Saturday, October 24, 2020

November 2020 Australian Restoration News


From: Noel Rowlatt



                                                                                                        OCTOBER.  2020.

                                                                                           NOVEMBER  2020..

Around and About the Centre Place   by High Priest Paul J. Gage, Independence, Missouri


   November greetings to all the wonderful Saints in the land down under. It is hard to believe that we only have two more months in 2020. This has certainly been a most unusual year in many ways, with the virus pandemic and all that that has involved, so many changes in regular activities and so on. Many spiritual things have been happening also. The Solemn Assembly sponsored by the Conference of Restoration Elders Sept 27, 2020 was a very unique experience from which we have not yet seen all the results. I'm sure you know that Australia and Papaua New Guinea had national events of repentance and prayer  Jonathan Cahn, the Messianic Jew held a Sacred Assembly in Washington DC and Franklin Graham, son of Billy Graham held a Prayer March, also in Washington DC the same weekend as the CRE Solemn Assembly. So what does it ll means? It means that it is high time each of us makes sure our relationship with Jesus is what it needs to be. Read Romans 13:10-14 for a reference to "high time."


   As a singing group, years ago, sang, "For the times, they are a changing" many people of the world and the USA in particular are anxious about the presidential election. It seems to be a general conclusion that regardless of the election outcome there could be major upheavals in America that may affect the whole world. Only God knows at this point, so we trust Him with all our hearts and lean not on our own understanding.


   The one area in our lives that should only change for the better and grow stronger every day, is our relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ. As long as we work diligently to keep that relationship steadfast and sure, we can handle what the adversary and/or the world throws at us. We have a hymn entitled, "O God, Our Help, in ages past, our Hope for years to come." speaks of time as an ever rolling stream that carries everything away. But our hope is in Jesus Christ and He has a plan for all of us, while on this earth, and in the here-after.


   Another hymn, "Father, When In Love to Thee," speaks of time- that is, our stewardship of time. It asks God to forgive us for the "times we've stood, for the things of lesser good. And for stewardship of time, we have spent, unlinked with thine." Many times, we all complain, and say, "I don't have enough time!" I have heard several references to Elbert A. Smith and Arthur Oakman, who, when men of the priesthood complained about working all day and coming home to take care of things around the house, and so forth and thus did not have time to perform their priesthood duties, The response was, All those men you work with have the same obligations you have, and they still find time to go to the bars, sports events, etc. "People do what they want to do." If I don't want to go to church, the slightest little thing can keep me away. On the other hand, if I want to go to church, there is essentially nothing, within my own power and agency, that can keep me away. The same applies to every aspect of our lives, fasting, praying, study, visiting, etc.

Some will say, "Yes, that's ok, for you, but you don't know my circumstances. That is totally true, BUT God knows your circumstances and another line of that hymn states, "In the midst of sin and strife, teach us how to live a life, marked by graces of new birth. Worthy of Thy Saints on earth."


   November is the month of Thanksgiving in many countries. We should always offer daily prayers to God in thanksgiving for His continual care, guidance, and love. I Corinthians 15:57 ": But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."  I Thessalonians 5:18 "IN EVERYTHING give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."


   Fall events are taking place around the Centre area, but many things are still limited by restrictions due to the virus fall out.   Praise God, we can still do live stream and Zoom services. All the Sunday morning services at Waldo are live streamed, as well as several other branches. You can generally go to the website of  any branch by typing in the name of the branch and location. A goodly number of Restoration Branches have websites.


   Center Place Restoration School, (CPRS) is off to a good, but limited start in another school year. The enrollment in K-12 is near 200 students. It is one of the very few Christian schools still operating in the Independence area. Great remodelling is about to take place in the sanctuary and foyer of the building.


   The Missionary Boards are all functioning well, but again limited due to world conditions. There has been a mission to Kenya recently by some priesthood from Salem, Oregon. Elder Eric Odida, from Kenya was able to come over for the Solemn Assembly and will be returning home about November 1, 2020. The work in most areas continues to function under the leadership of local ministers. Doug Smith is now living in Kenya and working toward establishing a medical clinic there.

So, God be with you till we meet again.

Riches from the Scriptures            by Elder Neil Kerswell, Queensland, Australia.    Vol 4 Chapter 15

Testimony Corey & Emma’s Wedding

Since we met last, a lot has happened in our life, My daughter Emma and her Fiance Corey were married recently, it was a beautiful day. I performed their marriage service and was very thankful to Elder Gary Melling who took the lead until the giving away of Emma when I could take my place up front. All who shared throughout the experience did a great job. I personally was very grateful for the laying on of hands during the week before which I received under Brother Gary, I had been struggling with all we have been through in recent times and desperately needed a blessing, so I could be open as needed to the leadings of the Holy Ghost. From the time he laid on his hands I felt peace throughout my being. This special peace was there up until and during the wedding service. My daughter Emma told me the service met every need she had ever hoped for in her wedding service and one of Coreys relatives told me it was the best marriage service he had ever heard in his life, along with many other kind words from other guests. Let it suffice to say, Christ was there because two or more were gathered in the name of Jesus Christ out of love for Corey and Emma.

Before the Wedding day, I had a dream where I was looking down on the marriage service as it unfolded, I listened to the words for what seemed a period of  time (not all) and had joy in my heart, as I listened the service at that time was testimony based, which is something I have never done before in a wedding service and it just worked, the dream ended and I thought, I need to change the service to include testimony of God’s almighty goodness in the lives of people. There were so many came to mind, so in my notes I just had Testimony where I thought it might fit. On the day as it got to that point I felt to share a united testimony that Corey’s mother Leanne and I had as youth in Zions League, many years ago, where we were in two different vehicles as passengers with two brothers driving each vehicle. We crossed paths at an intersection and a terrible accident took place, the vehicle I was in was pushed back to the Firewall and the engine was under the vehicle, I came out of it with a cut forehead which bled for about 10 to 15 minutes, I was led by someone out to the side of the road where I bled into the gutter until it stopped. Once over the shock and that sick feeling you get when injured. I walked across to look at the vehicle Leanne had been in and found where she had been sitting didn’t exist anymore, the side of the car was smashed back to about halfway looking like a half moon. I had seen Leanne walking and knew she was visibly OK, but wondered how could she have possibly survived this, where was she after the hit? But was so very grateful to God she was alive.

It wasn’t at that time but at a later date, Leanne told me she felt like a cushion of air lifted her out of her seat and placed her either on or beside the driver. I mentioned in the service that Corey would not be standing here this day marrying my daughter if God had not preserved the life of his mother so many years ago and I thought but did not say at the time “and mine”.

The added witness came later on in the evening when Leanne did her speech which contained her testimony of the accident we both survived as youth, which harmonised with mine and had some extra details as seen through her experience, she added it was no surprise that our children should someday find each other and marry after being their lifetimes apart (wording as best I can remember).

Corey although very nervous did really well especially in his speech at the end of the night. I was proud of him. In fact all the speeches were heart felt and some extremely funny. I was pleased to hear some guests say when saying goodbye to others at the end of the night, it was a great wedding from start to finish.

Now things didn’t always go smoothly, the original date for the wedding was back in May this year but due to the Virus, Covid 19, all gatherings were made against the law and the venue had to cancel, even the day it happened was uncertain due to a couple of Covid cases in Brisbane and Ipswich I think it was. We didn’t count it as certain until getting ready on the day. There were other things which also were problems to be overcome leading up until the time of the wedding. However without reservation I can say now our Daughter’s wedding day from her parents point of view went very well and was a blessing to all who attended, we now pray for them every day as a married couple, amazing how life changes along the way.

As Brother Gary Melling said on the day, I hope this day inspires those of you who have made a covenant in marriage, to think back to your day and the promises you made for life.

May you all be blessed in the name of Christ, Amen

                   FOR  THE  SCATTERED  SAINTS  OF  AUSTRALIA           Sr Monique Hummel -

Co-Ordinator of this page.

A Personal Message  - by Monique Hummel

This month marks the 5th Anniversary of living in our home. Much pain and heartache brought us here.

  While studying a course in Dementia (my area of work), students were asked to consider the importance of our surroundings, particularly at home, and how they might be relevant to someone suffering Dementia. We were each asked to stand in turn and describe to the class our style or 'taste' when it came to decorating our home. As each person stood, I became more fearful and confused about how I could describe my home in one collective word.

  The statements coming sounded so interesting and distinctive - "Eclectic, Modern, Retro, Contemporary."  The more I thought about it, the more I realized that I had no idea what these words really meant when it came to home decorating and I was grateful that I was last in line and had more time to come up with an interesting answer.

   When my turn came, I still had nothing, and fearfully I stood and tried to explain that I could not describe my home in one collective word. My lecturer then asked,  "How did you select the furniture you have?" As I thought about my answer I came to realize that everything I have, has been a gift. from my Parents and Siblings, to Aunts, Uncles and Cousins, Friends and Church Family. I have everything I need. I was given the furniture I have in my home, or money to purchase it, and for this I am so very thankful. My home is a gift. A wonderful, loving gift. Each room holds gifts and memories of love and support, with my Grandfather's paintings sprinkled all around.

  Thank you to everyone who has supported us along our journey - 'tis Grace that brought me safe thus far'.'

The following hymn has long been a favourite of mine, but has come to have great personal meaning to me.

           AMAZING   GRACE

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,..That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found, …….Was blind, but now I see.
T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear..And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear …..The hour I first believed.
Through many dangers, toils and snares…I have already come;
'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far...and Grace will lead me home.
The Lord has promised good to me………His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be,………… As long as life endures.
Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,...And mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess within the veil, …………… A life of joy and peace.
When we've been here ten thousand years.. Bright shining as the sun.
We've no less days to sing God's praise…Than when we've first begun.
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,…That saved a wretch like me.

I once was lost but now am found,……… blind, but now I see.   


The Transforming Power of Gratitude

‘In everything give thanks…this is the will of God.’  ~~ 1 Thessalonians 5:18


   Giving thanks infuses joy and resilience into your daily life. British theologian John Henry Jowett said, ‘Every virtue divorced from thankfulness is maimed and limps along the spiritual road.’ Without gratitude your faith becomes a hollow religious practice, and your love for others crashes and burns, leaving you feeling drained of joy and acting like a martyr. When Paul says, ‘In everything give thanks…this is the will of God,’ he’s not saying every circumstance you encounter is necessarily God’s will.   Pastor Jack Hayford observes: ‘In every insurance policy is this provision, “except it be an act of God,” and culturally defined, [they’re] the worst things that happen. I’ve heard people interpret it, “Well, whatever happens is the will of God…give thanks…and praise God”…The Bible doesn’t say everything is God designed…it says in it, through it, and beyond it He can work good…“The will of God in Christ” is that we give thanks and praise God in the middle of it. 

  Why, because we feel good? No, but because praying without ceasing introduces a song of praise into the situation…Muddling and praying our way through the best we can isn’t going to be good enough. Whereas the best He can make of it will be something that will bring the reason the Bible tells us “in everything give thanks”.’

  Bottom line: in any given set of circumstances you can choose to whine or choose to worship – and you can’t worship without giving thanks!



Day Light Saving commenced at 2 am on Sunday 4th October 2020.  Qld stays on EST so our meeting times have to be adjusted as follows for each state:   Please note your time schedule




Daylight Saving Times:


SUNDAY: NSW / VICTORIA / ACT  11-00 am;  QLD 10.00 am; STH AUST  10.30 am; W.AUST   8-00 am


Streamed on-line Church Services Scheduled for NOVEMBER, 2020.

Sunday Services at 10.00 a.m..EST.................................................Prayer Services 6-30 p.p. EST

Sun  1st     Sacrament.....LOCAL AREA SERVICES..........................Wed.   4th       Elder Danny Archer

Sun. 8th    Preaching  Elder  Neville Churchill........................... ...Wed.  11th      Priest Glenn Kerswell

Sun. 15th  Preaching  Elder  Noel Rowlatt.....................................Wed.  18th ­     .Elder Peter Archer

Sun. 22nd   Preaching  Elder  Danny Archer.................................. .Wed.  25th       Priest Peter Churchill

Sun. 29th . Preaching  Elder  Peter Archer

To join and share in this group activity all you need to do is email Elder Danny Archer in Sydney and register and he will give you the instructions on how to get connected. You must have internet  to access this service.


Church of Jesus Christ Restoration Branch--Kelvin View-- Euroa.  Pastor; Elder Murray Broughton

20-9-2020. Church at Kelvin View Hall.

                  Preaching Service on Commandments and Works. 

23-9-2020. Evening  Prayer and Testimony service on line lead by Elder Murray Broughton..

27-9-2020. Church at Kelvin View Hall

                   Study on Third Nephi Chapter 4. with Hymns and Prayers-also for Cornish family, and Harper

                   family and extended family the Saints.

30-9-2020. Bible Study with Linda Jukes and Delma Broughton..

                    John 12: 44-50.  John 15: 10-16,   John  3: 16-24. Acts  Chapter 12.

                    Evening Prayer and Testimony Service  led by Elder Neville Churchill.

4-10-2020.Church on line, Preacher Elder Danny Archer.

7-10-2020. Bible Study in our Home ,Study on Prayer.

                     11 Chronicles 7: 14, Psalm 55: 16 v 17. Matthew  6:  6, Luke 21: 36.1 Timothy 2: 5.

,                   Philippians 4: 4-7   Matthew 15: 7 , Matthew 13: 56 , Matthew 7: 30.

11-10-2020  Church at Kelvin View Hall.

                    The Sacrament Service  on Christ and Thy Holy Spirit, Freely Given ,    

                     1 Corinthians 2:  9-16, Revelations  21: 1-8.

                    He that overcometh shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be my son.

                   Revelations 21: 7.

14-10-2020. Bible Study in our Home. Acts Chapter 16.

                    Evening Prayer and Testimony Service on line, led by Elder Murray Broughton..

18-10-2020. Church Service on line - Preacher Priest Peter Churchill, assisted by Elder Mark Churchill U S A .

                    Please remember Elder Ace N DeVera in your prayers. He also needs an operation and financial

                    help. We have been doing this for others in need of help, as well as computers  for their work at

                    home because of this Virus.                                                               Murray Broughton


Tamworth News                                                                                        submitted by Sr.Helen Archer

We are really delighted to see our Brothers and Sisters online and enjoy the ministry  on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings.

The Services have been uplifting and Challenging.

Birthdays       David Archer  13th November     Danny Archer 24th November 


Disposal of Australian Church Car

The Church car is in a state where it would have to be replaced, so it has been decided that it is best to dispose of it at this time.

We would like to express our sincere thanks to those who have contributed and Brother Peter Archer who has willingly accepted the responsibility of servicing and maintaining the vehicle, from the time that we first purchased a Church car.


Please include in your daily prayers the following people who are in need of a blessing                                                     Gwen Whately,     Alma & Janice Kerswell      Audrey Kerswell              Michael & Patty Fulton ,   

Gary Rowlatt,       Ellen Sheppard,                   Olive Melling,                    Elder Ace N DeVera


                        CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST RESTORATION BRANCH,  KINGSTON                                  

17-19 Juers Street, Kingston, Queensland.      Pastor: Elder Alma Kerswell. Phone 07 3800 1151


Sun.  1st.            10.00 a.m.     COMMUNION SERVICE. Elder A.Kerswell Priest G. Kerswell

                                                Musical Item for Service:  Linda Myers 

                          11.10 a.m.     Testimony Service, “What Christ means to me” Elder N.Rowlatt


        Wed  4th.    Prayer Meeting.   Elder DannyArcher

Sun.  8th.         10.00 a.m.         PREACHING SERVICE. Elder N.Churchill

                                                  (Including Family Worship with Neville & Del Churchill)

                                                  Musical Item for Service: Rebecca & Gary Melling

                                                   (Live streamed out)

                        11.10 a.m.         Class:  Priest G. Kerswell


         Wed  11th.     Prayer Meeting.    Priest Glenn Kerswell

Sun.   15th.      10.00 a.m.       PREACHING SERVICE.    Elder Noel Rowlatt

                                                Including Family Worship wtth Cathy Mlling & Jillian Maas}

                                                (Live streamed out)

11.10 a.m.       Class.  Elder G. Melling


          Wed  18th.     Prayer Meeting.     Elder Peter Archer

Sun.   22nd.         10.00 a.m.   PREACHING SERVICE.  Elder Danny Archer

                                                 ( Live streamed in)

                        11.10 a.m.       Class.  Elder G. Melling


          Wed  25th.    Prayer Meeting.     Priest Peter Churchill

Sun.   29th.       10.00 a.m.      PREACHING SERVICE.  Elder Peter Archer

                                                 ( Live streamed in)

                        11.10 a.m.       Class.  Elder G. Melling



Happy Birthday Wishes to the following people who celebrate thir Birthday in November.          

9th. George Parker     17th. Jessica VanGenderen     26th. Jacob Melling.    28th. Glenn Kerswell

Branch A.G.M. The Secretary needs to have Branch Officers’ Reports in by 15th of November to allow time for the minutes for our AGM to be printed and distributed. Our AGM is scheduled for Sunday 6th December, after the Communion Service.

The Branch Christmas Lunch is planned for Sunday 13th December.


Conributions to the Australian Restoration News need to come by the 20th of the month and must be submitted by email if possible. Email details are Phone contact: 07 3824 8386            

We would love to have contributions from isolated members in Australia; articles or testimonies or just greetings. We would also like to hear from American saints who have ministered in Australia.                       

Postal details are as follows: Noel Rowlatt, 6 Wetheral Place, Alexandra Hills. Q4161

Editor  Elder Noel Rowlatt                    Assistant  Editor    Gary Rowlatt


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