Thursday, June 2, 2022


 From: paul gage


Best Wishes and Greetings to all the Saints around the World,

Though many of us are separated by distance, with all the modern technology we are almost in each other’s yard. In one way, that is good as it is very difficult to not be aware of all the turmoil going on in the world/kingdom. However, turmoil, of course, can be and often, is very distractive when trying to live in the Kingdom of God. It is sort of like a book from past years was entitled, “One Step Forward, and Two Steps Backward.”

The Lord has told us to be in the world, but not of it, so with all the clamor around us it becomes our task to have greater concentration on Kingdom quality things. That is to do our best and even at that, always call on God for help in staying on track, to make sure we are marching toward Zion and not away from it.

As we are told in Luke 9:51, “...he (Jesus) steadfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem;” We are all very much aware of the many “voices” calling to us in the world. Jesus reminds us in Luke 17:20-24 that when others call out to us or entice us we are not to go after them or follow them, but to maintain our course on the straight and narrow path.

The need is great for those who long for Zion to be engaged in the world in such a way that others will notice a difference. Have you ever had someone ask you if you are a Christian? As we live in the Kingdom of God, it is important that people see us in a different light. Not by things we wear, such as a cross, a religious t-shirt, a WWJD bracelet, signs in our yards or on our vehicles etc. but the way we live like people think a Christian should live. There is the story of the man who had a “Honk if you love Jesus” sticker on the bumper of his car. One day a guy behind him kept honking his horn. Finally the guy with the bumper sticker was getting annoyed so he pulled of the road. The other guy also pulled over and both got out of their cars. The first man, in the heat of the moment asked the other man why he kept honking. The second man simply said, “Your bumper sticker says honk if you love Jesus and I love Jesus.” What would be your response at that point as we are living in the Kingdom of God?

We all fall short, at times, but our duty is to make needed changes and increase our efforts for Zion following the example of Jesus. As we prepare for the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper this Sunday, read the Sacrament prayers before you go to church.

God bless and keep you
Paul Gage

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