Monday, December 11, 2023

Celebrate New Year’s Day Reading the Scriptures


Celebrate New Year’s Day Reading the Scriptures

Isn’t there a better way to begin the New Year than by partaking of the bill of fare offered by the world? “Why is it that ye murmur among yourselves, . . . saying that after all these things do the Gentiles seek. . . . Seek not the things of this world; but seek ye first to build up the kingdom of God and to establish his righteousness” (Matthew 6:36, 38).

No matter where you are, you should be able to read the Scriptures part of each day. For several years, we have participated in a Scripture Read-a-thon on New Year’s Day; and we encourage other Saints to do the same.

We invite anyone close to Bates City, Missouri, to join us from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. on January 1 for a Scripture Read-a-thon at the Bates City Restoration Branch. Come for as much as you can—two hours, all morning, all afternoon, or all day. Bring your favorite edition of the Book of Mormon, a notebook, and other resources that might be helpful. We will begin reading with Mosiah 1 and go as far as we can.

We suggest that participants bring snacks to share and food for the noon meal if they can stay and eat with their friends. We will be sitting around a table and taking turns reading, allowing people to pass if they don’t want to read orally. We expect to READ MORE and TALK LESS—but we will stop to discuss verses as needed. Each person will receive a certificate showing which chapters and verses he or she has read during the day.

Please call Dee or Paul Ludy, 816-210-8450, for information or directions.

When even a few people meet to study or worship, we can claim an excellent promise from Jesus Christ: “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20).

We encourage Saints who cannot meet with us to plan and participate in some similar activity where they are. Simply gather with a few friends, choose a place to begin reading, and DO IT! And if you can’t meet this year, consider making it a priority for the next New Year’s Day. Reading together can jumpstart your establishing a daily reading schedule of the Scriptures.

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