Saturday, May 18, 2024

Email Hacking


Email Hacking

Please be careful opening emails and replying. Mr. Garland's has been hacked. The hacker is emailing it seems everyone in the contacts and is asking for a loan for some money that he will pay back.

Please do not reply, or open to this email, or pay this person. If you ever question if the email is safe, its best to remain safe and not reply to it.

Remember if there seems like the email is demanding an immediate emotional response, requesting money when its abnormal for the person, and/or obvious typos its likely a scam.

If you experience being hacked, its important that you change your password as soon as you can and ensure your information is updated for two factor authentication. This allows a code to be sent to your phone/email/text to verify that it is you accessing your account when its accessed in a new location or on a new device.

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