Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Francis Harper Message for 6/21/2019

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Francis Harper

Francis Harper Message for 6/21/2019

Dear Ones,

The sorrow we feel at the sudden loss of a loved one like our grand-daughter Whitney cannot be expressed or conveyed by written words.

She was born on November 8, 1996. As we drove to the hospital early that morning we noticed there was a crescent moon in the eastern sky. It was lying on its back with the ends turned up like a smile on a happy face. Directly above the moon was “the bright and morning star.”

We thanked God for this celestial sign that He had indeed intervened, as with Hannah in 1 Samuel 1. Terri, Whitney’s mother, like Hannah, had fervently prayed for many years for a child of her own. She was 43 when Whitney was born. God had given us another precious grandchild to hold. We recalled the words, “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last . . . I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star” (Revelation 22:13, 16).

Whitney died in the early hours of June 16, 2019. The death of a loved one is the most painful of all human experiences. Even Jesus wept at the death of his friend Lazarus of Bethany. “Then said the Jews, Behold how he loved him!” (John 11:36).

Jesus gives us the comfort, hope and assurance we need at a time such as this. He comforted Martha, the sister of Lazarus with these words: “Thy brother shall rise again . . . I am the resurrection, and the life; he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live; And whoso liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this? She saith unto him, yea, Lord, I believe that thou art the Christ, the Son of God . . .” (John 11:23-27).

When will we see Whitney again? If we are faithful and worthy we will see her again when Jesus returns “in the clouds with ten thousands of his saints in the Kingdom . . .” (Revelation 1:7). For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the tump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first; then they who are alive, shall be caught up . . . to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we be ever with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words” (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18).

After receiving the news of Whitney’s death, shortly after 5 A.M. Sunday, June 16, these words came to me: “Come, Lord, Jesus.” This should be our prayer. Here are the words of John: “Even so, come, Lord Jesus. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you all. Amen. (Revelation 22:20-21).

My mother, Bessie Whitney, was only 18 when she married. Her mother Hattie Whitney died less than a year later. Shortly after the death of her mother, as Bessie was at the sink washing dishes, shedding tears, saying, “poor mama,” she was corrected. And these words came to her, “No, not poor Mama; poor me.” She was made aware that her mother was with Jesus in the “far better place,” according to the words of the apostle Paul: “Now I am in a strait between two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better; Nevertheless, to abide in the flesh is more needful for you” (Philippians 1:23-24).

Whitney is in the “far better” place. We will see her again; soon.

My Love to All,

High Priest Francis Harper

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