Kay Rosalie Skinner
January 25, 1934 — March 2, 2025
Kay was born Jan. 25, 1934, to Fritz and Rachel Oeser, Sr. and lived her whole life in Independence. She graduated from William Chrisman High School. She then attended Graceland College, Lamoni, Iowa, and CMSC in Warrensburg, MO earning a degree in Vocational Home Economics, which she taught for a short time.
She and her husband Don had four children, and she was a stay-at-home mom. She gave piano lessons to neighborhood children and played piano and organ for her church and many relatives and friends’ weddings.
She enjoyed square dancing, bowling, and scuba diving. She earned her private pilot’s license, tutored English as a Second Language to students and volunteered for Hospice.
Kay enjoyed traveling, camping and sailing with family and friends in many different places.
At the age of forty-nine she earned her LPN license, graduating from the Jenny Lund School at the Independence Sanitarium and Hospital.
She worked with her husband at Don’s Pharmacy in Northeast K.C. until they retired.
Kay was preceded in death by her parents, a sister Frances Easter (Finis), son and grandson, Kevin and Cody Skinner and daughter, Deanna.
Kay is survived by husband Don, and sons Kurt (Ronda) and Brian, grandchildren Colton, Raeanna, Karalyn, Garrett, Caleb and Hannah, great grandchildren Henry, Cody and Julian. Daughter-in-law Cindy Skinner. Also sister Milda Lewis (Marvin), and brother Fritz Oeser, Jr. (Linda), and many nieces and nephews.
Cremation is planned with services to be held at a later date.
Born: Jan.25, 1934 Independence, MO
I. Graduated:
1. Willian Chrisman High School 1951
2. Graceland College Lamoni, Iowa AA degree 1953
3. Warrensburg with BS Vocational Home Economics 1955
4. Jennie Lund School of Nursing licensed Practical Nurse 1983
II. Other Achievements
1. Private Pilot's License
2. Scuba Certified3. ESL training---- tutored students
4. Hospice training--- volunteerIll. Work1. Taught Home ½ yr.2. Substitute teacher3.
Drug Store IV. Activities
1. Bowling
2. Flying
3. Friends and Family
4. Sewing, quilting, cross stitch
5. Playing Bridge
6. Square Dancing
7. Snorkeling, scuba, sailing
8. Piano & Organ
9. RV Travels
Kay's handwritten notes:
I was born Jan. 25, 1934 at 1226 S. Dodgion St. and delivered by my grandmother Elizabeth Brunson, on a snowy day. The doctor arrived later and all was fine.
Grandma Brunson had delivered many babies in her lifetime. I lived there until 1940/41 (?) when we moved to 909 E. Fair on 7 acres of land that was once the old fair grounds. I attended McCoy Grade School and graduated from William Chrisman High School in 1951. I belonged to the "M" Club (girls athletic club) and National Honor Society. I attended Graceland College, Lamoni, IA earning an AA and Warrensburg, MO earning a BS in Vocational Home Economics which I taught for a short time.
I was not a musician, but I took piano lessons then organ and played for relatives and friends' weddings and funerals. (Wish I had kept track of these.) I served my God by playing for our local congregations and accompanying our local choir.
I earned my private pilot's license to know what Don was doing when e flew the different airplanes we were in partner(s) with at various times. I enjoyed the many flying trips we took with family or friends seeing the beauty of God's creation; mountains, rivers, desert, and colors of the seasonal changes in the US, Canada and Mexico.
I took the ESL training classes to help students become more proficient in English and obtain their GED's.
In 1983 I went back to school to the Jennie Lund School of Nursing at the Independence Hospital on Truman Rd. and earned my Practical Nurse License. Although I never worked in this field going back to school and being focused got me through a mid life crises of "I'm just a housewife and nobody loves me," which was definitely not true.
I enrolled for the Hospice training program to become a volunteer and felt that my nurses training helped me better understand peoples' feeling when I was with a client. This gave me a new purpose in my life knowing I was helping others in a small way.
Earlier in life I worked part time at our corner drug store checking and filing Medicaid and Medicare records and insurance claims. I enjoyed meeting the people who came in as the "drug store and prescription shop" was an entirely different experience for customers.
I've enjoyed the many sailing trips we've been on, in the many different places meeting other nationalities.
Taking square dance lessons and belonging to a club was great exercise and a great way to meet people and interact with them.
Getting my motorcycle license and riding double with Don on day trips was an adventure.
I enjoyed the Blackburn Bowling Team I was on when the kids went to school there. Bowled for so many years I even won a few trophies.
I learned quilting by block from Donna Scranton and made baby quilts for all the grandkids. Doing cross stitch was another favorite. Many friends and relatives received a gift.
Tenting with the family on vacations was a challenge with kids in diapers (not disposable ones). Later in life our RV trips were great. I especially enjoyed the piggy back trips in Mexico and going clear down into the canyon.
I've lived a full life and thank Don for all the things he has done for me and all the places he has taken me. Thank you family for always being loving to me and working through problems so we could keep communicating and know we all respected each other.
An Impressionable Situation
By Kay Skinner
1. I was hoeing our garden when I heard a car in the pasture next door.
2. I looked up and saw Don's Chevy Coupe being driven through the corn stalks in their corn field.
3. I thought "What stupid person would do that?"
4. The driver totally knew what hazards might occur.
5. The driver got my attention and impressed me.
6. I watched the driver and could tell he was having lots of fun.
7. The driver revved the engine and raced through the corn stubble.
8. The driver had really given lots of thought to this antic.
9. The driver tor his gas line off and I could see him walking back to his house.10. Needless to say, "I was very much impressed".
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