Sunday, February 17, 2019

Verle Cornish Response

​---- Forwarded message ----
From: Eric Woolery

Verle Cornish Response

Brothers and Sisters,
I have received the answer that I was looking for and I want to share it so that other saints may benefit from the instruction Patriarch Verler Cornish gave as well. I hope that we take to heart what he said for it is very good counsel!


Top Ten Tips For Becoming Spiritually Fit For The Kingdom

​​1. Begin the first 5 waking minutes of each day in praise and prayer to your Heavenly Father

2. Spend 15 min each day remembering and writing in a journal how God's hand has been in your life and pray that God will give you a humble heart.

3. Spend 1 hour each day feasting upon the words of Christ and pray asking that God will teach you how to implement into action that upon which you have feasted.

4. Fast at least 3 meals each week, spending at least 30 minutes each time you fast focusing upon Christ.

5. Pray each day with all the energy of heart that God will bless you with charity, even the pure love of Christ.

6. Make a list each week of 5 persons for whom you will specifically pray and call them during that week to tell them that you love them and that you are praying for them.

7. Make a list of all the persons with whom you have aught and begin to pray for them, eventually approaching them to implement reconciliation

8. Make a list of persons that you do not particularly like and pray for them, asking God to reveal to you the good and positive potential He sees in them.

9. Do not say anything negative about anyone else and do not listen to gossip or negative statements about others.

10. End the last waking minutes of each day in praise and prayer to your heavenly Father.

Thank you!
Your brother in Christ,
Eric Woolery

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