Joyous greetings to all the lovely Saints throughout the Kingdom,
There is no need to tell anyone what time of year we are in. You simply go to any store, look in just about any yard and you will see the spirits of Halloween replaced with the “spirits” of winter. I say winter and not Christmas, because most of the world, though they claim to observe the Birth of Jesus Christ, are seemingly just celebrating the winter season. Whether it is spring/summer in some parts of the world or fall/winter, in other parts, people’s reactions are pretty much the same. In general, world wide there is a turning away from God. The adversary is doing all he can to lead God’s people away from God. It has happened throughout time and is happening again in 2024 and will likely increase in the years to come, how ever many God has left for us, individually as well as collectively.
We know the adversary has turned around everything that God designed for His Glory and the salvation of those who choose Him as their Father. Satan has lost the battle. He is now in the action of capturing God’s soldiers We must be aware of the intent of the enemy so we are better prepared to be loyal to God. It only takes a spark to get a fire going and it only takes being off course the smallest amount, which, if not corrected leads to a greater amount until recovery is near impossible.
So it is in the world today. In public school we used to have a Christmas Break,” now it is “Winter Break.” Does anyone give gifts, have a tree, put up lights, be extra nice and generous because it is winter? Should schools give students a two week break because it is winter? Do people travel all over the world just because it is winter? Most, if not all of us grew up in a world of changes from Scriptural and Godly, to the ways of the world. Again, for most, perhaps those worldly changes have not caused us to have strayed away from that which is good, right, and holy.
As we continue to live with the concept of “Living in the Kingdom of God,” how does it reflect in our daily walk with Lord? In Romans 14:17 we are told “For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.” How is our righteousness, peace and joy? Is it in the Holy Ghost or something else? This is a great time of year to promote the most important things. Jesus Christ, not all the other man made substitutes, is the reason for every season. It is Him and His purpose for coming down to earth that makes it possible for us to even consider righteousness, peace and joy.
One of my favorite Christmas time songs, which is not really a “Christmas hymn” is JOY TO THE WORLD! You sing the rest of verse one. THE LORD IS COME! LET EARTH RECEIVE HER KING! LET EVERY HEART, PREPARE HIM ROOM! AND HEAVEN AND NATURE SING, AND HEAVEN AND NATURE SING, AND HEAVEN AND HEAVEN AND NATURE SING! I enjoy “springing” this hymn on the Saints in any other month of the year. It does get their attention.
The truth of the matter is that THE LORD IS COME, just like THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD. He is a God of every second of every day and has come to those who accept Him as their Shepherd, Lord, and God. Oh, don’t be afraid to say “MERRY CHRISTMAS” to all you meet.
God bless
Paul Gage
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