Friday, November 27, 2020


 From: Paul Gage



The High Priests of the Restoration Branches as well as many other groups and branches have asked the Saints to observe each Sunday as a day of fasting and prayer. There are many reasons for asking the Saints to fast and pray. The ultimate objective, however, is for the return of Jesus Christ in His Glory and the establishment of His Kingdom (Zion) on earth. 

 Jesus is our chief example regarding fasting and prayer, as he fasted and prayed often, as indicated in the scriptures. Did you ever think of Jesus as having a "practice of prayer?" When we study the scriptures more deeply, we begin to see that Christ's practice of prayer is evident  at all points in His ministry. It is the foundation of all His ministry, including healing, teaching, feeding, performing miracles, even the choosing of the Twelve.

 Prayer, for those who follow Jesus Christ is not n option. In Matthew 6:1-21 Jesus give as series of "When," rather than "Do." He tells us that When we doest alms, when we pray, and when we fast to do these things in certain ways and not like those who pretend. It seems very apparent from these verses that Jesus Christ expects His followers to do these spiritual disciplines regularly with sincerity, and humility

We continue our efforts for the return of Jesus and the coming of His Kingdom on earth. As a part of our preparation for those great events, we have shared in the Solemn Assembly as well as our sixty day response to the events of the Solemn Assembly and continue on the path toward the Kingdom. Another  Sixty Day study guide has been prepared and circulated as much as possible. This Sixty Days Toward Zion starts today, Friday, November 27, 2020 and will take us to January 25, 2021.

 Oftentimes, with lengthy projects, there is  tendency to slack off. We cannot let that happen in our lives. Even in the mist of all the world conditions, and conditions within each  country as well all the personal and family problems we all face, we must be determined to endure to the end. That is not just a "catch phrase." It is the difference between Salvation in the Lord or separation from the Lord.

Make a list of as many incidents as your wish, from scripture and Church History of where a person, group, or country were on the "edge." Where they had basically two choices: Be faithful and call on God for deliverance or "throw in the towel (surrender). Include times in your own life when you might have been on that edge.

Today we begin  new course of study. It is called, "Sixty Days Toward Zion." It has been distributed by internet. Please share with others as much as possible. We encourage pastors and any branch leaders to make copies to have them available at church for those who may not have internet. This study guide mainly relies on the Hymns of the Restoration as the Saints are asked to use the hymn of the day as the center of your worship. The first seven days are listed below.
God bless

It is suggested that the Saints use each day as  family worship, if possible and sing each hymn together. Most hymns can be found, by title,  in the Restoration Hymnals. As part of the worship the Saints can find information about the authors. Add your own scripture reference each day.


 DAY 1: Fri. Nov. 27,  2020  Onward to Zion"."We have the promise that Jesus will come, Let us be faithful, His will be done..." 

Pray for the hastening of Zion.

 DAY 2: Sat.  Nov. 28, 2020     "Come Unto Zion"     

 "And I will Come Unto You..."

Pray for preparation so Zion may come.

 DAY 3: Sun.  Nov. 29, 2020    "Come All Ye Sons of Zion?  

 " And clear the way before you, as God shall give command, ..."

Pray that our work will meet God's expectations.

 DAY 4: Mon.  Nov. 30,, 2020    "Prayer for Zion"

 "We'll go forward unto Zion, We will pledge our lives to thee..."

Pray for daily forward progress.

 DAY 5: Tue. Dec. 1, 2020 "The Morning Breaks"

Thus Zion's light is bursting forth, to bring her ransomed children home..."

Pray for diligence as we envision our going home to Zion.

 DAY 6: Wed. Dec. 2, 2020 "The Master' Voice" Come Saints, O come, behold the vision glorious..." Let us pray fervent, effectual prayers for Zion.

 DAY 7: Thur. Dec. 3, 2020 "Zion's Victory Song" " Thy will in us be done, Great God, as in Thy Son, Besides whom there is none, His Kingdom Come."

Pray that you and yours may truly share in Zion's Victory Song.

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