Thursday, December 10, 2020



From: Paul Gage


Greetings to all the Saints around the world,

As is often said in baseball, "He's rounding third and heading home." It seems that is where we are in the year 2020. Perhaps we can say, "We are rounding out the year and heading for ZION!"
Zion is certainly the only hope for this world. Some have been sharing in the Sixty Days Toward Zion study guide. This study guide emphasizes the hymns in our hymnal that pertain to Zion. Zion will not come automatically to those not desiring it or not prepared for it. We must be a people who live in obedience to all of  God's laws and commandments.

As one author states, Obedience is the Celestial Law! We can search all of our scriptures and point out examples of those who suffered in some form or fashion because they were not obedient to God's commandments. That might make us "feel better about ourselves," but does not remove the responsibility we have to "Seek Ye First to build up the Kingdom of God and to establish His righteousness." Matthew 6:38 Is that statement by Jesus Christ our first priority? How do we or can we "establish His righteousness?" By living a righteous life in obedience to His commandments. The "cause of Zion" is the righteousness of God's people.

Life can be hard. Jesus tells us in Matthew 11:29, " yoke is easy and my burden is light." We might say, but Lord, we are dealing with the virus, many Saints have had it and some have died, wickedness in high places, even our own governments, we've even seen it in the church, the love of man waxing very cold... and Jesus says,..."Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.." Jesus IS the way, the truth and the life.

In the midst of all these things and many more, we are called to live above the world. We can do that by faithfully practicing virtue and holiness continually DC 46:9 and disciplining ourselves to diligent efforts of fasting, mighty prayer, studying to show ourselves approved and living as Jesus commanded, "Do the things ye have seen me do."

Jesus says in Luke 14:28, " Wherefore settle this in your hearts, that ye will do the things which I shall teach, and command you." All of God's commandments are for our own good, so why do we "fight against obedience?" Man is a natural enemy to  God and so we are called to overcome the carnality of life and simply submit to God. It really is simple, but as from the Garden, and as a song said, "I did it my way." Thus we have a time of probation to determine what we will do with Jesus. In Alma 19, Alma gives some excellent counsel to his wayfaring son, Corianton and lays it all on the line in verses 112-114.

We have been singing or reading hymns such as, "Onward to Zion," "Come Unto Zion," "Prayer for Zion," "Zion's Victory Song," "A Call to Zion," "Glorious things are Sung of Zion," and are into Day 14. We are called to live for Zion every day as if we were in Heaven. It is a strong challenge: Are we up to the challenge and will we individually, as families, branches and "the church" be any closer in December of 2021? It is up to us, starting now. Please know that these words of encouragement are for each of us, even the priesthood. 

God Bless
Paul Gage

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