Friday, April 3, 2020

Quiz Time April 3, 2020

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From: Paul Gage

Quiz Time April 3, 2020

Greetings Saints,

I trust the Lord is blessing you as we continue through this difficult time. As you know the children are not in school, many are working from home and a lot of business is being done with computers on line.

So, I thought I would do a Church History class on line. I will ask two questions and then give a home work assignment to be done between you and the Lord.

Question 1: Where is the monument, in Missouri, to the Three Witnesses of the Book of Mormon? I'm sure there were many who answered that question quickly. Good.

Question 2: Where is the monument, in Missouri, to the Eight Witnesses to the Book of Mormon? Did anyone know that one?

I have to admit that I didn't either until earlier this week. As you go north, from Independence, MO, on Highway 291 toward Liberty, MO. there is a bypass to the west side of Liberty called the South Liberty Parkway. As you follow that road, there are many side streets, housing editions and even a town called Glenaire, MO. Having traveled this area few times, I got on the computer to find other roads. As I did so, and enlarged the screen, something "jumped" out at me. It said, "Testimony of the Eight Witnesses and Zion's Camp Historical Monument."

I said, "That is not right!" The monument is in ________________ (your answer to Q 1 which is about 28 miles to the east, but there it was. So what was I to do, but go find out for myself? They were saying people could go out to parks and such.

And to my amazement, there it was! It was erected by the LDS Church in 2011. It is in a nice fenced in area with a picnic table and a family gravesite. There are no other facilities and only parking space for 2-4 cars, but worth the trip.

Anyone can pull this up on the computer by typing in the name listed.

The actual happenings on this plot of ground and surrounding area was in 1833-35 or so, when the Saints were being run out of Jackson County, MO.

Homework? Read Church History Volume 1, Chapters 16-18. Included in these chapters is an APPEAL the Saints made to local, state, and national government leaders.

Relax. No test.

And we think we have it bad with the virus.

Forward as desired.

This God is the God we Adore.

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