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From: Paul Ludy
March Book Sale
Our Shelves Are Too Full!
More Than 300 Titles Available
This offer good through March 31, 2018, or while supplies last.
Order by e-mail at Oldbookman@juno.com or call Paul at (816) 210-8450.
Note: “Oldbookman Cash” is not offered for these sale items.
Adventuring for Jesus, 1955, hard, 96 pages
Anderson, Henry, Our Church’s Story (1846 1946), 1988 FRAA reprint, soft, 44 pages
Anholt, Kasper, Seek First the Kingdom, 1982, private, soft, 240 pages
Anthony, Joseph H., Birds of a Feather, 1978 reprint, soft, 325 pages
Anway, Joseph and Carol, Adventures in a New Land, 1987, soft, 224 pages
Austin, E. Eugene, and others, Saints’ Heritage (A Journal of the Restoration Trails Foundation), 1988, soft, 110 pages
Baker, Robert, RLDS New Age Theology Exposed, 1986, Old Path Publishing, soft, 233 pages
Barlow, T. Ed, Congregational House Churches, 1978, soft, 213 pages
Barlow, T. Ed, Living Saints Witness at Work, 1976, 126 pages, hard
Barlow, T. Ed., Small Group Ministry in the Contemporary Church, 1972, soft, 190 pages
Barrington, George, God Will Not Let Me Go, 1977, soft, 128 pages
Black, Lea Vail, Wings of Worship (Plays), 1968, hard, 226 pages
Book of Testimonies, A, Long Beach Congregation, 1989, soft, 143 pages
Bouissou, Jean-Christophe, Christ and Community, 1996, soft, 150 pages
Boyd, Theo E., Poetic Reflections from the Dust, 1979, hard, 126 pages
Braby, Lois, Hear Ye Him, 1963, hard, 70 pages
Braby, Carol, Heritage and Hope, 1984, soft, 156 pages
Bradley, Ruth O., Great Themes from the Book of Mormon, 1974, hard, 200 pages
Brock, Carolyn, Asante Africa, 1990, soft, 253 pages
Brockway, Edith, The Golden Land, 1968, hard, 160 pages
Brockway, Esther, Toward Better Witnessing, 1976, hard, 210 pages
Brunson, L. Madelon, Bonds of Sisterhood, 1985, soft, 170 pages
Bryant, Verda, Between the Covers of the Book of Mormon, 1965, soft, 176 pages
Bryant, Verda, Between the Covers of the Old Testament, 1965, hard, 400 pages
Buck, Clifford, The Greatest of These, 1966, hard and soft, 160 pages
Butterworth, Vida, Girls in White, soft, 176 pages
Carper, L. Dean, The Sound of Drums, 1975, hard, 120 pages
Carter, Mary Leland, An Instrument in His Hands, 1968 reprint of The Two Story Book (also includes The Minister Who Was Different by Elbert A. Smith), soft, 202 pages
Cassels, Louis, Forbid Them Not, Independence Press, Independence, MO, 1973, hard and soft, 94 pages
Cheville, Roy A., By What Authority, 1959, hard, 96 pages
Cheville, Roy A., Did the Light Go Out? 1962, hard and soft, 261 pages
Cheville, Roy A., Expectations for Endowed Living, 1972, hard, 122 pages
Cheville, Roy A., Growing Up in Religion, 1951, hard and soft, 176 pages
Cheville, Roy A., Humor in Gospel Living, 1978, soft, 153 pages
Cheville, Roy A., Joseph and Emma, Companions, 1977, hard, 206 pages
Cheville, Roy A., Meet Them in the Scriptures, 1960, soft, 242 pages
Cheville, Roy A., Scriptures from Ancient America, 1964, hard and soft, 368 pages
Cheville, Roy A., Spiritual Health, 1966, hard, 412 pages
Cheville, Roy A., Spiritual Resources Are Available Today (Vol. 1), 1975, hard, 256 pages
Cheville, Roy A., Spiritual Resources Are Available Today (Vol. 2), 1975, hard, 239 pages
Cheville, Roy A., Spirituality in the Space Age, 1962, hard, 264 pages
Cheville, Roy A., Ten Considerations for Family Living, 1958, soft, 150 pages
Cheville, Roy A., The Book of Mormon Speaks for Itself, 1971, hard, 203 pages
Cheville, Roy A., The Field of Theology, 1960, hard and soft, 144 pages
Cheville, Roy A., They Made a Difference, 1970, hard and soft, 350 pages
Cheville, Roy A., They Sang of the Restoration, 1955, hard and soft, 267 pages
Cheville, Roy A., Through the West Door (Graceland College), 1946, hard, 327 pages
Cheville, Roy A., When Teen agers Talk Theology, 1968, hard, 445 pages
Cheville, Roy A., When They Seek Counsel, 1954, soft, 133 pages
Children’s Hymnal, 1957, hard, 200 pages
Church and Evangelism, The, 1941, hard, 406 pages
Church, Olive, A Time of Rebellion, 1968, hard, 283 pages
Cole, Clifford A., Faith for New Frontiers, 1956. hard and soft, 156 pages
Cole, Clifford A., The Revelation in Christ, 1963, hard and soft, 346 pages
Collins, Barbara Lee and Hale, A New Concordance of the Doctrine and Covenants, 1992, soft, 445 pages
Conduff, Sara, Because He Cares, private, 1988, soft, 255 pages
Davis, Dwight, Ministry of the Elder, 1953. soft, 190 pages
Decade of the Best, A, (1961 1970 Saints' Herald articles), 1972, hard, 239 pages
DeLapp, Ardyce, Stories That Teach, 1972, hard, 288 pages
DeLapp, G. Leslie, In the World..., 1973, hard, 250 pages
Dempsey, Elbert A., Jr., Adventuring with God, 1985, soft, 120 pages
Dempsey, Elbert A., Jr., God's Other Books, 1987, soft, 226 pages
Dempsey, Elbert A., Jr., The Power of the Prophetic, 1988, soft, 292 pages
Dollins, Bill J., Afterthoughts, 1975, soft, 108 pages
Dollins, Bill Jr., Lyrical Thoughts, 1966, hard, 71 pages
Doty, Harry L., Letters to Ron, 1976, hard, 98 pages
Doty, Harry L., Prayer Meetings, 1979, soft, 150 pages
Draper, Maurice L., Credo "I Believe," 1983, soft, 307 pages
Draper, Maurice L., Footnotes, 1996, soft, 239 pages
Draper, Maurice L., Isles and Continents, 1982, soft, 296 pages
Draper, Maurice, Marriage in the Restoration, 1968, hard, 77 pages
Draper, Maurice, Methods of Evangelism, 1953, soft, 84 pages
Draper, Maurice, The Founding Prophet, 1991, soft, 255 pages
Draper, Maurice, The Gifts and Fruits of the Spirit, 1969, hard, 174 pages
Draper, Maurice, Why I Belong, 1958, hard and soft, 144 pages
Edwards, Deane Butler, All Children Are Mine, 1964, hard and soft, 235 pages
Edwards, Deane Butler, Day by Day, 1964, hard, 64 pages
Edwards, F. Henry, All Thy Mercies, 1962, hard, 213 pages
Edwards, F. Henry, Authority and Spiritual Power, 1956, hard, 125 pages
Edwards, F. Henry, Commentary on the Doctrine and Covenants, 1954, hard, 447 pages
Edwards, F. Henry, God Our Help, 1981 reprint, soft, 230 pages
Edwards, F. Henry, Meditation and Prayer, 1980, soft, 272 pages
Edwards, F. Henry, Missionary Sermon Studies, 1949, hard, 392 pages
Edwards, F. Henry, Students Guide to the Doctrine and Covenants, 1980, soft, 242 pages
Edwards, F. Henry, The Divine Purpose in Us, 1963, soft, 261 pages
Edwards, F. Henry, The Joy in Creation and Judgment, 1975, hard, 255 pages
Edwards, F. Henry, The Life and Ministry of Jesus, 1950 and 1962, hard, 390 pages
Edwards, F. Henry, The Power that Worketh in Us, 1987, soft, 343 pages
Edwards, F. Henry, The Whole Wide World, 1959, (printed in Australia), hard, 176 pages
Edwards, Paul M., Aaronic Foundational Ministries, 1995, soft, 236 pages
Edwards, Paul M., F. Henry Edwards: Articulator for the Church, 1995, soft, 142 pages
Edwards, Paul M., Inquiring Faith, 1967, hard, 112 pages
Edwards, Paul M., Our Legacy of Faith, 1991, hard, 335 pages
Edwards, Paul M., The Chief, 1988, soft, 291 pages
Edwards, Paul M., The Elder: Minister of Mission, 1997, soft, 92 pages
Edwards, Paul M., The Hilltop Where (Graceland College), Venture Foundation, Lamoni, IA, 1972, hard, 190 pages
Empowered to Care, 1980, soft, 220 pages
Ettinger, Cecil R., Congregational Readings, 1975, hard, 135 pages
Ettinger, Cecil R., Thy Kingdom Come, 1965, hard and soft, 96 pages
Exploring the Faith, 1970, hard and soft, 248 pages
Facing Today’s Frontiers, 1966, hard & soft, 112 pages
Farrow, Percy E., God's Eternal Design, 1980, soft, 316 pages
First Nephi, Study Book of Mormon, 1988, Zarahemla Research Foundation, soft, Q, 79 pages
Fry, Evan A., Unto All Men, 1959, hard, 139 pages
Galbraith, Madelyn, There Is a Book, 1971, hard, 309 pages
Galbraith, Madelyn, Village in the Sun, 1975, 261 pages, hard,
Gilberts, Helen, Sariah, 1970, hard and soft, 320 pages
Gossett, Bob, The Stranger at Emmaus, 1972, hard, 92 pages
Griffiths, Gomer T., The Instructor [the cover says "Instuctor"], 1977 reprint, soft, 231 pages
Griffiths, Gomer T., The Interpreter, 1986 reprint, soft, 152 pages
Griffiths, Iris, The Vindicator, 1977, soft, 214 pages
Ham, Wayne, Enriching Your New Testament Studies, 1966, hard, 198 pages
Ham, Wayne, Geoffrey F. Spencer: An Advocate for an Enlightened Faith, 1998, soft, 140 pages
Ham, Wayne, Man's Living Religions, 1966, hard and soft, 327 pages
Ham, Wayne, More Than Burnt Offerings, 1978, 206 pages, soft
Ham, Wayne, Publish Glad Tidings, 1970, hard, 444 pages
Hanson, Paul M., Jesus Christ among the Ancient Americans, 1945 and 1947, hard, 256 pages
Hart, Lee, Adult Ministries in the Church and the World, 1976, soft, 267 pages
Hartman, Frances, Poetic Voices of the Restoration, 1961, hard, 227 pages
Hartshorn, Chris B., A Commentary on the Book of Mormon, 1964, soft, 504 pages
Hartshorn, Chris B., A Survey of the Doctrine and Covenants, 1962, hard and soft, 168 pages
Hartshorn, Chris B., Let Us Worship, 1946, hard, 190 pages
Hartung, Hazel, Stars to Steer By, 1998, private, soft, 394 pages
Hettrick, Ric and Marcia, From Among Men, 1976, hard, 220 pages
Higdon, Barbara McFarlane, Committed to Peace, 1994, soft, 150 pages
Higdon, Barbara McFarlane, Good News for Today, 1981, soft, 172 pages
Hiles, Norma Derry, Gentle Monarch: The Presidency of Israel A. Smith, 1991, soft, 198 pages
Hinckley, Helen, Columbus: Explorer for Christ, 1977, hard, 115 pages
Holm, Francis W., The Mormon Churches A Comparison from Within, 1970, soft, 238 pages
Holmes, Reed M., Israel, Land of Zion, 1978, hard, 112 pages
Holmes, Reed, Seek This Christ, 1954, hard and soft, 77 pages
Holmes, Reed M., The Church in Israel, 1983, soft, 163 pages
Holmes, Reed M., The Forerunners, 1981, soft, 280 pages
Holmes, Reed M., The Patriarchs, 1978, soft, 173 pages
Howard, Barbara, ed., 25 Years of Restoration Witness, 1988, soft, 286 pages
Howard, Barbara, ed., Children: Of Such Is the Kingdom, 1979, soft, 175 pages
Howard, Barbara, Journey of Joy, 1990, soft, 159 pages
Howard, Barbara, Journey of Forgiveness, 1986, soft, 140 pages
Howard, Richard P, Restoration Scriptures, 1969, hard and soft, 278 pages
Hughes, Richard & Joe Serig, Evangelism, the Ministry of the Church, 1981, soft, 299 pages
Hunt, Larry E., F. M. Smith: Saint as Reformer (Volume 1), 1982, soft, 219 pages
Hunt, Larry E., F. M. Smith: Saint as Reformer (Volume 2), 1982, soft, 488 pages
Hurshman, Lloyd, William Dodds, and David Chobar, Many Will Respond, 1988, soft, 207 pages
Huskey, Hyrum H. Jr., Counseling Skills for Church Leadership, 1980, soft, 135 pages
Hymnal for Youth, 1951, hard, 395 pages
Hymnal, The, (the “gray hymnal”), 1956, hard, 582 hymns, fair condition
Hymns of the Saints, 1981, 501 hymns, hard
Inouye, Henry K., Jr., Roy A. Cheville: Explorer of Spiritual Frontiers, 1996, soft, 171 pages
Jones, Irene, Know Your Scriptures, 1966, soft, 107 pages
Jordan, Doris N., Strength for the Journey, private, 1996, soft, 438 pages
Judd, Peter, The Sacraments, 1978, soft, 174 pages
Judd, Peter, The Worshiping Community, 1984, soft, 178 pages
Judd, Peter, Worship in a Diverse Culture, 1995, soft, 133 pages
Judd, Peter & Clifford Cole, Distinctives Yesterday and Today, 1983, soft, 168 pages
Judd, Peter & Bruce Lindgren, An Introduction to the Saints Church, 1976, hard and soft, 228 pages
Keairnes, Grace, A Reasonable Service, 1922, hard, 197 pages
Kelley, Edmund G., The Making of a Frontier Missionary (William H. Kelley), 1980, soft, 192 pages
Kelley, William H., Presidency and Priesthood, undated reprint of 1908 book, soft, 486 pages + index
Kirkendall, Norma Anne, Let's Do Something About Our Teaching, soft, 1958
Knisley, Alvin, Book of Mormon Dictionary, Mimeo reprint of 1945 book, soft, 158 pages
Kramer, Annando, From Now to Eternity, 1993, private, soft, 164 pages
Kueffer, Carlyle F. (Ed), Stories of Our Hymns, hard & soft, 176 pages
Lambert, J. R., What Is Man? 1973 reprint of 1914 book, soft, 249 pages
Landon, Donald, To Be the Salt of the Earth, 1965, hard, 214 pages
Landon, Donald D., and Robert L. Smith, For What Purpose Assembled, 1969, hard and soft, 188 pages
Launius, Ardie, Today's Frontier, 1980, private, soft, 265 pages
Launius, Roger D., and W. B. “Pat” Spillman (ed.), Let Contention Cease, 1991, soft, 304 pages
Lea, Leonard J., Views from the Mountain, 1961, hard, 220 pages
Learning God's Way, 1964, hard, 85 pages
Legg, Phillip R., Oliver Cowdery: Elusive Second Elder, 1989, soft, 167 pages
Linder, Ted, Ben Nelson: Defender of the Faithful, 1981, soft, 105 pages
Livesay, John S., Bible Beasts, Independence Press, Independence, MO, 1975, hard, 96 pages
Living Testimonies (Book 1), 1992, Oak Grove Restoration Branch, soft, 150 pages
Look Upward, 1988, Sionita School, soft, 112 pages
Lord Speaks, The, (selections from Doctrine and Covenants) 1963, hard, 43 pages
Lost on the Ocean (and other stories), 1957, hard, 208 pages (The covers are rough)
Loving, Albert L., When I Put Out to Sea, 1975, 216 pages, hard
Lucero, Paul, In Search of the Eternal Christ, 1986, Lightbearer Publ., Montebello, CA, soft, 104 pages
Luff, Joseph, The Old Jerusalem Gospel, 1968 reprint, soft, 280 pages
Maples, Evelyn, Norman Learns about the Sacraments, 1961, hard, 40 pages
Maples, Evelyn, Norman Learns about the Scriptures, 1961 and 1972, hard, 36 and 40 pages
Maples, Evelyn, That Ye Love, 1971, hard and soft, 95 pages
McClain, W. Blair, Easterglow, 1978, soft, 141 pages
McKiernan, F. Mark, and Roger D. Launius, An Early Latter Day Saint History: The Book of John Whitmer, 1980, soft, 213 pages
McKiernan, F. Mark, and Roger D. Launius, Missouri Folk Heroes of the 19th Century,
McKiernan, F. Mark, and others, The Restoration Movement: Essays in Mormon History, 1979, soft, 357 pages
Mesle, C. Robert, The Bible as Story and Struggle, 1989, soft, 99 pages
Mills, M. Morrie, In Times Like These, 1977, soft, 108 pages B
Montgomery, Jo, To Serve with Love, 1974, hard, 253 pages
Moore, Bob, On Heresy, 1992, private, soft, 142 pages
Mortimore, Olive, Out of Abundance, 1971, hard, 41 pages
Monsees, Laurie, A Week in the Life of the Church, 1992, hard, 107 pages
Mulliken, Frances Hartman, A Bite of Eve's Apple, 1982, soft, 150 pages
Mulliken, Frances Hartman, A Restoration Heritage, 1979, soft, 240 pages
Mulliken, Frances Hartman, and Margaret Salts, Women of Destiny in the Bible, 1978, soft, 187 pages
Newton, Marjorie, Hero or Traitor (Charles Wesley Wandell), 1992, 104 pages, soft
Nichols, Jeannette, Her Works Praise Her, 1967, 133 pages, hard
Njeim, George A., The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, 1978, soft, 206 pages
Oakman, Arthur A., God's Spiritual Universe, 1962, hard, 188 pages
Oakman, Elva T., and Lillie Jennings, It Can Be Fun! 1948, hard, 218 pages
Oliver, Lucille, Celebrate Your Existence, 1971, soft, 79 pages
Packer, Athol B., An Open Door, 1959, 191 pages, hard and soft
Parsons, A. H., Parsons' Text Book, Lamoni, IA, 1902 and later, hard, 327 pages
Parsons, A. H., Parsons' Text Book, 1971 reprint, soft, 332 pages
Pement, Isleta L., and Paul M. Edwards, A Herald to the Saints: History of Herald Publishing House, 1992, soft, 306 pages
Premoe, David, Zion: The Growing Symbol, 1980, soft, 122 pages
Premoe, David, and Robert Kent, Witnessing: The Sharing of Our Lives, 1982, soft, 205 pages
Presler, Viola Velt, Growing Up in a Troubled Time, 1994, private, soft, 181 pages
Presler, Viola Velt, Nephi’s Wilderness Journey, 1995, private, soft, 113 pages
Preston, John, Peter Bosten, 1978 reprint of 1918 book, soft, 352 pages
Price, Richard, The Saints at the Crossroads, 1974, private, soft, 260 pages
Price, Richard & Pamela, Action Time, 1985, soft, 233 pages
Price, Richard & Pamela, The Temple of the Lord, Price Publishing Co., 1982, soft, 142 pages
Prince, Gregory A., Having Authority, 1993, soft, 99 pages
Prymak, Gregory, Authority in the RLDS Theological Tradition, 1995, soft, 144 pages
Ralston, Russell F., Fundamental Differences, 1960, 244 pages, hard,
Reece, Colleen L., Fourth Generation P. K., 1981, soft, 144 pages
Reece, Colleen L., Sanctuary, 1983, soft, 136 pages
Reece, Colleen L., The Ninety and Nine, 1984, soft, 157 pages
Reece, Colleen L., The Other Nine, 1981, soft, 164 pages
Reece, Colleen L., The Unknown Witnesses, 1974, hard, 159 pages
Restoration in the Midst of Revolution, The, (University Bulletin), 1968, soft, 103 pages B
Revell, Roger A., Hymns in Worship, 1981, soft, 224 pages
Ritchie, Malcolm L., Roy Cheville—The Graceland Years, 1995, Graceland College, soft, 356 pages
Ritchie, Malcolm L., Roy Cheville—The Patriarch Years, 1997, Graceland College, soft, 423 pages
Robison, Pamela Lents, Alma, 1985, soft, 90 pages
Ruch, Velma, The Signature of God, 1986, soft, 493 pages
Ruoff, Norman D., comp., Testimonies of the Restoration, 1971, hard, 203 pages
Ruoff, Norman D., (Comp.), Yearbook of Testimony (Volumes 1 5), 1974 1979, 107 189 pages, hard
Ruoff, Norman D., (Ed.), Evan Fry Illustrations from Radio Sermons, 1975, hard
Ruoff, Norman D., (Ed.), The Writings of President Frederick M. Smith (Volume 1), 1978, soft, 284 pages
Ruoff, Norman D., (Ed.), The Writings of President Frederick M. Smith (Volume 2), 1979, soft, 286 pages
Ruoff, Norman D., (Ed.), The Writings of President Frederick M. Smith (Volume 3), 1981, soft, 263 pages
Ruoff, Norman D., (Ed.), Witness to the World (Testimonies from Restoration Witness), 1967, 216 pages, hard
Russell, Naomi, Discovery, 1976, hard, 96 pages
Russell, Naomi, Light from the Valley, 1979, soft, 200 pages
Russell, Naomi, Profiles, 1989, soft, 242 pages
Russell, William D., The Word Became Flesh, 1967, hard, 284 pages
Russell, William D., Treasures in Earthen Vessels, hard and soft, 1966
Salyards, Christiana, The Enduring Word, 1942 and 1944, hard, 400 pages
Sanford, Mabel A., Joseph's City Beautiful, 1976, soft, 207 pages
Sarre, Winifred Turner, If With All Your Heart, 1969, hard, 264 pages
Sarre, Winifred Turner, Perce Judd: Man of Peace, 1983, soft, 176 pages
Schneebeck, Harold N., Jr., The Body of Christ, 1968, hard, 158 pages
Scott, Herbert M., How to Increase Sunday Night Attendance, 1948, hard, 160 pages
Shields, Steven L., Latter Day Saint Beliefs, 1986, soft, 104 pages
Short, Viola, The Fourth Relaford, 1976 reprint of 1928 book, soft, 400 pages
Shute, Dr. Wallace Beresford, Christus (A Play), 1971, hard, 247 pages Q
Simmons, Florence Whipple, The Boundless Quest, Florshire Publishers, Denver, CO, 1962, hard, 232 pages
Slides of The Auditorium, five 35 mm color slides in a sleeve
Smidt, Christine, An Acquaintance with Grief, 1977, hard, 118 pages
Smith, Elbert A., Blue Pencil Notes, 1942, 192 pages, hard
Smith, Elbert A., Joe Pine, 1971 reprint, soft, 352 pages
Smith, Elbert A., On Memory's Beam, 1946, hard, 350 pages
Smith, Elbert A., Restoration: A Study in Prophecy, 1945 and 1951, hard, 290 pages
Smith, Elbert A., Square Blocks, 1968 reprint, soft, 475 pages
Smith, Elbert A., Zion Builders' Sermons, 1950, soft, 114 pages
Smith, Frederick M., The Higher Powers of Man, 1968 reprint of 1918 book, soft, 232 pages
Smith, Mildred Nelson, The Word of Wisdom, 1977, hard and soft, 311 pages
Starks, Arthur, A Concordance to the Book of Mormon, 1955, hard, 501 pages
Starks, Arthur, A Concordance to the Doctrine and Covenants, 1961, hard, 218 pages
Starks, Arthur E., Concordance Supplement for the Inspired Version, 1962, hard, 231 pages
Stevens, Thelona D., A Summary of the Book of Mormon, 1984, soft, 39 pages B
Stevens, Thelona D., Bible Studies, soft, 152 pages
Stevens, Thelona D., Book of Mormon Studies, 1949 1953, soft, 196 pages
Stevens, Thelona D., Living Water, 1989, soft, 159 pages
Stevens, Thelona D., Nephi, Son of Lehi, 1986, FRAA, soft, 34 pages B
Stevens, Thelona D., The Book of Remembrance, the Brass Plates and the Inspired Version, 1987, soft, 28 pages B
Stienon, Elaine, Lightning in the Fog, 1977, hard, 235 pages
Stienon, Elaine, The Light of the Morning, 1988, soft, 283 pages
Stienon, Elaine, Utah Spring, 1979, soft, 224 pages
Stories that Live, 1951, hard, 230 pages
Strand, Ruby, More Stories that Live, 1967, hard, 247 pages
Strand, Ruby, Ninety Years Remembering, 1992, private, soft, 300 pages
Taylor, Bessie May, Spiritual Destiny, 1979, private, hard, 396 pages
Thomas, Clara (comp), True Restoration Adventures (Gold), Sionita School, 1985, soft, 112 pages, used copies only
Thomas, Clara (comp), True Restoration Blessings (Green), 1995, Sionita School, soft, 112 pages, used copies only
Thomas, Clara (comp), True Restoration Experiences (Blue), Sionita School, book, soft, 112 pages, used copies only
Thomas, Clara (comp), True Restoration Testimonies (Red), Sionita School, Inc., soft, 112 pages, used copies only
Thomas, Sylvia (comp), Prayers from the Restoration Scriptures, undated, private, soft, 219 pages
Thomsen, Blaine C., The Ammonite, 1979, soft, 294 pages
Tickemyer, Garland E., Story Illustrations for Church and Home, 1961, hard, 176 pages
Tinkham, Ruby, The Unwilling Saint, 1959, hard, 160 pages
Townsend, Elsie, Always the Frontier, 1972, hard, 256 pages
Townsend, Elsie Doig, If You Would Learn, Go Teach, 1973, hard, 246 pages
Townsend, Elsie, None to Give Away, 1970, hard, 242 pages
Townsend, Janice, A Promise Once Given, 1985, soft, 175 pages
Townsend, Janice, Joy before Us, 1982, soft, 151 pages
Tracey, Florence, Riches Untold, 1933, hard, 262 pages
Twelve Sermons (by the Council of Twelve Apostles), 1972, hard, 151 pages
Tyree, Alan D., Evan Fry: Proclaimer of Good News, 1995, soft, 138 pages
Tyree, Alan D., The Gospel Graced by a People, 1993, soft, 111 pages
Updike, L. Wayne, Ministry to the Bereaved, 1973, hard, 109 pages
Updike, L. Wayne, The Trematode Letters, 1977, private, soft, 131 pages
Updike, L. Wayne, Worth More Than Sparrows, 2001, private, soft, 108 pages
Upon This Rock, 1953, soft, 231 pages
Velt, Harold I., America's Lost Civilizations, 1949, soft, 183 pages.
Velt, Harold I., The Sacred Book of Ancient America, 1952, hard, 224 pages
Visiting: A Pastoral Care Ministry, 1985, soft, 186 pages
Walker, Marietta ("Frances"), With the Church in an Early Day, 1971 reprint of 1912 book, 354 pages, soft
Walter, Gladys Mae, The Solid Rock, 1941 hard and 1975 soft, 240 pages
Walter, Gladys Mae, Three Jumps Ahead of the Squirrels, 1971, 227 pages, hard
Walton, Eugene, God Is Alive, 1970, hard, 252 pages
Weddle, Franklin, How to Use the Hymnal, 1956, hard, 96 pages
Weldon, Roy E., Book of Mormon Claims and Evidences, Vol 1 only
Weldon, Roy E., Book of Mormon Deeps, Vol 1, 2, and 3
Weldon, Roy E., Book of Mormon Evidences Joseph Smith a Prophet, The, private, 1970, 30 pages, soft,
Weldon, Roy E., Nephite Prophets Speak to Our Day, The, no date, soft, 66 pages
Weldon, Roy E., Nephite Proverbs, 1989, private, soft, 38 pages
Weldon, Roy E., Other Sheep, 1955 and 1958, soft, 136 pages
Weldon, Roy E., Restoration Witnesses, 1989, private, soft, 52 pages
Weldon, Roy E., Tantalizing Glimpses—Faint Whispers, 1991, private, soft, 39 pages
Wellington, Paul A., ed., Challenges to Kingdom Building, 1968, hard, 380 pages
Wellington, Paul A., ed., Readings on Concepts of Zion, 1973, 316 pages, hard and soft
Wight, Maxine C., A Story about Light, 1979, hard
Wilkinson, Dorcas and Larry, Gifts from Korea, 1983, soft, 136 pages
Woodstock, Lenoir (Ed.), Our Girls, 1930, hard, 245 pages
Wrigley, Louise Scott, I Bring You Christmas, 1970, hard, 23 pages
Wrigley, Louise Scott, Look Up Heart, 1962, hard, 55 pages
Wrigley, Louise Scott, Pocketful of Sun, 1969, hard, 76 pages
Wrigley, Louise Scott, Stand Tall, 1961, hard, 164 pages
Wrigley, Louise Scott, Your Right to Radiance, 1961, hard, 76 pages
Wyatt, Geraldine, Dawn of Peace, 1940, hard, 262 pages
Yale, Alfred H., Life and Letters of Paul, 1959, hard and soft, 304 pages
Yale, Alfred H., My Friend Paul, 1986, soft, 135 pages
Yarrington, Roger, The Auditorium, 1962, hard, 92 pages
Youth and the Restoration, 1930, hard, 190 pages