Monday, May 15, 2023

ALS flyer for LaVonne Loumiet


To: Angela Clay

ALS flyer for LaVonne Loumiet

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." -Maya Angelou

LaVonne could light up a room with her kindness and laughter. She was a dedicated, loving mother to her son and daughter, a wonderfully supportive sister, aunt and daughter, and a fiercely loyal friend. She was quick with a joke to lighten a mood, a hug to soothe a difficult day and she was the most enthusiastic cheerleader of every endeavor of her children, nieces and nephews.

We would do anything to prevent another family from losing a loved one to this terrible disease.

Before we lost LaVonne, she lost many things that she loved in her life. A lifelong learner of Spanish, world culture and languages, LaVonne lost her ability to speak clearly. She lost her ability to work, travel and be social. She loved to take on the world, but as she lost the ability to move and speak, her world diminished to the edge of her front porch.

She was beautifully cared for by her son Joshua, daughter Jennifer and father Jack in her final months. We prayed against the odds for healing, and when reality would hit us we simply prayed for more time.

ALS can strike anyone, and presently there is no known cause or curative treatment. We don't know how to treat it or prevent it, and every 90 seconds another family receives the same dreadful news that we received when LaVonne was diagnosed.

A world without ALS can’t happen without medical research, advocacy and care. Your donation will help advance important research and improve the lives of people with ALS, their families and caregivers through vital programs, such as medical transportation, support groups, education, and advocacy.

Will you join our fight by donating today?


LaVonne ALS flyer

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