Thursday, July 27, 2023


 From: Zionworkz



All of us know something about present and coming calamities on our nation and on the earth and that such things have been prophesied. None of our understandings of these things are complete or completely accurate. However, God knows all of this in detail. So an appeal, or petition, to Him for personal direction, and a careful examination of the scriptures he has provided are the most sure source of knowledge and direction. God gives us clear direction, responsibilities and duties (as well as limitless opportunities for wonder and discovery). For each of us, applying our personal responsibilities with long-term trust in Him, regardless of obstacles and roadblocks, is a vital key to the unlocking of our personal gifts of knowledge, understanding and direction.

Joining together in this quest for understanding, for reinforcing each other’s dedication to obedience, for direction in individual and cooperative application of our God-given skills and duties in the establishment of Kingdom-on-the-earth living…this is the quest of a growing group that call themselves Zionworks. We gather from various congregations and denominations with Jesus as our common bond. You are invited to investigate us in applying God’s direction in these last and vital days, and to experience the blessings of the Holy Spirit.


Last Saturday’s workday was helping Jim and Laurie Huseby remove downed trees and limbs from their yard from the previous week’s winds and storm. An incredible amount of work was accomplished between 8:00 am and 1:00 pm. Trees and limbs were cut into firewood and loads of smaller branches were hauled off, leaving the 2 1/2-acre yard raked clean. Zionworks’ member and tree expert, Jim Musgrave, had estimated a day earlier that it would take at least twice as long as it actually did. Miracles can happen, even while having fun! We enjoyed a mid-morning break of orange juice and pastries, compliments of Jared and Rachel. Thanks, everyone.


For questions or comments, please contact:



Next semi-weekly meeting: This coming Sunday, July 30 downstairs at Central Branch, 919 South Delaware, Independence. Feel free to bring any bartering item that you think is useful, interesting or nutritious.

Workday, next Saturday, August 5th at Central Branch. Central has offered the use of a downstairs room for a Zionic storehouse. This room needs repairs, cleaning and shelving so it can be stocked. Bring any carpentry and cleaning tools and supplies. It has become customary for us to have lunch at a Mexican restaurant on these workdays! If this strains your budget, we will buy. You can read an explanation on the Storehouse and several related scriptural references in the preparedness guide. Ask for it, it’s free.


Central Branch has offered the use of their church building, their prayers and their dedication to the coming Kingdom in any manner that God will use to make that happen. Their hopes, dreams and dedication are to see all of God’s children locally and of the world come together under him, under his terms and not on the terms of any man-made institution. They pray for any and all Godly endeavors from right here in Independence to anywhere in the world. Their friendship, worship and classes are entirely scripture-based while inviting the Holy Spirit to lead, and welcome all people. Though Zionworks is not a function of Central Branch, they are our proponent and friend working for the same cause—Jesus Christ—and his will on earth as it is in Heaven. Thank you, Central Branch for providing this facility to meet, plan and fellowship! And thank you to all of the other branches that have welcomed us, worshipped together and share the commitment to The Kingdom.


This is the second time this has been quoted in ZWN, but so true: “You can’t build a reputation on what you’re going to do.” Henry Ford

“And this is my everlasting covenant, that when thy posterity shall embrace the truth and look upward, then Zion shall look downward, and all the heavens shall shake with gladness and the earth will tremble with joy.” Genesis 9:22. “We need this kind of joy today. We look upward to the God of Enoch, Abraham, Isaac and Joseph, and say, ‘Here we are Lord, what will you do with us?’ We should expect miracles to happen in response…” James A. Christensen from his 1980 book “Zion In Our Time”

With Christ as our bond,
Your friends at Zionworks

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