Wednesday, March 20, 2024





There are some serious attempts among groups and individuals both locally and in many locales “abroad” to forfeit their perceived differences and work and worship together in harmony. What a breakthrough! God will guide them, bless their efforts and continue to open up highways to his Kingdom on the earth as long as humility, obedience and dedication are practiced.

Zionworks’ dream and commitment is to humbly, yet energetically, augment this Spiritual movement among Christ’s followers by promoting a means for this gathering to have physical reality. All of Christ’s people have talents, resources and needs that must be coordinated. Getting safely out of Babylon will require this community to have its own source of water, food, shelter, communication, education, power, commerce, etc. This is a big job, but God already has a plan and has already prepared the way for each of us to find fulfillment in making his plan reality. Please investigate this eternal Plan in the scriptures and please join in this vital effort if you can.

Many spiritual blessings have attended and reinforced Zionworks’ efforts including the fellowship and healings. Our hearts and souls are fully invested in The Kingdom and all of its potential for all of those Jesus calls “his”. At this time we are still a small group hoping for, working for and living for this real kingdom that Christ calls Zion. There is an easy guide to some of the most fundamental scripture guidance to The Kingdom if you ask by contacting or (816)-690-8464.

All of you that have given your time and efforts to meet and plan, to make Zion a working reality and to spend long hours in all weather helping others; you need to know that God is pleased with your efforts and attitudes.


There are some short you tube videos that are very informative about some events of special interest. They are “Outsider Reaction to Kirtland temple Deal” by David from 52 churches in 52 weeks, Doug Hatten “Kirtland Temple Sale—What does it Mean?”, and “Why Socialists want to Destroy western Civilization and Christianity”.

Last Saturday, we enjoyed a gardening tour and nice informal seminar at Julie and Dave Atkins’ Milkweed Farms. They had lots of healthy plants already growing. We’re looking forward to another tour later in the spring. Thanks Julie and Dave.


This will most likely be yard work for a lady that needs help. We will finalize the plan at the meeting.


Pray, worship, stock up while you can, rotate your stock, look up, and rejoice. You have an open invitation to investigate and fellowship with us.


For questions and comments, please contact or (816)-690-8464

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