Saturday, June 17, 2023

Preparing Together

 From: Gary Metzger

Preparing Together


As all of us are aware of the troublesome economic times ahead and the command to labor for Zion (2Nephi 11:09), it seems wisdom that we begin to share what basic skills we have to support an interdependent community.

This does not presume authority to act, but serves as a step to accumulate information that will soon be needed.

First, we would like to accumulate 1) names, 2) physical addresses and 3) e-mail addresses of those interested in working together.

With this information, we can begin a database, which will not be related to any one faction, but will be intended for those who share a common faith in Christ and a desire to establish the foundations of the holy city.

Second, please respond with skills (plumbing, electrical, farming, sewing, dental, nursing, etc.) that you possess, if you would be willing to barter, or trade those skills in exchange for other kinds of labor or goods.

There are already a number of people interested in taking this second step.

If you would like to be part of this effort, combining a data base with skills that you can offer, please send your information to Gary Metzger:

A Dream Given in Response to a group 3-day
Prayer & Fasting

We are all aware of needs to unify and work together. The ZionWorkz committee on May 14 agreed to a series of days of prayer at 9:30am, and then 3 days of fasting on May 19-21, as able, to ask the Lord, “What is the first step?” In the morning hours of Friday, May 19, between 4am and 5:30am, I had a dream. I saw a powerpoint presentation and the screen had 6 rectangles on it and within each one was one type of food product, in the same quantity as there were rectangles—representing a person’s stewardship and agreement to work together.

In one rectangle, I saw 6 wheat stalks. In another, 6 corn stalks. In another, 6 of beans, etc. Each rectangle represents a person/family who brings these to the group, to support themselves and the others. The group exists to work together and can expand as more people/products are included. Then I awoke.

This is the principle of sharing together without money or price. It is a way of becoming interdependent and independent of the world; a first step towards Zion. Rock Harbor Church in Bakersfield, CA is establishing a Marketplace - a Farmer’s Market to buy products, within the body of Christ. Thus in the future, it can be by barter. We can do the same here. It is the basic pattern of Zionic life.

Please be aware of the need in this hour. It is time to take preparatory steps to be prepared together.

1) Be alert for news about an ESG score (Environmental – Social – Governance: used to control corporate financing. This could become individual in the future.)
2) Be alert for a Social Credit Score, which is currently in China. This could impact our ability to get financing.
3) Be alert for Central Bank Digital Currency. There is a pilot project in Brazil this month, involving Microsoft, VISA and a total of 14 participants to evaluate a Digital Currency and issues of privacy and programming. A Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) could eventually provide government control of your $.
4) There is a development Bank called BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) which is gaining participants and is pursuing a united monetary currency. This could increase difficulty for value of the US$.

It is yet day. Let us come together as wise stewards, and not sleeping virgins.

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