Thursday, November 10, 2022


 From: Zionworkz



These are some of the most exciting times to be born into. Despite living in a time when we’re hearing about and witnessing the destruction of life and souls by the evil on an unimaginable scale, we can see it as an age of real fulfillment of prophecy. We can expect to see more prophesy fulfilled and God’s mighty hand moving us toward the glorious Return. Here are some partial scriptures to investigate, awakening us to and revealing our time and condition: “…knowing the calamities coming on the earth…” D&C4:1a; “In consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men…” D&C86:11; “And behold…you cannot de-throne an iniquitous king save it be through much contention and the shedding of blood.”Mos. 13:28. The scriptural prophecies certainly become more clear as world and national events unfold.

We know Jesus will prevail, yet what must we endure and can we endure until then? What is required of us? Revelation 18:4 tells us “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her (Babylon), my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins and that ye RECEIVE NOT OF HER PLAGUES”. If we come out of the culture and the system of supply, sustenance and trade that we rely on for survival and well-being, and even personal identity, then does an actual alternative exist? Jesus told us “Yes” again, when he restored his gospel one hundred and ninety three years ago. He told us to become independent above all nations and to establish a means of independent life as a society, having a means of equitable interaction in goods, services and all things that bring personal and community fulfillment. The scriptures are full of historical examples and instructions on how to achieve this heaven on earth. An easy way to locate many of these key scriptures is to glance through the brief topical concordance at the end of the Preparedness Guide. Email for your copy, which will also include other vital information.

Zionworks' mission is to warn and instruct the saints to meet the need to thrive independently of the national and world socio-economic structure and destiny. This structure is also referred to as Babylon. The mission of Zionworks is to bring workers together so they can associate, cooperate and reinforce each other in this giant enterprise as directed by Christ. Our association with each other is intended, also, to unleash (rather than oppress) each person’s purpose, determination and energy. This is an action group answering the call to meet the need for the saints to be prepared for disasters and privations headed our way. This enterprise will result in a Zionic situation among saints and a place of safety and refuge for the oppressed and beleaguered of the world to gather to and a populace prepared for Christ's return. How desperately needed, now!

On a sad note, Ron gamble has passed away, and along with him, his testimony of his experience as a dedicated participant in the Havenwood/Nashua consecrated cooperative community. Others who were involved first-hand, please visit us and share your experiences and wisdom concerning this kind of endeavor.


Beef round roast, $1.50/pound in 2 ½ to 4 pound frozen packages or by the 40 pound case. Chicken 1/4s, 10 pounds for $7.50, dark meat, frozen. Contact Von Brotherton at 816-808-5065

Remember to stock up on all survival and convenience needs. Costs are escalating and the goods will become harder to get, or worse.

I came across this website, but haven’t had a chance to investigate its interesting resources, “LIFE, HOPE & TRUTH – Place of safety”


Zionworks next meeting will be this coming Sunday, November 13th at 2:00 pm at Waldo Avenue Restoration Branch, 819 Waldo Ave., Independence. Waldo invites you to visit their services. Family worship starts at 9:30 am, classes start at 9:45 and the preaching hour starts at 11:00. In the Zionworks meeting, we will be discussing and moving ahead on ways to actuate Zionic living, identifying present conditions including an interesting video, and the fun of fellowship and meeting new people. Bring any bartering items you think would think would be interesting and useful, you never know what you may want to barter for. Also bring any show-and-tell item you think would be interesting.


For any questions or comments you may have, please contact 816-690-8464, 816-694-2284 or


“If God is going to move a mountain, pick up your shovel.” Unknown

Very best to you and hoping to see you there,

Jim Huseby, preparedness chairman

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