Monday, June 29, 2020

Alicia Negaard Testimony

From: Alicia Negaard

Alicia Negaard Testimony
Many of you prayed for me recently.  I would like to share the results of those prayers.
We were in Tucson, Arizona. I woke on Monday morning in a lot of pain.  I have had children and I have had kidney stones and this pain exceeded both of those experiences.  I hurt from the top of my head to the soles of my feet.  Each muscle and joint hurt.  My family decided to take me to the emergency room.  I was able to text a few of my co-workers at CPRS and tell them of the situation and they added me to their congregation’s prayer list. 
When I got to the emergency room I was taken immediately to a room.  They told me the COVID 19 patients were presenting just like I was, pain everywhere.  I was surprised that the ER was empty (later I found out only private insurance was allowed there).  They started an IV and gave me Toradol.  Usually Toradol eliminates all pain for me.  Didn’t help much at all this time.  We then proceeded to wait for a CT scan.  I called another elder and asked him to pray for me and he said he would.
This is where things get strange.  More than an hour had elapsed waiting on the CT scan.  And I heard a female voice laughing outside of my room.  I heard her say, “That reference is 3 Nephi 4:2”  I wasn’t sure that I heard correctly and quickly prayed, “Lord, if that was important you better repeat it.”  Again the laughing voice, “That’s 3 Nephi 4:2.”  I texted my husband and asked for him to look up the reference.  He did and this is it, “And there was not any man who could do a miracle in the name of Jesus, save he were cleansed every whit from his iniquity.”
I do not know which of the people praying for me has been cleansed every whit from their iniquity, but I am very grateful for your repentance.  Because I began to get better from that very minute on.   When I was dismissed, I mentioned to my nurse that I was grateful and wanted to let the woman know how much the scripture meant to me.  He informed me that NO ONE there would have mentioned any scripture while at work.  And that NO ONE had been laughing anywhere patients were. 
 I was able to return home without incident.  My COVID 19 test was negative.  I have been very, very blessed. 
Thank you all so much.
Alicia Negaard

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