CRE Conference 2025
Good evening brothers and sisters,
The Conference for the CRE will begin Sunday, March 23rd and go through Friday, March 28th and will be held at Waldo Restoration Branch (819 West Waldo Ave., Independence, MO. 64059). The theme for this year’s conference is “New Wine in New Bottles” and I am very excited with how God has given us direction in the planning for the conference. I felt very directed by the Spirit in creating the daily themes for all of us to focus on and I want to share them with you now.
Sun., 3/23: New Wine in New Bottles (Matthew 9:21-23)
Mon., 3/24: Being One with Jesus Christ (Mosiah 11:186)
Tues., 3/25: Willing to Make Changes to Come Into God’s Presence (Alma 3:25 & 48)
Wed., 3/26: Willing to Make Changes to Come Into God’s Presence (Alma 3:50-55)
Thur., 3/27: Coming Together and Asking God for Direction (Mosiah 11:188)
Fri., 3/28: Do As He Directs (Numbers 15:38-40)
In my preparation the Lord made it clear to me that it was not going to be sufficient for just the elders or even priesthood to focus on these items and come into His presence. ALL of our people AND our families need to participate in this process, so, we are trying to involve as many people as possible. Voting in the business sessions will be limited to the elders but all can observe. The members, Aaronic priesthood and youth are all encouraged to come and participate in quorum sessions and discussions as well as classes and worship. We really want to encourage you to register early so that we can prepare enough conference books, as well as calculate for meal planning. There really isn’t a registration fee, however we would request $15 to cover the cost of the books and printed materials. To register, you can go to From there, click on the link in the upper right corner that says, “Conference 2025”.
It is the desire of the Coordinating Council to complete the business needs early in the week so that we can focus on seeking God’s direction for us in our current state.
There are times that God asks us to do something that we consider a sacrifice. After our experience in Kirtland last September, I feel this may be one of those times that we need to do whatever it takes to come together as a body. I believe God is calling us to come together this week.
Just to remind you, 2-1/2 years ago in the message that was given to the priesthood in Kirtland, the parable of the 10 virgins was referenced and so let us not be part of the foolish that did not prepare in advance. Let us prepare so that when the call is made, we are ready.
So please do not wait until that week of conference to prepare, let us join together and prepare now through prayer, fasting and study. As we get closer to the conference date, there will be a zoom link available on the CRE website if you absolutely cannot join us in person.
May God bless each of us as we prepare to come into his presence.
Brian Mundy
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