve, 1951. They were married on September 14, 1952. They were blessed to be together for 67 years. They became the parents of three children; Terri Lyn, Marc Ammon and Loni Yvonne. Terri was born in the same hospital, assisted by the same nurse, as her mother Iris, 22 years earlier.
On January 9, 1954, Iris and her baby daughter, Terri, accompanied Francis as he reported for active duty with the U.S. Army at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey. It was during his two year tour of active duty that Marc was born at Fort Gordon, Georgia. Loni was born after her parents had moved to the farm near Woodbine, Iowa.
In the spring of 1956, Iris began her life as a farm wife. Being a city girl this was a difficult adjustment for her. In spite of the difficulties; she endured. She had vowed she would never marry a farmer but she was willing to learn and participated in such duties as removing weeds from the soybeans and occasionally helped with the livestock chores. She was pleased when the decision was made to move into Woodbine in the fall of 1979.
Iris was a faithful follower of Jesus Christ. She accepted the gospel as it is taught by the Restoration Branches; formerly known as the Reorganized Latter Day Saints. She was baptized in November, 1950. She fully supported the ministry of her husband Francis, even when he traveled in distant lands doing missionary work for extended periods of time. Iris especially enjoyed attending the annual church family camps, which are called reunions. She not only took her own children but often took additional children with her to these week-long encampments. She attended these camps for at least 60 consecutive summers. This must be a record.
Traveling with members of her family was always enjoyed by Iris. She traveled to France three times; first with her mother, later with her brother Normand, accompanied by his wife, and Iris’ daughter, Terri. Finally she and her husband, Francis, traveled together to visit the South of France.
Traveling with her husband was one of the favorite things they enjoyed most. In January of 1990 they traveled with their daughter Terri, and a friend to the Holy Land of Israel. This journey was the most rewarding of all their traveling. They also visited such places as Mexico, Hawaii, and nearly all the states with the exception of Alaska. During the fall of 2002 they traveled three weeks and five thousand miles to celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary. They were blessed with good health and safety with Iris doing all the driving, allowing Francis to do the sight-seeing. This was her wish. She felt safer with her hands on the wheel.
After several years of failing health she prayed for the deliverance from her mortal body, believing the Lord’s promise that he had a far better place prepared for her. She looked forward to the reunion with her loved ones who had preceded her in death. She passed into the eternal realms on December 15, 2019, at her home at 1209 Normal Street in Woodbine, Iowa.
She was preceded in death by her parents, her brother, Normand, daughter, Loni Yvonne, and granddaughter Whitney Yvonne. Included among the many who will cherish the precious memories of their relationship with Iris are her husband, Francis Harper Jr.; daughter, Terri Lyn Ronk and husband Alan; son, Marc Harper and wife Andrea. All of her immediate family resides in Woodbine or the vicinity.
In addition to her immediate family she is survived by ten grandchildren, seven great grandchildren and many relatives and friends.
A memorial service for Iris will be scheduled and announced at a later date.
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