Wednesday, April 24, 2024





Of course, Jesus was never a proponent of denominational warfare or cultural clashes. Simply put, He has always taught (and suffered death for) people to be drawn together in love, true love, explained and revealed in his gospel and exemplified by himself and his believers. How did it ever happen that millions and millions of people throughout history separate themselves into tribes, denominations and nations that all claim superior understandings of the gospel and end up slandering and warring against each other? This is the perilous and ridiculous world we were all born into. We’re used to it. It’s part of everyday life, even among churches claiming the “same” gospel and even in the same neighborhood.

Experience proves, or at least indicates, that to subjugate our egos, viewpoints and “sins that do so easily beset us” is very, very difficult. It simply is very, very difficult to hold our tongues, hold our thoughts, hold our cultural biases and LISTEN to another. You know something? It is claimed by psychologists that a person can’t do two things simultaneously, that there is a process of rapid switching back and forth that makes it seem simultaneous. Yet there two things that CAN be done simultaneously: pray for a person, and listen to him or her at the same time. It works. And any time the Lord gives us a task, he has already prepared the way for each of us to accomplish it! That’s exciting! You can never know ahead of time what understanding and compatico will enter your heart or what agenda, attitude or emotion will evaporate from yourself when you forget about yourself and listen to another. You know this. It is comforting to be reminded and it is a lasting heavenly experience when it happens. It can also become a rewarding habit… and a celestial life-style. The way is already designed and prepared for us!

Well, OK. Here’s the big question I wanted to ask: Have you noticed recently a remarkable increase in the number of people from all situations and all regions that have become tired of or disgusted with their own perspectives, religiosities and egos and are praying and reaching out for fellowship and unity purely under Christ’s love? I have asked that question of several people in the last two weeks and they have all said that it is real, it is exciting to them and it seems to be sweeping through the world. Of course all sincere people throughout all ages have always prayed for and longed for this with all of their hearts and souls. Many situations where individuals became tired of strife and disagreement and formed into groups that intended and promised to live by Christ’s love and projected that love onto others and other groups have existed successfully in the past. Many have tried and compromised, also--- heartbreaking.

A lady just told me a few hours ago that she experienced a vision of a large wheel that began to roll and that when she asked the Lord if that signified God’s love starting to roll through the nations, he replied, “Yes”. I probably did not quote her accurately, but you will have a chance to hear her testimony, and others.

A situation where individuals are tired of strife and disagreement and form into groups that intend and promise to live by Christ’s love and project that love onto others and other groups…that’s what Christ’s people dream of and pray for. They envision and pray for all that Christ calls his to fellowship, worship and work together in his Kingdom on the earth.

Zionworks exists to augment and facilitate this gathering of peace, unity and cooperative work among those Christ calls his, to establish his living kingdom in the earth.


Last Sunday’s Zionworks meeting was remarkable. Virtually none of its planned agenda was accomplished. Rather, the Spirit guided our receptivity, our expressions and deliberations in notable love and cooperation.


Glenn Beck’s dream!


Ray Oatman still needs help on individual basis. If you have time, call him at 816 812 3406 to see what day and time and task he needs help with.

NEXT MEETING: April 28th at Central Branch, 919 S. Delaware, Independence at 2:00 pm. Agenda: All needs of Zion, getting the web site properly populated, preparing for those gathering in, work day planning, gardening and sustainable living. Your dreams of Zion are important and it is important to work together to make dreams become reality.

COMING SOON: Julie and Dave Atkins from Milkweed Farms in Lees Summit have invited us back for a follow-up field day soon to see and experience the techniques and prolific growth of their efficient gardening and produce. To be announced.

Special speakers and instructors on Spiritual awakenings and realities, also classes on spiritual warfare. Also more food preservation days and other seminars coming up. To be announced.


For any questions and comments, please contact 816 690 8464, 816 838 1593 or

With Christ and his love as our bond,

Your friends at Zionworks

Jim Huseby, coordinator

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