Friday, February 25, 2022


From: Muriel Luedeman


Hello, Initiative and Unity Center Friends,

A brief update on needs, happenings and volunteer opportunities:
Saturday, February 26, 8-10am" Meal Prep for Beloveds, Unity Center, 803 W. 23rd Street.

Donations of backpacks, blankets, coats, hats, boots, tents, food, and gallon size ziploc bags are greatly appreciated for serving the Beloveds. As soon as backpacks come in, they go out. God's Bucket Brigade received 27 backpacks last week from a group partner and passed them along to the Unity Center last week. 

Over 2000 meals are distributed to the Beloveds each month, as well as monthly medical clinics.

Chyrs Sevic's Three Trails Neighborhood Care Group, (IIAW's First Neighborhood Transformation Care Group), is actively pursuing creating a CID, Community Improvement District, to add curbs and sidewalks in their neighborhood, 25th Street from Crysler Avenue to Scott Street. Costs are added to property taxes of the designated CID, and are spread over 20 years. If you are interested in more information on CIDs, contact your city councilman. TTNCG focuses on trash pickup in their area and getting to know each other through monthly meetings and social events.

Penny and Mark Browning have opened their home to community creating events. Penny hosts a women's chat every Thursday at 11am. To reach Penny, her email is, 816-812-8102. Her address is 12011 E. 37th Street S, Independence, MO. She also has started a community dinner night which is growing in number. She is working on how to accommodate more neighbors. More information on her work later. Feel free to call her with questions on creating community in your area.

If anyone is interested in forming a Neighborhood Transformation Care Group, contact me, Muriel Luedeman, for information. 

Pastor Billy shared his testimony and vision for unity in the body of Christ at Living Hope Restoration Church February 20th, and the work going on with the IIAW and the Unity Center. Living Hope is stepping into neighborhood and community ministry. The leadership team of the IIAW is willing to speak to all groups who are interested in helping the unhoused Beloveds, neighborhood transformation, and widows. Contact me, Muriel Luedeman, at

From Muriel Luedeman:
The Holy Spirit showed me a scene Friday morning, February 18th. I saw Jesus skipping stones across a still lake. These stones represent God's sons and daughters as they are moved by His Spirit to do His Kingdom building work. The IIAW, Team Jesus, Billy's Dream Center Faith Campus on Liberty Street are some of those endeavors started by one person in touch with the Holy Spirit. One believer connects with another and soon there is an army. God's sons and daughters are stones specially shaped individually and collectively to begin a work which creates other works, skipping many times in the hands of the Master. Jesus isn't looking for the pretty stones. It's the size and shape He's after to be His 'Skipping Stones". This is how God magnifies His glory in and through his servants. This means that even the smallest effort of a believer can affect and change everything for the better.
As I thought about this vision discribing what is happening in the city, the words came to me, "We are created to create, and we are, in part, what we create, and we are meant to create collectively." I praise God and thank Him for creating you and placing us all here at this time to make positive difference toward Divine Transformation of this city.

May today be a day of powerful blessing and glory to God for and through Living Hope.  

Muriel Luedeman
816 726 8425

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