From: Larry Ward Restoration Resurrection Choir to begin rehearsals - You are invited to sing! If you want to join the choir, please send an email to: |
From: Larry Ward Restoration Resurrection Choir to begin rehearsals - You are invited to sing! If you want to join the choir, please send an email to: |
From: Paul Gage
Greetings Saints,
The attachment is a four month Daily Devotional Guide for January 1 - April 30, 2023. It is sponsored by the Conference of
Restoration Elders (CRE), but is for all the Saints.
In Christ,
Happy New Year!!
Paul Gage
The Saints are encouraged to fast and pray, especially Wednesday evening and Sunday morning.
The hymns listed are from the 2007 edition of “Hymns of the Restoration.”
Sponsored by the Conference of Restoration Elders (CRE)
Day 1 Sunday January 1 Matthew 26:13-37 HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Hymn: 526 “Standing at the Portal”
Prayer Thought: Lord, guide us into and through 2023.
Day 2 Monday January 2 I Chronicles 29:10-14
Hymn: 525 “Sing to the Great Jehovah’s Praise”
Prayer Thought: May we consistently be a people of praise unto God.
Day 3 Tuesday January 3 Matthew 6:7-15
Hymn: 315 “The Lord’s Prayer”
Prayer Thought: God, help us live the Kingdom life, NOW!
Day 4 Wednesday January 4 Psalm 139:1-17
“SEEK YE THE LORD” (CRE) Prayer Meeting Challenge
Hymn: 311 “They Who Seek the Throne of Grace”
Prayer Thought: Father, may we seek Thee individually and as families.
Day 5 Thursday January 5 Matthew 6:30-39
Hymn: 87 “A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief”
Prayer Thought: Lord, may our every thought be for Thy Kingdom.
Day 6 Friday January 6 Malachi 3
Hymn: 498 “We Give Thee But Thine Own”
Prayer Thought: Father, stir us to be Kingdom stewards.
Day 7 Saturday January 7 I Peter 4
Hymn: 342 “Take My Life and Let It Be”
Prayer Thought: God, help us to truly live for Thee.
Day 8 Sunday January 8 Matthew 19:16-30
Hymn: 348 “Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken”
Prayer Thought: Dear Lord, may we show these words in our lives.
Day 9 Monday January 9 Ephesians 4:1-16
Hymn: 202 “Father, Bless Thy Word to All”
Prayer Thought: Help us seek to bring unity to the Body of Christ.
Day 10 Tuesday January 10 Doctrine and Covenants (DC) 141:7-8
Hymn: 425 “God of Grace and God of Glory”
Prayer Thought: Lord, strengthen us so we may do our part for the Kingdom.
Day 11 Wednesday January 11 “SEEK THE LORD” DC 2:1-3 and 34:1 & 6
Hymn: 83 “Jesus Mighty King in Zion”
Prayer Thought: May we seek Thee as Branches and the Church”
Day 12 Thursday January 12 Romans 12
Hymn: 389 “Rejoice Ye Saints of Latter Days”
Prayer Thought: Help us show our praise and joy in our daily walk.
Day 13 Friday January 13 II Nephi 9:133-137
Hymn: 31 “Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee”
Prayer Thought: Let us serve with gladness and be witnesses of Thy love.
Day 14 Saturday January 14 Mosiah 2:1-17
Hymn: 404 “Teach Me Thy Way, O Lord”
Prayer Thought: Prompt us often Lord, and guide us to obedience.
Day 15 Sunday January 15 Psalm 46
Hymn: 156 “Entreaty”
Prayer Thought: Father, help us live today in and for your coming Kingdom.
Day 16 Monday January 16 Philippians 3:1-14
Hymn: 413 “Higher Ground”
Prayer Thought: May we faithfully follow Thee every day.
Day 17 Tuesday January 17 Luke 15:1-32
Hymn: 100 “The Lily of the Valley”
Prayer Thought: O God, keep us on the straight way.
Day 18 Wednesday January 18 LISTEN FOR THE LORD’S DIRECTION! DC 1:1,2
Hymn: 1 “Let Us Praise the Lord”
Prayer Thought: Help us hear Your voice INDIVIDUALLY AND AS FAMILIES.
Day 19 Thursday January 19 John 13:34-35 and 14:1-24
Hymn: 417 “I Would Love Thee, God and Father”
Prayer Thought: Lord, may we truly love Thee with our all.
Day 20 Friday January 20 Matthew 18
Hymn: 324 “Father, When in Love to Thee”
Prayer Thought: Let us go the extra distance to restore right relationships.
Day 21 Saturday January 21 Moroni 10:2-18
Hymn: 154 “A Child of THE KING”
Prayer Thought: Lord, help us live as children of THE KING.
Day 22 Sunday January 22 DC 59:2
Hymn: 34 “Let Us Go to the House of the Lord”
Prayer Thought: Thank you for your house in which we worship Thee.
Day 23 Monday January 23 Mosiah 1:102-130
Hymn: 137 “Jesus Shall Reign”
Prayer Thought: Thank you for our Lord and Savior.
Day 24 Tuesday January 24 James 1
Hymn: 409 “Be With Me Lord”
Prayer Thought: Help us know that to live in the Kingdom, You must be with us.
Day 25 Wednesday January 25 LISTEN FOR THE LORD’S DIRECTION Jeremiah 7:1-5
` Hymn: 28 “Come Ye Apart”
Prayer Thought: Father, open our ears to hear only you.
Day 26 Thursday January 26 DC 90:1-3
Hymn: 45 “Sovereign and Transforming Grace”
Prayer Thought: O God can save us from ourselves.
Day 27 Friday January 27 DC 10:1-9
Hymn: 162 “Come, Gracious Spirit”
Prayer Thought: Help us O Lord, to seek out Thy Spirit.
Day 28 Saturday January 28 Psalm 15
Hymn: 446 “O Zion”
Prayer Thought: Lord, help us to strive to abide in Thee.
Day 29 Sunday January 29 Psalms 3 and 121
Hymn: 150 “O God Our Help in Ages Past”
Prayer Thought: Thank you God! We know we can trust in Thee.
Day 30 Monday January 30 Psalm 9
Hymn: 152 “God of the Earth, the Sky, the Sea”
Prayer Thought: Gracious God, we praise and thank Thee for all.
Day 31 Tuesday January 31 Helaman 4:1-22
Hymn: 152 “Great Is Thy Faithfulness”
Prayer Thought: Let us be of greater faith in Thy faithfulness.
Day 32 Wednesday February 1 CHANGE OUR HEARTS!! Psalm 51
Hymn: 22 “Great God, as Followers of Thy Son”
Prayer Thought: Help us follow close to Thee so you can cleanse us.
Day 33 Thursday February 2 II Corinthians 10
Hymn: 374 “God IS MY Strong Salvation”
Prayer Thought: My we keenly remember that to be saved we must obey.
Day 34 Friday February 3 Galatians 6
Hymn: 399 “Lead Me by Thy Holy Spirit”
Prayer Thought: May we always be lead by THY SPIRIT!
Day 35 Saturday February 4 DC 76:1-2
Hymn: 21 “O Worship the King”
Prayer Thought: Truly O God, You are the Only One worthy of our praise.
Day 36 Sunday February 5 SACRAMENT SERVICE Luke 22:1-20
Hymn: 275 “According to Thy Gracious Word”
Prayer Thought: May we come this day reconciled with Thee and all others.
Day 37 Monday February 6 Alma 10:18-30
Hymn: 43 “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing”
Prayer Thought: Help us prove your blessings by how we live.
Day 38 Tuesday February 7 Omni 1:43-47
Hymn: 201 “The Gospel’s Joyful Sound”
Prayer Thought: We are a blessed people. May we honor Thee in our daily lives.
Day 39 Wednesday February 8 LEARN TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER! Romans 8:27-39
Hymn: 418 “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling”
Prayer Thought: O Father, help us love as you love.
Day 40 Thursday February 9 II Nephi 1:63-80
Hymn: 92 “Redeemer of Israel”
Prayer Thought: Stir us to remember that YOU ARE THE REDEEMER!
Day 41 Friday February 10 John 5:1-20
Hymn: 489 “My Master Was A Worker”
Prayer Thought: There will be no idlers in Zion.
Day 42 Saturday February 11 III Nephi 8:41-49
Hymn: 105 “When Jesus Our Great Master Came”
Prayer Thought: Lord, keep us on the upward trail.
Day 43 Sunday February 12 Ephesians 6:10-20
Hymn: 470 “God IS Marshaling HIS Army”
Prayer Thought: Make sure we put on HIS WHOLE ARMOR.
Day 44 Monday February 13 I John 4:7-21
Hymn: 345 “My Jesus, I Love Thee”
Prayer Thought: May our love for Thee be with our whole heart.
Day 45 Tuesday February 14 I John 3
Hymn: 508 “Loving Each Other”
Prayer Thought: Help us exemplify your love in our lives.
Day 46 Wednesday February 15 LORD, MAKE US SERVANTS Matthew 28:15-19
Hymn: 247 “Send Me Forth, O Blessed Master”
Prayer Thought: May we serve Thee as individuals and families.
Day 47 Thursday February 16 DC 108:7-10
Hymn: 145 “Glory Be to God On High”
Prayer Thought: Yea, Lord, all honor and glory is yours.
Day 48 Friday February 17 Psalm 47
Hymn: 155 “The Lord Jehovah Reigns”
Prayer Thought: Thank you, Lord, for your mighty works.
Day 49 Saturday February 18 Matthew 4:12-24
Hymn: 81 “Jesus Calls Us O’er the Tumult”
Prayer Thought: Lord, guide us as we seek to heed Thy call.
Day 50 Sunday February 19 Helaman 2:69-80
Hymn: 410 “Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me”
Prayer Thought: Be our pilot in whatever we do.
Day 51 Monday February 20 Hebrews 12:1-7
Hymn: 414 “Keep Your Eyes Upon Jesus”
Prayer Thought: Lord, attune our eyes to Thy Divine Sight.
Day 52 Tuesday February 21 I Peter 1:1-16
Hymn: 362 “Savior, I Follow On”
Prayer Thought: Holy Father, help us walk in Thy steps.
Day 53 Wednesday February 22 LORD, MAKE US SERVANTS! DC 11
Hymn: 14 “Ye Servants of God”
Prayer Thought: Help us as Branches and Church to serve more faithfully.
Day 54 Thursday February 23 John6:32-59
Hymn: 271 “Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts”
Prayer Thought: Lord, help us spread Thy love and light in the world.
Day 55 Friday February 24 DC 6:10-16
Hymn: 390 “Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee”
Prayer Thought: May we love you more so we may love others more.
Day 56 Saturday February 25 II Nephi 1:33-38
Hymn: 337 “My God, My Father”
Prayer Thought: Always, Lord, Thy Will be Done.
Day 57 Sunday February 26 I Thessalonians 3:9-13 and 14:1
Hymn: 36 “Jesus, Stand Among Us”
Prayer Thought: Lord, may you always be in our midst.
Day 58 Monday February 27 Helaman 2:22-26
Hymn: 385 “Behold, the Savior at Your Door”
Prayer Thought: Let us always keep our door open to Jesus.
Day 59 Tuesday February 28 DC 17:4 a, b
Hymn: 318 “More Love to Thee, O Christ”
Prayer Thought: May we show appreciation for your love by loving you more.
Leviticus 20:7,8 and DC 46:9
Hymn: 350 “Take Time to Be Holy”
Prayer Thought: Discipline our lives so we have time to become Holy.
Day 61 Thursday March 2 John 10:1-18
Hymn: 94 “Jesus My Shepherd”
Prayer Thought: Help the flock stay close to the Good Shepherd.
Day 62 Friday March 3 Hebrews 11:32-40
Hymn: 475 “A Mighty Fortress IS Our God”
Prayer Thought: We are weak, but Thou art strong.
Day 63 Saturday March 4 Jeremiah 6:16 and John 14:1-29
Hymn: 226 “The Old, Old Path”
Prayer Thought: Lord, may we love Thee enough to stay on the path to Zion.
Day 64 Sunday March 5 SACRAMENT OF THE LORD’S SUPPER DC 85:18-20
Hymn: 278 “Here At Thy Table, Lord”
Prayer Thought: May we make sure we are cleansed enough to partake.
Day 65 Monday March 6 Psalms 1-3
Hymn: 403 “Teach Me, My God and King”
Prayer Thought: Help us to seek Thee in all things.
Day 66 Tuesday March 7 II Timothy 2
Hymn: 322 “O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee”
Prayer Thought: If we are not walking with Jesus we are not living in the Kingdom.
ii Nephi 9:133-137
Hymn: 205 “I Love to Tell the Story”
Prayer Thought: Lead us by your Spirit to those we can share with.
Day 68 Thursday March 9 Luke 18:15-17 and III Nephi 8:12-27
Hymn: 304 “I’ll Be a Sunbeam”
Prayer Thought: As God’s children, let us let our light shine for Him.
Day 69 Friday March 10 Matthew 2 and John 1:1-18
Hymn: 185 “O Word of God Incarnate” (Deity in flesh)
Day 70 Saturday March 11 Alma 16:227-237 (DST begins)
Hymn: 485 “Work For the Night IS Coming”
Prayer Thought: Help us have the right oil and be ready.
Day 71 Sunday March 12 III Nephi 1:1-13 (DST begins)
Hymn: 37 “We Gather Together”
Prayer Thought: Go to church to worship, leave to serve.
Day 72 Monday March 13 Ether 5:1-19
Hymn: 372 “With Eyes of Faith”
Prayer Thought: We must focus on the Author and Finisher of our faith.
Day 73 Tuesday March 14 Read the Introduction to the Book of Mormon
Hymn: 194 “Stick of Joseph”
Prayer Thought: Pray for ways to share the Book of Mormon.
Day 74 Wednesday March 15 Read the Introduction to the Doctrine and Covenants
Hymn: 198 “Doctrine and Covenants”
Prayer Thought: Thank you God for your Word in latter days.
Day 75 Thursday March 16 DC 86
Hymn: 182 “Word of Wisdom”
Prayer Thought: May we comply with this Word from God.
Day 76 Friday March 17 Matthew 7:22-37
Hymn: 183 “How Firm a Foundation”
Prayer Thought: Lord, may we build on You—THE SOLID ROCK!
Day 77 Saturday March 18 Psalm 119:89-112
Hymn: 189 “Lamp of Our Feet”
Prayer Thought: You are the light on our path.
Day 78 Sunday March 19 DC 85:36-38
Hymn: 33 “In Thy Name, O Lord, Assembling”
Prayer Thought: May we have Thy Spirit with us as we assemble.
Day 79 Monday March 20 John 20:13-31
Hymn: 355 “If Suddenly Upon the Street”
Prayer Thought: As we live in the Kingdom, let’s be ready to meet Jesus.
Day 80 Tuesday March 21 Genesis 2:1-9 and Acts 2:1-4
Hymn: 351 “Breathe On Me, Breath of God”
Prayer Thought: Breathe on us till we are pure and wholly Thine.
Day 81 Wednesday March 22 John 17
Hymn: 314 “Let Us Pray For One Another”
Prayer Thought: May we be prayer warriors for each other and Zion.
Day 82 Thursday March 23 Mosiah 1:1-16
Hymn: 354 “O Jesus, I Have Promised”
Prayer Thought: Help us be true to our promises to you.
Day 83 Friday March 24 Matthew 13:12-31
Hymn: 368 “With a Steadfast Faith”
Prayer Thought: May our faith be strengthened as it is displayed.
Day 84 Saturday March 25 James 3
Hymn: 455 “ZION”
Prayer Thought: Let’s stop talking and start doing.
Day 85 Sunday March 26 Matthew 5:16-22
Hymn: 214 “Walk in the Light”
Prayer Thought: To walk in the light, we must follow THE LIGHT.
Day 86 Monday March 27 II Peter 3
Hymn: 382 “My Savior is Praying for Me”
Prayer Thought: Lord, thank you for your steadfast concern for us.
Day 87 Tuesday March 28 Ether 1:108-117
Hymn: 411 “Let Us Shake Off the Coals”
Prayer Thought: Give us insight as to how best to rid ourselves of sin.
Day 88 Wednesday March 29 CRE CONFERENCE BEGINS. Isaiah 51:1-4
Hymn: 221 “The Spirit of God Like a Fire is Burning”
Prayer Thought: Lord, bless and guide the CRE Conference this week.
Day 89 Thursday March 30 CRE CONFERENCE CONTINUES. DC 36:3-9
Hymn: 230 “Lord, Pour Thy Spirit From on High”
Prayer Thought: Father, bless all those involved in this Conference.
Day 90 Friday March 31 CRE CONFERENCE CONTINUES. DC 36:10-14
Hymn: 467 “A Thousand Years”
Prayer Thought: Send a great blessing upon this Conference this week.
Day 91 Saturday APRIL 1 CRE CONFERENCE CONCLUDES. Psalm 59 and 62
Hymn: 510 “Blest Be the Tie That Binds”
Prayer Thought: Lord go before us as we go in Your Name.
Hymn: 271 ‘JESUS, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts”
Day 93 Monday April 3 HOLY WEEK. Mark 11:13-36
Hymn: 97 “The King of Love My Shepherd Is”
Prayer Thought: Thank you Lord for your life lived for us.
Day 94 Tuesday April 4 HOLY WEEK. Mark 12
Hymn: 379 “Where Wilt Thou Put Thy Trust”
Prayer Thought: Lord, only you are worthy of our trust.
Day 95 Wednesday April 5 HOLY WEEK. John 17
Hymn: 101 “There’s No Love to Me Like the Love of Jesus”
Prayer Thought: Great God, help us to be one and You and Jesus are one.
Day 96 Thursday APRIL 6 HOLY WEEK.
DC 1:5c; DC 17:1; Matthew 16:16-19
Hymn: 222 “Organize My Church and Kingdom”
Prayer Thought: Lord, may we fulfill our purpose for your Church.
Day 97 Friday April 7 HOLY WEEK. Matthew 26 and 27
Hymn: 125 “In Garden of Gethsemane”
Prayer Thought: O Savior, help us become more serious in our praying.
Day 98 Saturday April 8 III Nephi 4:1-21
Hymn: 130 “We Serve A Risen Savior”
Prayer Thought: You sacrificed your life for us, may we then live for Thee.
JOHN 20 and 21
Prayer Thought: How can we show our thanks? Love you with our all.
Day 100 Monday April 10 Mark 16
Hymn: 128 “Lift Your Glad Voices”
Prayer Thought: Let us lift up our voices in praise and thanksgiving.
Day 101 Tuesday April 11 Matthew 27:54-57 and Chapter 28
Hymn: 129 “I Know That My Redeemer Lives and Ever Prays”
Prayer Thought: Lord, my our lives reflect a living Savior.
Day 102 Wednesday April 12 Isaiah 53
Hymn: 133 “I Know That My Redeemer Lives; What Joy”
Prayer Thought: As Jesus chose His path, may we choose ours for Him.
Day 103 Thursday April 13 Acts 1
Hymn: 136 “Waiting and Watching”
Prayer Thought: We must be faithfully watching for His return.
Day 104 Friday April 14 Acts 2
Hymn: 92 “Redeemer of Israel”
Prayer Thought: Thank You, Jesus. You are our only delight.
Day 105 Saturday April 15 Hebrews 13:8; I Nephi 3:27; II Nephi 1:65; DC 17:2 f,g
Hymn: 148 “Praise to the Living God”
Prayer Thought: Yea, Lord. All praise, honor, and glory be Thine.
Day 106 Sunday April 16 II Nephi 5:70-86
Hymn: 171 “Admonition”
Prayer Thought: May we comply with this revelation.
Day 107 Monday April 17 Alma 3
Hymn: 172 “A Voice of Warning”
Prayer Thought: Let us cling firmly to the strong Rod of Iron.
Day 108 Tuesday April 18 Psalms 27 and 28
Hymn: 435 “Hast Thou Heard It
Prayer Thought: Are we listening to God’s Eternal Voice?
Day 109 Wednesday April 19 Isaiah 1 through 2:4
Hymn: 443 “Israel, Israel, God IS calling”
Prayer Thought: Are we listening...COME TO ZION, COME TO ZION!!
Day 110 Thursday April 20 DC 36:2 f-3
Hymn: 445 “Beautiful Zion”
Prayer Thought: May our daily walk be a walk in Zion.
Day 111 Friday April 21 Matthew 25:1-12 and DC 45:10
Hymn: 463 “Zion Prepare”
Prayer Thought: Are you “living in the Kingdom?” How can we prepare?
Day 112 Saturday April 22 Psalms 98, 99 and 105:1-4
Hymn: 203 “In the Light”
Prayer Thought: Father, thank you for your many blessings.
Day 113 Sunday April 23 Matthew 3:27-39
Hymn: 89 “O Savior, Precious Savior”
Prayer Thought: We worship, praise and serve Thee O God.
Day 114 Monday April 24 Joshua 24:14-27
Hymn: 77 “Jesus IS Calling”
Prayer Thought: Don’t let a rock cry out in your place.
Day 115 Tuesday April 25 DC 18
Hymn: 394 “Guide Me to Thee”
Prayer Thought: If we want Jesus to guide us, we better be sure to follow.
Day 116 Wednesday April 26 IV Nephi 1:13-21
Hymn: 39 “With Thankful Hearts”
Prayer Thought: For the multitude of blessings, let us be most thankful.
Day 117 Thursday April 27 John 3:12-22
Hymn: 303 “Jesus Loves Me”
Prayer Thought: Thank you God for being such a loving Father.
Day 118 Friday April 28 Hosea 12:5,6; Amos 5:4; Micah 6:8; Nahum 1:2-7
Hymn: 480 “God of Our Fathers”
Prayer Thought: O GOD, HOW GREAT THOU ART!”
Day 119 Saturday April 29 Isaiah 40
Hymn: 386 “Sweet Unto Me”
Prayer Thought: O Lord, Thou art sweeter than honey and the honeycomb.
Day 120 Sunday April 30 Doctrine and Covenants 85:16-20
Hymn: 40 “With Happy Voices Ringing”
Prayer Thought: Through all life, forever, let us live our praise to Thee.