Tuesday, December 5, 2023




Actually, claiming to be the people that have been called with the ultimate responsibility to build Christ’s Zion (The Kingdom on the earth) we are way behind schedule. We can blame ourselves, blame the leadership or find it convenient to blame other conditions, beliefs or situations, but that’s a waste of time and creates a mental and physical barrier to just getting the work done. God tells us what qualifies us to do the work, which also releases each one of us to just apply ourselves, free from peer judgement, to do our responsibilities. “…therefore all ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, mind, might and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day; THEREFORE IF YE HAVE DESIRES TO SERVE GOD, YE ARE CALLED TO THE WORK…AND FAITH, HOPE, CHARITY AND LOVE QUALIFIES HIM FOR THE WORK. Remember, faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, brotherly kindness, Godliness, humility, diligence. Ask and ye shall receive, knock and it shall be opened unto you. Amen.” D&C 4. If you include prayer and scripture study, that covers it.

There are those who have told you why Zion can’t be built today for many reasons that you’ve already heard, so let’s not recall them or be disheartened or paralyzed by them by them. Let’s look at where we are in God’s timeline. God told us this in 1831 “…BE PREPARED for things to come, for…ye hear of wars in foreign lands, but I say unto you, They are nigh, even at your doors and not many years hence ye shall hear of wars in your own lands…AND IT SHALL COME TO PASS AMONG THE WICKED THAT EVERY MAN THAT WILL NOT TAKE HIS SWORD AGAINST HIS NEIFHBOR MUST FLEE UNTO ZION FOR SAFETY. And there shall be gathered unto it out of every nation under heaven; and it shall be the only people that shall not be at war one with another.”!!! From D&C 45 in 1831. These conditions exist NOW, but most of us haven’t had the faith, permission or initiative to engage fully in building the place to flee to…even though it was clearly prophesied and you and I were told to make it happen. It gets more intense: “I, the Lord am angry with the wicked; I am holding my spirit from the inhabitants of the earth. I have sworn in my wrath and decreed wars on the face of the earth, and the wicked shall slay the wicked, and fear shall come upon every man, AND THE SAINTS SHALL ALSO HARDLY ESCAPE…” D&C 63:9a-c from 1831. WHERE IS THIS PLACE TO ESCAPE TO? Are you and I going to face God at the judgement bar and blame the church’s resistance to making Zion happen when he clearly showed us, as individuals, what we should be about? Yes, this is a tough situation for us today, but who are we going to answer to ultimately?

Now it gets exciting. All that God has said about his kingdom on the earth is true. Like my friend, Bruce Baldwin told me, “Zion is coming like a runaway freight train and Satan is trying to derail us.” Anything that tries to derail us is of Satan (including our own lack of faith). Zion certainly happened in Enoch’s day. There were certainly people and groups that tried to derail the endeavor then, but Enoch and each person involved persevered by uncompromisingly applying God’s principles. This took extreme change in lifestyle and giving the work all of their spiritual and physical effort. But, no doubt, they did it. People just like you and me.

Now, it gets even more exciting. If you are not aware of Zionworks’ gathering of humble and sincere people dedicated to the building of the Kingdom, we invite you to investigate. Presently we’re still a small group from various congregations and denominations. We recognize the present need to become independent of Babylon and therefore provide all of the substance and systems to have and live in a society governed by God’s love and therefore mature and responsible living. This includes all of the physical necessities for the successful operation of a community: Food production and storage, safe water, sanitation, homes, medical needs, transportation, roads, etc… eventually. Presently, we are a rather small group and are operating on a smaller scale as more people come to recognize the urgency of Zion and dedicate themselves to the effort. A couple of things I didn’t mention: the fun of working together and the spiritual blessings we’ve experienced so far. You are invited to any of our meetings or work days. We have two meetings per month and two, and sometimes more, work days per month helping those who are overloaded or those who are unable.


Howard Cozart: “Look to the prophets. God doesn’t do anything that he doesn’t foretell or reveal through the prophets. The whole church is built upon the revelation of Christ. Test everything. Ask God, as we are counselled in James 1:5. Is there any doubt we lack wisdom? What is the great deception Messiah spoke of in Matthew 24? Are the traditions of men, even in the restoration, pleasing to our father? Every individual must ask and seek diligently for the answer to what it is that we yet lack, and the spirit of promise will prevail.”

Victor Hugo: “Greater than the force of mighty armies is the power of an idea whose time has come.”

Marilyn Middleton: “If you don’t have any resistance, you won’t have any growth. There is always an opposing force and always conflict. I think we give up too soon. We miss out, not knowing how close we were. All of us get on board and know what we are supposed to be doing and do it.”


Stock up now while you can.


NEXT WORK DAY: To be planned and announced at the meeting.


For questions or comments, please contact zionworkz@protonmail.com. , yyeoman@protonmail.com or 816 690 8464.

With Christ and his love as our bond,

Your friends at Zionworks

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