From: Mike Sanders
Restoration Library Book Sale
Restoration Library Book Sale - If you are interested in any of these titles please contact Mike Sanders via email or at 816-517-1876 to arrange pick up in Lee’s Summit, MO or another agreed upon location. Thanks for looking.
Anderson, Audentia (Ed.), Joseph Smith III and the Restoration, 1952, hard, 639 pages $10.00
Anderson, Audentia (Ed.), The Memoirs of President Joseph Smith – 1832-1914, hard, Saints Herald Serial, $25.00
Anderson, Karl R., Joseph Smith’s Kirtland: Eyewitness Accounts, 1996, Deseret Book, soft, 286 pages $8.00
Anderson, Lavina Fielding, Lucy’s Book: A Critical Edition of Lucy Mack Smith’s Family Memoir, 2001, Signature Books, hard, 946 pages $30.00
Anderson, Richard L., Investigating the Book of Mormon Witnesses, 1981, soft, Deseret Book, 206 pages $3.00
Anderson, Richard L., Guide to the Life of Christ, 1999, soft, FARMS, 128 pages $2.00
Apocrypha, Oxford Press, 292 pages $1.00
Arrington, Leonard J., Great Kingdom Basin: Economic History of the Latter-Day Saints 1830-1900, 1958, University of Nebraska Press, soft, 534 pages $10.00
Ash, Michael R., Shaken Faith Syndrome: Strengthening One’s Testimony in the Face of Criticism and Doubt, 2013, FAIR Mormon, soft, 358 pages $15.00
Backman, Milton V. and Cowan, Richard O., Joseph Smith and the Doctrine and Covenants, 1992, Deseret Book, hard 165 pages $6.00
Baker, Robert, As It Was in the Days of Noah, 1984, soft, 156 pages $1.00
Baker, Robert, RLDS New Age Theology Exposed, 1986, Old Path Publishing, soft, 233 pages $1.00
Bergera, Gary J., Line Upon Line: Essays in Mormon Doctrine, 1989, Signature Books, soft, 185 pages $2.00
Bingman, Margaret, Encyclopedia of the Book of Mormon, 1978, Herald House, hard, 405 pages $5.00
Bitton, Davis, Mormons, Scripture, and the Ancient World: Studies in Honor of John L. Sorenson, 1998, hard, FARMS Deseret Book, 519 pages, $12.00
Blair, Frederick B., The Memoirs of President W. W. Blair, 1908, Herald House, hard, 204 pages $15.00
Blair, W.W. and Gurly, Z. H., The Saints Advocate: Volumes 1-4 July 1878 to June 1882, Price Publishing, soft, 300+ pages $10.00
Blair, W.W. and Gurly, Z. H., The Saints Advocate: Volumes 5-8 July 1882 to June 1886, Price Publishing, soft, 300+ pages $10.00
Book of Commandments, hard, $2.00
Book of Mormon, soft, missionary copies, new $2.00
Braden, Clark, Braden Kelley Debate, 1884, hard, 396 pages $50.00
Briggs, Edmund C., Early History of the Reorganization, 1998, Price Publishing Co., soft, 311 pages $2.00
Briggs, Jason W. (ed), The Messenger (1874 1876), 1993 Price Publishing reprint, soft Q $3.00
Brockway, Charles E., and Alfred H. Yale, Ordinances and Sacraments of the Church, 1962, hard, 184 pages $5.00
Bryant, Verda, Between the Covers of the Book of Mormon, 1947, hard, 176 pages $2.50
Bryant, Verda, Between the Covers of the Book of Mormon, 1965, hard and soft, 176 pages $2.50
Bryant, Verda A., Between the Covers of the Doctrine and Covenants, 1958, hard, 272 pages $2.50
Bryant, Verda, Between the Covers of the Old Testament, 1965, hard, 400 pages $5.00
Burgess, S. A., A Compendium of Faith and Doctrine (Revised from Stebbins and Walker), 1936, hard, 272 pages $15.00
Burton, Emma Beatrice, Beatrice Witherspoon (Revised 1914), Lamoni, IA, 1915, hard, 383 pages $15.00
Butterworth, F. Edward, Divine Origin of the Restoration, Cosmic Press, Chico, CA, 1989, soft, 407 pages $15.00
Butterworth, F. Edward, Return of the Ancients, Cosmic Press, Chico, CA, 1987, soft, 419 pages $15.00
Butterworth, F. Edward, Adventures of a South Sea Missionary, 1961, Herald House, hard, 217 pages $2.00
Butterworth, F. Edward, Roots of the Reorganization: French Polynesia, 1977, Herald House, soft, 266 pages $5.00
Butterworth, F. Edward, The Sword of Laban Vol 3, 1971, Herald House, hard, 186 pages $5.00
Campbell, Craig S., Images of the New Jerusalem: Latter Day Saint Faction Interpretations of Independence, Missouri, 2004, University of Tennessee Press, hard, 438 pages $15.00
Cannon, Donald Q., and Lyndon W. Cook, Far West Record, 1983, Deseret Book Company, SLC, UT, hard, 318 pages $20.00
Cantrell, Jacqueline P., Ancient Mexico: Cultural Traditions in the Land of the Feathered Serpent, 1984, Kendall Hunt Publishing, soft, 147 pages $5.00
Case, Oscar, My Book of Acts, 1956 and 1961, private, hard, 203 pages $15.00
Chase, A. M., Quotations On Mormonism, 1975, soft, 118 pages $0.50
Cheesman, Paul R., An Analysis of the Accounts Relating Joseph Smith’s Early Visions, 1965, Unpublished Thesis, hard, $8.00
Cheesman, Paul R., The World of the Book of Mormon, 1978, Deseret Book, hard, 110 pages $15.00
Cheville, Roy A., By What Authority?, 1959, Herald House, hard, 96 pages $2.00
Cheville, Roy A., Meet Them in the Scriptures, 1960, Herald House, hard, 224 pages $2.50
Cheville, Roy A., They Made a Difference, 1970, Herald House, hard, 350 pages $2.50
Cheville, Roy A., They Sang of the Restoration, 1955, hard and soft, 267 pages $8.00
Cheville, Roy A., Joseph and Emma Companions, 1977, Herald House, hard, 206 pages $3.00
Clark, Douglas E., The Grand Design: America from Columbus to Zion, 1992, Deseret Book, soft, 246 pages $5.00
Cornish, John J., Into the Latter Day Light, 1929, hard, 186 pages $15.00
Cornish, John J., Into the Latter Day Light, 1986, soft, 186 pages $3.00
Curtis, J.F., Our Beliefs Defended, 1928, Herald House, hard, 146 pages $15.00
Church Members Manual, various years, hard, $3.00
Christensen, James L., The Complete Funeral Manual, 1967, Fleming Ravel Company, hard, 159 pages $2.00
Compendium of the Scriptures, Herald House, 1951, hard, 352 pages, $5.00
Compendium of the Scriptures, Herald House, 1951, soft, 352 pages, $2.50
Cross, Frank Moore, The Ancient Library of Qumran, 1962, Anchor Books, soft, 260 pages $1.00
Darling, John R., The Combined Testimonies of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, 1959, Herald House, hard, 404 pages $5.00
Davies, A. Powell, The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls, 1956, New American Library, soft, 137 pages $1.00
Davies, Charles A., Problems in the Inspired Version, 1965, Unpublished Thesis, hard, 151 pages, $5.00
Davis, Dwight, The Ministry of the Elder, 1959, Herald House, soft, 192 pages $2.00
Davis, Inez Smith, The Story of the Church, 1964, hard, 656 pages $8.00
DeLapp, G. Leslie, In the World, 1973, Herald Publishing, hard, 250 pages $1.00
Derry, Charles, A Manual of the Priesthood or God’s Ministry As Revealed in these the Last Days from the Doctrine and Covenants and Church History, reprint, soft, 53 pages $2.00
Doctrine and Covenants, various, hard and soft, $5.00
Doctrine and Covenants, Temple Edition, hard, $10.00
Draper, Maurice L. (Ed), Restoration Studies I, 1980, soft, 295 pages $2.00
Draper, Maurice L. (Ed), Restoration Studies III, 1986, soft, 355 pages $2.00
Draper, Maurice L. (Ed), Restoration Studies II, 1983,soft, 214 pages $2.00
Draper, Maurice L. (Ed), Restoration Studies IV, 1988,soft, 255 pages $2.00
Draper, Maurice L. (Ed), Restoration Studies VI, 1995,soft, 217 pages $2.00
Edwards, F. Henry, A Commentary on the Doctrine and Covenants, 1958, hard, 469 pages $6.00
Edwards, F. Henry, A New Commentary on the Doctrine and Covenants, 1977, hard, 565 pages $8.00
Edwards, F. Henry, The Divine Purpose in Us, 1965, Herald House, hard, 261 pages $2.00
Edwards, F. Henry, All Thy Mercies, 1962, Herald House, hard, 213 pages $2.00
Edwards, F. Henry, The Joy of Creation and Judgment, 1975, Herald House, hard, 255 pages $2.00
Edwards, F. Henry, God Our Help, 1946, Herald Pubilshing, hard, 247 pages $2.50
Edwards, F. Henry, Authority and Spiritual Power, 1956, Herald House, hard, 125 pages $2.50
Edwards, F. Henry, The Life and Ministry of Jesus, Herald Publishing, hard, 264 pages $3.50
Edwards, F. Henry, Fundamentals: Enduring Convictions of the Restoration, 1951, Herald House, hard, 287 pages $3.00
Edwards, F. Henry, Missionary Sermon Studies, 1949, Herald House, hard, 392 pages $5.00
Edwards, F. Henry, Students Guide to the Doctrine and Covenants, 1980, Herald House, soft, 242 pages $2.00
Edwards, Paul M., Inquiring Faith: An Exploration in Religious Education, 1967, Herald House, hard, 112 pages $1.00
Edwards, Paul M., The Hilltop Where: An Informal History of Graceland College, 1972, Venture Foundation, hard, 190 pages $2.00
Ehat, Andrew F. & Cook, Lyndon C., The Words of Joseph Smith: The Contemporary Accounts of the Nauvoo Discourses of the Prophet Joseph, 1980, BYU, hard, 447 pages $150.00
Evening and the Morning Star, The, 1832 1834 (Volumes 1 & 2 combined), Price Publishing reprint, soft, 192 pages Q $15.00
First Nephi: ZRF Study Book of Mormon, 1988, Zarahemla Research Foundation, soft, 50+ pages $2.00
Flanders, Robert Bruce, Nauvoo: Kingdom on the Mississippi, Univ of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1965, hard, 364 pages $8.00
Fletcher, Rupert J. and Fletcher, Daisy W., Alpheus Cutler and the Church of Jesus Christ, 1974, Church of Jesus Christ, hard, 349 pages $5.00
Foshbee, Howard B., The Ministry of the Deacon, 1969, Convention Press, soft, 119 pages $1.00
Foster, Marshall and Swanson, Mary-Elaine, The American Covenant: The Untold Story, 1981, Foundation for Christian Self-Government, soft, 117 pages $5.00
Fountain, Janice N., Where is the Promise of His Coming?, 1995, private, soft, 344 pages $6.00
Fry, Evan A., The Restoration Faith, 1962, hard, 377 pages $5.00
Fry, Evan A., Unto All Men, 1953, hard, 139 pages $5.00
Gardner, Brant A., The Gift and Power: Translating the Book of Mormon, 2011, Greg Kofford Books, hard, 379 pages $20.00
General Conference Resolutions 1852 1907, 1908, Lamoni, IA, hard, 184 pages $15.00
General Conference Resolutions 1852 1910, 1911, Lamoni, IA, hard, 227 pages + 18 added $15.00
General Conference Resolutions 1852 1915, 1916, Lamoni, IA, soft, 235 pages $5.00
General Conference Resolutions 1852 1923, a reprint of 1916 book + a supplement for 1916 1923, hard $15.00
Gibson, Margaret W., Emma Smith: The Elect Lady, 1954, Herald House, hard, 323 pages $2.00
Gileadi, Avraham, The End from the Beginning, 1997, soft, Hebraeus Press, 150 pages $5.00
Gileadi, Avraham, The Literary Message of Isaiah, 1994, hard, Hebraeus Press, 610 pages $15.00
Gileadi, Avraham, The Last Days: Types and Shadows from the Bible and the Book of Mormon,1998, soft, Book of Mormon Research Foundation, 292 pages $20.00
Gish, Arthur G., Living in Christian Community, 1979, Herald Press, hard, 379 pages $10.00
Greer, Thelma, Mormonism, Mama, & Me!, 1979, Calvary Missionary, soft, 238 pages, $0.50
Grey Owl and Little Pigeon, Cry of the Ancients, 1974, Herald House, hard, 207 pages $15.00
Griffiths, Gomer T., An Exegesis of the Priesthood, reprint, soft, 154 pages $5.00
Griffiths, Gomer T., The Interpreter, 1986, Price Publishing, reprint, soft, 152 pages $2.00
Griffiths, Gomer T., The Instructor, Lamoni, IA, 1893, 231 pages $15.00
Hager, Daryle, The Good News Concordance of the Book of Mormon & The Doctrine and Covenants, 1988, private, 800+ pages $20.00
Ham, Wayne, Publish Glad Tidings, 1970, Herald House, hard, 444 pages $8.00
Hanson, Paul M., Jesus Christ among the Ancient Americans, 1959, Herald House, hard, 204 pages $15.00
Hanson, Paul M., In the Land of the Feathered Serpent, 1949, Herald House, hard, 127 pages $15.00
Hanson, L. Taylor, He Walked the Americas, 1963, Amherst Press, hard, 255 pages $20.00
Hanson, L. Taylor, He Walked the Americas, 1963, Amherst Press, hard, 255 pages $15.00
Hartshorn, Chris B., A Survey of the Doctrine and Covenants, 1962, Herald House, soft, 168 pages $2.00
Hartshorn, Chris B., A Commentary on the Book of Mormon, 1964, Herald House, hard, 504 pages $8.00
Haworth, W. J., The Fall of Babylon, 1911, Herald House, soft, 407 pages $5.00
Hiles, Norma Derry, Gentle Monarch: The Presidency of Israel A. Smith, 1991, Herald House, soft, 198 pages $2.00
Hills, Louis E., Historical Data from Ancient Records and Ruins of Mexico and Central America, 1919, private, 48 pages $10.00
Hilton, Lynn M. and Hope A., Discovering Lehi: New Evidence of Lehi and Nephi in Arabia, 1996, CFI, soft, 205 pages $10.00
Holik, Norma A., Prophecy and Today, 1978, private, soft, 704 pages $5.00
Holik, Norma A., Isaiah’s Prophecies in the Book of Mormon, private, soft, 158 pages $5.00
Holm, Francis W., The Mormon Churches: A Comparison from Within, 1970, Midwest Press, hard, 238 pages $6.00
Howard, Richard P., A Topical Anthology of the Doctrine and Covenants, 1966, private, soft, 148 pages $0.50
Howard, Richard P., Restoration Scriptures: A Study of their Textual Development, 1969, Herald House, soft, 278 pages $2.00
Howard, Richard P., Restoration Scriptures: A Study of their Textual Development, 1969, Herald House, hard, 278 pages $8.00
Hunt, Larry E., F.M. Smith: Saint as Reformer Vol 1, 1982, Herald House, soft, 219 pages $1.00
Hunt, Larry E., F.M. Smith: Saint as Reformer Vol 2, 1982, Herald House, soft, 488 pages $1.00
Hunter, Milton R., Ancient America and the Book of Mormon, 1950, Kolob Book Company, hard, 450 pages $15.00
Hutton, Samuel W., Minister’s Funeral Manual, 1968, Baker Book, hard, 89 pages $3.00
Hymnal, The, (the “gray hymnal”), 1956, hard, 582 hymns, $5.00
Hymnal for Youth, 1951, hard, 395 pages $5.00
Hymnals (see A Collection of Sacred Hymns by Emma Smith, Saints’ Harp, Saints’ Harmony, Saints’ Hymnal, Zion’s Praises, Hymnal for Youth, Children’s Hymnal, The Hymnal, Hymns of the Saints, Hymns of the Restoration, The Gift of Song)
Hymns of the Restoration, 1985, Restoration Hymn Society, 402 hymns or enlarged edition with 446 hymns, hard $5.00
Jackson, Kent P., The Restored Gospel and the Book of Genesis, 2001, Deseret Book, hard, 192 pages $15.00
Jackson, Kent P., From Apostasy to Restoration, 1996, Deseret Book, hard, 273 pages $15.00
Jesse, Dean C. and Esplin, Ronald K. and Bushman, Richard L., The Joseph Smith Papers: Journals Volume 1 – 1832-1839, 2008, The Church Historians Press, hard, 506 pages $30.00
Jesse, Dean C. and Esplin, Ronald K. and Bushman, Richard L., The Joseph Smith Papers: Documents Volume 1 – July 1828 – June 1831, 2009, The Church Historians Press, hard, 558 pages $30.00
Jesse, Dean C. and Esplin, Ronald K. and Bushman, Richard L., The Joseph Smith Papers: Documents Volume 2 – July 1831 – January 1833, 2013, The Church Historians Press, hard, 558 pages $30.00
Jesse, Dean C. and Esplin, Ronald K. and Bushman, Richard L., The Joseph Smith Papers: Revelations and Translations Volume 2 – Published Revelations, 2011, The Church Historians Press, hard, 558 pages $35.00
Jesse, Dean C. and Esplin, Ronald K. and Bushman, Richard L., The Joseph Smith Papers: Revelations and Translations – Manuscript Revelation Books Facsimile Edition, 2009, The Church Historians Press, hard, 707 pages $80.00
Jesse, Dean C., The Papers of Joseph Smith: Journal 1832-1842 Vol 2, 1992, Deseret Book, hard, 642 pages, $15.00
Jesse, Dean C., Personal Writings of Joseph Smith, Revised Edition, 2002, Deseret Book, hard, 751 pages, $25.00
Johnson, J. Edward, Joseph Smith, 1944, Gillick Press, hard, 63 pages $5.00
Joseph Smith's "New Translation" of the Bible, 1970, Herald House, hard, 523 pages $15.00
Journal of Book of Mormon Studies Vol 7 No 1, 1998, FARMS, soft, 79 pages $2.00
Journal of Book of Mormon Studies Vol 8 No 1, 1999, FARMS, soft, 79 pages $2.00
Journal of Book of Mormon Studies Vol 8 No 2, 1999, FARMS, soft, 88 pages $2.00
Journal of Book of Mormon Studies Vol 9 No 1, 2000, FARMS, soft, 80 pages $2.00
Journal of Book of Mormon Studies Vol 9 No 2, 2000, FARMS, soft, 84 pages $2.00
Journal of Book of Mormon Studies Vol 10 No 1, 2001, FARMS, soft, 80 pages $2.00
Journal of Book of Mormon Studies Vol 12 No 2, 2003, FARMS, soft, 118 pages $2.00
Kang, C.H. and Nelson, Ethel R., The Discovery of Genesis: How the Truths of Genesis were Found Hidden in the Chinese Language, 1979, Concordia Publishing, soft, 139 pages $2.50
Kelley, E. L., The Law of Christ and Its Fulfillment, Lamoni, IA, 1911?, hard, 123 pages, $20.00
Kelley, William H., Presidency and Priesthood, 1908, Herald House, soft, 486 pages $10.00
Kelley, William H., Presidency and Priesthood, 1902, Lamoni, hard, tight, 414 pages $15.00
Kirkham, Francis W., A New Witness for Christ in America: The Book of Mormon, 1942, Zions Printing, hard, 516 pages $10.00
Knisley, Alvin, Dictionary of the Book of Mormon, 1909, Ensign Publishing, hard, 118 pages $2.00
Knisley, Alvin, Infallible Proofs, 1930, Herald House, hard, 204 pages $5.00
Knisley, Alvin, Infallible Proofs, 1930, Price Publishing, soft, 204 pages $2.00
Koury, Aleah G., The Truth and the Evidence, 1965, Herald House, hard, 112 pages $3.00
Lambert, J. R., What Is Man?, Lamoni, IA, 1914 (4th printing), hard, 249 pages $15.00
Launius, Roger D., Joseph Smith III: Pragmatic Prophet, 1988, Univ of Illinois Press, soft, 394 pages $8.00
Launius, Roger D., Father Figure: Joseph Smith III and the Creation of the Reorganized Church, 1990, Herald House, soft, 216 pages $3.00
Launius, Roger D., The Kirtland Temple: A Historical Narrative, 1986, soft, 216 pages $2.50
Launius, Roger D., Zion's Camp, 1984, soft, 206 pages $2.50
Launius, Roger D., and W. B. “Pat” Spillman (ed.), Let Contention Cease, 1991, soft, 304 pages $2.50
Lectures of Faith, $2.00
Lectures on Faith, $2.00
Leggs, Phillip R., Oliver Cowdery: The Elusive Second Elder of the Restoration, 1989, Herald House, soft, 167 pages $2.00
Leonard, Ricky D., Commandments and Covenants, 1993, Lamoni IA, hard, 195 pages $2.00
Ludlow, Victor L., Unlocking the Old Testament, 1981, Deseret Book, hard, 239 pages $5.00
Luff, Joseph, Autobiography of Elder Joseph Luff, Lamoni, IA, 1894, hard, 377 pages $20.00
Luff, Joseph, The Old Jerusalem Gospel, Lamoni, IA, 1912, hard, 310 pages $10.00
Luff, Joseph, The Old Jerusalem Gospel, 1968 reprint, soft, 280 pages $2.50
Lundeen, Adolph W., Inspired Translations of Joseph: Sixth Angel, 1974, private, soft, 75 pages $5.00
Lundeen, Adolph W., Three Visitations of Christ and His Coming in Glory, 1966, private, soft, 44 pages $1.00
Lundeen, Adolph W., The Temple and Other Writings: The Fulfillment of Scripture, 1968, private, soft, 229 pages $15.00
Macgregor, Daniel, A Marvelous Work and a Wonder, Lamoni, IA, 1911, 2nd Edition, soft, 135 pages $10.00
Macgregor, Daniel, A Marvelous Work and a Wonder, 1923 reprint, soft, 250 pages $5.00
Macgregor, Daniel, A Marvelous Work and a Wonder, reprint of 1911 Book, soft, 135 pages. $10.00
Marshall, Peter, and Donald Manual, The Light and the Glory, 1972, Revell, soft, 384 pages $5.00
Marston, Keith, Missionary Pal: Reference Guide for Missionaries and Teachers, 1987, Quality Press, soft, 185 pages $1.00
Matthews, Robert J., A Bible! A Bible!: How Latter-Day Revelation Helps Us Understand the Scriptures and the Savior, 1990, Bookcraft, hard, 308 pages $10.00
McConkie, Joseph F., Seeking the Spirit, 1978, Deseret, hard, 112 pages $5.00
McConkie, Joseph F., Gospel Symbolism, 1985, Bookcraft, soft, 296 pages $10.00
McIndoo, Donald, A Book of Mormon Companion: Witnesses to its Validity, 1994, soft, Church of Christ Temple Lot, 209 page $3.00
McKiernan, F. Mark, and Roger D. Launius, An Early Latter Day Saint History: The Book of John Whitmer, 1980, soft, 213 pages $3.00
McKiernan, F. Mark, and Roger D. Launius, Missouri Folk Heroes of the 19th Century, 1989, Herald House, soft, 226 pages $2.50
McKiernan, F. Mark, The Voice of One Crying in the Wilderness: Sidney Rigdon 1793-1876, 1973, Coronado Press, soft, 190 pages $1.00
McKiernan, F. Mark, and Alma Blair and Paul M. Edwards, The Restoration Movement: Essays in Mormon History, 1979, Herald House, soft, 357 pages $5.00
Moore, Bob, On Heresy, 1992, private, soft, 142 pages, $1.00
Moore, Bob, The Restitution, 1993, private, soft, 364 pages, $2.50
Moore, Bob, The Rights and Privileges of Independent Branches, 2005, private, soft, 53 pages, $0.50
Morgan, R.W., St. Paul in Britian or the Origin of British Christianity, 1860 reprint, soft, 128 pages $2.00
Mulder, William and Russell Mortensen, Among the Mormons: Historic Accounts By Contemporary Observers, 1973, University of Nebraska Press, soft, 482 pages $3.00
Nelson, Melody, Jesus Wept: A Book About Abortion and the Saints, 1989, Price Publishing, soft, 261 pages $5.00
Nibley, Hugh, Lehi in the Desert and the World of the Jaredites, 1952, Bookcraft, soft, 276 pages $5.00
Nibley, Hugh, Since Cumorah, 1967, Bookcraft, hard, 451 pages $12.00
Njeim, George A., Insights into the Book of Revelation, 1970, private, hard, 247 pages $15.00
Njeim, George A., The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper: In the Fullness of the Gospel, 1978, Herald House, soft, 260 pages $5.00
Oakman, Arthur A., Belief in Christ, 1964, hard, 187 pages $15.00
Oakman, Arthur A., He Who Is, 1963, Herald House, hard, 136 pages $15.00
Oakman, Arthur A., The Endowment Series, 2011, private, soft, 144 pages $2.00
Oakman, Arthur A., God’s Spiritual Universe, 1961, Herald House, hard, 188 pages $10.00
Oakman, Arthur A., Resurrection and Eternal Life, 1959, hard, 256 pages $10.00
Oakman, Arthur A., and Franklin S. Weddle, O Worship the King, 1952, hard, 203 pages $15.00
Old Testament Student Manual – 1 Kings – Malachi, LDS Church, 1982, soft, 422 pages $2.00
Outline History of the Church of Christ (Temple Lot), An, 1953, hard, 160 pages $5.00
Ostler, Blake T., Exploring Mormon Thought: The Attributes of God, 2001, Greg Kofford, hard, 526 pages $20.00
Parry, Donald J. & Pike, Dana M., LDS Perspectives on the Dead Sea Scrolls, 1997, soft, FARMS Deseret Book, 225 pages $5.00
Parry, Donald J. & Welch, John W., Isaiah in the Book of Mormon, 1998, hard, FARMS Deseret Book, 545 pages $15.00
Parry, Donald & Peterson, Daniel, & Welch, John W., Echoes and Evidences of the Book of Mormon, 2002, soft, FARMS, 506 pages $10.00
Parry, Donald & Ricks, Stephen, The Temple in Time and Eternity, 1999, hard, FARMS, 370 pages $15.00
Parsons, A. H., Parsons Text Book, 1902, Herald House, soft, 332 pages $2.50
Peal of Great Price, LDS Church, hard, $1.00
Peterson, Daniel C. and Ricks, Stephen D., Offenders for a Word: How Anti-Mormons Play Word Games to Attack Latter-Day Saints, 1992, FARMS, soft, 255 pages $5.00
Phillips, Arthur B., The Restoration Movement and the Latter Day Saints, 1928, Herald House, hard, 335 pages, $10.00
Phillips, Emma M., 33 Women of the Restoration, 1960, Herald House, hard, The Restoration Movement and the Latter Day Saints, 1928, Herald House, hard, 197 pages, $5.00
Polzin, Robert, Moses and the Deuteronomist, 1980, Seabury Press, soft, 226 pages $2.00
Pratt, Parley P., A Voice of Warning and Instruction to All People, 1948, soft, 140 pages $2.50
Pratt, Parley P., A Voice of Warning, Lamoni, IA, 1908, soft, 149 pages $15.00
Price, Richard and Pamela, Joseph Smith Fought Polygamy Vol 1, 2000, Price Publishing, soft, 261 pages $5.00
Price, Richard, The Saints at the Crossroads, 1974, Price Publishing, soft, 260 pages $0.50
Price, Richard, Action Time, 1985, Price Publishing, soft, 224 pages $0.50
Price, Richard, The Temple of the Lord, 1982, Price Publishing, soft, 142 pages $0.50
Position Papers, 1967, soft, 127 pages, $0.50
Priesthood Journal, The, Bound Vol 3 & 4, 1937 1938, hard $20.00
Priesthood Manual, various years, hard, $5.00
Priesthood Orientation Studies, 1964, hard, $5.00
Proctor, Scott F. and Proctor, Maurine J., Autobiography of Parley P. Pratt: Revised and Enhanced Edition, 2000, Deseret Book, hard, 643 pages $15.00
Question Time (Volume 1), 1955, hard, 464 pages $5.00
Question Time (Volume 2), 1967, hard, 378 pages $5.00
Question Time (Volume 3), 1976, hard, 368 pages $5.00
Ralston, Russell F., Fundamental Differences, 1963, hard, 318 pages $8.00
Rasmussen, Ellis T., A Latter-Day Saint Commentary on the Old Testament, 1993, Deseret Book, hard, 718 pages $5.00
Recent Book of Mormon Developments Vol 2: Articles from the Zarahemla Record, 1992, Zarahemla Research Foundation, soft, 228 pages $6.00
Research in Mormonism, 1992, Price Publishing, soft, 248 pages $2.00
Reynolds, George and Sjodahl, Janne M., Commentary on the Book of Mormon Vol 1, 1955, hard, 521 pages $8.00
Reynolds, George and Sjodahl, Janne M., Commentary on the Book of Mormon Vol 3, 1958, hard, 388 pages $8.00
Reynolds, George and Sjodahl, Janne M., Commentary on the Book of Mormon Vol 5, 1960, hard, 361 pages $8.00
Richards, LeGrand, A Marvelous Work and a Wonder, 1976, Deseret Book, hard, 424 pages $5.00
Richter, Peyton ., Utopias: Social Ideals and Communal Experiments, 1971, Holbrook Press, soft, 323 pages $2.00
Ricks, Stephen D. & Parry, Donald W. & Hedges, Andrew H., The Disciple as Scholar: Essays on Scripture and the Ancient World in Honor of Richard Lloyd Anderson, 2000, FARMS, hard, 669 pages $15.00
Ricks, Stephen D. & Parry, Donald W. & Hedges, Andrew H., The Disciple as Scholar: Essays on Latter Day Saint History and Doctrine in Honor of Richard Lloyd Anderson, 2000, FARMS, hard, 669 pages $15.00
Ricks, Stephen D. & Welch, John W., The Allegory of the Tame Olive Tree, 1994, hard, Deseret Book, $15.00
Robert’s Rules of Order, soft, $1.00
Robert’s Rules of Order: Newly Revised, soft, $2.00
Rules and Resolutions, various years, hard $2.00
Rules of Order and Debate: Ecclesiastical Deliberative Assemblies of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 1904, Herald House, hard, 100 pages $20.00
Rules of Order, RLDS, undated, hard, yellowed, 172 pages, $20.00
Ruoff, Norman, The Writings of President Frederick M. Smith – Volume 1: Theology and Philosophy, 1978, Herald House, soft, 284 pages $1.00
Ruoff, Norman, The Writings of President Frederick M. Smith – Volume 2: Educating, Nurturing and Upholding, 1979, Herald House, soft, 286 pages $1.00
Ruoff, Norman, The Writings of President Frederick M. Smith – Volume 3: The Zionic Enterprise, 1981, Herald House, soft, 263 pages $1.00
Ruoff, Norman, A Guide For Good Priesthood Ministry, 1971, Herald House, hard, 408 pages $5.00
Ruoff, Norman, Testimonies of the Restoration, 1971, Herald House, hard, 203 pages $2.00
Salyards, Christiana, Men Nearest the Master…Peter, James, and John, Herald Publishing, hard, 315 pages $2.50
Sanford, Mabel A., Joseph’s City Beautiful: A Story About Old Nauvoo on the Mississippi, 1939, Herald Publishing, hard, 207 pages $5.00
Scott, Columbus, The Christian Sabbath, 1891, Lamoni IA, soft, 139 pages $5.00
Scott, Glenn A., Voices from the Dust, 1999, private, hard, 248 pages $8.00
Schrunk, Francis T., The Restoration of Israel in the Latter Days, 1977, private, soft, 179 pages $5.00
Search These Commandments: Melchizedek Priesthood Study Guide, 1984, LDS Church, soft, 308 pages $1.00
Shields, Steven L., Divergent Paths of the Restoration, 1975, private, hard, 292 pages $15.00
Simmons, Verneil, Peoples, Places and Prophecies, 1977 and 1981, hard, 273 pags $25.00
Simmons, Verneil, Zenos and the Parable of the Olive Tree, 1991, soft, 35 pages $1.00
Smart, Ninian and Hecht, Richard D., Sacred Texts of the World A Universa Anthology, 1982, Crossroad, soft, 408 pages $10.00
Smith, Elbert A., A Decade of the Best, XXXXXXX 1972, Herald Publishing, 239 pages, hard $2.50
Smith, Elbert A., Brother Elbert: Revised and Enlarged from On Memory’s Beam The Autobiography of Elbert A. Smith, 1959, Herald House, hard, 438 pages $8.00
Smith, Elbert A., Blue Pencil Notes, 1942, Herald Publishing, 192 pages, hard $2.50
Smith, Elbert A., Square Blocks, 1921, Herald Publishing, soft, 475 pages, $2.00
Smith, Elbert A., Prophetic Warnings in Modern Revelation, Herald Publishing, soft, 55 pages, $0.50
Smith, Elbert A., Restoration: A Study in Prophecy, 1986, Price Publishing, soft, 240 pages, $1.00
Smith, Elbert A., The Minister Who Was Different, and Mary Leland Carter, An Instrument in His Hands (The Two Story Book), 1913 and 1928, hard, 202 pages $8.00
Smith, Frederick M., The Higher Powers of Man, 1968, Herald House, soft, 232 pages $1.00
Smith, Heman C., Elbert A., True Succession in Church Presidency, Lamoni, IA, hard, 234 pages $15.00
Smith, Heman C., The Truth Defended, 1901, Lamoni IA, soft, 241 pages $5.00
Smith, Joseph F., Essentials in Church History, 1972, Deseret Book, hard, 656 pages $15.00
Smith, Joseph F., Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, 1976, Deseret Book, soft, 437 pages $10.00
Smith, Lucy, Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith the Prophet (also called Joseph Smith and His Progenitors), Lamoni, IA, 1912, hard, 371 pages $10.00
Smith, Ruth Lyman, Concerning the Prophet Frederick Madison Smith, 1924, Burton Publishing, hard, 200+ pages $10.00
Smith, Willard J., Joseph Smith, Who Was He?, Lamoni, IA, hard, 255 pages + index, $15.00
Smith, I.M., The Book of Mormon Vindicated, Elbert A., Square Blocks, 1898, soft reprint, 117 pages, $2.00
Smith, I.M., The Book of Mormon Vindicated, Elbert A., Square Blocks, 1898, soft reprint, 117 pages, $2.00
Sorenson, John L. &: Thorne, Melvin J., Rediscovering the Book of Mormon, 1991, soft, FARMS Deseret Book, 274 pages $10.00
Sorenson, John L., The Geography of the Book of Mormon Events: A Source Book, 1992, FARMS, soft, 415 pages $10.00
Starks, Arthur, A Concordance to the Doctrine and Covenants, 1951, hard, 212 pages $4.00
Starks, Arthur, A Concordance to the Book of Mormon, 1950, hard, 501 pages $6.00
Starks, Arthur, Concordance Supplement for the Inspired Version, 1962, hard, 231 pages $4.00
Starks, Arthur, Combined Concordances for the Scriptures, 1974, hard, 970+ pages $15.00
Stebbins, Henry, Book of Mormon Lectures, 1908, Herald House, hard, 287 pages $10.00
Stephens, John L., Incidents of Travel in Yucatan, 1991 reprint, Panorama, soft, 368 pages $2.00
Stevens, Thelona D., Book of Mormon Studies, 1972, soft, private, 196 pages $1.00
Stevens, Thelona D., An Introduction to the Book of Mormon, 1984, soft, FRAA, 30 pages $0.50
Stevens, Thelona D., Bible Studies, 1945, Herald House, soft, 160 pages $0.50
Stewart, Georgia M., How the Church Grew, 1959, Herald House, hard, 342 pages $3.00
Stowe, Ralph S. and Sandra L., Stowe’s Concordance of the Doctrine and Covenants, 1987, Private, hard, 512 pages $15.00
Stowell, Addie Spaulding, The Red Man’s Hope: Biography of Elder Hubert Case, 1963, Royal Publishing, hard, 227 pages $15.00
Stowell, Addie Spaulding, The Walls of Zion, 1953, Herald House, hard, 416 pages $3.00
Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith, 2007, LDS Church, soft, 586 pages $2.50
Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Brigham Young, 1997, LDS Church, soft, 370 pages $1.00
Talmage, James E., Jesus The Christ, 1962, Deseret Book, hard, 804 pages $5.00
Talmage, James E., The Great Apostasy, 1909, Zions Printing, soft, 128 pages $1.00
Talmage, James E., The Articles of Faith, 1988, LDS Church, soft, 537 pages $2.00
The Church and Evangelism, 1941, Herald House, hard, 397 pages, $2.00
Tinkham, Ruby, The Unwilling Saint, 1959, Herald House, hard, 160 pages $1.00
Tvdtnes, John A., Organize My Kingdom: A History of the Restored Priesthood, 2000, Cornerstone Publishing, soft, 320 pages $10.00
Tvedtnes, John A., The Most Correct Book, 1999, soft, Cornerstone Publishing, 367 pages, $10.00
The Angel Message, 1984, Cumorah Books, soft, 206 pages $1.00
Updike, L. Wayne, Ministry to the Bereaved, 1973, hard, 109 pages $2.50
Updike, L. Wayne, Whosoever Repenteth, 1957, hard, 111 pages $2.00
Upon This Rock, 1953, Herald House, soft, 231 pages $2.50
Velt, Harold I., America's Lost Civilizations, 1949, Herald House, hard, 183 pages. $15.00
Velt, Harold I., Not in Word Only, 1963, hard, 304 pages $8.00
Velt, Harold I., The Sacred Book of Ancient America, 1952, hard, 224 pages $10.00
Vogel, Dan, Early Mormon Documents Vol 1, 1996, Signature Books, hard, 708 pages $20.00
Vogel, Dan, Early Mormon Documents Vol 2, 1998, Signature Books, hard, 592 pages $15.00
Washburn, J. N., The Contents, Structure, and Authorship of the Book of Mormon, 1954, Bookcraft, hard 247 pages $8.00
Welch, John W. & Thorne, Melvin J., Pressing Forward with the Book of Mormon, 1999, soft, FARMS Deseret Book, 329 pages $8.00
Welch, John W., Reexploring the Book of Mormon, 1992, soft, FARMS Deseret Book, 314 pages $8.00
Welch, John W. & Ricks, Stephen D., King Benjamin’s Speech: That Ye May Learn Wisdom, 1998, hard, FARMS Deseret Book, 661 pages $15.00
Weldon, Roy E., Other Sheep, 1986, soft, Price Publishing, 150 pages $1.00
Weldon, Walter, The Purpose of the Book of Mormon, 1976, soft, private, 125 pages $1.00
Ward, Jessie, The Call at Evening, 1953, hard, Herald Publishing, 349 pages $5.00
Ward, Jessie, The Call at Evening, 1961, soft, Herald Publishing, 348 pages $2.00
Westergren, Bruce N., From Historian to Dissident: The Book of John Whitmer, 1995, Signature Books, hard, 207 pages $15.00
Wheaton, Clarence L., The Book of Commandments Controversy Reviewed, 1950, Church of Christ Temple Lot, soft, 83 pages $2.00
Whitaker, David J., Mormon Americana: A Guide to Sources and Collections in the United States, 1995, BYU Studies, hard, 695 pages $5.00
Wilson, William, Old Testament Word Studies, 1978, Kregel Publications, hard, 566 pages $10.00
Winwood, Richard L., Take Heed That Ye Be Not Deceived: A Revealing Look at Anti-Mormon Literature, its Authors, and their Motives, 1997, private, soft, 106 pages $2.00
Woodrow, Ralph E., Babylon Mystery Religion: Ancient and Modern, 1966, private, 163 pages $2.00
Yale, Alfred H., Life and Letters of Paul, 1959, Herald House, hard, 304 pages $2.50
Yale, Alfred H., and Charles E. Brockway, Ordinances and Sacraments of the Church, 1962, hard, 184 pages $2.50
Young, Fred L., Parliamentary Procedure in the Church, 1960, Herald House, hard, 101 pages, $4.00
Young, Fred L., Ministry of Reconciliation and Church Court Procedure, 1960, Herald House, hard, 200 pages, $4.00
Young, Fred L., The Saints at Prayer, 1967, Herald House, hard, 176 pages, $4.00
Zerr, Byrna S., In Behalf of Joseph: An Affirmation, 1992, private, 215 pages $5.00
In addition to these “restoration” themed books, I have numerous “non-restoration” oriented study books on topics such as: Biblical Archaeology, Comparative Religions, New & Old Testament Word Studies, New & Old Testament Studies, Bible Dictionaries, Histories of the Christian Church, Dead Sea Scrolls, Extra Biblical Book Studies, Hebraic Studies, Messianic Jewish Books, Greek, Roman, and Ancient Civilizations, Apologetics, Gnosticism, Josephus, C.S. Lewis, New Age Exposes, Bible World, Maps, Prophetic Studies, Prophets in the Ancient World, Hebrew Customs, Temple Studies, Major and Minor Prophet Studies, etc…
Mike Sanders