Wednesday, February 21, 2024



The call to build Zion is true, valid and necessary for today. “…be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great.” “…Zion shall flourish, and the glory of the Lord shall be upon her and she shall be an ensign unto the people, and there shall come unto her out of every nation under heaven. And the day shall come when the nations of the earth shall tremble because of her…”

The above scripture is taken from Doctrine and Covenants 64:6c & 8a, b. The words and message starting in 6a and ending in 8a are too deeply revealing and powerful to print them all here at this time. D&C 58 has similar revealing information. It is good advice to pray before approaching them. Seek to understand them as revealed from heaven (as should be with all scripture) and be personally prepared to abide by Christ’s direction. In all of God’s revealed word, he calls you and me to receive his love and guidance directly from the realm of glory and not as dictated by any culture, peer group or church. His church is defined as composed of those who are pure in heart and obedient to His voice. These, He also calls “Saints”. In these last days, He has said that he will gather his Saints from all quarters of the earth! We were created with a desire in our souls to fellowship with Saints and a joy in our souls when we encounter them. He has called us to “bear testimony of things which are to come…and also that you might be honored of laying the foundation and bearing record of the land upon which the Zion of God shall stand…” D&C58:3b, c

Zionworks’ purpose is to create a situation of fellowship among all people in the world who are pure in heart and need all of the safety, refuge and resources of Zion as Christ describes it in all scripture. Strength from Christ and each other, and cooperation and encouragement in the building of the real Kingdom on the earth is the reason for this Christ-given mission. Appealing directly to Jesus to think and act according to his direction draws all of His people together in purpose and makes us eager to hear each other's life story, learn from each other, love each other and prefer the other, knowing that if Jesus said to, that it can be done and will be a true celestial situation. We were never told it would be easy or that it can be done with a part-time effort or attitude.

The name "Zionworks" is unimportant and maybe should be dispensed with, as this work of gathering is really the work of Zion and not the idea or property of any of individual or group. Zionworks, from the beginning, allied itself with the pure celestial principles of heaven and of God’s kingdom on the earth. Not persuaded by any philosophy or religion that deviates, in the slightest, from that which is directly from Christ, its people recognize the responsibility (and labor) to establish that very kingdom. This kingdom must, in reality, be “an ensign” setting an example to the world of cooperative love in responsible action. This becomes more hugely obvious, urgent and beckoning as local, national and world conditions reveal it in bold contrast. To live in a society that governs itself, feeds itself and sustains itself independent of world society is something to get serious and get excited about. It’s time to re-charge our energy for this huge undertaking and to never become weary in well doing.


NEXT WORK DAY: Saturday, March 24th. To be determined at the meeting. In the past we have had some tremendous hands-on classes on food preservation, healthy baking, gardening, water acquisition and storage and even spiritual warfare. So, it would be fun and beneficial to schedule one of these classes again soon. There is work to be done on our meeting place and people that need physical help on their homes and premises. We may be able to schedule two or more work days in advance.


For questions or comments, please contact or call 816 690 8464 and leave a message.

With Christ and his love as our bond,

Your friends at Zionworks

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