Thursday, September 15, 2022


 From: Zionworkz



Dear Saints of Jackson County and abroad,

First the “serious” news, then the good news. As saints, we have endured a history of slander and contempt acted out against us for believing in God’s Holy City and our commission to make it a spiritual and physical reality. (Let me ask, at this point, why we have gathered to Jackson County or choose to dedicate our lives here?) Over the last 188 years, “we” have endured the destruction of our homes and the torture and killing of our people. Now, today, we still experience rumor, contempt and sometimes disenfranchisement. Most people that express rumors and contempt against the restored gospel are generations removed from the start of those rumors, yet believe them as fact or history, having been repeated for 198 years. Those that remain faithful to the pure, eternal, unaltered gospel will continue to endure slander, attacks and devastating heartbreak, and possibly much worse. We must keep focused on Jesus, his gospel of love and our duties and fulfillment of purpose. We must NEVER rumor or slander, even “accidentally”. We must repent now, if we have committed that sin.

With some societal norms beginning to be based in hate, suspicion and schisms, we must not be influenced by them. We must be determinedly loving and positive-- determinedly Christ-like. Very unfortunately, today within the restoration, there exists internal strife; a real tendency toward spreading rumor and contempt for our fellow saints and sister congregations and groups. It is easy to believe what we hear and then repeat it or believe it. Do not get caught up in this. You and I must stand up against this wrong and stand fast in Christ’s love, having his love to guide our lives and through which to perceive others. Of course, that does not mean that we must ignore discernment and condone sin in the process.

Now, some good news that I can’t contain: This morning I downloaded on PDF, Bob Moore’s book “The Course of Zion’s Redemption”. Having had time to read only 18 pages, at this point it appears to be the perfect guidebook for the understanding of and actualization of Zion. What a gem with clear facts and logic. If you don’t presently have time to read it, at least read the first paragraph.

At last Sunday’s meeting, despite a large agenda of items for enduring coming privations, we set aside the planned schedule and prayed that Jesus would guide our conversations by his spirit. Well! He did! The love and intelligence that came through each person! Also, there were some who were in serious need of prayer and laying-on-of-hands and received it.

The agenda and desire for establishing God’s kingdom on earth remains within each of our personal commissions and capabilities. Each of us has a part, even if seems at times that we are not all connected or that many of us have responsibilities that are not seen or appreciated by others. By our mutual commitment to Jesus Christ, we are connected. Let no person be your judge.

NEXT MEETING: This coming Sunday, Sept. 18, 2:00 pm at Bates City Restoration Branch, 728 Old Hwy 40. On the agenda: Prayer; Special needs requests and prayer; Watchman’s report (a succinct report on local, national and world events as they relate to prophesy and Instruction); Food independence report and plans, Things to stock up on, Bartering (very important to practice, and fun), Getting the word out about Zionic efforts, Communication (how are we going to communicate as public expression of truth and virtue are being suppressed and deleted?); Get-‘er-done ( projects to accomplish); Moderated discussion. We’ll see how much can be accomplished in that short time. Bates City Restoration Branch’s meeting house is wheelchair friendly.

After the meeting there will be more time to visit and time to make exchanges at the bartering table and trade ideas at the show-and-tell table. Bring anything to barter, you never know what you may want to trade for. Eggs and produce are popular items and practical and unusual items like books, tools, household items and items that will be needed in a pinch. Bring your questions and ideas on Zion. Remember, time is running out. The stores know it. Last Saturday there was a big sign on the front window of the Dollar Tree in Oak Grove that said, ”GRAB IT BEFORE IT’S GONE”. That reminds me--- remember to stock up on provisions, now.

Come and investigate this Zionic effort and be part of it. God does not intend this to be a small separate group; He calls all to be a significant part of Zion.

For more information email
or call 816-690-8464 or 816-694-2284

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