Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Marshaling His Army Workshop Videos


Marshaling His Army Workshop Videos

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The videos and materials for the Marshaling His Amy Workshop that happened in March 2024 are now online! This workshop was for parents, grandparents, teachers, children’s leaders, and more! A tremendous amount of information was shared and is now available to you. Each part of the workshop includes materials that can be downloaded and printed.

Please share this with anyone who might need extra materials.

To find the workshop: Search - Living Hope Restoration Branch ( then choose Kingdom Kids from the menu and click "Marshaling His Army Workshop."

For the link to the whole workshop

• Children and Prayer by Becky Stayton

• Vacation Church School Resources by Connie Smith
• Pre-Baptismal Class Materials by Mary Jo Stayton

• Hall of Faith Curriculum (by Regan Brotherton) and Book of Mormon Storybook by Riane Marsh

For questions or extra information, contact Becky Stayton at Phone # 816-830-5141

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