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From: Noel Rowlatt
November 2018 Australian Restoration News
Greetings from sunny Queensland.
Please find attached the latest Australian Restoration News.
Kindest regards,
Noel Rowlatt
Around and About the Centre Place by High Priest Paul J. Gage, Independence, Missouri.
November greetings to all the wonderful Saints in the land down under. It is hard to believe that we only have two more months in 2018. This has certainly been a most unusual year, at least in the USA, in many ways. As a singing group, years ago, sang, “For the times, they are a changing.” The one area in our lives that should only change for the better and grow stronger every day, is our relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ. As long as we work diligently to keep that relationship steadfast and sure, we can handle what the adversary and/or the world throws at us. We have a hymn entitled, “O God, Our Help, in ages past, our Hope for years to come.” speaks of time as an ever rolling stream that carries everything away. But our hope is in Jesus Christ and He has a plan for us of us, while on this earth, and in the here-after.
Another hymn, “Father, When In Love to Thee,” speaks of time- that is, our stewardship of time. It asks God to forgive us for the “times we’ve stood, for the things of lesser good. And for stewardship of time, we have spent, unlinked with thine.” Many times, we all complain, and say, “I don’t have enough time!” I have heard several references to Elbert A. Smith and Arthur Oakman, who, when men of the priesthood complained about working all day and coming home to take care of things around the house, and so forth.
The response was, All those men you work with have the same obligations you have, and they still find time to go to the bars, sports events, etc. “People do what they want to do.” If I don’t want to go to church, the slightest little thing can keep me away. On the other hand, if I want to go to church, there is essentially nothing, within my own power and agency, that can keep me away.
Some will say, “Yes, that’s ok, for you, but you don’t know my circumstances. That is totally true, BUT God knows your circumstances and another line of that hymn states, “In the midst of sin and strife, teach us how to live a life, marked by graces of new birth. Worthy of Thy Saints on earth.” Fall events are taking place around the Centre area. Each weekend in October and up into November, young people of various ages came together at Odessa Hills Campgrounds near Odessa, Missouri for fall retreats… These campgrounds are owned and operated by the ten Restoration Branches that make up the Central Missouri area.
In months that have five Sundays the Pastors of Zion (POZ) host a 5th Sunday Service at Waldo Avenue RB. The last one was September 30, 2018. It was live streamed and well worth watching. All the Sunday morning services at Waldo are live streamed, as well as several other branches. You can generally go to the website of any branch by typing in the name of the branch and location. A great number of Restoration Branches have websites.
Center Place Restoration School, (CPRS) is off to a good start in another school year. The enrollment in K-12 is about 175 students. it is one of the very few Christian schools still operating in the Independence area.
The Missionary Boards are all functioning well and had missions in Kenya, India/Nepal and the
Philippines in mid to late October 2018. There will be other missions to various parts of the world in 2019. The SEAAM Board seeks input from the priesthood and membership of Australia to help determine what ministry may be available in 2019.
Riches From The Scriptures. by Elder Neil Kerswell, Queensland,Australia. Volume 3. Chapter 22 Church History Part 4.
As a reminder of where we were last time, John the Baptist brought back the Aaronic Priesthood to the earth. This priesthood was conferred upon Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery. Baptism was instituted and the Spirit of God came into Joseph and Oliver’s lives as they rose out of the water. This Spirit opened their minds to understand scriptures to a greater depth than they ever had known before.
Church History Vol 1 Chapter 5 Page 59 – Melchisedec Priesthood
1829 - AFTER the thrilling events related in the last chapter occurred another of the most important events of this dispensation; of elder in the higher or Melchisedec priesthood; which priesthood, according to a subsequent revelation, holds “the keys of all the spiritual blessings of the church; to have the privilege of receiving the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven; to have the heavens opened unto them; to commune with the general assembly and church of the firstborn; and to enjoy the communion and presence of God the Father, and Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant.”-Doctrine & Covenants 104: 9.
What transports of peace, what exultant praise, what overwhelming joy must have filled their souls, if they realized the import of all the promises enumerated here! But probably they did not; but few men, if any, ever do. It furnishes food for a lifetime of careful thought. It gives occasion for a lifetime of the most triumphant joy that the mind of humanity can experience. It causes man to feel that heaven is nearer, and earth more blessed. It gives him a higher regard for honor and purity; and yet it admonishes him to be virtuous and humble, lest he be unworthy of such exalted and desirable privileges.
Let us again hear Joseph while he relates this remarkable event: - [Page 60] “Meantime we continued to translate, at intervals, when not necessitated to attend to the numerous inquirers, that now began to visit us; some for the sake of finding the truth, others for the purpose of putting hard questions, and trying to confound us. Among the latter class were several learned
priests who generally came for the purpose of disputation: however the Lord continued to pour out upon us his Holy Spirit, and as often as we had need, he gave us in that moment what to say; so that although unlearned, and inexperienced in religious controversies, yet were we able to confound those learned Rabbis of the day, whilst at the same time, we were enabled to convince the honest in heart, that we had obtained (through the mercy of God) to the true and everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ, so that almost daily we administered the ordinance of baptism for the remission of sins, to such as believed. We now became anxious to have that promise realized to us, which the angel that conferred upon us the Aaronic priesthood had given us; viz., that provided we continued faithful we should also have the Melchisedec priesthood, which holds the authority of the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost. We had for some time made this matter a subject of humble prayer, and at length we got together in the chamber of Mr. Whitmer’s house in order more particularly to seek of the Lord what we now so earnestly desired: and here to our unspeakable satisfaction did we realize the truth of the Savior’s promise; ‘Ask, and you shall receive, seek, and you shall find, knock, and it shall be opened unto you;’ for we had not long been engaged in solemn and fervent prayer when the word of the Lord came unto us in the chamber, commanding us that I should ordain Oliver Cowdery to be an elder in the Church of Jesus Christ, and that he also should ordain me to the same office, and then to ordain others as it should be made known unto us, from time to time: we were, however, commanded to defer this our ordination until such times as it should be practicable to have our brethren, who had been and who should be baptized, assembled together, when we must have their sanction to our thus proceeding to ordain each other and have them [Page 61] decide by vote whether they were willing to accept us as spiritual teachers, or not, when also we were commanded to bless bread and break it with them, and to take wine, bless it, and drink it with them, afterward proceed to ordain each other according to commandment, then call out such men as the
Spirit should dictate, and ordain them, and then attend to the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost upon all those whom we had previously baptized; doing all things in the name of the Lord.”-Times and Seasons, vol. 3, p. 915.
Peter James and John - Some have supposed that they received two ordinations; one under the hands of Peter, James, and John, and one by each other; but it is scarcely supposable that they would fail to mention so important an item. There is no historical evidence of such an event. Nor is there any evidence that [Page 65] Peter, James, and John were present, either when the instruction was given to ordain or when the ordination actually took place. The only historical account of their appearance is in the epistle quoted from above, and the place of that appearance is definitely given as between Harmony, Susquehanna County (Pennsylvania), and Colesville, Broome County (New York) while the place of instruction concerning ordination, as also the ordination itself, was at Fayette, Seneca County (New York). It is not safe then to write historically that Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery were ever ordained literally under the hands of Peter, James, and John. He who does so writes recklessly and without sufficient evidence upon which to base his conclusion.
I have tried to say little here as the historians are giving their views. I personally believe Peter James and John at the very least were in charge and guiding events as the authority of the Melchisedec Priesthood was restored again to the earth. It is good to note here that Joseph and Oliver were not to be Ordained until the baptised membership of the church where they were, had opportunity to vote as to whether they would receive them to be their teachers in Spiritual things. This is very good because it upholds and respects the agency of God’s people, with the added blessing of being an added safeguard to protect the church from corrupt leadership forcing their will upon the Lord’s people. Let’s look at D&C 26 2A-3G in relation to Peter James and John and others - [Sec 26:2a] Behold, this is wisdom in me; wherefore marvel not, for the hour cometh that I will drink of the fruit of the vine with you on the earth, and with Moroni, whom I have sent unto you to reveal the Book of Mormon, containing the fullness of my everlasting
[Sec 26:2b] to whom I have committed the keys of the record of the stick of Ephraim; and also with Elias, to whom I have committed the keys of bringing to pass the restoration of all things, or the restorer of all things spoken by the mouth of all the holy prophets since the world began, concerning the last days; [Sec 26:2c] and also John the son of Zacharias, which Zacharias he (Elias) visited and gave promise that he should have a son, and his name should be John, and he should be filled with the spirit of Elias; [Sec 26:2d] which John I have sent unto you, my servants, Joseph Smith, Jr., and Oliver Cowdery, to
ordain you unto this first priesthood which you have received, that you might be called and ordained even as Aaron; [Sec 26:2e] and also Elijah, unto whom I have committed the keys of the power of turning the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers, that the whole earth may not be smitten with a curse; [Sec 26:2f] and also with Joseph, and Jacob, and Isaac, and Abraham, your fathers; by whom the promises remain; and also with Michael, or Adam, the father of all, the prince of all, the ancient of days.
[Sec 26:3a] And also with Peter, and James, and John, whom I have sent unto you, by whom I have ordained you and confirmed you to be apostles and especial witnesses of my name, and bear the keys of your ministry; [Sec 26:3b] and of the same things which I revealed unto them; unto whom I have committed the keys of my kingdom, and a dispensation of the gospel for the last times;
[Sec 26:3c] and for the fullness of times, in the which I will gather together in one all things, both which are in heaven and which are on earth; and also with all those whom my Father hath given me out of the world; [Sec 26:3d] wherefore lift up your hearts and rejoice, and gird up your loins, and take upon you my whole armour, that ye may be able to withstand the evil day, having done all ye may be able to stand. [Sec 26:3e] Stand, therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, having on the breastplate of righteousness, and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace, which I have sent mine angels to commit unto you, taking the shield of faith wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked;
[Sec 26:3f] and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of my Spirit, which I will pour out upon you, and my word which I reveal unto you, and be agreed as touching all things whatsoever ye ask of me, [Sec 26:3g] and be faithful until I come, and ye shall be caught up, that where I am ye shall be also.
One of the truly amazing things about the Restoration is that we believe that in and through God, we are united with all the believers who have gone before us and those who shall come after us. We are all one in the Lord according to his Grace and Love and our desire to be with Him and His creation in a life of obedience. May our hearts be turned to our Fathers and our Fathers be turned to us. We are a generation in great need of help from God and the prayers and blessings of those who have gone before us, especially in relation to the promises associated with the days in which we live. Let’s look at a little more from Church History.
Page 64 Joseph and Oliver agree as to their being commanded of God to ordain each other; also as to the fact that they did so ordain. Joseph states in an epistle written at Nauvoo, September 6, 1842, that he heard the voice of Peter, James, and John, but says nothing of such an event as their laying hands on them. His statement is as follows: - “And again, what do we hear? Glad tidings of Cumorah! Moroni, an angel from heaven, declaring the fulfilment of the prophets-the book to be revealed. A voice of the Lord in the wilderness of Fayette, Seneca County, declaring the three witnesses to bear record of the book. The voice of Michael on the banks of the Susquehanna, detecting the Devil when he appeared as an angel of light. The voice of Peter,
James, and John, in the wilderness between Harmony, Susquehanna County, and Colesville, Broome
County, on the Susquehanna River, declaring themselves as possessing the keys of the kingdom, and of the dispensation of the fullness of times. And again, the voice of God in the chamber of old Father Whitmer, in Fayette, Seneca County,” etc.-Doctrine and Covenants 110: 20, 21. (See also Times and Seasons, vol. 3, pp. 935, 936.)
Thanks for reading and sharing with me, as you well know I believe Peter James and John played a very big part in the Authority of the Melchisedec Priesthood being alive amongst us again, these great events of our past have made it possible for us to have sacraments and ordinances available to God’s people today and into the future. It is a sacred responsibility and gift God has given. May we respect love and honour our God who gave it for the benefit of His creation. I encourage you to read your scriptures and church history. Pray about it before you start and long after you finish for guidance and direction and understanding so you can, according to your own agency, form your own God guided beliefs, opinions and decisions. Never blindly follow any man or woman, never put your trust in the arm of flesh or in other words never let the understanding of another person become your own, unless you have put it to the test (does it harmonise with Scripture, is it in harmony with that which God has given before). God will be with you if you open the door and are willing to listen to what He is saying. May you continue to be blest is my prayer in Jesus Name Amen.
Tamworth News submitted by Sr. Helen Archer
The Tamworth Saints continue to meet each Sunday. Sunday the 7th of October we listened to a Sermon from Waldo Restoration Branch with High Priest Paul Gage on the Subject of Hope we really enjoyed and benefited from this Sermon.
We were Blessed to have the Ministry of Brother Elder Noel Rowlatt. Arriving on Thursday the 11th of October. We all went to pick him up at the airport. He stayed at Deacon Roy and Sister Daphne
Schubert’s home. That evening we all had a meal together at the Schubert’s. Friday Roy and Daphne showed Noel some of the sights of local area.
Elder Danny Archer and Kris came up from Sydney Friday night. On Saturday we all met to have a
picnic in the Botanical Gardens.
Sunday the 14th we had a Sacrament Service at Elder Peter and Sister Helen Archers with Elder Noel Rowlatt giving the message and also a Class, with fellowship and a meal after the services.. Danny and Kris then travelled home to Sydney.
Monday morning we farewelled Noel at the Airport at 6.30 am.
We really enjoyed having Brother Noel and we thank him for his Ministry.
Sunday the 21st of October Elder Peter gave a message on Little Children and the importance of becoming like a little child to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Michael Fulton 3rd of November, David Archer 13th. November, Danny Archer 24th. November.
Victoria News. Church of Jesus Christ Restoration Branch, Kelvin View by Elder Murray Broughton.
September 24th- I went and administered Sr. Dawn Mackrell
September 26th- Wednesday bible study in our home at 2 p.m.
Study: Genesis 1: 26-29; Genesis chapter 2 & 3
September 30th- Sunday, no church service in Kelvin View.
Administration to Sr. Delma. We visited Sr. Dawn Mackrell in Violet Town Nursing Home.
October 3- Bible Study in our home at 2 pm. Genesis chapters 4 & 5. Administration for Linda Jukes
October 5-Friday , called in at Tatura to visit Komett and Judy Waasdorp. He had just arrived home from
hospital in Melbourne. Had talk and prayer with them. (please pray for them too)
October 7-Church service in Kelvin View Hall Communion Service
Reading Acts 10: 38-42; Romans 14: 7 – 12 Text Acts 10 : 39 And we are witness of all
things which he did both in the land of the Jews, and in Jerusalem, whom they slew and hanged on a tree.
October 9- Bible study in the evening on Exodus, life of Moses with Rebecca
Caducio and Virginia Nilo, from the Philippines.
October 10-Bible Study in our home on Genesis 16: 1;2;20
Genesis 17; Genesis 18;1-14; Genesis 19: 23 to 41
Genesis 21; 1 -19; - Abraham and Sarah
October 14--Church at Kelvin View. Reading; Second Nephi 13;22 & 32.
Sermon text; If a man die, shall he live again? Trials of Job - and Scripture Reading.
October 17-Bible study in our home. Genesis chapter 21;22; and 25.
Acts 1v3 to 11;..the last day.
Mathew 24; 22 & 51; Luke 21:24; 28. 1 Timothy 4:1 – 4.
11 Timothy 3:1 - 7.
Lovely to have with us Linda Jukes from Ruffy, Graeme Byers, Charlie Mead from Benalla and Rebecca
Caducio Nilo from the Philippines, for Sunday home service here in Euroa.
October 23---We went to Shepparton to visit Sr. Dawn Mackrell at Goulbourn Valley Hospital. Please
remember her in your prayers.
.Dennis de Uray, Bro. Kevin Dowell who did get bad news, I have been there helping get things ready for clearing sale, Br. Komett Waasdorp and wife Judy, and also Sr. Delma and myself.
Let Us Pray For One Another. Your brother In Christ. Murray Broughton (Pastor)
Please include in your daily prayers the following people who are in need of a blessing
Gwen Whately, Gary Rowlatt Alma & Janice Kerswell George Parker
Jonathon Page Dawn Mackrell Audrey Kerswell Peter Archer
Adrienne & Robert Windsor Michael & Patty Fulton Komett & Judy Waasdorp
17-19 Juers Street, Kingston, Queensland. Pastor: Elder Alma Kerswell. Phone 07 3800 1151
Sun 4th . 10.00 a.m. COMMUNION SERVICE. Elder A. Kerswell asstd. by Elder G. Rowlatt
Musical Item for Service. Glenn Kerswell
11.00 a.m. Prayer & Testimony Service. Elder A. Kerswell
Sun. 11th . 10.50 a.m. Hymn Sing. Linda Myers Flowers: Linda Myers
10.00 a.m. PREACHING SERVICE. Priest P. Churchill asstd by Elder G. Rowlatt
Musical Item for Service. Linda Myers
followed by a Fingerfood Fellowship Lunch (please bring suitable food)
Sun. 18th. 9.50 a.m. Hymn Sing: Rebecca Melling Flowers: Rebecca Melling
10.00 a.m. PREACHING SERVICE Elder G. Melling asstd.by Elder N. Churchill
Musical Item for Service: Cathy Melling & Jillian Maas
Class: Elder N. Rowlatt
Sun. 25th. Flowers: Jan Kerswell
10.00 a.m. PREACHING SERVICE. Elder N. Churchill
Musical Item for Service: Glenn Kerswell
11.00 a.m. Class. Elder N. Melling
BRANCH NEWS and ANNOUNCEMENTS for Kingston Branch...
Birthdays. Our best wishes to the following people who have their Birthdays in November.
George Parker on the 9th. Jessica Kerswell on the 17th Glenn Kerswell on the 28th.
Wedding Anniversary. Congratulations to Robert & Adrienne Windsor who will achieve their 69th Wedding Anniversary on Saturday 10th November. Sadly, Sr. Adrienne has been in hospital for several weeks now and is physically incapacitated, and will be moving into residential care. Robert is sorely missing the close companionship of his dear wife.
Branch AGM. Our Branch Financial year ends on the 31st October. the treasurer needs to have any
outstanding accounts by that date to allow time for the minutes for our AGM to be printed and distributed. Reports from all Branch officers need to be received by the secretary by Sunday 4th.
November. Our AGM is scheduled for Sunday 2nd December, after the Communion Service.
The Branch Christmas Service is planned for Sunday 9th December and will be followed by the Branch Christmas Lunch.
Contributions to the Australian Restoration News need to come by the 20th of the month and must be submitted by email if possible. Email details are nandjrow@bigpond.com.au Phone contact: 07 3824 8386
We would love to have contributions from isolated members in Australia; articles or testimonies or just greetings. We would also like to hear from American saints who have ministered in Australia.
If you do not have access to an internet facility and would like to post your article to me, I will try and have it typed and included, but I would need to receive it by the 18th of the month for inclusion in the next issue. Postal details are as follows: Noel Rowlatt, 6 Wetheral Place, Alexandra Hills. Q4161