Saturday, February 16, 2019

Kenya Report ​February 1, 2019

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Kenya Report ​February 1, 2019

Dear Saints,

I would like to add to the message Sherrie sent a day or two ago.

It may be difficult for me to share with you the blessing the Lord is extending to us in this patriarchal ministry here in Africa. How does one adequately express the gentle, quiet Spirit that is here with us? We are in the home of Eric and Pam Odida, which is in one of the suburbs of Kisumu, the third largest city in Kenya. Their home is almost within sight of the shores of Lake Victoria, which is on the Eastern edge of Kenya and almost directly on the equator.

When I say “we,” I mean Brother Eric Odida, Brother Michael Ballantyne, Brother Doug Smith, and
myself. We meet each morning and evening for a short worship to thank the Lord for His blessings and goodness and to ask his help with that which is before us. During the day, we are also blessed to have Kenyan priesthood and members that stop by to visit.

We all recognize that without the Lord’s guidance and strength these blessing would not be given.
Saints, please be aware that what brother Mike is doing is very demanding both physically and
spiritually. Without the gentle and quiet Spirit that is here with us it would not be possible, which, of course, means that your prayers are of great value to the ministry being given.

On Sunday, February 3 rd , Mike and I will worship with one of the local branches. We plan to fly back to Nairobi on the afternoon of February 5 th and spend two days providing blessings to members in the Nairobi area.

Saints, each of us have a strong testimony that this ministry was arranged and is sustained by the Lord. We also believe that it will be a strong blessing to the Saints in East Africa, not just to those receiving these blessings but, as their lives are changed, they in turn will become blessings to others.

I am reminded about an article Brother Eric wrote after the funeral of his grandmother. He said, “for with God nothing can be impossible (Luke 1:37).” Surely this is true.

Lyle Smith​

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