Friday, December 31, 2021

Happy New Year, Initiative and Unity Center Friends!

 From: Muriel Luedeman

Happy New Year, Initiative and Unity Center Friends!

At the beginning of this momentous year 2022, I send you greetings, encouragement, light, and hope. The following message is a transcript of Christian motivational speaker Jordan Peterson's Video Presentation that a friend sent me. May it bless you as much as it has me.


Inspiration from Christian Motivational Speaker Jordan Peterson

"There is no better way to self realization and the enablement of being, than to pause at the highest good that you can conceive of and commit yourself to it. Then you can ask yourself, and this is really worth asking, "Do you really have anything better to do? And if you don't, why would you do anything else? If you orient yourself properly, and then pay attention to what you do every day, that works. 

"The world shifts itself around your aim. You're a creature that has an aim. You have to have an aim to do something. You're an aiming creature. You look at a point and you move towards it. It's built right into you.

"Well, let's say your aim is the highest possible aim. Well, then, that sets up the world around you. It organizes all of your perceptions. It organizes what you see and you don't see. It organizes your emotions and your motivations. So, you organize yourself around that aim and then what happens is, the day manifests itself as a set of challenges and problems. And if you solve them properly then you stay on the pathway towards that aim. And you can concentrate on the day. So that way, you get to have your cake and eat too. Because you can point into the distance, the far distance, and you can live in the day. And It seems to me that that makes every moment of the day supercharged with meaning, because if everything you are doing is related to the highest possible aim that you can conceptualize, that's the very definition of the meaning that would sustain you in your life."

The questions I ask myself, then, are "What is my highest aim? What do I want most to see become reality for me personally, for my family, my neighborhood and my city? What would be the most satisfying, fulfilling, and best things to do?"

What would your answer be to those questions? I plan to write them down. Save them for evaluation reference and check my progress from time to time, share them as the Spirit leads with friends and family of like mind, and encourage each other in this pursuit of the highest good to be achieved, individually and collectively. 

These questions are life changers, and city changers if we decide they are important enough to seriously pursue. God bless and sustain us all in our Kingdom desires and efforts in 2022.

Muriel Luedeman
IIAW Communications Secretary
816 726 8425

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