Saturday, August 24, 2024

Zionworks News for August 22nd, 2024



Zionworks News for August 22nd, 2024


The first news is this announcement. At the last meeting it was decided to have another meeting this coming Sunday, August 25th, for two important reasons , 1: Times are getting short for preparing as explained below, and 2: At the meeting there will be a very informative presentation from a member of a group that has cooperative preparation and life-style in operation. This should be an eye-opener for anyone who wants to listen in or be involved. ‘Looking forward to a big turnout and lots of sharing of abilities and information.

Be ready. We never know what day will be our last day in this earthly realm, but we do know that at that time each of us will personally encounter Jesus Christ and give an inescapable account of what we did with our time and personal resources while here. Scriptures tell us we will “have a lively sense of our own guilt”. Some of us, hopefully most, will be able to rejoice at that reunion with our maker. Judgement day is a sure thing. If we will have a lively sense of eternal reality at graduation day, then why not have a lively sense of the eternal values of our thoughts and actions as we contemplate and enact them now? It seems that having that quickened eternal awareness in this life is entirely possible and of great value.

Being ready is a capability that was placed in our minds and souls when we were created. Most of us practice it as a practical matter of conduct in our short and long term planning and action, for example: The car needs to have adequate fuel in its tank at all times and its maintenance needs to be up to date. Presently, we are preparing our homes, wardrobes, and food supplies for fall and winter weather along with plans to deal with snow and ice, maybe an ice storm or two and likely some time without electricity. In hurricane areas, we prepare to be able to batten down and take shelter or evacuate, and we have an evacuation plan, evacuation vehicle and evacuation supplies ahead of time. Most of us have a plan and provisions for tomorrow’s breakfast, lunch and supper. Wise people plan for a means of safe life into retirement years and beyond. They imagine all possibilities and try to prepare for them. We were created with the ability to think for ourselves and to act with responsibility.

In looking ahead to living in last-days conditions, Jesus compared it to observing the trees beginning to grow foliage as a sign of pending spring and summer. Scriptures are full of prophecy describing the events of today as last-days events and the treachery and disasters to expect in these times. He gave us the capacity to look for these things, to discern them and to be prepared for them. It should not be a big deal for us to be prepared, being as we have all of these prophesies and have been involved with groups of people who claim to be aligned with the Originator of these prophesies and warnings. Now, just remember who we will face alone at the end of this life for what we did or didn’t do.

It is perplexing as to why we choose to ignore what has been placed so obvious for us to see and be prepared for, ESPECIALLY considering that all of the prophets looked forward to these days as having great significance and a great privilege to live in them! It doesn’t take a prophet to see that our country can’t stay alive when such a large portion of its influencers and their followers are Marxists with an agenda to destroy the country. It doesn’t take a prophet to see the intellectual and moral degradation of these people who hate freedom and hate the Godly principles and virtues that made this country great. These people have sworn destruction on any person or institution that wants to abide by Godly principles. They have demonstrated their destructive and hateful bent on the streets of our cities as they have attacked our innocent and law-abiding citizens, destroyed businesses and spread filth. They openly promote and enact anything that is inimical to God’s plan of right living on his land.

Safe and cooperatively successful society and infrastructure can’t survive when this warfare escalates as it inevitably will. The hateful will not stop because they can’t stop. Destruction is the only life-style they know. Abraham Lincoln said “Evil never dies a natural death.” This is the reality we must face. The enemies of righteousness will destroy any chance of peaceful and safe society until God intervenes. Until then, we must recognize the very clear scriptures and prophesies that instruct us to establish Christ’s kingdom on the earth, also called Zion for the celestial principles upon which it operates, so that there can be a safe society for the righteous and the innocent of the world to gather to. There are no stop-gap or intermediate principles that can be implemented in this endeavor. Zion can only operate on celestial principles. This means that we can count on those celestial principles as infallible and perfect guidelines when sharing our skills and interacting among each other to be involved in the establishing and operating of this society. This also means that our sincere endeavors are nothing short of Zion, and God expects nothing short of Zion. That is the bond and attraction of those gathering for this purpose and that is the level of love, friendship and cooperation we can expect (and have experienced) as Jesus attracts us together for this fulfilling purpose.

Not all of Jesus’ followers can be engaged in preparation activities because they are involved in other needful work and responsibilities. We must be able to provide for them when times get rough. There must also be a means of living and thriving for all of those gathering to Zion from the four quarters of the earth. God knows what those means are and it will be a great privilege if we have the opportunity to help them.

You of Zionworks and friends must be commended for the love you have demonstrated and sacrifices you have made and continue to make in caring for others.


This coming Saturday, August24th: Nancy Moe is opening her orchard for picking apples for anyone that needs them. She says that this is her Jubilee year and she joyously offers the apples for free. She invites us out as a group and with friends who need or would enjoy the apples. This will take the place of a work day. Nancy says she doesn’t need help at this time, just come and enjoy picking. We should plan on arriving at 9:00 AM. Her address is 31509 E. Allen Rd., Buckner. Her ph. #is 816 548 9745.

NEXT MEETING: this Sunday at 2:00 PM at Central Branch, 919 S. Delaware, Independence. On the agenda: Presentation on preparedness, planning and brain-storming on cooperative preparedness and Zion, prayers and fellowship.


Stock up while you can including next year’s seeds. Consult the Preparedness Guide for information. It’s free. Ask for it if you don’t have it.

For questions or comments, please call 816 690 8464, 816 694 2284, or email .

With Christ and his love as our bond,

Your friends at Zionworks

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