Sunday, January 28, 2018

The Lord's Prayer and The Pledge of Allegiance go Hand in Hand

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From: ​ Muriel Luedeman​

The Lord's Prayer and The Pledge of Allegiance go Hand in Hand

Dear, Brothers and Sisters,

Muriel Luedeman here again.

The Jackson County Republican Committee meets the fourth Monday each month. Before the last committee meeting, the Spirit spoke to me saying, “The committee should pray the Lord’s prayer together before each meeting.” The thought that came to me as reason for doing it was that the Lord’s prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance were meant to go together. I asked Mark Anthony, the committee chairman for the favor of fulfilling that request. Mark Anthony has wholeheartedly supported everything I have proposed to him regarding actions of faith, therefore I wasn’t too surprised to have him ask me to offer the opening prayer. I didn’t speak to the committee members that night about making it a permanent practice. I simply asked the group to pray along with me.

Restoration believers know that God’s plan from the beginning was to establish this nation with the Kingdom and Zion the goal. He kept this continent hidden from the world until he had a people prepared to worship Him, the One True God in the land. That was fulfilled with the Pilgrim voyage to America. One of the Pilgrim group, John Winthrop, bore testimony to the work. His grave in Boston carries this epitaph:

“We shall be as a City upon a Hill, the eyes of all people are upon us”
These are the words of John Winthrop, the first governor of the
Massachusetts Bay Colony. Winthrop dedicated his life to the creation
of a model Christian community where people would live upright lives
of concern for each other and fulfill their obligations in God’s social
order. The people who joined Winthrop’s colony were not all the
same mind. Religion and Salvation of the soul were central to Puritan
life. But New England also offered great possibilities for material gain
and instead of a communal spirit, an increased individuality. Winthrop
died at age 61 in 1649, no doubt a disappointed man. He is buried here
along with his son and grandson, each a governor of Connecticut.
Although Winthrop’s vision of the new land was not completely realized,
other visions, hopes, and talents contributed to the wealth of commerce
and human activity that have distinguished Boston.”

It’s 369 years since Winthrop’s death and his vision remains incomplete. I declare that John’s vision which he received from the Lord, is about to be fulfilled. The purpose of this Christian nation is to be the hands and feet of the Father to establish His Kingdom and His will on Earth as Jesus prayed nearly 2000 years ago. Jesus’ began that process with the words, “The Kingdom of Heaven is within you.”

Yesterday, January 27th, I sat in our daily prayer group. Kathy Adams, one of the group shared a Word she received loud and clear from the Father just before coming to prayers. “ONE NATION, UNDER GOD, INDIVISIBLE, WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL.” And then He asked her a question, “Has this nation ever experienced that in its years of existence?” She posed the question to us before she answered. We all confessed it never has happened - being one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. We are a nation of materialistic individuals with self-serving aims.

I was stirred by the Lord’s Words, which powerfully confirmed the direction I received on January 22nd, that we pray the Lord’s prayer along with the Pledge of Allegiance. For I saw that the Pledge of Allegiance and the Lord’s prayer must go hand in hand if we are to accomplish both goals. We are to be one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all, SO THAT, God’s kingdom will come and his will will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Likewise, when Christians, as John Winthrop and the Pilgrim Fathers, obey the two great commandments, to love God with all our heart, might, mind, and strength, and love our neighbor as ourselves, daily, we WILL BE one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. ONE NATION, not a pot of selfish individuals. One body of Jesus followers, united, not many churches scattered with walls of doctrine minutia, and traditions dividing us.

So, as the committee gathers next month, I asked them to consider praying the Lord’s Prayer together and make it the preamble to the Pledge of Allegiance. And let it not become mere ritual but declare it with the same fervor as we do the Pledge. Then, we can count on the hosts of heaven to be stirred to action in our behalf. They, and God himself, will lead us to fulfill the vision He gave John Winthrop, a community where people live lives of concern for each other and fulfill their obligations in God’s social order.

I was also shown that in two years we will see a transformation toward this divine end, starting in the Kansas City metro area, specifically Independence, with the Saints. It has been 398 years since our Pilgrim fathers and mothers landed in the new world. Two years makes 2020, the 400-year anniversary. It’s a big job, but it is easier and more joyful than we can even imagine. All we must do is Love God, and Love All People. Therefore, I encourage you with everything that is in me to bless as many people as you can with praise, encouragement, forgiveness, mercy, grace, justice, support, comfort, and prayer, every day. So, let’s start our engines, fire them up, and finally, finally get the job done.

In God’s and your service,
Muriel Luedeman

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