NEW BOOK—FEBRUARY, 2024 Michael Stephenson has produced Study Notes on the Book of Nehemiah, which we have agreed to distribute to our customers. The subtitle is “Insights into the Redemption of Zion.” The book’s introduction asks these questions: “Why study the book of Nehemiah? What is its relevance to this generation?” This answer is given: “From the rubble of Jerusalem’s history, God brought hope to a people with a calling. They were given a choice land in the midst of heathen nations so that the ensign of Zion might shine forth. The book of Nehemiah is a book of hope and courage in the face of daunting circumstances. It is a book for our generation, whose task it is to prepare for the restoration of Zion.” |
The book has 86 pages and sells for $8.00. We will mail the book with an invoice and envelope for your payment or will deliver it in the Independence, MO, area. To order, e-mail to PaulVLudy@gmail.com or call 816-210-8450. |
• • • • • • If you would like to be added to Paul Ludy's e-mail list, please reply to PaulVLudy@gmail.com or call 816-210-8450. I generally send a couple messages a month regarding new books, book sales, etc. If you are on my list and don't want to be, you can reply and unsubscribe. • • • • • • |
Restoration Voice magazine was mailed on Monday, including about 400 new subscribers. If you are not getting Restoration Voice or if you want to add friends to the list for a year’s free subscription, please e-mail to CumorahBooks@gmail.com. This is your opportunity to help a number of people find renewed strength through the pages of the magazine. You can add as many names as you like. Just be sure the addresses are correct and current. Don’t worry about duplications. We will compare your names with the subscription list to avoid duplications. Thank you! |
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