Friday, June 30, 2023

Meal Prep Saturday July 1

 From: Muriel Luedeman

Meal Prep Saturday July 1

Hello, IIAW and Unity Center Friends,

Here are our next volunteer opportunities starting tomorrow:
Saturday, July 1, Meal prep for Beloveds, 8-10am, Unity Center, 803 W. 23rd Street.
Saturday, July 8, Meal Prep for Beloveds, 8-10am
Saturday, July 8, Clean out of Unity Center, 9-11am to prepare for renovation phase of Ruth House.

Muriel Luedeman

Help for a Disabled Family in Need

 From: Carina Adams

Help for a Disabled Family in Need

Hello Saints,

Thank you to all whom have helped me this last half year. If any electrician can help my neighbor her whole family is disabled and with this heat, they really need electricity going in home. They had a guy, but he ran out on them. This heat is really bad they need their air. Also, they need a ramp built on their trailer so her mom's wheelchair can make it up and into her trailer.

Please email or call me if you can help.

Mrs. Carina Adams

Thursday, June 29, 2023

RCI's Leadership Camp Presents Carnival of Heroes


From: Aaron Bailey

RCI's Leadership Camp Presents
Carnival of Heroes

Come one, come all to the *2023 RCI Leadership Camp's Carnival of Heroes! Enjoy games and treats in the backyard of South Crysler Restoration Branch from 7:00-9:00 pm on Friday, July 14. Then, stay for a campfire from 9:00-9:30 pm. All ages are welcome! This is a free event!

(Please note that the Summer Volleyball League will be playing. This is not a part of our carnival, but you are welcome to watch and cheer them on.)

thumbnail LC Carnival 23 1

*Each year RCI gathers 12 exceptional high school students and provides them leadership training in a ministry setting. As a capstone they put on a large public event on the last day of camp. Come support these youth, and feel free to bring your family and friends.

Kirtland 2023

 From: Brian Mundy

Kirtland 2023


I would like to begin by sharing with you a testimony. On June 4th, I was driving home alone from church after a wonderful service and I felt the presence of the Lord and He asked me, Who does the converting? In my mind, I thought this is simple, it is the Holy Ghost that does the converting. Immediately thereafter, the question came to my mind, what do I want for Father's Day? As I pondered on this and also thinking about the previous question, the only thing I wanted for Father's Day was for my children to be at church with me on that Sunday morning. I know the Holy Ghost can work anytime and anywhere but I felt there may be a greater likelihood for the Holy Ghost to touch them if they were at church. Then, my mind was taken to the gathering at Kirtland and it was impressed upon me how much the Lord desired for us to all come together at Kirtland. Two days later, I had someone in Independence ask me about when the Priesthood would be going to Kirtland and I heard the words come out of my mouth, it would surely mean a lot to God if we all came together and went to Kirtland.

I know that not all of you were able to be at Kirtland last year, and I also realize that perhaps not all of you have received a testimony of the message presented by Brother Richard Neill, however I would like to have you consider what all has transpired in the world and specifically the United States since last September. Who would have believed the promotion of transgender, etc. that we are experiencing right now. How it is affecting political issues as well as our school systems. Who would have believed that nearly every county in the state of Missouri including Jackson County would have approved recreational marijana. These are just a few items and yet at the same time we have seen a greater desire within the church to work together not only in the Centerplace but throughout the world.

So we see Satan's destructive work and God's work in the Kingdom taking place simultaneously. The question is, how are we doing individually and collectively with our "listening" and the accomplishment of the 2 stewardships that the Lord gave us. It may have been some time since you have read the message shared, so I have attached a copy for your prayerful review.

So, it's with a great deal of excitement and anticipation that I invite you as His Priesthood to gather at Kirtland this year, Friday, September 22 to Sunday, September 24. Our overall theme for the weekend will be: Preparing for the Great Day of the Lord". Attached you will find a rough draft of the schedule. There are a few things that I am really excited about, we will have 3 hours for each service in the Temple this year instead of 2 and also on Saturday evening, we will be able to worship on both the 1st floor and 2nd floors. We are anticipating the Aaronic Priesthood to meet on the 2nd floor and the Melchisedec on the 1st floor for probably the first 2 hours on Saturday night before all of us reconvene together.

The night of September 21, 1823, Joseph was visited by Moroni multiple times and the next day, approximately mid-morning he was shown the gold plates for the 1st time. With this being the 200th anniversary of this experience, many of us will be in Palmyra Thursday night, (9/21) and go to Hill Cumorah mid-morning for a short worship and prayer time on Hill Cumorah if possible and head back to Kirtland. Please let me know if you would like to join us in Palmyra.

For those who are able, we will have a preparation service at the Kirtland Restoration Branch on Friday evening at 8:00 p.m.

Last year we had 153 in attendance. Can you think of 1 person that was not there that you could personally invite and encourage to come. Unfortunately we are limited to 300 people in the temple, so please get your registration in early.

Please go to the following link to register for Kirland.

Brothers, I can not express enough the great need for us to be together in Kirtland. Please come, please begin your preparation right now and please encourage others to come also. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Elder Brian Mundy

“Prepare For the Great Day of the Lord”
D&C 43:5

Priesthood Assembly at Kirtland
September 22–24, 2023

God’s work and glory is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man (D&C 22:23b). As priesthood, our work and glory is to be an instrument in the hands of God (Alma 15:61). To be prepared for this work we must humble ourselves and repent, listen to God, trust His word, and do what He asks.

FRIDAY Listen to the Voice of Jesus
(D&C 28:1a, Psalm 46:10)

8:00 p.m. Preparatory Worship-prayers for the weekend
Presiding: Jason Webster and Kirtland Branch priesthood
SATURDAY Trust the Father’s Word and Find Joy in Him

(Psalm 5:11-12, Psalm 16:11)
7:30 a.m. Aaronic Priesthood Meeting
8:00 a.m. Registration
8:30 a.m. Worship: Enter into His courts with praise. (Psalm 100:4)

Presiding: Steve Bohall

10:00 a.m. Class
11:00 a.m. Small Group Discussion and Prayers
Noon Small Group Reports
1:00 p.m. Lunch & Time for Personal Preparation
3:30 p.m. Temple Preparation Service
Presiding: Sean Telljohann
5:45 p.m. Gather at the Temple
6:00–9:00 p.m. Worship in the Temple
SUNDAY Ye Saints Arise and Live

D&C 43:5c
7:15 a.m. Gather at the Temple
7:30–10:30 a.m. Worship in the Temple
Presiding: Doug Smith
Please register using the following link:
Sponsored by the Conference of Restoration Elders


Message to the Priesthood
Gathered at the Kirtland Temple
September 24-25, 2022

To the Priesthood Assembled,

I come before you this day to bring counsel of the Lord. I have been made aware from the beginning that the Lord desired a message to be brought forth to this body of Priesthood, assembled together.
The spirit of discouragement has taken its toll on the people of the Church. This has affected the whole body, and in particular the youth, the aged, and the vulnerable.
There has been a great loss of hope among God's people for many years. Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, and many have lost their hope and faith in the Church as expressed in the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. Without faith and hope, charity diminishes, and the gospel of Jesus Christ suffers. Many have become lost from the Lord, and lost from each other. The Lord grieves over this condition.
For some time, the Lord has invited me into His presence to share some things with me. I have stepped into the realm of eternity, and I felt an unworthiness to be in such a place. The Lord has comforted me with His Spirit, each and every time, and without exception, when I have felt this unworthiness.
Over the last several months, I have inquired repeatedly of Him, if these thoughts are of Him, to the point that the natural man would have become weary of me asking over and over again the same questions. On many occasions, I was ready to leave this behind, because of my weakness, and walk away, but the Lord is merciful, He is kind, and He is patient.
He has patiently assured me of what it is that He wants done and said at this time. I have promised to Him that I would do what He has asked of me. Not my will, but His will be done.
It is by His Spirit, that I come to you, now, in this hallowed place.
The time has come for these words to be spoken unto you. It is now 38 years since the 1984 World Conference. It is from this point in time that much of the Restoration Movement was formed, because of many decisions that were made within the Church. These events have led you to this point in time.
With good intentions of my servants of the priesthood, you have heard at times differing messages. Some have said to wait, and some have said to act. There is a time and place for each of these responses. Both of these counsels given together, at the same time, have caused confusion and doubt among the people. I am not the author of confusion. I love you, and desire to guide you through this.
These conditions have brought about separation, and despair in the minds of the people.
This has led to different degrees of organization. Churches have been established, groups have been formed, branches have become independently separated, and many of my people have become lost because of the 'mists of darkness', and because of 'wandering in strange roads'. [I Nephi 2;67,81]
The Restoration has become filled, too often, with the spirit of contention. This is unseemly to me, when I have made it clear to you so many times that you must become one. Have you not heard my voice calling to you? I prayed in Gethsemane, in my final hours upon the earth, that you may be one.
You have placed the command to wait, and the command to act, above the commandment that I give unto you. The command I give unto you is to 'listen'. There is a time and a season to wait, and a time and a season to act, but you will never discern the difference if you choose not to listen to Me first.
I have brought this church out of the wilderness, in these latter days, to have and hold a stewardship in the coming forth of my kingdom of Zion on earth. I have not changed in my intentions for you.
If you will be obedient to keep the Two Great Commandments of Love for the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost, and one another as your neighbors, I will yet use you for this purpose and stewardship that I have given you. If not, my purposes will not fail, but, as I said in former years, I will raise up another people.
As I led the children of Israel across the Red Sea by revelation, and protected them with 'a pillar by day and a fire by night', so I will be in your midst if you will hearken unto my words. With those who I have prepared, and who will be added to this work, along with the forces of Heaven, I have sufficient to fulfill my promise of Zion. But what is lacking is the spiritual condition required of you for Zion to come forth.
I say unto you, listen to me. There are two stewardships that will ensure success if you will do them.
1) As the five wise virgins did in the parable of the last days, 'Gather and sanctify your oil, before the
cry at midnight'. Prepare yourself through scripture, prayer, fasting, and humble service. You must take the Holy Spirit as a guide in all things that you do in your life.
2) Be willing to remove all barriers and hindrances to the achievement of Zion. You must become one.
This would include the groups and associations you have formed, and the responsibilities that you carry. Needful things will be restored. All else is inconsequential.
I give unto you two years to implement these stewardships. Then, if you are obedient, I will give you the things which are to follow. The two years would be by the same time of year as this Assembly.
Do not tarry in these things, like the unwise virgins. You are not adequately prepared for what is to come upon the world in the next two years. How long must I wait? I will have given you 40 years.
If you will heed these words you will marvel at the protection that I will give to you. This I did in the journey to the Promised Land in the days of Moses. You will receive daily manna. I am the Bread.
The Church will yet flourish. I will show you power from on High, but only if you will listen to me and come together in My spirit. I am pleased that you have gathered into my presence, now go forth as one.

Richard F. Neill

Golf Balls For Sale - Dennis Heater

 From: Delores Champ

Golf Balls For Sale - Dennis Heater

Dennis Heater is selling his collection of golf balls. Nearly 300 dozen name brands and logos @ $1.50 per dozen. ALSO over 20 dozen NIKE and TOP FLITE XL 2000 and 3000 @ $5.00 per dozen. These are good, clean balls. Oak Grove, MO.

TEXT me, his wife, Delores Champ, if you are interested, and arrangements can be made to pick them up at our house. 816-935-9341

Alternately, these are also listed on Facebook Marketplace (20+) Facebook Golf balls - Used, Clean, Oak Grove, MO.

​Nigeria Student Fee Request

 From: Bill Barrett

​Nigeria Student Fee Request

There is a need for $6000 to cover the school fees for 27 students.

If you can help, please contribute to ARM and designate Nigeria School Fees.
These are the analysis of the numbers of the students their branches and parents’ names.

Lagos Branch - Deacon Michael 3 daughters polytechnic Eboniyi State 2 studies ACCOUNTING and 1 mass communication.

Priest Chinedu daughter in University of Enugu state study ACCOUNTING.

Priest Sunday son University study political science.

Priest Monday daughter polytechnic study ACCOUNTING.

Choir leader married doing per time weekend teachers training, her husband does not have money to pay this term.

Elder Tony our branch pastor 2 sons in university one study agriculture and second study nursing school.

Then favour my wife. School of midwifery school fees new session, she needs 1.2 million, we had raised #500,000, she needed to balance up #700,000.

Portarcourt Branch, we had request of 4 students from there in school.

Maise Branch, we had requested of 5 students 3 from Elder Collins and 2 from members. Ubani Branch

3 students in Elder Darlington wife study per time ACCOUNTING.

Abakaliki Eboniyi Branch request for 6 students in secondary school that sent out since last term for school fees at home their parents taking them to farm.

These are the analysis of the students need urgent help.


Mail to:
Shaun Turner
3519 S Crysler
Independence MO 64055


 From: Paul Gage


Mid-year greetings to all the Saints in every corner of the world,

Yes, 2023 is half gone. What will happen in the Kingdom of God in the last half of the year?

Of course, only God knows. In ending several of his writings, the Apostle Paul uses the phrase, “Finally my brethren,” meaning don’t overlook what has gone before. In Philippians 4:8 he says,
“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”

Do you take time to “Think” about the Kingdom and how our daily lives reflect that Kingdom? Or do we just roll through every day thinking mostly about the world? It is easy to become “spiritually numb” when there is so much around us that is untrue, dishonest, not fair, impure, unlovely, and of bad report.

Brother Doug Smith, last Sunday evening in the Pastors of Zion Summer Series, encouraged the Saints to think about the Kingdom and things that matter spiritually. Not a surface thinking, but in depth, like Paul, if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, “Think on these things.” What do you suppose Adam was thinking about when the angel ask him why he was offering a sacrifice? Genesis 4:4-9. Or Daniel, Ruth, Peter and John, Paul and Silas, Nephi and Lehi, Joseph Smith Jr in Liberty jail and so many others. They were not thinking of themselves or the worldly things, but of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.

We have been reminded, again, and again and again of the Parable of the Ten Virgins. DC 45:10 (1831), Walter Weldon, “Tell My People,” (1991)

What were the wise ones thinking?
What were the foolish ones thinking?

Do Restorations really “think” God will shut the door and not let those in who are not ready?

Remember a song called “Awesome God?” One verse says,
“And the Lord wasn’t joking when He kicked them out of Eden.
It wasn’t for no reason that He shed His blood.
His return is very close and so you better be believing that
our God is an awesome God.”

Sunday is July 2, 2023 and the “Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.” What is the real significance of this Holy Ordinance? How do you prepare for this service? Do we really think in depth about the sacrifice Jesus made for each of us? It has been said that if only one person was ever created, God would have made the supreme sacrifice. That is how important each person is to God and the Kingdom.

If possible, take time to read the verses of the Sacrament hymns in whatever hymnal you may have. Take time to read in the four gospels as well as Third Nephi the accounts of the “Lord’s Supper.” Take time to refresh your memory of the Sacrament as found in Doctrine and Covenants 17:7, 18, and 22-23.

Something to “think about.” Why didn’t or couldn’t the wise virgins share their oil with the foolish?

God bless,
Paul Gage

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Want to buy Reasonable Car

 Dennis Elwell


Want to buy Reasonable Car

Looking to buy a inexpensive car.

Call Dennis at:

Home Help - Elderly Gentleman

 From: Dwight Elefson

Home Help - Elderly Gentleman

Looking for someone to help elderly gentleman with a few housekeeping items just a few times a week along with just checking in and a little conversation.

Contact: Dwight Elefson
(texting OK)

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Cat and Kitten to Adopt


From: Muriel Luedeman

Cat and Kitten to Adopt

A young cat and her kitten were rescued yesterday in Little Rock, Arkansas in the middle of a storm and are up here now. The baby is about three days old. They don't seem to be feral. They will be put down if a home is not available.

For more information and adoption,
Contact Tammy Van Biber at:

IMG 2883.

Large Print Bibles Needed

 From: Muriel Luedeman

Large Print Bibles Needed

Hello, IIAW and Unity Center Friends,

An IIAW friend is requesting the following donations for an adult daycare on Truman Road. - Large print Bibles for Bible study classes, small items that can be used as birthday and holiday gifts for residents; they would prefer the donations to be like new and not broken.

For more information and donations,
contact Willamina Flude at:

Muriel Luedeman
IIAW Communications Secretary

Job at ​State of Missouri for a ​Veteran

 ​Job at ​State of Missouri for a ​Veteran

The Missouri National Guard is looking for individuals who can perform Military Funeral Honors for our fallen veterans in St. Louis and Warrensburg (multiple positions).

As a Military Funeral Honors Team Member you will provide Military Funeral Honors support over a multi-county area and be responsible for training of subordinate workers and personnel assigned to National Guard units and Veterans Organizations.

Minimum Qualifications
• Working knowledge of military structure, capabilities and procedures.
• Possess and maintain a current Missouri Driver’s License.
• Ability to maintain a military atmosphere.
• Current or former military service status with an Honorable Discharge.

Find out more about these positions at:

TalentTuesday #Military #MilitaryHonors #WeServeMissouri

8/5/23 “Save the Date” Concert in the Parking Lot


From: Jackie Shearer

8/5/23 “Save the Date”
Concert in the Parking Lot
Mark your calendars!





House cleaner needed:

 From: April Erwin

House cleaner needed:
We are needing to hire someone who loves to clean, is good at it, and has the ability to climb on stepladders to help us DEEP clean areas of our home.

Please contact Angel Erwin @ 816-809-5324

April Erwin @ 816-560-0633

April Erwin
Available Now: NEW The Little Poppy Seed, Aspects of Faith, Creation's Ballad, Dysfunction Junction, Justice Burning

Howard Alan Smith - Obituary


Valle Loving Smith

Howard Alan Smith - Obituary

Alan Smith

Howard Alan Smith was born on November 14, 1950 in Ames, Iowa. He was the oldest of five children. His parents, Delbert and Mildred (Nelson) Smith, were missionaries for the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The faith that his parents demonstrated became a foundation for Alan’s life. Because of their varied church assignments, the family moved often. Alan spent his early years in Minneapolis, Minnesota before moving to Hilo, Hawaii. On the evening of his ninth birthday, the family traveled to the rim of the Kīlauea Iki volcano to watch the spectacular lava fountains from the eruption that began that day. From Hilo, the family moved to Lamoni, Iowa. He finished his high school years in Weslaco, Texas.
In high school, Alan edited the school newspaper. He pursued his interest in journalism by attending Graceland College, where he studied English and social studies. While at Graceland, he fell in love with Valle Loving. They were married June 2, 1973. They celebrated 50 years together at a party organized by the tremendously caring surgical intensive care staff of Barnes Jewish Hospital in St. Louis where Alan was hospitalized for six months.
Alan’s journalism career spanned southern Iowa. He began by working at the Red Oak Express in southwest Iowa. After two years in Red Oak, he attended Iowa State University, where he earned a master’s degree in journalism. His master’s thesis on the history of humor in church publications of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was the basis for his book Our Heritage of Humor. While in Ames, Alan and Valle’s son Nathan was born.
The family moved from Ames to Ottumwa, Iowa. Alan worked for a regional newspaper chain. He became the pastor of the Ottumwa, Iowa RLDS church. He developed lifelong friendships with the young families of that congregation. While the family lived in Ottumwa, Alan and Valle’s daughter Erin was born.
The opportunity to become the owner and editor of the Mount Ayr Record-News in 1980 attracted Alan to Mount Ayr, Iowa, where he spent the bulk of his career. Alan’s weekly “Thoughts and Other Things” column in the Record-News chronicled his and the family’s adventures in rural Iowa. Alan was dedicated to serving the Mount Ayr community through journalism for almost thirty-five years. When it came time to retire, he refused to sell the paper to a newspaper chain, waiting for a buyer who would become a member of the Mount Ayr community. He received numerous awards for his local coverage, including the Master Publisher/Editor award from the Iowa Newspaper Association. He served as president of both the Iowa Newspaper Foundation and the Iowa Newspaper Association.
Alan and Valle’s youngest daughter Cara was born after the family moved to Mount Ayr. Alan was a devoted father. Despite the heavy demands of producing a weekly newspaper, he supported his children in all of their activities. He faithfully attended almost every sports, music, speech, drama, or school event that his busy children participated in. Alan’s fandom extended beyond his children to all Mount Ayr Community Schools’ activities. He made it a goal to include as many students’ names in the paper as possible each week. He made no pretense of journalistic detachment as he cheered on the Mount Ayr Raiders football team while covering them from the sidelines.
Alan was an ordained minister for 58 years. He made it his life’s mission to share God’s love and serve his kingdom in whatever capacity he could. Alan served as pastor for the Mount Ayr RLDS congregation, and later the Mount Ayr Restoration Branch. He loved the Lord and was dedicated to shepherding the members of his congregation. He will be remembered for his gentle, humble ministry. In his final days, Alan’s continual message was how much he loved those around him, and how much God loved them.
Alan enjoyed being creative and appreciated the arts. Photography was an important part of his journalism. After retiring to Independence, Missouri, Alan enjoyed participating in the Northland Photography Club, taking many photography trips with friends, and spending hours editing his pictures. He sang in the Ringgold Singers and the Jacomo Chorale. Highlights of his acting experience included roles in Annie and Amahl and the Night Visitors with the Moonlighters Theater Group in Mount Ayr and Guys and Dolls at Graceland.
Alan’s favorite role was that of Papa to his five grandchildren Eli, Millie, Esther and Adella Cornish, and Timothy Smith. He was always a willing participant in keeping the kids occupied, whether it was reading a book, playing games, or immersing himself in the world of
Barbies. He invented the game tickle monster with his children, and it is still a favorite with grandchildren.
In Independence, Alan was a pastor and active member of Gospel Park Restoration Branch. He enjoyed traveling with friends and family, making extensive photo books of trips to Ireland, Alaska, Scotland, and Germany. For the last twelve years of his life, he worked to manage the effects of progressive liver disease with the assistance of an excellent medical team. He passed away peacefully at Evelyn’s House Hospice in Creve Coeur, Missouri on June 27, 2023.
Alan was preceded in death by his parents, Delbert Smith and Bertha Mildred Smith and his brother Steven Smith. He is survived by his wife Valle Smith, his son Nathan (Julie) Smith, his daughters Erin (Peter) Cornish, and Cara Smith, grandchildren Elisha Cornish, Millicent Cornish, Esther Cornish, Adella Cornish, Timothy Smith, his siblings Ron (Di) Smith, Karen (David) Bates, Doug (Judi) Smith, and many extended family.

A visitation will be held from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm on July 7, 2023 at Good Shepherd Community of Christ Church, 4341 Blue Ridge Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64133.
A memorial service will be held at 11:00 am on July 8 at Good Shepherd.

In lieu of flowers, the family suggests donations to Gospel Park Restoration Branch or the Jacomo Chorale.

In Alan’s memory, the family would encourage you to become an organ donor and donate blood on a regular basis.

Monday, June 26, 2023

The Saints' Piano


From: Paul Ludy

The Saints' Piano

IMG 20230626 204916 982

We have begun mailing and delivering copies of The Saints' Piano which have been ordered.

The book with 44 arrangements of Restoration hymns is priced at $25.00, but you can get it for $24.00 if you order by this Friday, June 30.

Reply to or phone 816-210-8450 to order. I will deliver in the Independence area for $2.00 or mail with an invoice and envelope for your payment.

We are not offering a free book with this title at present nor with the new 3 in 1 or new IV. But we do offer a free used book of equal or lesser value (up to a $15.00 limit) with the purchase of our other 20,000 books.

Paul V. Ludy 816-210-8450
Check these websites: for ALL RLDS Books for new RLDS books with previews for the new 3 in 1 and IV