Thursday, October 6, 2022


 From  Zionworkz



To all of God's people. Dear Saints,

This is still a time of emergency, but getting worse and more serious. These are the physical realities of the days we’re in and in the weeks and months to come. This the time to excercise the physical expedients that accompany and demonstrate our spiritual preparation responsibilities. Having been warned and instructed in prophecy, it is our responsibility to come out of Babylon and live independently of her and be a light and example. This is an urgent time to listen to the watchmen (and for more, to be a watchman). I recommend a watchman in addition to our own, a video, www.bitchute: “Choose now: You will soon be a prepper or a corpse”. In this video, despite Mr. Adams’ commentary manner, most of his historical and current observations and appraisals are accurate. I also highly recommend a great resource, a free download,

We are in trouble and tribulation. Similar to Poland in early 1939, when the populace and much of the leadership were going about their daily lives, hoping that the inevitable attack from the German Armed Forces would not happen-- we are at the beginning of the destruction of our culture, our safety, and our survival.

Prophecy tells us that the end of our lives, as we have lived, is in its final stages of planned destruction. We have seen and lived with the signs and movements toward this inevitable calamity for decades. And now, in recent months, the enemies of freedom and liberty are openly attacking and trying to destroy our culture, our safety, our health, our just government of the people and by the people, the Constitution, Christianity and the TRUTH. We have seen Cuba, Argentina, Venezuela and many European and other countries fall to Communism. Now, Seattle, L.A., and other major U.S. cities are similarly falling to the enemies that are in collusion or combined. Our own land is beginning to suffer the same horrors of degradation, loss of freedoms, financial collapse and death by disease, exposure, starvation and violence from mobs and government that all countries suffer when God is rejected or the ungodly reign. Babylon is falling, while at the same time, it attempts to enslave and destroy us. Revelation prophesies that it will fall in an hour! Rev. 14:8, 18:10,22

God tells us that our enemies are working together for the planned take-down of the United States of America. In 1831, Jesus spoke clearly and said, "...the angels are waiting the great command to reap down the earth, to gather the tares that they may be burned; and behold, the enemy is hear of wars in far countries, and you say that there will soon be great wars in far countries, but ye know not the hearts of men in your own land." D&C 38:3c, 6b-c

God told us in 1835, "...prepare ye, prepare ye for that which is to come... Wherefore, I the Lord, knowing the calamity which is to come... the hour is not yet, but is nigh at hand-when peace shall be taken from the earth, and the devil shall have power over his own dominion." D&C 1:3b, 4a, 6b. He told us in 1830 in D&C28:2d, “wherefore the decree hath gone forth from the Father that they shall be gathered in unto one place, upon the face of this land, to prepare their hearts, and be prepared in all things, against the day when tribulation and desolation are sent forth upon the earth”.

The combined enemy prophesied in 1831 refers to communism, international monetary cartels, Islam, people with greed for power, the U.N., international population reductionists, including major pharmaceutical companies, the main media, the U.N.,"The Cabal", and all those that are contemptuous of others' freedoms, liberty, and happiness. This combined enemy is a huge and powerful beast; the same beast described in the book of Revelation.


Help needed. Moe Farm workday this coming Saturday beginning at 10:00 am. Recently widowed, Nancy Moe needs help on her small farm and orchard. We will be cleaning out her chicken house and tidying up her orchard, if necessary. Some help may be needed with cleaning the chimney. We will be picking apples and pressing cider to take home with us, so bring jugs. There will be a lunch of finger foods prepared for us, but you may still want to bring something to contribute. Bring suitable tools like rakes, shovels, etc. Nancy's address is 31509 Allen Road, Buckner. Her ph.# is 816-650-2059

Weekly meeting: Our weekly meeting will be at the Moe's farm at 2:00 p.m.

There will be no Sunday meeting this week.

The vacuum packing session will be re-scheduled soon. Jonathon Stayton will be teaching, demonstrating and assisting you. Call him at 816-668-6290. He will have preliminary instructions.

Debi Waters is working to arrange a freeze-drying demonstration, to be announced.

We still need a website and computer volunteer, plus saints with all abilities and needs.

For more information or your comments on Zionworks, please call 816-690-8464 or 816-694-2284 or email or


A non-Restoration friend, Mike, stopped in Monday and insisted that I look at walkie-talkies for emergency communication. Interesting. I am not a communications expert (anymore: ground radio technician in the A.F. in the early 70's) but felt like Mike's visit was a wake-up call. The walkie-talkies he recommends are Baofeng UV-5R 8W and can be found on ebay for $36.99/pr. Let us know what you think of this equipment if you have experience with them or with communications. We should discuss this at the meeting. Aside from this, Mike has told me about having two near-death experiences in which he experienced levels of glory. The denomination he belongs to denounces the concept. I have invited him to come to one of our meetings or a special testimony meeting to bear his testimonies, also to demonstrate the walkie-talkies.

Jim Huseby

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