CPCT Newsletter |
Bacon, Ham, and Brown Sugar |
I have peppered bacon, and regular thin sliced bacon, 15 lb boxes for $35 a case. I have brown cane sugar in 2 lb bags for $1.75 a bag, and 5 Hormel hams, just over 5 lbs a piece for $15. Please call me if you are interested. Thank You, Von Brotherton |
Sponsored by the Conference of Restoration Elders - Open to all Believers On April 6, 2024, we will gather as a body to come before the Lord in repentance. This assembly is open to anyone who is willing to come before the Lord in a most humble, reverent, and repentant spirit, willing to ask God to forgive us as a collective body. In the Solemn Assembly in September 2020, we prayed for PERSONAL repentance– “I Repent”. Now, we come together to pray for CORPORATE repentance– “WE Repent”. We invite all to come before God as a people, and repent, with the hope that we will take a step toward becoming a people of Zion. In Zion, they were of ‘one heart and one mind’. In the New Testament, on the day of Pentecost, they were in ‘one accord’. How can we see Zion fulfilled in our day? Please come. Please come prepared with a broken heart and a contrite spirit. Come unto Jesus. Location: Overflow Location: |
Zoom Participation: Downloadable Bulletin Inserts: |
Obituary for Billy Albert Fountain |
Billy Albert Fountain was born March 8, 1936 to Marvin and Dessie Fountain. Bill graduated from earth on February 5 th 2024. He grew up in Southard, Oklahoma and graduated from While stationed in Maine, he developed a pen pal whom he later married. He married Janice Elaine Norris on July 30, 1960, which was the beginning of almost 56 years of marriage until she passed away on January 30, 2016. Together they lived in Lamoni, IA; Wichita, Douglas and Olathe, KS; Enid, and North Enid, Ok; Independence, Blue Springs, Raytown, and Gower, MO. Bill Fountain worked as a fireman in Wichita and graduated from Wichita State University with a teaching degree in Industrial Arts. However, after teaching at William Chrisman High School, Independence, he also worked as a customer service representative at KCP&L, a petroleum landman, a sales manager for BTM, a janitor for Fort Osage school district and a dental delivery driver. Bill was a minister everywhere he went, broke up a fight between youths at K-Mart, stopped a robbery at a Denny’s, and de-escalated a fight between rival gangs in a movie theater parking lot. Dad and Mom’s passion throughout their lives was the Gospel. Dad loved everyone he met. Those preceding Bill in death were his parents Marvin and Dessie Fountain, his brother, Keith, 2 sisters, June and Lou, and his wife, Janice (Norris) Fountain. He is survived by his brothers Bob and Roy, sister Leola, two children Sona Holder (husband, Eric) and Craig Fountain (wife, Christie), grandchildren Chris Holder, Jessica Hoog (husband, Benjamin), Sean Holder (wife, Nachelle), Jacob Fountain (wife, Havilah), Joseph Fountain (wife, Margaret), Anna Dickman (husband, Christopher), Emma Rutenschroer (husband, Austin), and Joshua Fountain. Great He will be remembered as a loving father, grandfather and great-grandfather, a cheater in cards (so that his opponent(s) could win), a great friend, and minister to all. He would want everyone to know to “seek ye first the kingdom of God,” that he “had a good life” and that he “will be waiting for you”. |
A public memorial service will be held March 9th at 10:00 a.m. at Living Hope Restoration Branch |
Joseph Robert Bates Joseph Robert “Bob” Bates, Sr, age 92, of Independence, Missouri, passed away peacefully on February 15, 2024, surrounded by family and loved ones. Services were held at 4 PM Sunday, February 25, 2024, at the Church of Jesus Christ Saint’s Haven Restoration Branch. Visitation were prior to the service at 3 PM. In lieu of flowers, the family requests contributions in his name to the Saints Haven Oblation Fund. Contributions may be sent to Saints Haven c/o Rowena Hughes, Treasurer 2611 S Baker Rd Independence, MO 64057 “Joseph Robert Bates Memorial”. And Boy Scouts of America Heart of America Camp scholarship fund. https://www.hoac-bsa.org/friends-of-scouting. Bob was born February 6, 1932, to Joseph Bates and Alice Loie (nee:Levitt) (Kilpatrick) Bates in Senlac, Saskatchewan, Canada. The family immigrated to the United States in 1937, settling in Milan, Michigan. Joseph Robert Bates was baptized into covenant with Jesus Christ September 14, 1941, in Azalia, Michigan, Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. In 1942 the family relocated to Independence, Missouri. A life long scout, Bob achieved the God and Country Award and Eagle Scout in 1947. He was ordained a deacon in 1949 and graduated from William Chrisman High School 1950. Bob married Margaret “Marge” Josephine (Robertson) Bates July 9, 1951. To this union was born 4 children, Joseph Robert Jr, David Michael, Mary Alice, and Barbara Ellen. Bob and Marge both served in the Air Force with the historical distinction that they were the first Air Force couple to be stationed together overseas in Wiesbaden, Germany. Bob served his country in the United States Air Force from 1951 - 1971. Among his assignments were Maxwell AFB Montgomery, AL; Lackland AFB & Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, TX; Wiesbaden Air Base, Germany; Wheelex AFB Tripoli, Libya; England AFB Alexandria, LA; Moore AFB, Mission, TX; Webb AFB Big Springs, TX; Moody AFB, Valdosta, GA; North Tonawanda, NY; Loring AFB Limestone, ME; Elmendorf AFB Anchorage, AK; Naha AFB Okinawa, Japan. Some highlights in service to his country were his completion of 4 years of college, becoming a fighter pilot and achieving the rank of captain. While stationed at Loring AFB in Maine, Bob flew his F-106 at Mach-2, twice the speed of sound. At Elmendorf AFB Anchorage, AK, Bob flew F-102s, was ordained an Elder and pastored the Anchorage, Alaska, RLDS church. He helped his F-102 Delta Dagger unit, the 317th, win the Hughes trophy for the best fighter interceptor squad in the US Air Force, three times. Stationed at Naha AFB Okinawa, Bob was pastor of the RLDS congregation and flew dry milk in his bomber bay to the Saint’s mother and child clinic in Korea. Joseph Robert Bates, Sr, was honorably discharged from the Air Force in 1971 and relocated his family to Independence, Missouri. He built a home at 614 N Delaware St, was active in the neighborhood council, and was a CPR instructor. Bob’s hobbies included singing in a Barbershop quartet, running marathons for charity, and photography. He had his own photography business with a photo lab in his basement and worked for 15 years as a photographer for Enterprise Engraving in Kansas City. Margaret Josephine Robertson Bates died August 5, 1990, of cancer in Independence, Missouri. At a William Chrisman HS class reunion Bob met a former classmate, Katherine Louise (Shakespeare) Shoemaker and they were married December 1, 1990. In this union his family increased with Lynnette, Greg, and Dana. “Bobby” and Kaye embarked on a life of adventure traveling from sea to sea across the United States. They also visited Mexico, Canada, the British Isles, Italy, Germany, and followed the Rhine from Amsterdam to Budapest. Bob enjoyed camping with family and vacations to Branson, which they frequented enough that the personnel knew them by name. Bob was especially pleased to share his dedication to scouting with his grandsons and mentor them in military careers. Bob and Kaye fellowshipped with their faith family at Saints Haven Restoration Branch and enjoyed many friends at the Apple Tree Condominiums. Bob was proceeded in death by his first wife Marge, his father Joseph, mother Alice, sister Patricia Loie Reese (Don), and his half brothers and sisters: Evelyn Brandt (William), Mariam Nelson (Jerry), Elinor Myers (Vern), Raymond Kilpatrick (Carol), and Donald Kilpatrick (Dorothy). He is survived by his children: Joseph Robert Bates, Jr (Sandra); David Michael Bates (Karen); Mary Alice Bates-Hegner; Barbara Ellen Bates-Miller and stepchildren Lynnette Calder (Dale); Gregory Shoemaker (Jennifer); and Dana Shelton (Mark). As well as 20 grand-children: Jason Bates (Megan), Jacob Bates, Jerah Nordeen (Monte), Joseph Micah Bates (Jami), Jonah Bates (Morgan), Jesiah Hawley-Bates (Savannah), Phoenix Hegner, Nathaniel Hegner, Megan Burgess (Andy), Forrest Hegner, Joshua Dreher (Cheyenne), Tabetha Painter (Dylan), T Christopher Miller (Brooke), Cameron Calder (Tiffany), Caleb Calder (Thea), Aubrey Troiola (Angelo), G. Curtis Shoemaker (Jaycee), Ashley Marcano (Evan), Megan Shelton, Madison Shelton, and 20 great-grandchildren. We celebrate a life well lived and a great legacy left behind. |
Sacred Hymns Orchestrated CD for sale! |
This is one in a series of Sacred Hymn CDs. Get it at the Restoration Bookstore, 915 E. 23rd St. S., Independence, MO 64055; (816) 461-5659; http://www.restorationbookstore.org I believe that the best way to sell something is to give a free sample. Please email me for an mp3 of the first track. Thank you, Mark Colville |
Healing Hearts Meeting in March 2024
Sunday, March 10, 2024 at 2:30 PM
Sunday, March 24, 2024 at 2:30 PM
Colbern Road Restoration Branch
9525 Lake Lotawana Road, Gate 2
Lee’s Summit MO 64063
"And again, blessed are they that mourn; for they shall be comforted.” Matthew 5:6
Colbern Road Restoration Branch will be hosting a Healing Heart Meeting for those who are currently a widow or widower, church affiliation does not matter. Hope you will join us and let your heart begin to be healed.
Any questions, please contact:
Jeanie Marsh
In Need of Vehicle |
We desperately need a car for my family. My brother who lives with me requires work transportation. Please contact me: |
Kingdom greetings to all those living in the Kingdom of God,
Some might say, “Well, doesn’t that include everybody?” Not unless you truly believe you are living in the Kingdom of God. That is a matter decided on by each individual and God. Like so many other things, everybody has their own perspective. There are actually many “kingdoms” in existence. Some interesting statistics: In the Old Testament, while there are many references to “kingdoms,” there are very, very few references to the kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Heaven. However, in the New Testament, since Jesus came to preach and teach the “Gospel of the Kingdom,” there are 160 references to the Kingdom of God/Heaven. Fifteen of the twenty seven New Testament books mention the Kingdom of God/Heaven. One hundred eleven times is the Kingdom mentioned just in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Eleven of the fifteen books in the Book of Mormon make references to the Kingdom, while sixty two sections in the Doctrine and Covenants speak of the Kingdom. It must be vital to each of us.
It is well known that where there is a kingdom, there must be a king and subjects of the king. The members/subjects/servants of the king are expected to obey the king’s commandments or suffer the consequences. Things naturally go better for members of a kingdom when they are in total obedience to the King. How many times in all the scriptures does God say, “If you will, I will,” or “When you will, then I will.” One very good example is Doctrine and Covenants 81:3 a “And again, I say unto you, I give unto you a new commandment, that you may understand my will concerning you; or, in other words, I give unto you directions how you may act before me, that it may turn to you for your salvation. b I, the Lord, am bound when ye do what I say; but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise.”
Notice the wording? Directions on how to act for our salvation.
How do we know if we are living in the Kingdom of God or even trying to live in His Kingdom? One writer put it this way,”When you are under His Lordship/Kingship and when He is in control of your life, THAT IS THE KINGDOM OF GOD. So the major questions we should ask ourselves 24/7 Am I? And Is He? Anytime we cannot answer yes to those two questions, we need to speedily repent and seek His forgiveness.
The major downfall of “Christians, Saints, etc” is that we generally want to be the “Ruler” in our little kingdom, rather than submitting to God and living under His authority in His Kingdom. From Doctrine and Covenants 102:9 a “But firstly, let my army become very great; and let it be sanctified before me, that it may become fair as the sun and clear as the moon, and that her banners may be terrible unto all nations, b that the kingdoms of this world may be constrained to acknowledge that the kingdom of Zion is in very deed the kingdom of our God and his Christ; therefore, let us become subject unto her laws.”
The sentence in the “Lord’s Prayer,” “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth, AS IT IS DONE IN HEAVEN,” is not an idle phrase. There are at least ten parables in the New Testament that speak of “The Kingdom.” See if you can find them.
God Bless
Paul Gage
Our Personal Testimony that
God is Calling All to Come Deeper to Him
I am just a voice, even likened unto a mail carrier, sharing a message. A message for groups, but even more a message for each individual. A message of love, compassion and hope. Please consider the message. This is about the message and He who the invitation originates from and not about the messenger or messengers. This is an invitation, a deeper call to God’s people to come closer, come deeper, to feel the aching of the heart of God for His people. Come deeper and cry out to God like never before, to see and acknowledge His weeping over His people and Zion as did Enoch. (Genesis 7:35 IV And it came to pass, that the God of heaven looked upon the residue of the people, and wept; and Enoch bore record of it, … And Enoch said unto the Lord, How is it that thou canst weep, seeing thou art holy, and from all eternity to all eternity?...44 Wherefore should not the heavens weep, seeing these shall suffer?) God’s response was an expression of His Great Love for His People and all His Creation (Genesis 7:44 IV). The invitation is to weep with Him, to travail with Him and to co-labor with Him.
Some Pastors and Leaders have responded and have shared this invitation with their congregations, but many of God’s People have not yet heard the invitation. Please pray about sharing this. It does not matter how it is shared or spread. I pray all God’s people will experience the Lord’s Call to them personally and will take it seriously. The invitation is “Come Deeper”. May our response be “Here am I Lord, call me deeper, draw me deeper so that I may feel and experience your heart for your people and truly love your people through the Power of Your Love.
I pray for the sake of God’s Kingdom this invitation will be embraced by all and not taken lightly or rejected. If you feel God’s Spirit calling you deeper, Praise the Lord! If you do not feel this invitation is from the Lord, then please ask the Lord are you calling me deeper, do you want me to draw closer to you? I pray that you will feel God’s intense love for you and how He is calling each of His people to deeper communion and communication with Him. The only way this invitation can fail in your life is if it is taken casually or lightly or rejected. I believe with all my heart that God is calling ALL His People to walk closer with Him. We are not asking anyone to take our word or someone else’s word, but to seek God’s Face and ask Him. May you be greatly blessed.
A copy of the Excerpts from the 3 visons is attached for those who have not seen it. Please share it as led by the Holy Spirit. This is my husband’s and my personal testimony, but I believe it can be shared by all who feel God calling them deeper. There are many experiences that have led up to this point in our lives. I believe God has prepared each of you in different ways. He has given so many of you mighty testimonies and assignments for Him and you have been faithful to His requests. I believe each one of those prayer endeavors and emails and pleas and sermons to the people by the leaders and others plays a crucial role in why this invitation has even been extended at this time. This message in no way negates or belittles the work the Lord has called each of you to do, I believe it is a result of that work.
The invitation for us personally came as many questions were posed to us by the Holy Spirit. One was “Is He, God worthy to call you, to call us and how will you respond…?” When our answer was “Yes, Lord, you alone are worthy to call us…” then we had the opportunity to answer other questions which led to where we are now, with the “Invitation”, “Will you be among my people?... I’m calling you deeper, closer to me. As you ask, I will draw closer. Give me your time and I will give you more of Me…” Our response was not immediate, not recognizing the invitation for what it truly was. Our response now is, “Please Lord, call us deeper, draw us closer to you so we can more fully feel what you feel for your people, and we can more fully learn to co-labor with you and Matthew 6:11 will be done even as is recorded… "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is done in heaven."
I do not believe this invitation is just for a few, but for ALL who feel the impress and sweetness of His Holy Spirit and will respond. I pray that you can see and feel that the beauty of this message is out of God’s great love for His People. There is no condemnation, only an invitation once again in preparation for this invitation, the Lord posed a question to us, Have you missed time with me? I’ve missed my time with you.”
Your Brother and Sister in Christ,
Ron and Brenda VanFleet
Coffee Table For Sale |
Jazz Brunch for Center Place Christian Theatre |
Center Place Christian Theatre is having a Jazz Brunch featuring the smooth sounds of Havilah Bruders and more! Where: The Rhapsody, 2324 RD Mize Ave, Independence, MO. or call/text 816-392-8430 |
PREPARE AND ENRICH Class 06 April 2024 |
Prepare and Enrich is a tremendous system for a counselor to work with couples regarding Premarriage The couple is charged a fee of $35. They then answer some background questions followed by 170 See the attached bulletin for details about time and place.
Send Check to Jim Bailey |
Paul Colville`s 2nd Concert: "Concert Grande II" |
DVDs and CDs from Paul`s first "Concert Grande" will be available for $10.00 each. |
The call to build Zion is true, valid and necessary for today. “…be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great.” “…Zion shall flourish, and the glory of the Lord shall be upon her and she shall be an ensign unto the people, and there shall come unto her out of every nation under heaven. And the day shall come when the nations of the earth shall tremble because of her…”
The above scripture is taken from Doctrine and Covenants 64:6c & 8a, b. The words and message starting in 6a and ending in 8a are too deeply revealing and powerful to print them all here at this time. D&C 58 has similar revealing information. It is good advice to pray before approaching them. Seek to understand them as revealed from heaven (as should be with all scripture) and be personally prepared to abide by Christ’s direction. In all of God’s revealed word, he calls you and me to receive his love and guidance directly from the realm of glory and not as dictated by any culture, peer group or church. His church is defined as composed of those who are pure in heart and obedient to His voice. These, He also calls “Saints”. In these last days, He has said that he will gather his Saints from all quarters of the earth! We were created with a desire in our souls to fellowship with Saints and a joy in our souls when we encounter them. He has called us to “bear testimony of things which are to come…and also that you might be honored of laying the foundation and bearing record of the land upon which the Zion of God shall stand…” D&C58:3b, c
Zionworks’ purpose is to create a situation of fellowship among all people in the world who are pure in heart and need all of the safety, refuge and resources of Zion as Christ describes it in all scripture. Strength from Christ and each other, and cooperation and encouragement in the building of the real Kingdom on the earth is the reason for this Christ-given mission. Appealing directly to Jesus to think and act according to his direction draws all of His people together in purpose and makes us eager to hear each other's life story, learn from each other, love each other and prefer the other, knowing that if Jesus said to, that it can be done and will be a true celestial situation. We were never told it would be easy or that it can be done with a part-time effort or attitude.
The name "Zionworks" is unimportant and maybe should be dispensed with, as this work of gathering is really the work of Zion and not the idea or property of any of individual or group. Zionworks, from the beginning, allied itself with the pure celestial principles of heaven and of God’s kingdom on the earth. Not persuaded by any philosophy or religion that deviates, in the slightest, from that which is directly from Christ, its people recognize the responsibility (and labor) to establish that very kingdom. This kingdom must, in reality, be “an ensign” setting an example to the world of cooperative love in responsible action. This becomes more hugely obvious, urgent and beckoning as local, national and world conditions reveal it in bold contrast. To live in a society that governs itself, feeds itself and sustains itself independent of world society is something to get serious and get excited about. It’s time to re-charge our energy for this huge undertaking and to never become weary in well doing.
NEXT WORK DAY: Saturday, March 24th. To be determined at the meeting. In the past we have had some tremendous hands-on classes on food preservation, healthy baking, gardening, water acquisition and storage and even spiritual warfare. So, it would be fun and beneficial to schedule one of these classes again soon. There is work to be done on our meeting place and people that need physical help on their homes and premises. We may be able to schedule two or more work days in advance.
For questions or comments, please contact zionworkz@protonail.com or call 816 690 8464 and leave a message.
With Christ and his love as our bond,
Your friends at Zionworks
Lagos Nigeria Restoration Campground Fund |
Dear Saints, |
Contact Bill Barrett for any further information (816-225-0863).