Friday, February 7, 2025


 ZIONWORKS NEWS for FEBRUARY 1st, 2025                                  


Again, it has gotten to the end of the week before the news goes out. My apologies. The editor’s condition is improving. Presently, though the cancer may be gone, the damaged and fractured bone and damaged tissue still need to heal. As a result, sitting at a keyboard is painful and I subconsciously avoid it.                                            


You likely learned about surrogates in psychology in high school, in college or by reading National Geographics. In this intended context, a surrogate is a substitute. You may envision a stuffed animal to which an orphaned animal may relate to as its mother and from which it may more likely seek physical and emotional nourishment. For better or worse, the surrogate is different from the authentic item.    

By life and necessity, we live with surrogates. We also, for better or worse, and by nature, often seek surrogates to fill our souls’ needs. In the case of our Lord and maker, however, surrogates just won’t do. Those who invest in a surrogate Jesus, such as a consensus-driven church, organization or culture with the attendant pecking order of self-important priesthood will chase a man-made disappointment. Be reassured that Jesus is personally available to you. If you seek him with all your heart and intent, you will personally find him and He will not disappoint you. When you associate with others with your same intent, you will have found His church. That is not to say that you haven’t found His church and His people. You will know what is authentic.  

We are living in what may be the most remarkable time in our lives and beyond. These times were prophesied anciently and more recently. While authentic revival is happening around the world with its accompanying miracles, the enemy of righteousness has been drawn out into the open and is ever more vicious in open hate and covert planning and collusion. As a result, two things now stand out in contrast to the turmoil and uncertainty in our world. Those two things are the truth and certainty of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and the Christ-given commission to individuals who will listen to Him to simply live as if they were in the Kingdom on the earth. Practiced with others, the unavoidable result is…Zion. Those who realize that Zion happens as a result of their personal response to Jesus will find his promises to be true and alive.    

Total commitment to The Kingdom will cost you your life. It will cost you your ego, possibly your identity, your entertainment time and even much of your leisure time. The pay-off of full commitment is a new life that only Jesus can do for you, a lively life! Our goal at Zionworks is to make this lively and purposeful life a reality for each person who is longing for the peace, safety and refuge of Jesus Christ in his kingdom on the earth.         
COMING SOON TO OUR MEETINGS: Special presentations on prophesy, exciting presentations on health, meetings set aside for testimonies and get-together seminar days for freeze drying, vacuum packaging, and vitally needed scheduling for workdays.                                         


During this last five weeks of down time, mostly unable to move because of pain, I have been blessed with seeing some amazing videos and the blessing of time to get immersed in scripture. I would like to pass on to you a couple precious and powerful videos that I may not have encountered without the down time.                                                  
Your questions and comments are welcome at and .              

With Christ and his love as our bond,              
Your brothers and sisters at Zionworks              
Jim Huseby, coordinator 

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