----- Forwarded message -----
From: Paul Gage
The Church, in the past, produced a three volume series of books entitled, "Question time." The Saints would send in questions they had and someone in Church leadership would answer.
One question was as follows:
We learn that several vital results in church life were obtained through group fasting and prayer as noted in Mosiah 11:183-185; Alma 4:6; IV Nephi 1:13; Moroni 6:6, and Acts 13 and 14. "Why would not individual fasting and prayer do just as well?"
Answer: The marvelous manifestations of God are not always dependent upon the consecrated efforts of a great many. In unity, however, there is strength, and when a number of people join for a season of fasting and prayer, there is quite likely to accompany that effort a manner of life which becomes the seedbed of faith, faith of such quality and in such measure as to unlock the treasure house of God. The manner in which God may bless a person or a group is totally dependent upon how the effort is made and how God decides to respond. We cannot limit God nor prescribe under what circumstances or conditions He will bestow blessings.
Through fasting and prayer we deny the physical nature so that the spiritual nature might have a greater emphasis. Fasting and prayer clears away the obstructions in the channel between God and man and permits the free and full expression of His Holy Spirit. For this reason, fasting and prayer can be done individually or as the "Body of Christ." The answer was by James F. Keir and edited by Paul J. Gage.
The Saints, of today, have been asked to designate each Sunday as a day of fasting and prayer on behalf of the Kingdom of God, for which we wait. This effort will bless those who choose to participate. Again, the type and manner of fasting is up to each individual as to how they choose to fast. We have been told in DC 85:21 a "Also, I give unto you a commandment, that ye shall continue in fasting and prayer from this time forth." This is re-emphasized in IV Nephi 1:13 and Omni 1:46-47.
Read Daniel chapters 1, 8, 9 for some interesting guidance regarding fasting and prayer. Note especially chapter 8 and the prayer and supplication made by Daniel. God bless you in your efforts for His Kingdom.
Thursday, April 30, 2020
IIAW - Unity Center Update
From: Muriel Luedeman
IIAW - Unity Center Update
Dear IIAW Friends,
Here is an update from Billy Tharp on the Unity Center progress.
The men's and women's wellness clinic rooms are moving along well. God provided a contractor who was willing to give us a great price - $1200 per room. We bought materials which came to about $1400. We were given a $5000 donation and it's been a blessing to be able to hire skilled help to move this along faster, since I have been working full-time again. We are praying for alignment of funds to finish the wellness rooms. We will need about another $2500 to buy the heating and air units and install them. I have already had a contractor out and have a bid on the materials and labor to install. We need to install these first before the contractor can finish, as they are installed through the wall and must be in for him to finish. We have all the parts for the 3-basin commercial sink. A water heater tank was donated and our company, BMH, Inc, has donated the grease trap. The plumber has been scheduled and the work to get the permits and move forward with installation started Tuesday, April 28th. LOVE NEVER FAILS - Billy Tharp
Electrical work to upgrade the kitchen and wellness rooms is complete. The Jesus Store is taped and ready to paint. The women's space is under way with emptying, cleaning, and painting. A welcome/hospitality room is completed for the Beloveds, next to the multi-purpose room on the main level. New chairs and tables donated for the coffee shop in the worship sanctuary on the lower level. Leather upholstered chairs donated for the Multi-purpose room and worship room for Team Jesus, KC. Team Jesus distributed 125 bags to the Beloveds at 9 camps last Saturday. A small crew of volunteers assembled prepackaged food with fresh fruit, and bags of personal supplies. Thank you to all those who donated items for this outreach.
I sent a notice that our next clean up day will be May 9th. The date has been postponed to June 13th. There is be no breakfast. Work locations and assembly time to be announced closer to the date.
The center has received several donations of large pieces of equipment and supplies. Attached are photos of some of the donations. I will also post them on the Independence Is Alive and Well Facebook page in case you have trouble opening them in this email.
2 new commercial soup kettles
Steam table
Water heater
Convection ovens
Washer and dryer
Medical exam tables
2 Freezers
Pastor Brian Carline will give brief talk Friday May 1st, at the Unity Center, at 7:00pm, on inspiring and motivating insights and revelations he received from the Lord during the Kenya trip Team Jesus made in February. A tour of the building to see the progress will take place after the talk. Contact me, Muriel Luedeman if you want to attend. There are 8 openings. Please wear masks and gloves. Also, I have asked Brian and Brother G.G. Pearl to video tape the session so all interested friends may view it on line.
These are challenging days, causing great uncertainty and fear. They are also days of great and marvelous blessings from God, to calm anxious hearts and help make us know of His presence, love, compassion, and provision. Please be encouraged by these developments at the Unity Center and boldly move forward as the Holy Spirit directs you to serve our neighbors and community.
Muriel Luedeman
IIAW Communications Secretary

IIAW - Unity Center Update
Dear IIAW Friends,
Here is an update from Billy Tharp on the Unity Center progress.
The men's and women's wellness clinic rooms are moving along well. God provided a contractor who was willing to give us a great price - $1200 per room. We bought materials which came to about $1400. We were given a $5000 donation and it's been a blessing to be able to hire skilled help to move this along faster, since I have been working full-time again. We are praying for alignment of funds to finish the wellness rooms. We will need about another $2500 to buy the heating and air units and install them. I have already had a contractor out and have a bid on the materials and labor to install. We need to install these first before the contractor can finish, as they are installed through the wall and must be in for him to finish. We have all the parts for the 3-basin commercial sink. A water heater tank was donated and our company, BMH, Inc, has donated the grease trap. The plumber has been scheduled and the work to get the permits and move forward with installation started Tuesday, April 28th. LOVE NEVER FAILS - Billy Tharp
Electrical work to upgrade the kitchen and wellness rooms is complete. The Jesus Store is taped and ready to paint. The women's space is under way with emptying, cleaning, and painting. A welcome/hospitality room is completed for the Beloveds, next to the multi-purpose room on the main level. New chairs and tables donated for the coffee shop in the worship sanctuary on the lower level. Leather upholstered chairs donated for the Multi-purpose room and worship room for Team Jesus, KC. Team Jesus distributed 125 bags to the Beloveds at 9 camps last Saturday. A small crew of volunteers assembled prepackaged food with fresh fruit, and bags of personal supplies. Thank you to all those who donated items for this outreach.
I sent a notice that our next clean up day will be May 9th. The date has been postponed to June 13th. There is be no breakfast. Work locations and assembly time to be announced closer to the date.
The center has received several donations of large pieces of equipment and supplies. Attached are photos of some of the donations. I will also post them on the Independence Is Alive and Well Facebook page in case you have trouble opening them in this email.
2 new commercial soup kettles
Steam table
Water heater
Convection ovens
Washer and dryer
Medical exam tables
2 Freezers
Pastor Brian Carline will give brief talk Friday May 1st, at the Unity Center, at 7:00pm, on inspiring and motivating insights and revelations he received from the Lord during the Kenya trip Team Jesus made in February. A tour of the building to see the progress will take place after the talk. Contact me, Muriel Luedeman if you want to attend. There are 8 openings. Please wear masks and gloves. Also, I have asked Brian and Brother G.G. Pearl to video tape the session so all interested friends may view it on line.
These are challenging days, causing great uncertainty and fear. They are also days of great and marvelous blessings from God, to calm anxious hearts and help make us know of His presence, love, compassion, and provision. Please be encouraged by these developments at the Unity Center and boldly move forward as the Holy Spirit directs you to serve our neighbors and community.
Muriel Luedeman
IIAW Communications Secretary

Australian Restoration News - May 2020
From: Noel Rowlatt
Australian Restoration News - May 2020
MAY, 2020
This is an abbreviated issue of the Australian Restoration News. Since our last Newsletter was produced, the world has been in turmoil by the onslaught of COVID-19 which has already taken many thousands of lives, as it spread almost overnight to all areas of the globe. Countries each had to introduce their own measures to isolate the virus and stop it from spreading. Australia was no different and very severe restrictions were placed in operation here including all areas where people gather together, This meant the temporary closure of many venues including churches. We appear to be levelling out with the virus and consequently, the first lifting of a few restrictions that will give us a bit more freedom of movement. We hope by the next Newsletter time we will be allowed to hold church meetings again and have a Newsletter complete with our usual content.
Around and About the Centre Place
by High Priest Paul J. Gage, Independence, Missouri.
A lovely G'DAY! and May day greetings to all the lovely Saints in Australia.
As they say, "Time waits on no man," and here we are with one fourth of the year now history. In April, of course, we observed HIS STORY, the crucifixion and resurrection of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus the Christ. The Principle of the gospel, Resurrection, is the most vital of all. Without the resurrection, all the rest is useless, because life would end with the physical death.
Jesus Christ is the most vital aspect of proof of the resurrection. He was with His followers 40 days after He was resurrected, seen of over 500 at once, Acts 1:3 and I Corinthians 15:6. He was seen and touched by over 2500 when He appeared to the Nephites, 3Nephi 5:14-8:27. We also have the testimony of Joseph Smith Jr and Sidney Rigdon as found in Doctrine and Covenants 76:3f-h
He is the only One who gives us strength, faith, and hope to go on in this life with all its turmoil, struggles, and uncertainties. I believe I can assure you that there is not one family on this earth that is not experiencing some kind of problem. Whether spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, family, marital, occupational, trouble in the church and out of the church, you name it, we each have a great need for the Lord in our lives. Paul speaks to this in 2 Corinthians 4:8-15.
Sunday, May 10 is designated as, "Mother's Day" It is observed in over 40 countries around the world and of course in Australia and the USA. The concept is to honour our mothers by reminding them of our love and appreciation for all they have done for us, but hopefully we do this every day in some way.
Someone once said that, "God couldn't be everywhere, so He created mothers." Of course we know that is not true, because God is the Creator of all things and thus is everywhere all the time. Remember some of the scriptures in the "Father's Love Letter", that He knows when we stand up and sit down; how many hairs are on our head; when a sparrow falls to the ground; WOW! My mother was a great mother and handmaid of the Lord, but she couldn't do all those things. At the same time though, mothers do have their special place in God's plan for us, so we praise Him for our mothers.
There are many mothers mentioned in the scriptures and many more we don't know their names. There was Eve, Ruth, Hannah, Elizabeth, Mary, Sariah, the mothers referred to in Alma 26:56, 57, 95, and 96, Lucy Mack Smith and Emma Smith. What a tribute to those mothers! The origin of Mother's Day in Australia is similar to the USA, but I'll let you look that up for yourselves, if you don't already know. I read that the Chrysanthemum is the traditional flower given to mothers in Australia and since it ends with "MUM", that phrase has become an affectionate shortening of the word, mother, in Australia. So, HAPPY MUM'S DAY TO ALL THE MOTHERS OF AUSTRALIA!
Where Do YOU Place Your Trust?
Proverbs 3:5 states, "Trust in the Lord with all of thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct thy paths."
Yes, that is good, but where do YOU place your trust?
Psalm 141:8 reminds us, "But mine eyes are unto thee; in thee is my trust;..."
Yes, yes, but where do YOU place your trust?
Job 13:15 is re-assuring when it says, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him;..."
Sure, we know Job had a really rough time, after God basically turned him over to Satan to do whatever he wanted, except take his life. Even after Job's wife told him to curse God and die, Job remained trustful in the Lord. Job passed the test, but where do YOU put your trust?
I Timothy 4:10 "For therefore we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of those that believe."
Very good, brother Timothy, however, Dear Saints, where do YOU place your trust, when you or a loved one are suffering? Who do YOU trust when the doctor comes in with sad words? A contemporary Christian song, by Casting Crowns, called ‘I will Praise You in this Storm’, says, "I'll praise You in this storm and I will lift my hands. For You are who You are no matter where I am; every tear I've cried, You hold me in Your hand; You never left my side and though my heart is torn, I will praise You in this storm”. Do YOU trust HIM in the storm? Or only when the sun shines, when there is food on the table, money in the bank, and so forth.
The following words are from message from the Lord given through Patriarch Henry Schaefer at the Center Stake Reunion July 31, 1971.
"I would encourage you to more intimately get acquainted with all that I, the Lord, your God, have revealed down through all ages and as they are recorded for you in the three sacred Scriptures of My holy Church. For by doing so, you will establish a storehouse of knowledge out of which you can indeed prove to the world that the wisdom of Myself which I have entrusted and shared with you is so far greater than the wisdom of mankind.
So I would exhort you, Be not dismayed. This is no time to despair. For as the adversary is mustering his forces, be assured that I, the Lord your God am still superior to anything that the Satanic force can bring forth. And with Me at your side, you have the assurance that you are engaged in a winning cause because I, the Lord, your God, will never be defeated.
Go forward with steadfast heart, trusting Me completely. I leave this assurance with you that I am the One who has created each one of you, and am also anxious to restore you to the son-ship, to the daughter-ship I have created as My children; and by doing so, you can indeed be the light of the world.
Be faithful unto the end; be true to your covenant; for I love you more than anyone can love you and desire to share not just abundant life with you here and now, but life even more abundant in that great beyond which shall last throughout eternity. Even so. Amen."
In the Centre Place, there were many events and activities scheduled for April, that were cancelled due to the virus. However, the Conference of Restoration Elders, (CRE) has implemented a series of meetings on Sundays and Wednesdays on the internet.
Services have been very good. The missionary boards continue to function in the areas of their ministry as well as the Domestic Outreach Committee which ministers in Canada and the USA. Currently, however, no mission trips are planned for the month of May.
The annual Restoration Branch Family Reunion and Conference of Restoration Elders will be held June 21-26, 2020. It will be in Independence, Missouri at Center Place Restoration School./Waldo Avenue Restoration Branch. Preparations are still under way for the reunion. All we need is for some Saints from Australia to join us but with lock downs in Australia that won’t happen.
Centre Place Restoration School is completing its 28th year of operation with the end of the school year being uncertain at this point due to the virus. School board elections normally held in April have been delayed, again due to the virus. New members will take office July 1, 2020.
May the Great and All Powerful God who created this world and all who live upon it, hear our pleas and, because of His great love for his creation, with His mercy, cause this strain of Corona Virus to be eradicated, and to help with that process, inspire those who are striving to develop a vaccine to be successful. May we be humbled by this total experience and learn some valuable lessons about ourselves and our faith.
Remember always that God Loves You!
Elder Noel Rowlatt (Editor)
Contributions to the Australian Restoration News need to come by the 20th of the month and must be submitted by email if possible.
Email details are:
Phone contact: 07 3824 8386
We would love to have contributions from isolated members in Australia; articles or testimonies or just greetings. We would also like to hear from American saints who have ministered in Australia.
If you do not have access to an internet facility and would like to post your article to me, I will try and have it typed and included, but I would need to receive it by the 18th of the month for inclusion in the next issue.
Postal details are as follows:
Editor Noel Rowlatt
6 Wetheral Place
Alexandra Hills. Q 4161
Assistant Editor: Gary Rowlatt
Australian Restoration News - May 2020
MAY, 2020
This is an abbreviated issue of the Australian Restoration News. Since our last Newsletter was produced, the world has been in turmoil by the onslaught of COVID-19 which has already taken many thousands of lives, as it spread almost overnight to all areas of the globe. Countries each had to introduce their own measures to isolate the virus and stop it from spreading. Australia was no different and very severe restrictions were placed in operation here including all areas where people gather together, This meant the temporary closure of many venues including churches. We appear to be levelling out with the virus and consequently, the first lifting of a few restrictions that will give us a bit more freedom of movement. We hope by the next Newsletter time we will be allowed to hold church meetings again and have a Newsletter complete with our usual content.
Around and About the Centre Place
by High Priest Paul J. Gage, Independence, Missouri.
A lovely G'DAY! and May day greetings to all the lovely Saints in Australia.
As they say, "Time waits on no man," and here we are with one fourth of the year now history. In April, of course, we observed HIS STORY, the crucifixion and resurrection of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus the Christ. The Principle of the gospel, Resurrection, is the most vital of all. Without the resurrection, all the rest is useless, because life would end with the physical death.
Jesus Christ is the most vital aspect of proof of the resurrection. He was with His followers 40 days after He was resurrected, seen of over 500 at once, Acts 1:3 and I Corinthians 15:6. He was seen and touched by over 2500 when He appeared to the Nephites, 3Nephi 5:14-8:27. We also have the testimony of Joseph Smith Jr and Sidney Rigdon as found in Doctrine and Covenants 76:3f-h
He is the only One who gives us strength, faith, and hope to go on in this life with all its turmoil, struggles, and uncertainties. I believe I can assure you that there is not one family on this earth that is not experiencing some kind of problem. Whether spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, family, marital, occupational, trouble in the church and out of the church, you name it, we each have a great need for the Lord in our lives. Paul speaks to this in 2 Corinthians 4:8-15.
Sunday, May 10 is designated as, "Mother's Day" It is observed in over 40 countries around the world and of course in Australia and the USA. The concept is to honour our mothers by reminding them of our love and appreciation for all they have done for us, but hopefully we do this every day in some way.
Someone once said that, "God couldn't be everywhere, so He created mothers." Of course we know that is not true, because God is the Creator of all things and thus is everywhere all the time. Remember some of the scriptures in the "Father's Love Letter", that He knows when we stand up and sit down; how many hairs are on our head; when a sparrow falls to the ground; WOW! My mother was a great mother and handmaid of the Lord, but she couldn't do all those things. At the same time though, mothers do have their special place in God's plan for us, so we praise Him for our mothers.
There are many mothers mentioned in the scriptures and many more we don't know their names. There was Eve, Ruth, Hannah, Elizabeth, Mary, Sariah, the mothers referred to in Alma 26:56, 57, 95, and 96, Lucy Mack Smith and Emma Smith. What a tribute to those mothers! The origin of Mother's Day in Australia is similar to the USA, but I'll let you look that up for yourselves, if you don't already know. I read that the Chrysanthemum is the traditional flower given to mothers in Australia and since it ends with "MUM", that phrase has become an affectionate shortening of the word, mother, in Australia. So, HAPPY MUM'S DAY TO ALL THE MOTHERS OF AUSTRALIA!
Where Do YOU Place Your Trust?
Proverbs 3:5 states, "Trust in the Lord with all of thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct thy paths."
Yes, that is good, but where do YOU place your trust?
Psalm 141:8 reminds us, "But mine eyes are unto thee; in thee is my trust;..."
Yes, yes, but where do YOU place your trust?
Job 13:15 is re-assuring when it says, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him;..."
Sure, we know Job had a really rough time, after God basically turned him over to Satan to do whatever he wanted, except take his life. Even after Job's wife told him to curse God and die, Job remained trustful in the Lord. Job passed the test, but where do YOU put your trust?
I Timothy 4:10 "For therefore we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of those that believe."
Very good, brother Timothy, however, Dear Saints, where do YOU place your trust, when you or a loved one are suffering? Who do YOU trust when the doctor comes in with sad words? A contemporary Christian song, by Casting Crowns, called ‘I will Praise You in this Storm’, says, "I'll praise You in this storm and I will lift my hands. For You are who You are no matter where I am; every tear I've cried, You hold me in Your hand; You never left my side and though my heart is torn, I will praise You in this storm”. Do YOU trust HIM in the storm? Or only when the sun shines, when there is food on the table, money in the bank, and so forth.
The following words are from message from the Lord given through Patriarch Henry Schaefer at the Center Stake Reunion July 31, 1971.
"I would encourage you to more intimately get acquainted with all that I, the Lord, your God, have revealed down through all ages and as they are recorded for you in the three sacred Scriptures of My holy Church. For by doing so, you will establish a storehouse of knowledge out of which you can indeed prove to the world that the wisdom of Myself which I have entrusted and shared with you is so far greater than the wisdom of mankind.
So I would exhort you, Be not dismayed. This is no time to despair. For as the adversary is mustering his forces, be assured that I, the Lord your God am still superior to anything that the Satanic force can bring forth. And with Me at your side, you have the assurance that you are engaged in a winning cause because I, the Lord, your God, will never be defeated.
Go forward with steadfast heart, trusting Me completely. I leave this assurance with you that I am the One who has created each one of you, and am also anxious to restore you to the son-ship, to the daughter-ship I have created as My children; and by doing so, you can indeed be the light of the world.
Be faithful unto the end; be true to your covenant; for I love you more than anyone can love you and desire to share not just abundant life with you here and now, but life even more abundant in that great beyond which shall last throughout eternity. Even so. Amen."
In the Centre Place, there were many events and activities scheduled for April, that were cancelled due to the virus. However, the Conference of Restoration Elders, (CRE) has implemented a series of meetings on Sundays and Wednesdays on the internet.
Services have been very good. The missionary boards continue to function in the areas of their ministry as well as the Domestic Outreach Committee which ministers in Canada and the USA. Currently, however, no mission trips are planned for the month of May.
The annual Restoration Branch Family Reunion and Conference of Restoration Elders will be held June 21-26, 2020. It will be in Independence, Missouri at Center Place Restoration School./Waldo Avenue Restoration Branch. Preparations are still under way for the reunion. All we need is for some Saints from Australia to join us but with lock downs in Australia that won’t happen.
Centre Place Restoration School is completing its 28th year of operation with the end of the school year being uncertain at this point due to the virus. School board elections normally held in April have been delayed, again due to the virus. New members will take office July 1, 2020.
May the Great and All Powerful God who created this world and all who live upon it, hear our pleas and, because of His great love for his creation, with His mercy, cause this strain of Corona Virus to be eradicated, and to help with that process, inspire those who are striving to develop a vaccine to be successful. May we be humbled by this total experience and learn some valuable lessons about ourselves and our faith.
Remember always that God Loves You!
Elder Noel Rowlatt (Editor)
Contributions to the Australian Restoration News need to come by the 20th of the month and must be submitted by email if possible.
Email details are:
Phone contact: 07 3824 8386
We would love to have contributions from isolated members in Australia; articles or testimonies or just greetings. We would also like to hear from American saints who have ministered in Australia.
If you do not have access to an internet facility and would like to post your article to me, I will try and have it typed and included, but I would need to receive it by the 18th of the month for inclusion in the next issue.
Postal details are as follows:
Editor Noel Rowlatt
6 Wetheral Place
Alexandra Hills. Q 4161
Assistant Editor: Gary Rowlatt
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
------ Forwarded message -----
From: Randy Vick
Brothers and Sisters,
All of us have been impacted to some extent by the Covid 19 pandemic sweeping the land. But as bad as the crisis has hit us here in the US, the situation among our church members in foreign countries is far worse.
Urgent requests for assistance are coming in from many of our beloved Saints around the world. In Honduras, one pastor is saying that they are “depending on a miracle” to get by. Even Saints in industrialized countries like Brazil and Chile have been left destitute. The government provides nothing. They have no stimulus checks, renter’s assistance, government loans or unemployment aid to soften the blow. They are simply running out of money to meet their most basic needs: food, personal necessities, medicine.
Thankfully, as far as we know, none of our members in these countries have lost their lives to the virus. But the economic pain being inflicted upon them leaves them with a daily struggle for survival.
To alleviate this suffering, we have established a Covid19 International Relief Fund. All contributions designated specifically to this fund will be sent directly to individuals in these countries who have been entrusted with distribution of aid. These people are in direct contact with us and are accountable for how the funds are being dispersed.
If you can, please send checks to:
HP Rob Rolfe
1100 West Truman Road
Independence MO 64050
Please make your checks or money orders payable to Rob Rolfe/JCRB and write “Covid19 Relief Fund” in the memo section.
Thank you for your help, your prayers, and your concerns for your brothers and sisters abroad.
As so many have said, We are all in this together!
Randy Vick
Give Back Hope International
From: Randy Vick
Brothers and Sisters,
All of us have been impacted to some extent by the Covid 19 pandemic sweeping the land. But as bad as the crisis has hit us here in the US, the situation among our church members in foreign countries is far worse.
Urgent requests for assistance are coming in from many of our beloved Saints around the world. In Honduras, one pastor is saying that they are “depending on a miracle” to get by. Even Saints in industrialized countries like Brazil and Chile have been left destitute. The government provides nothing. They have no stimulus checks, renter’s assistance, government loans or unemployment aid to soften the blow. They are simply running out of money to meet their most basic needs: food, personal necessities, medicine.
Thankfully, as far as we know, none of our members in these countries have lost their lives to the virus. But the economic pain being inflicted upon them leaves them with a daily struggle for survival.
To alleviate this suffering, we have established a Covid19 International Relief Fund. All contributions designated specifically to this fund will be sent directly to individuals in these countries who have been entrusted with distribution of aid. These people are in direct contact with us and are accountable for how the funds are being dispersed.
If you can, please send checks to:
HP Rob Rolfe
1100 West Truman Road
Independence MO 64050
Please make your checks or money orders payable to Rob Rolfe/JCRB and write “Covid19 Relief Fund” in the memo section.
Thank you for your help, your prayers, and your concerns for your brothers and sisters abroad.
As so many have said, We are all in this together!
Randy Vick
Give Back Hope International
Need to Hire Someone for Yard Work
----- Forwarded message -----
Need to Hire Someone for Yard Work
I need someone to weed eat and mow front yard.
please call Laurel at:
Thank you
Need to Hire Someone for Yard Work
I need someone to weed eat and mow front yard.
please call Laurel at:
Thank you
Commode and Shower Chair For Sale
----- Forwarded message -----
Commode and Shower Chair For Sale
call Laurel at
or email

Commode and Shower Chair For Sale
call Laurel at
or email

From: April LaJune
After a few technical difficulties to overcome, Liahona Broadcasting Network is proud to present to you DOES YOUR BELIEF MATTER!
Elder Timothy Sperry graciously agreed to be the reader for Elder Evan Fry's HEAR YE HIM Series which was an original series if radio sermons from 1940-1958 reaching thousands of people each week.
Special thanks to everyone involved in helping with the video studio and in the making of this video production.
Please SUBSCRIBE to the channel and HIT THE BELL so you'll be notified each time we upload a new video. Watch for new series, short stories and profiles of people in the church.
April LaJune ©, Holder in Due Course, Secured Party Creditor
DISCLAIMER: Anything written or implied is not considered legal advice. This is a private email between the parties and not meant for public display. Any use of this communication without written prior consent will be deemed as violation of my Private Security Agreement, Tradename and UCC1 on file. TRADENAME/COPYRIGHT: As per NY Filing: UCC1 Finance Statement with Security Agreement SA-ALM03291963 anyone reproducing, using any form of my name, emails, etc. could be charged up to $50,000,000.00 per action.
After a few technical difficulties to overcome, Liahona Broadcasting Network is proud to present to you DOES YOUR BELIEF MATTER!
Elder Timothy Sperry graciously agreed to be the reader for Elder Evan Fry's HEAR YE HIM Series which was an original series if radio sermons from 1940-1958 reaching thousands of people each week.
Special thanks to everyone involved in helping with the video studio and in the making of this video production.
Please SUBSCRIBE to the channel and HIT THE BELL so you'll be notified each time we upload a new video. Watch for new series, short stories and profiles of people in the church.
April LaJune ©, Holder in Due Course, Secured Party Creditor
DISCLAIMER: Anything written or implied is not considered legal advice. This is a private email between the parties and not meant for public display. Any use of this communication without written prior consent will be deemed as violation of my Private Security Agreement, Tradename and UCC1 on file. TRADENAME/COPYRIGHT: As per NY Filing: UCC1 Finance Statement with Security Agreement SA-ALM03291963 anyone reproducing, using any form of my name, emails, etc. could be charged up to $50,000,000.00 per action.
Outdoor Items—Free
From: Rochelle Newell
Outdoor Items—Free
Ben and Rochelle Newell
Outdoor items—Free
(All items in working order.)

Adult mountain bike

Bike rack for receiver hitch. Holds 4 bikes.

Rip stick balance board (similar to a skateboard)

20 Inch bike painted in John Deere colors

2 Razor scooters with adjustable handlebars
Call, text, or email if you’d like any of these items.
Willing to deliver in the Independence area.
Outdoor Items—Free
Ben and Rochelle Newell
Outdoor items—Free
(All items in working order.)

Adult mountain bike

Bike rack for receiver hitch. Holds 4 bikes.

Rip stick balance board (similar to a skateboard)

20 Inch bike painted in John Deere colors

2 Razor scooters with adjustable handlebars
Call, text, or email if you’d like any of these items.
Willing to deliver in the Independence area.
NRA Basic Pistol Class
----- Forwarded message -----
From: Bruce Luedeman
NRA Basic Pistol Class
May 28 1-5pm
This is from a friend of mine.
Bruce Luedeman

From: Bruce Luedeman
NRA Basic Pistol Class
May 28 1-5pm
This is from a friend of mine.
Bruce Luedeman

Prayer Service Error
Horn, Vim
Topic: All Saints Prayer Service
Time: Apr 29, 2020 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 966 8873 6446
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Dial by your location
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 966 8873 6446
Find your local number:
William (Vim) Horn
Cell Phone # - (816) 803-0297
Email - hornw@umkc.edu
Topic: All Saints Prayer Service
Time: Apr 29, 2020 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 966 8873 6446
One tap mobile
+19292056099,,96688736446# US (New York)
+13017158592,,96688736446# US (Germantown)
Dial by your location
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 966 8873 6446
Find your local number:
William (Vim) Horn
Cell Phone # - (816) 803-0297
Email - hornw@umkc.edu
Hope + Help Live for Domestic Abuse
---- Forwarded message ----
From: Abigail Cool
Hope + Help Live for Domestic Abuse
How Pastors and Helpers Can Minister in Domestic Violence Cases
We're pleased to host another episode of Hope + Help LIVE Thursday, April 30th, on the topic of domestic abuse.
IBCD Podcast host Christine M. Chappell will facilitate a discussion between Chris Moles of PeaceWorks, Joy Forrest of Called to Peace Ministries, and Ann Maree Goudzwaard, co-author of "Help[h]er: A Churchwide Response to Women in Crisis."
The group will address various ways to offer one-another care and support for victims of domestic abuse, especially in today's quarantine/COVID-19 context.
For more resources on Domestic Abuse, including IBCD's newest counseling observation videos featuring Chris & Joy, please visit
with Joy Forrest, Christine M. Chappell, Ann Maree Goudzwaard and PeaceWorks.

From: Abigail Cool
Hope + Help Live for Domestic Abuse
How Pastors and Helpers Can Minister in Domestic Violence Cases
We're pleased to host another episode of Hope + Help LIVE Thursday, April 30th, on the topic of domestic abuse.
IBCD Podcast host Christine M. Chappell will facilitate a discussion between Chris Moles of PeaceWorks, Joy Forrest of Called to Peace Ministries, and Ann Maree Goudzwaard, co-author of "Help[h]er: A Churchwide Response to Women in Crisis."
The group will address various ways to offer one-another care and support for victims of domestic abuse, especially in today's quarantine/COVID-19 context.
For more resources on Domestic Abuse, including IBCD's newest counseling observation videos featuring Chris & Joy, please visit
with Joy Forrest, Christine M. Chappell, Ann Maree Goudzwaard and PeaceWorks.

Retake on Pat Chadwick's Class
From: Charlie & Susan Booth
Retake on Pat Chadwick's Class
Oak Grove Restoration Branch
This Friday, May 1st, there will be a retake of the first portion of Pat Chadwick's livestream class held yesterday (Tuesday, April 28). The retake will add about 40 additional minutes. [The previous 9-minute portion has been removed from the menu.]
Please go to:
this Friday at 1:00 p.m. to watch the livestream in real time,
or, "watch again" later at your convenience anytime after Friday's retake.
Retake on Pat Chadwick's Class
Oak Grove Restoration Branch
This Friday, May 1st, there will be a retake of the first portion of Pat Chadwick's livestream class held yesterday (Tuesday, April 28). The retake will add about 40 additional minutes. [The previous 9-minute portion has been removed from the menu.]
Please go to:
this Friday at 1:00 p.m. to watch the livestream in real time,
or, "watch again" later at your convenience anytime after Friday's retake.
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Class this morning at Oak Grove
From: Charlie & Susan Booth
Class this morning at Oak Grove
April 28, 2020
The online class taught by Pat Chadwick this morning had some glitches in transmission. For those who wish to see the class in its entirety, following are two direct links.
1. This link is the first approximately 9 minutes of the class (not including the usual introduction and prayer):
2. This link is the last approximately 47 minutes of the class:
Class this morning at Oak Grove
April 28, 2020
The online class taught by Pat Chadwick this morning had some glitches in transmission. For those who wish to see the class in its entirety, following are two direct links.
1. This link is the first approximately 9 minutes of the class (not including the usual introduction and prayer):
2. This link is the last approximately 47 minutes of the class:
Invitation and Link to April 29 Prayer Service
Invitation and Link to April 29 Prayer Service
April 29 at 7 PM CST Prayer Service Elder Steve Kropp Presiding
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 966 8873 6446
Password: 204370
One tap mobile
+19292056099,,157982919# US (New York)
+13126266799,,157982919# US (Chicago)
Dial by your location
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 301 715 8592 US
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US
Also, attached is a YouTube link to the video of Sunday’s wonderful worship service. We were blessed with inspiring preaching, touching prayers and special music, and engaging readings and commentary. Elder Karl Anderson presided over the service and Elder Michael Brown shared the spoken word. It continues to be a blessing to worship with the saints from all over.
If you would like to view the service, click on the following link:
Or, go to the CRE website, www.eldersconference.org
and click on the link there.
Information on future prayer and worship service times and links, including dial up access numbers, can be accessed through the CRE Website.
We encourage each of you to visit the CRE website for links to upcoming events and services, to view services and classes, and access other resources and programs sponsored through the CRE Women’s, Youth, Education, Stewardship, Evangelism, and Publication Councils (i.e., Tidings of Zion). You will also find information on specific programs, such as the recently launched Freedom Stewardship Ministries.
§ Always keep yourself muted until you are called on by the one presiding
§ When sharing, face the camera directly and at an angle where your face is approximately at the same angle as the camera on your device
§ Minimize distractive movement and be aware of what can be seen in the background
§ If you see your picture moving in and out the main frame frequently, please consider if there is something you are doing to make it happen and adjust accordingly
§ These are worship services, please come prepared and appropriately dressed
William (Vim) Horn
Cell Phone # - (816) 803-0297
Email - hornw@umkc.edu
April 29 at 7 PM CST Prayer Service Elder Steve Kropp Presiding
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 966 8873 6446
Password: 204370
One tap mobile
+19292056099,,157982919# US (New York)
+13126266799,,157982919# US (Chicago)
Dial by your location
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 301 715 8592 US
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US
Also, attached is a YouTube link to the video of Sunday’s wonderful worship service. We were blessed with inspiring preaching, touching prayers and special music, and engaging readings and commentary. Elder Karl Anderson presided over the service and Elder Michael Brown shared the spoken word. It continues to be a blessing to worship with the saints from all over.
If you would like to view the service, click on the following link:
Or, go to the CRE website, www.eldersconference.org
and click on the link there.
Information on future prayer and worship service times and links, including dial up access numbers, can be accessed through the CRE Website.
We encourage each of you to visit the CRE website for links to upcoming events and services, to view services and classes, and access other resources and programs sponsored through the CRE Women’s, Youth, Education, Stewardship, Evangelism, and Publication Councils (i.e., Tidings of Zion). You will also find information on specific programs, such as the recently launched Freedom Stewardship Ministries.
§ Always keep yourself muted until you are called on by the one presiding
§ When sharing, face the camera directly and at an angle where your face is approximately at the same angle as the camera on your device
§ Minimize distractive movement and be aware of what can be seen in the background
§ If you see your picture moving in and out the main frame frequently, please consider if there is something you are doing to make it happen and adjust accordingly
§ These are worship services, please come prepared and appropriately dressed
William (Vim) Horn
Cell Phone # - (816) 803-0297
Email - hornw@umkc.edu
Monday, April 27, 2020
Selected Writings of Elbert A. Smith
From: Paul Ludy
Selected Writings of Elbert A. Smith
This new book is hot off the press!
It contains 244 pages of some of the best writing by Elbert A. Smith.
He was a prolific writer for the Church for nearly five decades.
Softcover, it is $8.00 per book plus shipping or delivery. One copy ships for $3.00.
Order by e-mail to:
or by phone to Paul V. Ludy

Selected Writings of Elbert A. Smith
This new book is hot off the press!
It contains 244 pages of some of the best writing by Elbert A. Smith.
He was a prolific writer for the Church for nearly five decades.
Softcover, it is $8.00 per book plus shipping or delivery. One copy ships for $3.00.
Order by e-mail to:
or by phone to Paul V. Ludy

The Prophets: Jeremiah 04/27/2020
----- Forwarded message ------
From: Jay Huffman
The Prophets: Jeremiah 04/27/2020
Within the realm of the Restoration Gospel, we are so blessed to have what we have concerning the prophets of God. When we consider how specific each was in his day and time to the nation and the church in that dispensation and yet how far reaching, all-encompassing, and forward looking, and futuristic impacting the WORD of God was then and IS NOW.
How often did Jesus call and direct and instruct the people of wherever He ministered and whenever He ministered, to look to what the prophets wrote and foretold of Him and of that which is to come; and the prophets, each one, to a man; spake of The TRUTH OF ALL THINGS.
Alma, as he escaped the courts of wicked King Noah and having lived among and heard the words of the prophet Abinadi, was so moved by the Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Revelation, that he too risked his life in defense of the man and the TRUTH OF ALL THINGS. And because he had truly been “converted” unto the Lord and the TRUTH OF ALL THINGS, Alma was pressed upon and inspired to write down what had been given by the Holy Ghost:
“And now it came to pass that Alma,
who had fled from the servants of King Noah,
repented of his sins and iniquities,
and went about privately among the people,
and began to teach the words of Abinadi;
Yea, concerning that which was to come,
and also concerning the resurrection of the dead,
and the redemption of the people,
which was to be brought to pass through the power,
and sufferings, and death of Christ,
and His resurrection and ascension into heaven.”
And from these few words, we begin to see WHAT the prophets do and will ALWAYS speak about, and the condition upon those prophetic utterances are given and the condition whereby the WORDS OF THE PROPHETS are to be received by the hearer. As it is written and as it is spoken:
“Prov 18:21 Life and death are in the power of the tongue”, the WORD of GOD.
God spake and the world was, so writes Jacob from the Book of Mormon:
“For behold, by the power of his word, man came upon the face of the earth;
which earth was created by the power of his word.
Wherefore, if God, being able to speak, and the world was; and to speak,
and man was created, O then, why not able to command the earth,
or the workmanship of his hands upon the face of it,
according to his will and pleasure.
Wherefore, brethren, seek not to counsel the Lord,
but to take counsel from his hand.” Jacob 3
The days of Jeremiah where approximately from 655 B.C., and he became a prophet in 626 B.C. He lived during through the reign of Judah’s five last kings which included Josiah, Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin and Zedekiah. And Jeremiah was well known to Lehi and Nephi and their extended families.
From the very beginning of the prophet Jeremiah discloses the great displeasure of the Lord with HIS people and provided very specific detail as to the controversy the Lord has with the people of the land, the nation of the land, and the church of that dispensation upon the land.
“Hear ye the word of the Lord, O house of Jacob, and all the families of the house of Israel;
Thus saith the Lord, What iniquity have your fathers found in me, that they are gone far from me, and have walked after vanity, and are become vain?”
“The priests said not, Where is the Lord? and they that handle the law knew me not; the pastors also transgressed against me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal, and walked after things that do not profit.
Wherefore I will yet plead with you, saith the Lord, and with your children's children will I plead.”
“Hath a nation changed their gods, which are yet no gods? but my people have changed their glory for that which doth not profit. Be astonished, O ye heavens, at this, and be horribly afraid, be ye very desolate, saith the Lord. For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.”
So, the Lord tells His people, they who are called by His Name, what the controversy He has with them is.
And so it is with us today. Does this not accurately describe the state of the church and the far too many of the far too many of the church? Does it not address all; even the families of the house of Israel and certainly the “chief families” of the church? Can you see this? And the Lord begins to outline the
true nature of and origins of “replacement theology” and this has been a plague among God’s people since the days of Adam.
The prophet Hosea also defines very clearly what the controversy the Lord has with and will ALWAYS have with the inhabitants of the land, wherever and whenever that people may be and what their latitude and longitude might be. Hosea was an earlier prophet, the year is around 750 BC;
The Lord, through Hosea, declares what the problem and/or problems are:
“Hear the word of the Lord, ye children of Israel; for the Lord hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land.” Hosea 4:1
Even in this, the principles of continuity in ALL of the WORD of God and dispels the false teaching that invades and infests and infects the minds of the people today, a virus far more deadly than CoronaVirus-19. Some would say and have said and continue to “teach” falsehoods, in saying that some of what was given “then” – whenever the then might have “been” is not relevant our day. Yet Jeremiah faced and addressed that same issue and the Lord was very clear about substance, content and, and consequences. Scattered, peeled, separated.
“The priests said not, Where is the Lord? and they that handle the law knew me not; the pastors also transgressed against me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal, and walked after things that do not profit.”
The Lord gives very specific direction and the cure for what ails us and the remedy to find rest unto our souls; and we love the hymn inspired by these words:
“Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.” Jeremiah 6
But the answer from far too many of the far too many of the people and of the far too many that occupy high places and the far too many of the chief families of that day was this:
“But they said, We will not walk therein. Also I set watchmen over you, saying, Hearken to the sound of the trumpet. But they said, We will not hearken.”
And as a result, the far too many of Jerusalem had a change of address to a locale called Captivity and for a few, they were led by the Hand of God to Land choice above all other lands; the background for the Book of Mormon.
Lehi and his families listened and harkened to the Words of the Prophets, and these are they who were spared.
Jay Huffman
Baruch Haba HaShem Adonai
" O that ZION were established " Laus Deo !!
His name is Jesus,
the Holy One of Israel
El Gibbor - the mighty Elohim
Aviyad - the Everlasting Father
Sar-Shalom - the Prince of PeacePray For the Peace of Jerusalem
Many seek to be THE ONE,
I choose to speak of BEING ONE IN CHRIST JESUS
Yeshua Hamashiach
Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord -
*** Jay Huffman
*** A Prisoner of Jesus Christ*** A stranger and a pilgrim on the earth
*** May He come quickly
From: Jay Huffman
The Prophets: Jeremiah 04/27/2020
Within the realm of the Restoration Gospel, we are so blessed to have what we have concerning the prophets of God. When we consider how specific each was in his day and time to the nation and the church in that dispensation and yet how far reaching, all-encompassing, and forward looking, and futuristic impacting the WORD of God was then and IS NOW.
How often did Jesus call and direct and instruct the people of wherever He ministered and whenever He ministered, to look to what the prophets wrote and foretold of Him and of that which is to come; and the prophets, each one, to a man; spake of The TRUTH OF ALL THINGS.
Alma, as he escaped the courts of wicked King Noah and having lived among and heard the words of the prophet Abinadi, was so moved by the Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Revelation, that he too risked his life in defense of the man and the TRUTH OF ALL THINGS. And because he had truly been “converted” unto the Lord and the TRUTH OF ALL THINGS, Alma was pressed upon and inspired to write down what had been given by the Holy Ghost:
“And now it came to pass that Alma,
who had fled from the servants of King Noah,
repented of his sins and iniquities,
and went about privately among the people,
and began to teach the words of Abinadi;
Yea, concerning that which was to come,
and also concerning the resurrection of the dead,
and the redemption of the people,
which was to be brought to pass through the power,
and sufferings, and death of Christ,
and His resurrection and ascension into heaven.”
And from these few words, we begin to see WHAT the prophets do and will ALWAYS speak about, and the condition upon those prophetic utterances are given and the condition whereby the WORDS OF THE PROPHETS are to be received by the hearer. As it is written and as it is spoken:
“Prov 18:21 Life and death are in the power of the tongue”, the WORD of GOD.
God spake and the world was, so writes Jacob from the Book of Mormon:
“For behold, by the power of his word, man came upon the face of the earth;
which earth was created by the power of his word.
Wherefore, if God, being able to speak, and the world was; and to speak,
and man was created, O then, why not able to command the earth,
or the workmanship of his hands upon the face of it,
according to his will and pleasure.
Wherefore, brethren, seek not to counsel the Lord,
but to take counsel from his hand.” Jacob 3
The days of Jeremiah where approximately from 655 B.C., and he became a prophet in 626 B.C. He lived during through the reign of Judah’s five last kings which included Josiah, Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin and Zedekiah. And Jeremiah was well known to Lehi and Nephi and their extended families.
From the very beginning of the prophet Jeremiah discloses the great displeasure of the Lord with HIS people and provided very specific detail as to the controversy the Lord has with the people of the land, the nation of the land, and the church of that dispensation upon the land.
“Hear ye the word of the Lord, O house of Jacob, and all the families of the house of Israel;
Thus saith the Lord, What iniquity have your fathers found in me, that they are gone far from me, and have walked after vanity, and are become vain?”
“The priests said not, Where is the Lord? and they that handle the law knew me not; the pastors also transgressed against me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal, and walked after things that do not profit.
Wherefore I will yet plead with you, saith the Lord, and with your children's children will I plead.”
“Hath a nation changed their gods, which are yet no gods? but my people have changed their glory for that which doth not profit. Be astonished, O ye heavens, at this, and be horribly afraid, be ye very desolate, saith the Lord. For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.”
So, the Lord tells His people, they who are called by His Name, what the controversy He has with them is.
And so it is with us today. Does this not accurately describe the state of the church and the far too many of the far too many of the church? Does it not address all; even the families of the house of Israel and certainly the “chief families” of the church? Can you see this? And the Lord begins to outline the
true nature of and origins of “replacement theology” and this has been a plague among God’s people since the days of Adam.
The prophet Hosea also defines very clearly what the controversy the Lord has with and will ALWAYS have with the inhabitants of the land, wherever and whenever that people may be and what their latitude and longitude might be. Hosea was an earlier prophet, the year is around 750 BC;
The Lord, through Hosea, declares what the problem and/or problems are:
“Hear the word of the Lord, ye children of Israel; for the Lord hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land.” Hosea 4:1
Even in this, the principles of continuity in ALL of the WORD of God and dispels the false teaching that invades and infests and infects the minds of the people today, a virus far more deadly than CoronaVirus-19. Some would say and have said and continue to “teach” falsehoods, in saying that some of what was given “then” – whenever the then might have “been” is not relevant our day. Yet Jeremiah faced and addressed that same issue and the Lord was very clear about substance, content and, and consequences. Scattered, peeled, separated.
“The priests said not, Where is the Lord? and they that handle the law knew me not; the pastors also transgressed against me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal, and walked after things that do not profit.”
The Lord gives very specific direction and the cure for what ails us and the remedy to find rest unto our souls; and we love the hymn inspired by these words:
“Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.” Jeremiah 6
But the answer from far too many of the far too many of the people and of the far too many that occupy high places and the far too many of the chief families of that day was this:
“But they said, We will not walk therein. Also I set watchmen over you, saying, Hearken to the sound of the trumpet. But they said, We will not hearken.”
And as a result, the far too many of Jerusalem had a change of address to a locale called Captivity and for a few, they were led by the Hand of God to Land choice above all other lands; the background for the Book of Mormon.
Lehi and his families listened and harkened to the Words of the Prophets, and these are they who were spared.
Jay Huffman
Baruch Haba HaShem Adonai
" O that ZION were established " Laus Deo !!
His name is Jesus,
the Holy One of Israel
El Gibbor - the mighty Elohim
Aviyad - the Everlasting Father
Sar-Shalom - the Prince of PeacePray For the Peace of Jerusalem
Many seek to be THE ONE,
I choose to speak of BEING ONE IN CHRIST JESUS
Yeshua Hamashiach
Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord -
*** Jay Huffman
*** A Prisoner of Jesus Christ*** A stranger and a pilgrim on the earth
*** May He come quickly
Joseph Smith Jr. Church Lineage 1656 to April 2020 AD
From: Dan Edson
Joseph Smith Jr.
Church Lineage
1656 AD to April 2020 AD
A compilation of history starting with
Joseph Smith Junior’s Great-Great-Great Grandparents
Robert & Mary Smith married 1656-1693
Up to our current church day April 2020.
of the
RESTORED Church of April 6, 1830,
REORGANIZED Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints of April 6, 1860,
Community of Christ Church of April 6, 2001,
to our
Current Church Day of April 2020.
Joseph Smith Senior - (Joseph Smith Junior’s Father):
Known as Joseph Smith Sr.
Son of Asael Smith and Mary (Duty) married 1767-1840
Grandson of Samuel Smith and Priscilla (Gould) married 1734-1744
Great Grandson of Samuel Smith and Rebecca (Curtis) married 1707-1748
Great-Great Grandson of Robert Smith and Mary (French) married 1656-1693
Joseph Smith Sr.’s brothers and sisters in order (11 children):
11 Children - Jesse, Priscilla, Joseph Smith Sr., Asael, Mary, Samuel, Silas, John, Susanna, Stephen and Sarah.
Joseph Smith Sr. born Topsfield, Massachusetts Bay July 12, 1771 (3rd of 11 children)
Married Tunbridge, Vermont January 24, 1796 to Lucy Mack
Died September 14, 1840 age 69
Buried Nauvoo, Illinois at the Smith Family Cemetery
1st Presiding Patriarch called by our Heavenly Father through Joseph Smith Jr. December 18, 1836 - September 14, 1840.
Assistant Counselor in the First Presidency called by our Heavenly Father through Joseph Smith Jr. September 3, 1837 - September 14, 1840.
Lucy Mack - (Joseph Smith Junior’s Mother):
Lucy Mack’s parents Solomon Mack and Lydia Gates were married in 1759.
Lucy Mack's brothers and sisters in order (8 children):
8 Children - Jason, Lydia, Stephen, Lovisa, Lovina, Daniel, Solomon, Lucy.
Lucy Mack born Gilsum, New Hampshire July 8, 1776
Married Tunbridge, Vermont January 24, 1796 to Joseph Smith Sr.
Died May 8, 1855 age 78
Buried Nauvoo, Illinois at the Smith Family Cemetery
10 Children of Joseph Smith Sr. and Lucy Mack Smith (10 children):
1. Alvin February 11, 1799 - November 19, 1824 Died age 25
2. Hyrum February 9, 1800 - June 27, 1844 Died age 44
Assassinated with his brother Joseph Smith Jr. by a surprise masked mob attack on June 27, 1844 at Carthage, Illinois Jail. (See Doctrine and Covenants Section 113 for explanation; especially verse 6a-d)
Buried in Nauvoo, Illinois at the Smith Family Cemetery
3. Sophronia May 18, 1803 - October 28, 1876 Died age 73
4. Joseph Smith, Jr. December 23, 1805 - June 27, 1844 Died age 38
Assassinated with his brother Hyrum Smith by a surprise masked mob attack on June 27, 1844 at Carthage, Illinois Jail. (See Doctrine and Covenants Section 113 for explanation; especially verse 6a-d)
Buried in Nauvoo, Illinois at the Smith Family Cemetery
5. Samuel March 13, 1808 - July 30, 1844 Died age 36
Died from the effects of a fever contracted through exposure, over exertion in getting away from the mob, that killed his brothers - Joseph Smith, Jr. and Hyrum on June 27, 1844.
6. Ephraim March 13, 1810 - March 24, 1810 Died 11 days old
7. William March 13, 1811 - November 13, 1893 Died age 81
8. Catherine July 8, 1812 - February 1, 1900 Died age 87
9. Don Carlos March 25, 1816 - August 7, 1841 Died age 25
10. Lucy July 18, 1821 - December 9, 1882 Died age 61
1st Prophet-President Joseph Smith Junior (4th son of Joseph Smith Sr. & Lucy Mack):
Known as Joseph Smith Jr.
Son of Joseph Smith Sr. & Lucy (Mack) married 1796-1840
Doctrine and Covenants Section 19:1 - 3 (Revelation given April 6, 1830 to Joseph Smith Jr.)
19:1b. being inspired of the Holy Ghost to lay the foundation thereof, and to build it up unto the most holy faith;
1c. which church was organized and established, in the year of your Lord eighteen hundred and thirty, in the fourth month, and on the sixth day of the month, which is called April.
Born Sharon, Vermont December 23, 1805 (4th of 10 children)
Presided April 6, 1830 - June 27, 1844
Term of office 14 years
Death June 27, 1844
Buried Nauvoo, Illinois at the Smith Family Cemetery Died age 38
Assassinated with his brother Hyrum Smith by a surprise masked mob attack on June 27, 1844 in Carthage, Illinois Jail, Hancock County, while under the protection of Governor Thomas Ford.
(Doctrine and Covenants Section 113 “Martyrdom of Joseph Smith Jr. and his brother Hyrum”)
Emma Hale - Joseph Smith Jr.s’ only wife married 1827 - 1844:
Emma Hales’s parents Isaac Hale and Elizabeth (Lewis) were married in 1790.
They had 9 children in order: Jesse, David, Alva, Phebe, Elizabeth, Issac Ward, Emma, Tryal, and Reuben.
Born Harmony Township, Pennsylvania July 10, 1804
Met Joseph Smith Jr. in 1825 near Palmyra, New York
Married Joseph Smith Jr. January 18, 1827 South Bainbridge, New York till Joseph’s assassination June 27, 1844
Married 16 years to Joseph Smith Jr.
After Joseph Smith Jr.’s assassination June 27, 1844, Emma at age 43 married Major Lewis C. Bidamon December 27, 1847 - April 30, 1879 - married 31 years. They had no children together. Major Lewis C. Bidamon was a leader in the Illinois Militia that assisted the saints in the 1846 Battle of Nauvoo.
Death April 30, 1879 at the Nauvoo House, Nauvoo, Illinois Died age 74
Buried Nauvoo, Illinois at the Smith Family Cemetery
Under the direction of President Frederick M. Smith (Emma’s grandson), the bodies of Joseph and Hyrum Smith were located in the family burial plat in Nauvoo, and, together with that of Emma Hale Smith, were re-interred, with appropriate ceremonies, on January 20, 1928, “Ancestry and Posterity of Joseph Smith and Emma Hale,” p. 76.
“Ancestry and Posterity of Joseph Smith and Emma Hale,” p. 75 - 76 further ancestry of Emma Hale back to the Mayflower: Emma, the charming and capable daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth (Lewis) Hale, well-to-do farmers living near Harmony (now Oakland), Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania. Through both her parents, this young woman was descended from a long line of interesting ancestors, among them being John Howland, Mayflower passenger and Assistant Governor of Plymouth Colony, William Tuttle, ancestor of Jonathan Edwards and many college professors, lawyers and judges, and Andrew Ward, one of the magistrates appointed to the Commission governing Connecticut Colony.
10 Children of Joseph Smith Jr. and Emma Hale Smith (8 of their own children & 2 adopted children):
1. Alva June 15, 1828 - June 15, 1828 Died 1 day old
2. Twins #1 Thaddeus April 30, 1831 - April 30, 1831 Stillborn
3. Twins #2 Louisa April 30, 1831 - April 30, 1831 Stillborn
A couple weeks after Emma and Joseph Jr.’s twins were stillborn, they adopted a set of twins that were born on the same day as Emma’s stillborn twins because Mrs. Murdock had died after birthing them:
4. Twins #1 Joseph Murdock April 30, 1831 - March 29, 1832 Adopted, Died age 10 months
5. Twins #2 Julia Murdock April 30, 1831 - September 12, 1880 Adopted, Died age 49
6. Joseph Smith III November 6, 1832 - December 10, 1914 Died age 82
7. Frederick Granger Williams June 20, 1836 - April 13, 1862 Died age 25
8. Alexander June 2, 1838 - August 12, 1909 Died age 71
9. Don Carlos June 13, 1840 - September 15, 1841 Died age 14 months
10. David November 17, 1844 - August 29, 1904 Died age 59
2nd Prophet-President Joseph Smith III (eldest surviving son of Joseph Smith Jr. & Emma Hale):
Known as Joseph Smith III
Son of Joseph Smith Jr. & Emma (Hale) married 1827-1844
Grandson of Joseph Smith Sr. & Lucy (Mack) married 1796-1840
While Joseph Smith Jr. did not ordain his son Joseph Smith III to hold priesthood, he did designate him to be his successor in the prophetic office by the laying on of hands at least four different times before he was assassinated. These four times were:
(1) In Liberty Jail 1838 (6 yrs. old) - The Story of the Church by Inez Smith Davis p. 288
(2) In Joseph Jr.’s Brick Store in Nauvoo, January 17,1844 (11 yrs. old) - Temple Lot Abstract, p. 40
(3) In a public meeting in the grove east of the Temple in Nauvoo - Temple Lot Abstract, p. 41
(4) In Joseph Jr.’s home, The Mansion House, on June 24, 1844 (11 yrs. old) Temple Lot Abstract, pages 40–41, RLDS Church History Volume 3 chapter 27 “President Smith’s Position” pages 506-507.
April 6, 1860 at the “Restored Church of 1830’s General Conference” at Amboy, Illinois, 16 years after Joseph Smith Jr.’s assassination on June 27, 1844, Joseph Smith III at age 27 publicly declared that his Heavenly Father had spoken to him about being the president of the Reorganized Church of 1860.
Joseph Smith III Reorganized the Restored church of April 6, 1830 on April 6, 1860,
it being renamed Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days or RLDS on April 6, 1860.
Born Kirkland, Ohio November 6, 1832
Presided April 6, 1860 - December 10, 1914
Term of office 54 years
Death December 10, 1914 (was blind the last four years of his life)
Buried Mound Grove Cemetery, Independence, Missouri Died age 82
Emmeline Griswold - Joseph Smith III’s first wife 1856 - 1869 (Emmeline died at age 30):
Emmeline Griswold’s parents Elias and Lucinda Griswold (Lucinda, born September 10, 1798). Elias and Lucinda Griswold had seven daughters and four sons. Elias died in Texas on a business trip. Joseph Smith III met Emmeline and her mother Lucinda (a widow) in Nauvoo.
Born March 12, 1839
Married Joseph Smith III on October 22, 1856
Death March 25, 1869
Buried Nauvoo, Illinois at the Smith Family Cemetery Died age 30
5 Children of Joseph Smith III and Emmeline Griswold (5 children):
1. Emma Josepha July 28, 1857 - October 20, 1915 Died age 58
2. Evelyn Rebecca January 25, 1859 - September 30, 1859 Died age 8 mo. 5 days
3. Carrie Lucinda September 15, 1861 - April 27, 1944 Died age 82
4. Zaide Viola April 25, 1863 - January 8, 1891 Died age 27
5. Joseph Arthur August 12, 1865 - March 12, 1866 Died age 7 mo.
Bertha Madison - Joseph Smith III’s second wife 1869 - 1896 (Bertha died at age 53):
Eight months after Emmeline (1st wife) died he married Bertha Madison. Bertha Madison’s parents Mads and Mary (Thomason) Madison. Bertha was their second daughter.
Born July 16, 1843
Married Joseph Smith III on November 12, 1869
Death October 19, 1896
Buried Rose Hill at Liberty Hall farm Lamoni, Iowa Died age 53
9 Children of Joseph Smith III and Bertha Madison (9 children):
1. David Carlos August 14, 1870 - January 24, 1886 Died age 15
2. Mary Audentia March 23, 1872 - May 5, 1963 Died age 91
3. Frederick Madison January 21, 1874 - March 20, 1946 Died age 72
4. Israel Alexander February 2, 1876 - June 14, 1958 Died age 82
5. Kenneth October 6, 1877 - October 6, 1877 Died 1 day old
6. Bertha Azubah October 15, 1878 - October 14, 1884 Died age 5 yr 11mo 29 days
7. Hale Washington February 22, 1881 - July 10, 1956 Died age 75
8. Blossom May 1, 1883 - May 1, 1883 Died age 1 day
9. Lucy Yeteve December 11, 1884 - August 4, 1945 Died age 60
Ada Rachel Clark - Joseph Smith III’s third wife 1898 - 1914 (Ada died at age 44):
One year and three months after Bertha (2nd wife) died he married Ada Rachel Clark. Ada Rachel Clark’s parents Alexander and Mary (Middleton) Clark.
Born July 23, 1871
Married Joseph Smith III on January 12, 1898
Died October 20, 1915 Died age 44
Buried Mound Grove Cemetery, Independence, Missouri with Joseph Smith III
3 Children of Joseph Smith III and Ada Rachel Clark (3 children):
1. Richard Clark December 26, 1898 - unknown Died age unknown
2. William Wallace November 18, 1900 - August 4, 1989 Died age 88
3. Reginald Archer January 8, 1903 - unknown Died age unknown
3rd Prophet-President Frederick Madison Smith (3rd child of Joseph Smith III & Bertha Madison):
Known as Fred M. Smith
Brother to Israel A. Smith of Joseph Smith III & Bertha (Madison) married 1869-1896
Half brother to W. Wallace Smith of Joseph Smith III & Ada (Clark) married 1898-1914
Son of Joseph Smith III & Bertha (Madison) married 1869-1896
Grandson of Joseph Smith Jr. & Emma (Hale) married 1827-1844
Great Grandson of Joseph Smith Sr. & Lucy (Mack) married 1796-1840
Born January 21, 1874 Plano, Illinois
Presided May 15, 1915 - March 20, 1946
Term of office 32 years
Death March 20, 1946
Buried Mound Grove Cemetery, Independence, Missouri Died age 72
Ruth Adele Cobb Lyman - Frederick Madison Smith’s wife (Ruth died at age 54):
Ruth Adel Cobb Lyman’s parents Elijah and Alice Elvira (Lyman) Cobb.
Ruth Adel Cobb used her mothers name of Lyman for her name.
Ruth changed her name to Ruth Lyman Smith when she wrote church material.
Born December 9, 1872
Married August 3, 1897
Died May 4, 1926
Buried Mound Grove Cemetery, Independence, Missouri Died age 54
2 Children of Frederick Madison Smith and Ruth Lyman (2 children):
1. Alice Myrmida March 29, 1899 - July 7, 1973 Died age 74
2. Lois Audentia March 25, 1907 - November 25, 1992 Died age 85
4th Prophet-President Israel Alexander Smith (4th child of Joseph Smith III & Bertha Madison):
Known as Israel A. Smith
Brother to Fred M. Smith of Joseph Smith III & Bertha (Madison) married 1869-1896
Half brother to W. Wallace Smith of Joseph Smith III & Ada (Clark) married 1898-1914
Son of Joseph Smith III & Bertha (Madison) married 1869-1896
Grandson of Joseph Smith Jr. & Emma (Hale) married 1827-1844
Great Grandson of Joseph Smith Sr. & Lucy (Mack) married 1796-1840
Born February 2, 1876 Plano, Illinois
Presided April 6, 1946 - June 14, 1958
Term of office 12 years
Death June 14, 1958
Buried Mound Grove Cemetery, Independence, Missouri Died age 82
Nina Marie Grenawalt - Israel Alexander Smith’s wife (Nina died at age 65):
Nina Marie Grenawalt’s parents John and Fannie (Robinson) Grenawalt.
Born August 16, 1886
Married March 14, 1908
Died October 5, 1950
Buried Mound Grove Cemetery, Independence, Missouri Died age 65
2 Children of Israel Alexander Smith and Nina Marie Grenawalt (2 children):
1. Joseph Perrine September 7, 1912 - March 2, 1936 Died age 23
2. Donald Carlos March 4, 1916 - November 23, 1988 Died age 72
5th Prophet-President William Wallace Smith (2nd son of Joseph Smith III & Ada Rachel Clark):
Known as W. Wallace Smith
Half brother to Fred M. Smith of Joseph Smith III & Bertha (Madison) married 1869-1896
Half brother to Israel A. Smith of Joseph Smith III & Bertha (Madison) married 1869-1896
Son of Joseph Smith III & Ada (Clark) married 1898-1914
Grandson of Joseph Smith Jr. & Emma (Hale) married 1827-1844
Great Grandson of Joseph Smith Sr. & Lucy (Mack) married 1796-1840
Born November 18, 1900 Lamoni, Iowa
Presided October 6, 1958 - April 5, 1978
Term of office 20 years
Death August 4, 1989
Buried Mound Grove Cemetery, Independence, Missouri Died age 88
Rosamond Bunnell - William Wallace Smith’s wife (Rosamond died at age 88):
Rosamond Bunnell’s parents George E. and Rose Etta (Palmer) Bunnell.
Born January 19, 1898
Married November 12, 1924
Died August 1986
Buried Mound Grove Cemetery, Independence, Missouri Died age 88
2 Children of William Wallace Smith and Rosamond Bunnell (2 children):
1. Rosalee Smith Elser September 4, 1925 - July 4, 2007
Buried Mound Grove Cemetery, Independence, Missouri Died age 81
2. Wallace Bunnell Smith
Born July 29, 1929
Presided April 5, 1978 - April 15, 1996
Term of office 18 years
Still Living as of April 2020 at Age 90
6th Prophet-President Wallace Bunnell Smith (only son of W. Wallace Smith & Rosamond Bunnel):
Known as Wallace B. Smith or Wally B. Smith
Nephew to Fred M. Smith
Nephew to Israel A. Smith
Son of W. Wallace Smith & Rosamond (Bunnell) married 1924-1986
Grandson of Joseph Smith III & Ada (Clark) married 1898-1914
Great Grandson of Joseph Smith Jr. & Emma (Hale) married 1827-1844
Great-Great Grandson of Joseph Smith Sr. & Lucy (Mack) married 1796-1840
Born July 29, 1929 Lamoni, Iowa
Presided April 5, 1978 - April 15, 1996
Term of office 18 years
Still Living as of April 2020 at Age 90
Wallace B. Smith's presidency approved to build the church's temple and headquarters in Independence, Missouri, 1990-1994. The conference of April 5, 1984 he set up, voted and approved ordination of women into the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints priesthood offices. The first ordination of a women took place November 17, 1985. He first proposed at a Joint Council retreat in 1994 to change the name of the church. At the following World Conference the proposed name change of Community of Christ was not approved. At the 2000 World Conference, after his retirement, the name change was approved.
He announced on September 19, 1995 that he was retiring. He designated W. Grant McMurray as his successor, and retired in 1996.
Anne Smith - Wallace Bunnell Smith’s wife (no information found about Anne Smith):
3 Children of Wallace Bunnell Smith and Anne Smith (3 children):
1. Carolyn No information found
2. Julie No information found
3. Laura No information found
7th Prophet-President William Grant McMurray’s Presidency - no relation to the Smith family above:
Known as Willam Grant McMurray or W. Grant McMurray
No relation to the Smith family above
W. Grant McMurray is the first non-descendant of Joseph Smith, Jr. to head: the Restored Church of 1830 called the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints which was officially changed on April 6, 2001 to Community of Christ.
Born July 12, 1947 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Presided April 15, 1996 - November 29, 2004
Term of office 7 1/2 years
Still Living as of April 2020 at Age 72
Joyce Lorance McMurray - William Grant McMurray’s wife (no information found about Joyce or children):
Per W. Grant McMurray at the April 1996 World Conference brought the proposal forth to change the churches’ name but was voted down.
Per W. Grant McMurray and his followers, passed to change the church from closed communion to open communion.
Originally the Holy ordinances - sacrament - was for baptized members only but was changed to anyone could partake which is contrary to the original Restored church of 1830.
Sacrament, not to be taken unworthily… :
see Mormon chapter 4:94, 95 (Mormon is Moroni’s father - A.D. 400-421)
Mormon 4:94
Be wise in the days of your probation; strip yourselves of all uncleanness; ask not, that ye may consume it on your lusts, but ask with a firmness unshaken, that ye will yield to no temptation, but that ye will serve the true and living God.
Mormon 4:95
See that ye are not baptized unworthily; see that ye partake not of the sacrament of Christ unworthily; but see that ye do all things in worthiness, and do it in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God; and if ye do this, and endure to the end, ye will in no wise be cast out.
COMMUNION PRAYERS over the bread and wine:
BREAD Doctrine and Covenants 17:22
O God, the eternal Father, we ask thee in the name of thy Son Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this bread to the souls of all those who partake of it, that they may eat in remembrance of the body of thy Son, and witness unto thee, O God, the eternal Father, that they are willing to take upon them the name of thy Son, and always remember him and keep his commandments which he has given them, that they may always have his Spirit to be with them. Amen.
WINE Doctrine and Covenants 17:23
O God, the eternal Father, we ask thee in the name of thy Son Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this wine to the souls of all those who drink of it, that they may do it in remembrance of the blood of thy Son which was shed for them, that they may witness unto thee, O God, the eternal Father, that they do always remember him, that they may have his Spirit to be with them. Amen.
Per W. Grant McMurray and his followers, passed to ordain priesthood that were practicing homosexuality.
Marriage I Corinthians 7: all (around A.D. 59)
Let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband…
Marriage Doctrine & Covenants Section 111: 1 - 4
This section about marriage was read by W.W. Phelps at the general assembly of August 17, 1835 and was adopted unanimously by that assembly as part of the Book of Doctrine and Covenants. It has been retained in every edition of the book published by the Reorganization, and the church knows no other law of marriage that that which is set forth in this section.
Marriage Genesis 2: 27 - 31
2:27 Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but as for Adam, there was not found an help meet for him.
2:28 And I, the Lord God, caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept, and I took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in the stead thereof; and the rib, which I, the Lord God had taken from man, made I a woman, and brought her unto the man.
2:29 And Adam said, This I know now is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man.
2:30 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife; and they shall be one flesh.
2:31 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.
Per W. Grant McMurray and his followers, in 1998 ordained the first two women apostles in the Community of Christ Church.
Per W. Grant McMurray at the April 6, 2000 World Conference, again proposed to change the churches’ name and was passed by the conference. April 6, 2001 the name Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was officially changed to Community of Christ.
Community of Christ has the ownership of the name “Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints” for legal and historical reasons.
Joseph Smith Jr. was assassinated by a surprise mob attack on June 27, 1844 at Carthage, Illinois Jail
(see Doctrine and Covenants Section 113 for explanation; especially verse 6a-d)
April 6, 1860 Sixteen years after Joseph Smith Jr. was assassination on June 27, 1844 at age 27 Joseph Smith III was inspired by God to:
Reorganize the Restored Church of 1830, it being called Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
April 6, 2001, per W. Grant McMurray’s presidency: the Restored Church of 1830 called Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was officially changed to Community of Christ.
Per W. Grant McMurray and his followers, passed to have a Community of Christ Seminary, which teaches practical Christian ministries taught from a Christian theological viewpoint.
November 29, 2004 he wrote a letter of resignation that stated, “Along the way I have made some inappropriate choices, and the circumstances of my life are now such that I cannot continue to effectively lead the church.”
8th Prophet-President Stephen Mark Veazey (wife and children unknown):
Second non-descendant of Joseph Smith Jr. to head:
the Restored Church of 1830 called the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, now called Community of Christ Church.
Born May 3, 1957 Tennessee
Presided June 3, 2005 - current
Term of office - current
Still Living as of April 2020 at Age 62
Stephen Mark Veazey’s first sermon as President at a conference encouraged church members to be active disciples and share the fullness of the peace of Christ. He asked the members to accept their differences no matter of religion, scripture, doctrine, moral views and to be brothers and sisters in Christ.
Per Stephen Veazey on June 14, 2006 he made a way to reduce costs concerning the World Church Staff. This was called, a mission of the church. He was asked to find a way to fix the deficit budgets that had been accumulated at World Conferences. To do this, he took away one-fourth of the headquarters and field staff job positions.
Per Stephen Veazey and his followers, on March 29, 2007 passed a document at the World Conference that became Doctrine and Covenants Section 163. It talks about the new church name change -Community of Christ, action to receive divine peace, accept political, cultural and religious things that are contrary to peace, a social and environmental gospel, misinterpretations of scripture, spiritual formation, and calling his followers a prophetic people.
March 2007, he replaced a retiring member of the First Presidency with the first female to serve in that office as a member. He said, “This is another step in the long journey toward equal regard and opportunity in the church and in society.”
January 17, 2010, he presented another document which became section 164 in the Doctrine and Covenants.
April 14, 2010, Community of Christ voted at their World Conference to make section 164 scripture. Stephen Veazey stated that section 164 says that all Christian baptisms, including LDS baptisms, will be recognized as valid by the Community of Christ and that re-baptism is now optional and membership in the Community of Christ will be conferred through confirmation. Then Stephen Veazey left the room and left a male and female member of the First Presidency to preside. Other basic beliefs of the Restored Church of 1830 were changed as well, per Google.
Our Heavenly Father has told us down through time that the children of men shall esteem his words as naught, and take many of them from the book. . . See the scripture below:
Doctrine and Covenants Section 22: 24 a - b, God was speaking face-face to Moses (born around 1392 BC) on the mount about our day saying:
D&C 22:24a-b
24 a. And now, Moses, my son, I will speak unto you concerning this earth upon which you stand; and you shall write the things which I shall speak.
24 b. And in a day when the children of men shall esteem my words as naught, and take many of them from the book which you (Moses) shall write, behold I will raise up another (Joseph Smith Jr., 1830 AD) like unto you (Moses), and they (the words that Moses wrote and Joseph Smith Jr. translated through Gods divine intervention) shall be had again among the children of men, among even as many as shall believe.
The Return of Christ is not a fable, a dream or a distant myth. The coming of Jesus is an eminent event that has been foretold by prophets, reformers, restorationists, and the saints of God. Through the power of His spirit in these last days we have been commanded to be the emissary (sent on a special mission), of the divine occurrence. Events in the world today should waken the souls of all the saints to urgency and spur them on to preparation for that which is to come in the which as our forerunners have said, “We will do a greater work than they.”
The mighty persons spoken above did amazing things in their lives while here on earth but only Jesus took upon him all our sins, gave his physical life for each of us hanging on a cross, took back the keys of death, rose again, is alive today spiritually, and will return physically with all the host of heaven to his kingdom here on earth for the space of 1000 years.
The difference between Jesus and all mighty persons down through history of time that have portrayed to be a savior is that Jesus took upon him all our sins, gave his physical life for each of us hanging on a cross, took back the keys of death, rose again, is alive today spiritually, and will return physically with his host of heaven to his kingdom on earth for the space of 1000 years.
Proverbs 3: 5 - 8
5. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
7. Be not wise in thine own eyes; fear the Lord, and depart from evil.
8. It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones.
Gray Hymnal #98:
Verse 1: Let us pray for one another, for the day is fading fast and the night is growing darker, while the scourge goes flaming past; we can see it in the darkness closing round our narrow way, and the snares are growing thicker; for each other let us pray.
Verse 2: We are walking down time’s vista; we are very near the end; Let us pray that God, the Father, will his guiding Spirit send. Now the foe becomes more daring, knowing well the latter day; ‘tis the strength of his despairing; for each other let us pray.
Verse 3: Pray in faith, and pray unceasing, to the God we love and trust, for our prays are much availing if we walk upright and just; be not weary of exhorting; heed the lesson of each day; and that we may be unwavering, for each other let us pray.
Verse 4: It is waning on toward midnight; soon we’ll hear the watchman say, “See the Son of God is coming; go and meet him on the way!” That our lamps may then be burning bright enough to guide our way, and that we may share his glory, for each other let us pray.
Joseph Smith Jr.
Church Lineage
1656 AD to April 2020 AD
A compilation of history starting with
Joseph Smith Junior’s Great-Great-Great Grandparents
Robert & Mary Smith married 1656-1693
Up to our current church day April 2020.
of the
RESTORED Church of April 6, 1830,
REORGANIZED Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints of April 6, 1860,
Community of Christ Church of April 6, 2001,
to our
Current Church Day of April 2020.
Joseph Smith Senior - (Joseph Smith Junior’s Father):
Known as Joseph Smith Sr.
Son of Asael Smith and Mary (Duty) married 1767-1840
Grandson of Samuel Smith and Priscilla (Gould) married 1734-1744
Great Grandson of Samuel Smith and Rebecca (Curtis) married 1707-1748
Great-Great Grandson of Robert Smith and Mary (French) married 1656-1693
Joseph Smith Sr.’s brothers and sisters in order (11 children):
11 Children - Jesse, Priscilla, Joseph Smith Sr., Asael, Mary, Samuel, Silas, John, Susanna, Stephen and Sarah.
Joseph Smith Sr. born Topsfield, Massachusetts Bay July 12, 1771 (3rd of 11 children)
Married Tunbridge, Vermont January 24, 1796 to Lucy Mack
Died September 14, 1840 age 69
Buried Nauvoo, Illinois at the Smith Family Cemetery
1st Presiding Patriarch called by our Heavenly Father through Joseph Smith Jr. December 18, 1836 - September 14, 1840.
Assistant Counselor in the First Presidency called by our Heavenly Father through Joseph Smith Jr. September 3, 1837 - September 14, 1840.
Lucy Mack - (Joseph Smith Junior’s Mother):
Lucy Mack’s parents Solomon Mack and Lydia Gates were married in 1759.
Lucy Mack's brothers and sisters in order (8 children):
8 Children - Jason, Lydia, Stephen, Lovisa, Lovina, Daniel, Solomon, Lucy.
Lucy Mack born Gilsum, New Hampshire July 8, 1776
Married Tunbridge, Vermont January 24, 1796 to Joseph Smith Sr.
Died May 8, 1855 age 78
Buried Nauvoo, Illinois at the Smith Family Cemetery
10 Children of Joseph Smith Sr. and Lucy Mack Smith (10 children):
1. Alvin February 11, 1799 - November 19, 1824 Died age 25
2. Hyrum February 9, 1800 - June 27, 1844 Died age 44
Assassinated with his brother Joseph Smith Jr. by a surprise masked mob attack on June 27, 1844 at Carthage, Illinois Jail. (See Doctrine and Covenants Section 113 for explanation; especially verse 6a-d)
Buried in Nauvoo, Illinois at the Smith Family Cemetery
3. Sophronia May 18, 1803 - October 28, 1876 Died age 73
4. Joseph Smith, Jr. December 23, 1805 - June 27, 1844 Died age 38
Assassinated with his brother Hyrum Smith by a surprise masked mob attack on June 27, 1844 at Carthage, Illinois Jail. (See Doctrine and Covenants Section 113 for explanation; especially verse 6a-d)
Buried in Nauvoo, Illinois at the Smith Family Cemetery
5. Samuel March 13, 1808 - July 30, 1844 Died age 36
Died from the effects of a fever contracted through exposure, over exertion in getting away from the mob, that killed his brothers - Joseph Smith, Jr. and Hyrum on June 27, 1844.
6. Ephraim March 13, 1810 - March 24, 1810 Died 11 days old
7. William March 13, 1811 - November 13, 1893 Died age 81
8. Catherine July 8, 1812 - February 1, 1900 Died age 87
9. Don Carlos March 25, 1816 - August 7, 1841 Died age 25
10. Lucy July 18, 1821 - December 9, 1882 Died age 61
1st Prophet-President Joseph Smith Junior (4th son of Joseph Smith Sr. & Lucy Mack):
Known as Joseph Smith Jr.
Son of Joseph Smith Sr. & Lucy (Mack) married 1796-1840
Doctrine and Covenants Section 19:1 - 3 (Revelation given April 6, 1830 to Joseph Smith Jr.)
19:1b. being inspired of the Holy Ghost to lay the foundation thereof, and to build it up unto the most holy faith;
1c. which church was organized and established, in the year of your Lord eighteen hundred and thirty, in the fourth month, and on the sixth day of the month, which is called April.
Born Sharon, Vermont December 23, 1805 (4th of 10 children)
Presided April 6, 1830 - June 27, 1844
Term of office 14 years
Death June 27, 1844
Buried Nauvoo, Illinois at the Smith Family Cemetery Died age 38
Assassinated with his brother Hyrum Smith by a surprise masked mob attack on June 27, 1844 in Carthage, Illinois Jail, Hancock County, while under the protection of Governor Thomas Ford.
(Doctrine and Covenants Section 113 “Martyrdom of Joseph Smith Jr. and his brother Hyrum”)
Emma Hale - Joseph Smith Jr.s’ only wife married 1827 - 1844:
Emma Hales’s parents Isaac Hale and Elizabeth (Lewis) were married in 1790.
They had 9 children in order: Jesse, David, Alva, Phebe, Elizabeth, Issac Ward, Emma, Tryal, and Reuben.
Born Harmony Township, Pennsylvania July 10, 1804
Met Joseph Smith Jr. in 1825 near Palmyra, New York
Married Joseph Smith Jr. January 18, 1827 South Bainbridge, New York till Joseph’s assassination June 27, 1844
Married 16 years to Joseph Smith Jr.
After Joseph Smith Jr.’s assassination June 27, 1844, Emma at age 43 married Major Lewis C. Bidamon December 27, 1847 - April 30, 1879 - married 31 years. They had no children together. Major Lewis C. Bidamon was a leader in the Illinois Militia that assisted the saints in the 1846 Battle of Nauvoo.
Death April 30, 1879 at the Nauvoo House, Nauvoo, Illinois Died age 74
Buried Nauvoo, Illinois at the Smith Family Cemetery
Under the direction of President Frederick M. Smith (Emma’s grandson), the bodies of Joseph and Hyrum Smith were located in the family burial plat in Nauvoo, and, together with that of Emma Hale Smith, were re-interred, with appropriate ceremonies, on January 20, 1928, “Ancestry and Posterity of Joseph Smith and Emma Hale,” p. 76.
“Ancestry and Posterity of Joseph Smith and Emma Hale,” p. 75 - 76 further ancestry of Emma Hale back to the Mayflower: Emma, the charming and capable daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth (Lewis) Hale, well-to-do farmers living near Harmony (now Oakland), Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania. Through both her parents, this young woman was descended from a long line of interesting ancestors, among them being John Howland, Mayflower passenger and Assistant Governor of Plymouth Colony, William Tuttle, ancestor of Jonathan Edwards and many college professors, lawyers and judges, and Andrew Ward, one of the magistrates appointed to the Commission governing Connecticut Colony.
10 Children of Joseph Smith Jr. and Emma Hale Smith (8 of their own children & 2 adopted children):
1. Alva June 15, 1828 - June 15, 1828 Died 1 day old
2. Twins #1 Thaddeus April 30, 1831 - April 30, 1831 Stillborn
3. Twins #2 Louisa April 30, 1831 - April 30, 1831 Stillborn
A couple weeks after Emma and Joseph Jr.’s twins were stillborn, they adopted a set of twins that were born on the same day as Emma’s stillborn twins because Mrs. Murdock had died after birthing them:
4. Twins #1 Joseph Murdock April 30, 1831 - March 29, 1832 Adopted, Died age 10 months
5. Twins #2 Julia Murdock April 30, 1831 - September 12, 1880 Adopted, Died age 49
6. Joseph Smith III November 6, 1832 - December 10, 1914 Died age 82
7. Frederick Granger Williams June 20, 1836 - April 13, 1862 Died age 25
8. Alexander June 2, 1838 - August 12, 1909 Died age 71
9. Don Carlos June 13, 1840 - September 15, 1841 Died age 14 months
10. David November 17, 1844 - August 29, 1904 Died age 59
2nd Prophet-President Joseph Smith III (eldest surviving son of Joseph Smith Jr. & Emma Hale):
Known as Joseph Smith III
Son of Joseph Smith Jr. & Emma (Hale) married 1827-1844
Grandson of Joseph Smith Sr. & Lucy (Mack) married 1796-1840
While Joseph Smith Jr. did not ordain his son Joseph Smith III to hold priesthood, he did designate him to be his successor in the prophetic office by the laying on of hands at least four different times before he was assassinated. These four times were:
(1) In Liberty Jail 1838 (6 yrs. old) - The Story of the Church by Inez Smith Davis p. 288
(2) In Joseph Jr.’s Brick Store in Nauvoo, January 17,1844 (11 yrs. old) - Temple Lot Abstract, p. 40
(3) In a public meeting in the grove east of the Temple in Nauvoo - Temple Lot Abstract, p. 41
(4) In Joseph Jr.’s home, The Mansion House, on June 24, 1844 (11 yrs. old) Temple Lot Abstract, pages 40–41, RLDS Church History Volume 3 chapter 27 “President Smith’s Position” pages 506-507.
April 6, 1860 at the “Restored Church of 1830’s General Conference” at Amboy, Illinois, 16 years after Joseph Smith Jr.’s assassination on June 27, 1844, Joseph Smith III at age 27 publicly declared that his Heavenly Father had spoken to him about being the president of the Reorganized Church of 1860.
Joseph Smith III Reorganized the Restored church of April 6, 1830 on April 6, 1860,
it being renamed Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days or RLDS on April 6, 1860.
Born Kirkland, Ohio November 6, 1832
Presided April 6, 1860 - December 10, 1914
Term of office 54 years
Death December 10, 1914 (was blind the last four years of his life)
Buried Mound Grove Cemetery, Independence, Missouri Died age 82
Emmeline Griswold - Joseph Smith III’s first wife 1856 - 1869 (Emmeline died at age 30):
Emmeline Griswold’s parents Elias and Lucinda Griswold (Lucinda, born September 10, 1798). Elias and Lucinda Griswold had seven daughters and four sons. Elias died in Texas on a business trip. Joseph Smith III met Emmeline and her mother Lucinda (a widow) in Nauvoo.
Born March 12, 1839
Married Joseph Smith III on October 22, 1856
Death March 25, 1869
Buried Nauvoo, Illinois at the Smith Family Cemetery Died age 30
5 Children of Joseph Smith III and Emmeline Griswold (5 children):
1. Emma Josepha July 28, 1857 - October 20, 1915 Died age 58
2. Evelyn Rebecca January 25, 1859 - September 30, 1859 Died age 8 mo. 5 days
3. Carrie Lucinda September 15, 1861 - April 27, 1944 Died age 82
4. Zaide Viola April 25, 1863 - January 8, 1891 Died age 27
5. Joseph Arthur August 12, 1865 - March 12, 1866 Died age 7 mo.
Bertha Madison - Joseph Smith III’s second wife 1869 - 1896 (Bertha died at age 53):
Eight months after Emmeline (1st wife) died he married Bertha Madison. Bertha Madison’s parents Mads and Mary (Thomason) Madison. Bertha was their second daughter.
Born July 16, 1843
Married Joseph Smith III on November 12, 1869
Death October 19, 1896
Buried Rose Hill at Liberty Hall farm Lamoni, Iowa Died age 53
9 Children of Joseph Smith III and Bertha Madison (9 children):
1. David Carlos August 14, 1870 - January 24, 1886 Died age 15
2. Mary Audentia March 23, 1872 - May 5, 1963 Died age 91
3. Frederick Madison January 21, 1874 - March 20, 1946 Died age 72
4. Israel Alexander February 2, 1876 - June 14, 1958 Died age 82
5. Kenneth October 6, 1877 - October 6, 1877 Died 1 day old
6. Bertha Azubah October 15, 1878 - October 14, 1884 Died age 5 yr 11mo 29 days
7. Hale Washington February 22, 1881 - July 10, 1956 Died age 75
8. Blossom May 1, 1883 - May 1, 1883 Died age 1 day
9. Lucy Yeteve December 11, 1884 - August 4, 1945 Died age 60
Ada Rachel Clark - Joseph Smith III’s third wife 1898 - 1914 (Ada died at age 44):
One year and three months after Bertha (2nd wife) died he married Ada Rachel Clark. Ada Rachel Clark’s parents Alexander and Mary (Middleton) Clark.
Born July 23, 1871
Married Joseph Smith III on January 12, 1898
Died October 20, 1915 Died age 44
Buried Mound Grove Cemetery, Independence, Missouri with Joseph Smith III
3 Children of Joseph Smith III and Ada Rachel Clark (3 children):
1. Richard Clark December 26, 1898 - unknown Died age unknown
2. William Wallace November 18, 1900 - August 4, 1989 Died age 88
3. Reginald Archer January 8, 1903 - unknown Died age unknown
3rd Prophet-President Frederick Madison Smith (3rd child of Joseph Smith III & Bertha Madison):
Known as Fred M. Smith
Brother to Israel A. Smith of Joseph Smith III & Bertha (Madison) married 1869-1896
Half brother to W. Wallace Smith of Joseph Smith III & Ada (Clark) married 1898-1914
Son of Joseph Smith III & Bertha (Madison) married 1869-1896
Grandson of Joseph Smith Jr. & Emma (Hale) married 1827-1844
Great Grandson of Joseph Smith Sr. & Lucy (Mack) married 1796-1840
Born January 21, 1874 Plano, Illinois
Presided May 15, 1915 - March 20, 1946
Term of office 32 years
Death March 20, 1946
Buried Mound Grove Cemetery, Independence, Missouri Died age 72
Ruth Adele Cobb Lyman - Frederick Madison Smith’s wife (Ruth died at age 54):
Ruth Adel Cobb Lyman’s parents Elijah and Alice Elvira (Lyman) Cobb.
Ruth Adel Cobb used her mothers name of Lyman for her name.
Ruth changed her name to Ruth Lyman Smith when she wrote church material.
Born December 9, 1872
Married August 3, 1897
Died May 4, 1926
Buried Mound Grove Cemetery, Independence, Missouri Died age 54
2 Children of Frederick Madison Smith and Ruth Lyman (2 children):
1. Alice Myrmida March 29, 1899 - July 7, 1973 Died age 74
2. Lois Audentia March 25, 1907 - November 25, 1992 Died age 85
4th Prophet-President Israel Alexander Smith (4th child of Joseph Smith III & Bertha Madison):
Known as Israel A. Smith
Brother to Fred M. Smith of Joseph Smith III & Bertha (Madison) married 1869-1896
Half brother to W. Wallace Smith of Joseph Smith III & Ada (Clark) married 1898-1914
Son of Joseph Smith III & Bertha (Madison) married 1869-1896
Grandson of Joseph Smith Jr. & Emma (Hale) married 1827-1844
Great Grandson of Joseph Smith Sr. & Lucy (Mack) married 1796-1840
Born February 2, 1876 Plano, Illinois
Presided April 6, 1946 - June 14, 1958
Term of office 12 years
Death June 14, 1958
Buried Mound Grove Cemetery, Independence, Missouri Died age 82
Nina Marie Grenawalt - Israel Alexander Smith’s wife (Nina died at age 65):
Nina Marie Grenawalt’s parents John and Fannie (Robinson) Grenawalt.
Born August 16, 1886
Married March 14, 1908
Died October 5, 1950
Buried Mound Grove Cemetery, Independence, Missouri Died age 65
2 Children of Israel Alexander Smith and Nina Marie Grenawalt (2 children):
1. Joseph Perrine September 7, 1912 - March 2, 1936 Died age 23
2. Donald Carlos March 4, 1916 - November 23, 1988 Died age 72
5th Prophet-President William Wallace Smith (2nd son of Joseph Smith III & Ada Rachel Clark):
Known as W. Wallace Smith
Half brother to Fred M. Smith of Joseph Smith III & Bertha (Madison) married 1869-1896
Half brother to Israel A. Smith of Joseph Smith III & Bertha (Madison) married 1869-1896
Son of Joseph Smith III & Ada (Clark) married 1898-1914
Grandson of Joseph Smith Jr. & Emma (Hale) married 1827-1844
Great Grandson of Joseph Smith Sr. & Lucy (Mack) married 1796-1840
Born November 18, 1900 Lamoni, Iowa
Presided October 6, 1958 - April 5, 1978
Term of office 20 years
Death August 4, 1989
Buried Mound Grove Cemetery, Independence, Missouri Died age 88
Rosamond Bunnell - William Wallace Smith’s wife (Rosamond died at age 88):
Rosamond Bunnell’s parents George E. and Rose Etta (Palmer) Bunnell.
Born January 19, 1898
Married November 12, 1924
Died August 1986
Buried Mound Grove Cemetery, Independence, Missouri Died age 88
2 Children of William Wallace Smith and Rosamond Bunnell (2 children):
1. Rosalee Smith Elser September 4, 1925 - July 4, 2007
Buried Mound Grove Cemetery, Independence, Missouri Died age 81
2. Wallace Bunnell Smith
Born July 29, 1929
Presided April 5, 1978 - April 15, 1996
Term of office 18 years
Still Living as of April 2020 at Age 90
6th Prophet-President Wallace Bunnell Smith (only son of W. Wallace Smith & Rosamond Bunnel):
Known as Wallace B. Smith or Wally B. Smith
Nephew to Fred M. Smith
Nephew to Israel A. Smith
Son of W. Wallace Smith & Rosamond (Bunnell) married 1924-1986
Grandson of Joseph Smith III & Ada (Clark) married 1898-1914
Great Grandson of Joseph Smith Jr. & Emma (Hale) married 1827-1844
Great-Great Grandson of Joseph Smith Sr. & Lucy (Mack) married 1796-1840
Born July 29, 1929 Lamoni, Iowa
Presided April 5, 1978 - April 15, 1996
Term of office 18 years
Still Living as of April 2020 at Age 90
Wallace B. Smith's presidency approved to build the church's temple and headquarters in Independence, Missouri, 1990-1994. The conference of April 5, 1984 he set up, voted and approved ordination of women into the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints priesthood offices. The first ordination of a women took place November 17, 1985. He first proposed at a Joint Council retreat in 1994 to change the name of the church. At the following World Conference the proposed name change of Community of Christ was not approved. At the 2000 World Conference, after his retirement, the name change was approved.
He announced on September 19, 1995 that he was retiring. He designated W. Grant McMurray as his successor, and retired in 1996.
Anne Smith - Wallace Bunnell Smith’s wife (no information found about Anne Smith):
3 Children of Wallace Bunnell Smith and Anne Smith (3 children):
1. Carolyn No information found
2. Julie No information found
3. Laura No information found
7th Prophet-President William Grant McMurray’s Presidency - no relation to the Smith family above:
Known as Willam Grant McMurray or W. Grant McMurray
No relation to the Smith family above
W. Grant McMurray is the first non-descendant of Joseph Smith, Jr. to head: the Restored Church of 1830 called the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints which was officially changed on April 6, 2001 to Community of Christ.
Born July 12, 1947 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Presided April 15, 1996 - November 29, 2004
Term of office 7 1/2 years
Still Living as of April 2020 at Age 72
Joyce Lorance McMurray - William Grant McMurray’s wife (no information found about Joyce or children):
Per W. Grant McMurray at the April 1996 World Conference brought the proposal forth to change the churches’ name but was voted down.
Per W. Grant McMurray and his followers, passed to change the church from closed communion to open communion.
Originally the Holy ordinances - sacrament - was for baptized members only but was changed to anyone could partake which is contrary to the original Restored church of 1830.
Sacrament, not to be taken unworthily… :
see Mormon chapter 4:94, 95 (Mormon is Moroni’s father - A.D. 400-421)
Mormon 4:94
Be wise in the days of your probation; strip yourselves of all uncleanness; ask not, that ye may consume it on your lusts, but ask with a firmness unshaken, that ye will yield to no temptation, but that ye will serve the true and living God.
Mormon 4:95
See that ye are not baptized unworthily; see that ye partake not of the sacrament of Christ unworthily; but see that ye do all things in worthiness, and do it in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God; and if ye do this, and endure to the end, ye will in no wise be cast out.
COMMUNION PRAYERS over the bread and wine:
BREAD Doctrine and Covenants 17:22
O God, the eternal Father, we ask thee in the name of thy Son Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this bread to the souls of all those who partake of it, that they may eat in remembrance of the body of thy Son, and witness unto thee, O God, the eternal Father, that they are willing to take upon them the name of thy Son, and always remember him and keep his commandments which he has given them, that they may always have his Spirit to be with them. Amen.
WINE Doctrine and Covenants 17:23
O God, the eternal Father, we ask thee in the name of thy Son Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this wine to the souls of all those who drink of it, that they may do it in remembrance of the blood of thy Son which was shed for them, that they may witness unto thee, O God, the eternal Father, that they do always remember him, that they may have his Spirit to be with them. Amen.
Per W. Grant McMurray and his followers, passed to ordain priesthood that were practicing homosexuality.
Marriage I Corinthians 7: all (around A.D. 59)
Let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband…
Marriage Doctrine & Covenants Section 111: 1 - 4
This section about marriage was read by W.W. Phelps at the general assembly of August 17, 1835 and was adopted unanimously by that assembly as part of the Book of Doctrine and Covenants. It has been retained in every edition of the book published by the Reorganization, and the church knows no other law of marriage that that which is set forth in this section.
Marriage Genesis 2: 27 - 31
2:27 Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but as for Adam, there was not found an help meet for him.
2:28 And I, the Lord God, caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept, and I took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in the stead thereof; and the rib, which I, the Lord God had taken from man, made I a woman, and brought her unto the man.
2:29 And Adam said, This I know now is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man.
2:30 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife; and they shall be one flesh.
2:31 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.
Per W. Grant McMurray and his followers, in 1998 ordained the first two women apostles in the Community of Christ Church.
Per W. Grant McMurray at the April 6, 2000 World Conference, again proposed to change the churches’ name and was passed by the conference. April 6, 2001 the name Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was officially changed to Community of Christ.
Community of Christ has the ownership of the name “Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints” for legal and historical reasons.
Joseph Smith Jr. was assassinated by a surprise mob attack on June 27, 1844 at Carthage, Illinois Jail
(see Doctrine and Covenants Section 113 for explanation; especially verse 6a-d)
April 6, 1860 Sixteen years after Joseph Smith Jr. was assassination on June 27, 1844 at age 27 Joseph Smith III was inspired by God to:
Reorganize the Restored Church of 1830, it being called Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
April 6, 2001, per W. Grant McMurray’s presidency: the Restored Church of 1830 called Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was officially changed to Community of Christ.
Per W. Grant McMurray and his followers, passed to have a Community of Christ Seminary, which teaches practical Christian ministries taught from a Christian theological viewpoint.
November 29, 2004 he wrote a letter of resignation that stated, “Along the way I have made some inappropriate choices, and the circumstances of my life are now such that I cannot continue to effectively lead the church.”
8th Prophet-President Stephen Mark Veazey (wife and children unknown):
Second non-descendant of Joseph Smith Jr. to head:
the Restored Church of 1830 called the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, now called Community of Christ Church.
Born May 3, 1957 Tennessee
Presided June 3, 2005 - current
Term of office - current
Still Living as of April 2020 at Age 62
Stephen Mark Veazey’s first sermon as President at a conference encouraged church members to be active disciples and share the fullness of the peace of Christ. He asked the members to accept their differences no matter of religion, scripture, doctrine, moral views and to be brothers and sisters in Christ.
Per Stephen Veazey on June 14, 2006 he made a way to reduce costs concerning the World Church Staff. This was called, a mission of the church. He was asked to find a way to fix the deficit budgets that had been accumulated at World Conferences. To do this, he took away one-fourth of the headquarters and field staff job positions.
Per Stephen Veazey and his followers, on March 29, 2007 passed a document at the World Conference that became Doctrine and Covenants Section 163. It talks about the new church name change -Community of Christ, action to receive divine peace, accept political, cultural and religious things that are contrary to peace, a social and environmental gospel, misinterpretations of scripture, spiritual formation, and calling his followers a prophetic people.
March 2007, he replaced a retiring member of the First Presidency with the first female to serve in that office as a member. He said, “This is another step in the long journey toward equal regard and opportunity in the church and in society.”
January 17, 2010, he presented another document which became section 164 in the Doctrine and Covenants.
April 14, 2010, Community of Christ voted at their World Conference to make section 164 scripture. Stephen Veazey stated that section 164 says that all Christian baptisms, including LDS baptisms, will be recognized as valid by the Community of Christ and that re-baptism is now optional and membership in the Community of Christ will be conferred through confirmation. Then Stephen Veazey left the room and left a male and female member of the First Presidency to preside. Other basic beliefs of the Restored Church of 1830 were changed as well, per Google.
Our Heavenly Father has told us down through time that the children of men shall esteem his words as naught, and take many of them from the book. . . See the scripture below:
Doctrine and Covenants Section 22: 24 a - b, God was speaking face-face to Moses (born around 1392 BC) on the mount about our day saying:
D&C 22:24a-b
24 a. And now, Moses, my son, I will speak unto you concerning this earth upon which you stand; and you shall write the things which I shall speak.
24 b. And in a day when the children of men shall esteem my words as naught, and take many of them from the book which you (Moses) shall write, behold I will raise up another (Joseph Smith Jr., 1830 AD) like unto you (Moses), and they (the words that Moses wrote and Joseph Smith Jr. translated through Gods divine intervention) shall be had again among the children of men, among even as many as shall believe.
The Return of Christ is not a fable, a dream or a distant myth. The coming of Jesus is an eminent event that has been foretold by prophets, reformers, restorationists, and the saints of God. Through the power of His spirit in these last days we have been commanded to be the emissary (sent on a special mission), of the divine occurrence. Events in the world today should waken the souls of all the saints to urgency and spur them on to preparation for that which is to come in the which as our forerunners have said, “We will do a greater work than they.”
The mighty persons spoken above did amazing things in their lives while here on earth but only Jesus took upon him all our sins, gave his physical life for each of us hanging on a cross, took back the keys of death, rose again, is alive today spiritually, and will return physically with all the host of heaven to his kingdom here on earth for the space of 1000 years.
The difference between Jesus and all mighty persons down through history of time that have portrayed to be a savior is that Jesus took upon him all our sins, gave his physical life for each of us hanging on a cross, took back the keys of death, rose again, is alive today spiritually, and will return physically with his host of heaven to his kingdom on earth for the space of 1000 years.
Proverbs 3: 5 - 8
5. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
7. Be not wise in thine own eyes; fear the Lord, and depart from evil.
8. It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones.
Gray Hymnal #98:
Verse 1: Let us pray for one another, for the day is fading fast and the night is growing darker, while the scourge goes flaming past; we can see it in the darkness closing round our narrow way, and the snares are growing thicker; for each other let us pray.
Verse 2: We are walking down time’s vista; we are very near the end; Let us pray that God, the Father, will his guiding Spirit send. Now the foe becomes more daring, knowing well the latter day; ‘tis the strength of his despairing; for each other let us pray.
Verse 3: Pray in faith, and pray unceasing, to the God we love and trust, for our prays are much availing if we walk upright and just; be not weary of exhorting; heed the lesson of each day; and that we may be unwavering, for each other let us pray.
Verse 4: It is waning on toward midnight; soon we’ll hear the watchman say, “See the Son of God is coming; go and meet him on the way!” That our lamps may then be burning bright enough to guide our way, and that we may share his glory, for each other let us pray.
Sunday, April 26, 2020
CBRB Jacob's Ladder Series: Message #3 - BAPTISMS
----- Forwarded message -----
From: Mark McCormick
CBRB Jacob's Ladder Series: Message #3 - BAPTISMS
Greetings Saints,
Here is the third message in the "Jacob's Ladder Series" Message #3 Baptism
Your Brother in Christ,
Mark McCormick
Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding!"
From: Mark McCormick
CBRB Jacob's Ladder Series: Message #3 - BAPTISMS
Greetings Saints,
Here is the third message in the "Jacob's Ladder Series" Message #3 Baptism
Your Brother in Christ,
Mark McCormick
Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding!"
Job Postings for Fort Osage R-1 April 26
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Rachel Horn
Job Postings for Fort Osage R-1 April 26
Fort Osage R-1 School District
Below you will find a list of jobs posted between Apr 19, 2020 and Apr 26, 2020
Job Posting Title Job Category
2020 Online Summer School Teaching Positions Grades 9-12 Certified
2020 CTC Summer School Teaching (Internal Applicants Only) Certified
Summer Food Service (Internal Posting Only) Classified
Speech Language Pathologist (2020-2021 School Year) Certified
Instructional Coach (20-21 School Year) Certified
Summer Tech Intern Supervisor Classified
Summer Technology Intern Classified
Counselor Certified
No jobs scheduled to stop accepting applications between Apr 26, 2020 and May 3, 2020.
From: Rachel Horn
Job Postings for Fort Osage R-1 April 26
Fort Osage R-1 School District
Below you will find a list of jobs posted between Apr 19, 2020 and Apr 26, 2020
Job Posting Title Job Category
2020 Online Summer School Teaching Positions Grades 9-12 Certified
2020 CTC Summer School Teaching (Internal Applicants Only) Certified
Summer Food Service (Internal Posting Only) Classified
Speech Language Pathologist (2020-2021 School Year) Certified
Instructional Coach (20-21 School Year) Certified
Summer Tech Intern Supervisor Classified
Summer Technology Intern Classified
Counselor Certified
No jobs scheduled to stop accepting applications between Apr 26, 2020 and May 3, 2020.
Who Survives? 04-26-20
From: B S TURNER Owner
Who Survives? 04-26-20
When Christ appeared to the people on this continent we are given the intimate details of those that survived the three days of darkness and destruction that is described in 3 Nephi 4.
Like you I have read that story so many times I almost have it memorized. Think about what is described here, a complete destruction of life as they know it and only a portion of the people left.
The other day as I was studying the scriptures this story was at the top of my mind – finally I had to turn and reread the scripture. When I got to verses 65-70 there are a couple of things that jumped out at me. I have underlined and put them in bold…..
3 Nephi
4:65 And thus far were the scriptures fulfilled, which had been spoken by the prophets.
4:66 And it was the more righteous part of the people who were saved, and it was they who received the prophets, and stoned them not; and it was they who had not shed the blood of the saints, who were spared;
4:67 And they were spared, and were not sunk and buried up in the earth; and they were not drowned in the depths of the sea; and they were not burned by fire, neither were they fallen upon and crushed to death;
4:68 And they were not carried away in the whirlwind; neither were they overpowered by the vapor of smoke and of darkness.
(NOTE: Our prayer and goal is to be the “they” in this scripture)
Have we received the prophets? Yes, we read what they say and quote them quite easily. But are we taking action and heeding what they are telling us? Are we becoming like the people in 3 Nephi that didn’t make it? Treating those things lightly that were told / taught to the people by the prophets?
Notice, it was they who received the prophets that ended up being able to be there when Christ came and showed himself to the people.
Understand this – the prophets were / are relaying the mind of God so that we would be able to endure life and see Christ in our lives. A type and shadow for us today – are you able to see it?
Consider the rest of the counsel given…..
4:69 And now whoso readeth, let him understand; he that hath the scriptures, let him search them, and see and behold if all these deaths and destructions by fire, and by smoke, and by tempests, and by whirlwinds, and by the opening of the earth to receive them, and all these things, are not unto the fulfilling of the prophecies of many of the holy prophets.
What does it mean to receive the prophet’s words?
Matthew 4:18 And he said unto them, I am he of whom it is written by the prophets; follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.
But as I wrote sometime ago, Daniel understood what was going on.
Daniel 9:6 Neither have we hearkened unto thy servants the prophets, which spake in thy name to our kings, our princes, and our fathers, and to all the people of the land.
Daniel 9:10 Neither have we obeyed the voice of the Lord our God, to walk in his laws, which he set before us by his servants the prophets.
What happens when a people reject the true prophets and teachings of god?
Mark 13:12 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another; and many false prophets shall arise, and shall deceive many;
Mark 13:25 For in those days there shall also arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch, that if possible, they shall deceive the very elect, who are the elect according to the covenant.
The message is clear – you cannot wait for someone to teach you these things. YOU must search out these things so that you will be able to easily see what is happening….or what isn’t happening. Then the real blessings begin to pour out upon you in a measure that very few of us have known.
I was drawn to Helaman 5:83-86 where Samuel was prophesying to the people about the destruction that should come and for what reason. “To the intent that there should be no cause for unbelief among the children of men (V: 83)”
And he continues in verse 84….”And this to the intent that whosoever will believe, might be saved,….”
Helaman 5:95 And behold ye do know of yourselves, for ye have witnessed it, that as many of them as are brought to the knowledge of the truth, and to know of the wicked and abominable traditions of their fathers, and are led to believe the holy scriptures,
5:96 Yea, the prophecies of the holy prophets, which are written, which leadeth them to faith on the Lord, and unto repentance, which faith and repentance bringeth a change of heart unto them;
5:97 Therefore as many as have come to this, ye know of yourselves, are firm and steadfast in the faith, and in the things wherewith they have been made free.
Arthur Oakman tells us in his book Belief in Christ that “Atonement, reconciliation and restoration are made through Christ who is before us, and who fights our battles and dwells in us by his Spirit, as soon as we take advantage of the means by which this atonement is made available”
He goes on to say “If the work of the restoration is to be complete, man must be remade into the moral and spiritual likeness of god. In this world, now, as well in the world to come. He must be restored into fellowship with God and with other men. Redemption is not possible without an association of people sharing the fruits and purposes of their association with the Creator. “
Friends pick up your scriptures and study the words of the prophets – hear the words and the call to action.
Brian Turner
Who Survives? 04-26-20
When Christ appeared to the people on this continent we are given the intimate details of those that survived the three days of darkness and destruction that is described in 3 Nephi 4.
Like you I have read that story so many times I almost have it memorized. Think about what is described here, a complete destruction of life as they know it and only a portion of the people left.
The other day as I was studying the scriptures this story was at the top of my mind – finally I had to turn and reread the scripture. When I got to verses 65-70 there are a couple of things that jumped out at me. I have underlined and put them in bold…..
3 Nephi
4:65 And thus far were the scriptures fulfilled, which had been spoken by the prophets.
4:66 And it was the more righteous part of the people who were saved, and it was they who received the prophets, and stoned them not; and it was they who had not shed the blood of the saints, who were spared;
4:67 And they were spared, and were not sunk and buried up in the earth; and they were not drowned in the depths of the sea; and they were not burned by fire, neither were they fallen upon and crushed to death;
4:68 And they were not carried away in the whirlwind; neither were they overpowered by the vapor of smoke and of darkness.
(NOTE: Our prayer and goal is to be the “they” in this scripture)
Have we received the prophets? Yes, we read what they say and quote them quite easily. But are we taking action and heeding what they are telling us? Are we becoming like the people in 3 Nephi that didn’t make it? Treating those things lightly that were told / taught to the people by the prophets?
Notice, it was they who received the prophets that ended up being able to be there when Christ came and showed himself to the people.
Understand this – the prophets were / are relaying the mind of God so that we would be able to endure life and see Christ in our lives. A type and shadow for us today – are you able to see it?
Consider the rest of the counsel given…..
4:69 And now whoso readeth, let him understand; he that hath the scriptures, let him search them, and see and behold if all these deaths and destructions by fire, and by smoke, and by tempests, and by whirlwinds, and by the opening of the earth to receive them, and all these things, are not unto the fulfilling of the prophecies of many of the holy prophets.
What does it mean to receive the prophet’s words?
Matthew 4:18 And he said unto them, I am he of whom it is written by the prophets; follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.
But as I wrote sometime ago, Daniel understood what was going on.
Daniel 9:6 Neither have we hearkened unto thy servants the prophets, which spake in thy name to our kings, our princes, and our fathers, and to all the people of the land.
Daniel 9:10 Neither have we obeyed the voice of the Lord our God, to walk in his laws, which he set before us by his servants the prophets.
What happens when a people reject the true prophets and teachings of god?
Mark 13:12 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another; and many false prophets shall arise, and shall deceive many;
Mark 13:25 For in those days there shall also arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch, that if possible, they shall deceive the very elect, who are the elect according to the covenant.
The message is clear – you cannot wait for someone to teach you these things. YOU must search out these things so that you will be able to easily see what is happening….or what isn’t happening. Then the real blessings begin to pour out upon you in a measure that very few of us have known.
I was drawn to Helaman 5:83-86 where Samuel was prophesying to the people about the destruction that should come and for what reason. “To the intent that there should be no cause for unbelief among the children of men (V: 83)”
And he continues in verse 84….”And this to the intent that whosoever will believe, might be saved,….”
Helaman 5:95 And behold ye do know of yourselves, for ye have witnessed it, that as many of them as are brought to the knowledge of the truth, and to know of the wicked and abominable traditions of their fathers, and are led to believe the holy scriptures,
5:96 Yea, the prophecies of the holy prophets, which are written, which leadeth them to faith on the Lord, and unto repentance, which faith and repentance bringeth a change of heart unto them;
5:97 Therefore as many as have come to this, ye know of yourselves, are firm and steadfast in the faith, and in the things wherewith they have been made free.
Arthur Oakman tells us in his book Belief in Christ that “Atonement, reconciliation and restoration are made through Christ who is before us, and who fights our battles and dwells in us by his Spirit, as soon as we take advantage of the means by which this atonement is made available”
He goes on to say “If the work of the restoration is to be complete, man must be remade into the moral and spiritual likeness of god. In this world, now, as well in the world to come. He must be restored into fellowship with God and with other men. Redemption is not possible without an association of people sharing the fruits and purposes of their association with the Creator. “
Friends pick up your scriptures and study the words of the prophets – hear the words and the call to action.
Brian Turner
Links to Services April 26 and 29
----- Forwarded message -----
From: Horn, Vim
Links to Services April 26 and 29
Links to April 26 Sunday Morning Worship Service YouTube Video and to April 29 Prayer Service
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Attached is a YouTube link to the video of this morning’s wonderful worship service. We were blessed with inspiring preaching, touching prayers and special music, and engaging readings and commentary. Elder Karl Anderson presided over the service and Elder Michael Brown shared the spoken word. It continues to be a blessing to worship with the saints from all over.
If you would like to view the service, click on the following link:
Or, go to the CRE website,
and click on the link there.
Information on future prayer and worship service times and links, including dial up access numbers, can be accessed through the CRE Website.
We encourage each of you to visit the CRE website for links to upcoming events and services, to view services and classes, and access other resources and programs sponsored through the CRE Women’s, Youth, Education, Stewardship, Evangelism, and Publication Councils (i.e., Tidings of Zion). You will also find information on specific programs, such as the recently launched Freedom Stewardship Ministries.
Next Scheduled Online Worship Service
April 29 at 7 PM CST Prayer Service Elder Steve Kropp Presiding
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 966 8873 6446
Password: 204370
One tap mobile
+19292056099,,157982919# US (New York)
+13126266799,,157982919# US (Chicago)
Dial by your location
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 301 715 8592 US
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US
Always keep yourself muted until you are called on by the one presiding
When sharing, face the camera directly and at an angle where your face is approximately at the same angle as the camera on your device
Minimize distractive movement and be aware of what can be seen in the background
If you see your picture moving in and out the main frame frequently, please consider if there is something you are doing to make it happen and adjust accordingly
These are worship services, please come prepared and appropriately dressed
William (Vim) Horn
Cell Phone # - (816) 803-0297
Email - hornw@umkc.edu
From: Horn, Vim
Links to Services April 26 and 29
Links to April 26 Sunday Morning Worship Service YouTube Video and to April 29 Prayer Service
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Attached is a YouTube link to the video of this morning’s wonderful worship service. We were blessed with inspiring preaching, touching prayers and special music, and engaging readings and commentary. Elder Karl Anderson presided over the service and Elder Michael Brown shared the spoken word. It continues to be a blessing to worship with the saints from all over.
If you would like to view the service, click on the following link:
Or, go to the CRE website,
and click on the link there.
Information on future prayer and worship service times and links, including dial up access numbers, can be accessed through the CRE Website.
We encourage each of you to visit the CRE website for links to upcoming events and services, to view services and classes, and access other resources and programs sponsored through the CRE Women’s, Youth, Education, Stewardship, Evangelism, and Publication Councils (i.e., Tidings of Zion). You will also find information on specific programs, such as the recently launched Freedom Stewardship Ministries.
Next Scheduled Online Worship Service
April 29 at 7 PM CST Prayer Service Elder Steve Kropp Presiding
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 966 8873 6446
Password: 204370
One tap mobile
+19292056099,,157982919# US (New York)
+13126266799,,157982919# US (Chicago)
Dial by your location
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 301 715 8592 US
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US
Always keep yourself muted until you are called on by the one presiding
When sharing, face the camera directly and at an angle where your face is approximately at the same angle as the camera on your device
Minimize distractive movement and be aware of what can be seen in the background
If you see your picture moving in and out the main frame frequently, please consider if there is something you are doing to make it happen and adjust accordingly
These are worship services, please come prepared and appropriately dressed
William (Vim) Horn
Cell Phone # - (816) 803-0297
Email - hornw@umkc.edu
Saturday, April 25, 2020
CMRB Camps and Reunion - 2020
From: Jacara Foss
CMRB Camps and Reunion - 2020
Due to the current situation, the schedule for CMRB Summer Camps has been altered slightly, but in an effort to offer these opportunities for young people to fellowship and draw closer to our Lord, all camps are scheduled to continue at this time. Please see the picture below or go to:
to see the changes. Please register your campers as soon as possible so we can have accurate numbers for our directors and cooks!
Also, the CMRB Reunion is scheduled to be held June 6th-13th at the Odessa Hills Campgrounds. Please register at:
Contact the directors, Bob and Sheila Schrunk, at 816-230-5940 with questions.
From: odessahillscampgrounds@gmail.com

CMRB Camps and Reunion - 2020
Due to the current situation, the schedule for CMRB Summer Camps has been altered slightly, but in an effort to offer these opportunities for young people to fellowship and draw closer to our Lord, all camps are scheduled to continue at this time. Please see the picture below or go to:
to see the changes. Please register your campers as soon as possible so we can have accurate numbers for our directors and cooks!
Also, the CMRB Reunion is scheduled to be held June 6th-13th at the Odessa Hills Campgrounds. Please register at:
Contact the directors, Bob and Sheila Schrunk, at 816-230-5940 with questions.
From: odessahillscampgrounds@gmail.com

Children’s Sunday school - April 26
From: Holly McLean
Children’s Sunday school - April 26
Children’s Sunday school tomorrow ...
If you’d like your child age 3-8 to participate in the craft, go to Devon Park FB page for download!
Message Emma McLean if plan to have your children in class and need the password!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 846 6819 8630
Children’s Sunday school - April 26
Children’s Sunday school tomorrow ...
If you’d like your child age 3-8 to participate in the craft, go to Devon Park FB page for download!
Message Emma McLean if plan to have your children in class and need the password!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 846 6819 8630
----- Forwarded message ----
From: paul gage
The High Priests of the Restoration Branches as well as many other groups and branches have asked the Saints to observe each Sunday as a day of fasting and prayer. There are many reasons for asking the Saints to fast and pray. The ultimate objective, however, is for the return of Jesus Christ in His Glory and the establishment of His Kingdom (Zion) on earth.
Jesus is our chief example regarding fasting and prayer, as he fasted and prayed often, as indicated in the scriptures. In our efforts to grow spiritually, we always hear fast, pray, and study. So, what is fasting?
We understand "fasting" to be the practice of deliberately abstaining from food for spiritual purposes. Fasting is a means by which a believer brings his body into subjection. Fasting breaks down the barriers in man's carnal nature that stand in the way of the Holy Spirit's omnipotence. (All powerful)
Rightly practiced, fasting brings both spirit and body into subjection to the Holy Spirit.
The scriptures are full of examples of fasting, the reasons for it and the results. There are a number of different types of fasting: absolute which means no food or water; partial which means no food, but water is permissible; types of food; see Daniel 1:8-15 and 10:2-14. Scriptures also indicate where people fasted one meal, one day, three days, seven days, up to forty days.
Fasting is, for the most part, an individual practice. Therefore the person decides how, when, and what to fast and for what purposes. Fasting is a covenant or commitment to the Lord. Pray about it before you start. Write out your plan for fasting indicating why you are fasting, how you are fasting, the times to start and end your fast and perhaps a scriptural reference. Keep a journal so you can record your efforts.
Many saints are fasting the Wednesday evening and Sunday morning meals in preparation for worship. Again, it is between you and the Lord, but in this case, the Saints, as a body, are being asked to observe each Sunday as a day of fasting and prayer. There are many good books on the market about fasting. Three that I have found helpful are: Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough by Elmer Towns; Shaping History through Prayer and Fasting by Derek Prince; and The Miracle of Fasting by Paul Bragg. All of these and many more can be found on the internet.
Critical times have always called for critical measures to meet the circumstances. You can find such things in all the scriptures and Church History. A temporary situation in the world is the virus. The real critical need of the world is to know Jesus Christ. A verse in a hymns states:
Church of Christ, in Latter Days, Rise, fulfill your destiny,
Meet the challenge of this hour, Serve in love and unity.
From: paul gage
The High Priests of the Restoration Branches as well as many other groups and branches have asked the Saints to observe each Sunday as a day of fasting and prayer. There are many reasons for asking the Saints to fast and pray. The ultimate objective, however, is for the return of Jesus Christ in His Glory and the establishment of His Kingdom (Zion) on earth.
Jesus is our chief example regarding fasting and prayer, as he fasted and prayed often, as indicated in the scriptures. In our efforts to grow spiritually, we always hear fast, pray, and study. So, what is fasting?
We understand "fasting" to be the practice of deliberately abstaining from food for spiritual purposes. Fasting is a means by which a believer brings his body into subjection. Fasting breaks down the barriers in man's carnal nature that stand in the way of the Holy Spirit's omnipotence. (All powerful)
Rightly practiced, fasting brings both spirit and body into subjection to the Holy Spirit.
The scriptures are full of examples of fasting, the reasons for it and the results. There are a number of different types of fasting: absolute which means no food or water; partial which means no food, but water is permissible; types of food; see Daniel 1:8-15 and 10:2-14. Scriptures also indicate where people fasted one meal, one day, three days, seven days, up to forty days.
Fasting is, for the most part, an individual practice. Therefore the person decides how, when, and what to fast and for what purposes. Fasting is a covenant or commitment to the Lord. Pray about it before you start. Write out your plan for fasting indicating why you are fasting, how you are fasting, the times to start and end your fast and perhaps a scriptural reference. Keep a journal so you can record your efforts.
Many saints are fasting the Wednesday evening and Sunday morning meals in preparation for worship. Again, it is between you and the Lord, but in this case, the Saints, as a body, are being asked to observe each Sunday as a day of fasting and prayer. There are many good books on the market about fasting. Three that I have found helpful are: Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough by Elmer Towns; Shaping History through Prayer and Fasting by Derek Prince; and The Miracle of Fasting by Paul Bragg. All of these and many more can be found on the internet.
Critical times have always called for critical measures to meet the circumstances. You can find such things in all the scriptures and Church History. A temporary situation in the world is the virus. The real critical need of the world is to know Jesus Christ. A verse in a hymns states:
Church of Christ, in Latter Days, Rise, fulfill your destiny,
Meet the challenge of this hour, Serve in love and unity.
Protect the Flock: Responding to Domestic Violence in the Church
---- Forwarded message -----
From: Abigail Cool
Protect the Flock: Responding to Domestic Violence in the Church
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
A-Zoom link Invitation to join Protect the Flock: Responding to Domestic Violence in the Church has been sent out to all. All are welcome, but, we've encountered a hitch.
Triumphant Zion Ministries did not fully anticipate the vast numbers of those wanting to join the training. This time, (there will be more training in the near future) if you attempt to login, and find that you are 'not allowed' it will mean that we have reached our current capacity. Please accept our apologies.
Should you miss the training, please email:
to receive the link for the recording.
Please arrive early to get a 'seat.'
Once again, our apologies. We will know better next time to increase our available numbers that may attend.
With warm blessings,
J. Abigail Cool
Triumphant Zion Ministries
From: Abigail Cool
Protect the Flock: Responding to Domestic Violence in the Church
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
A-Zoom link Invitation to join Protect the Flock: Responding to Domestic Violence in the Church has been sent out to all. All are welcome, but, we've encountered a hitch.
Triumphant Zion Ministries did not fully anticipate the vast numbers of those wanting to join the training. This time, (there will be more training in the near future) if you attempt to login, and find that you are 'not allowed' it will mean that we have reached our current capacity. Please accept our apologies.
Should you miss the training, please email:
to receive the link for the recording.
Please arrive early to get a 'seat.'
Once again, our apologies. We will know better next time to increase our available numbers that may attend.
With warm blessings,
J. Abigail Cool
Triumphant Zion Ministries
Friday, April 24, 2020
$225 Value Parenting Course FREE
From: Holly McLean
$225 Value Parenting Course FREE
Dear Saints,
With the recent events that have kept us home, I know there are a lot of families who are struggling with cabin fever. It can be difficult to be inside most of the time with limited options, especially when there are several children who are longing to engage in their normal activities.
Because of this, and the financial strains many families are going through at this time, I am making enrollment in the "How to Train Your Child to Behave" online course free to those who obtain a special coupon code that will give 100% off for a limited time. Once enrolled, you will have lifetime access to the course even when the FREE period has ended. The coupon code provided in this email will be effective through May 31. After that, the course will only be available for purchase. Again, if you are enrolled before May 31, you will have lifetime access to the course!
I hope this will help parents who are struggling at this time and be an encouragement to take this opportunity and use it to benefit the relationships with their children. If you would like to take advantage of this offer, you can go to the link in this email which will take you directly to the course page.
Once you get to the checkout page, you will NOT need to enter any financial information. Only enter the coupon code ADVANTAGE2020 in the appropriate box. This will give you free access to the course!
If you have any questions, let me know.
Holly McLean
$225 Value Parenting Course FREE
Dear Saints,
With the recent events that have kept us home, I know there are a lot of families who are struggling with cabin fever. It can be difficult to be inside most of the time with limited options, especially when there are several children who are longing to engage in their normal activities.
Because of this, and the financial strains many families are going through at this time, I am making enrollment in the "How to Train Your Child to Behave" online course free to those who obtain a special coupon code that will give 100% off for a limited time. Once enrolled, you will have lifetime access to the course even when the FREE period has ended. The coupon code provided in this email will be effective through May 31. After that, the course will only be available for purchase. Again, if you are enrolled before May 31, you will have lifetime access to the course!
I hope this will help parents who are struggling at this time and be an encouragement to take this opportunity and use it to benefit the relationships with their children. If you would like to take advantage of this offer, you can go to the link in this email which will take you directly to the course page.
Once you get to the checkout page, you will NOT need to enter any financial information. Only enter the coupon code ADVANTAGE2020 in the appropriate box. This will give you free access to the course!
If you have any questions, let me know.
Holly McLean
Activity Reminder and Update - April 25
From: Muriel L
Activity Reminder and Update - April 25
Dear, IIAW Friends,
Saturday, April 25 Tomorrow morning at 8:00am a small team of volunteers with Team Jesus will be assembling bags for the Beloveds at the Unity Center.
Donations may be dropped off then as well. Gallon Ziplok bags are needed.
The next neighborhood cleanup day has been postponed from May to June 13th. Details to follow.
Muriel Luedeman
Activity Reminder and Update - April 25
Dear, IIAW Friends,
Saturday, April 25 Tomorrow morning at 8:00am a small team of volunteers with Team Jesus will be assembling bags for the Beloveds at the Unity Center.
Donations may be dropped off then as well. Gallon Ziplok bags are needed.
The next neighborhood cleanup day has been postponed from May to June 13th. Details to follow.
Muriel Luedeman
In Town Reunion and CRE Announcement
From: Horn, Vim
In Town Reunion and CRE Announcement
Dear Saints –
At this time, we are still planning to have the combined in-town reunion and the Conference of Restoration Elders, June 21 – 26, 2020. Below is the announcement with the registration links and a flyer. Please register.
June 21 - 26, 2020
To register use the following link:
More Information:
William (Vim) Horn
Cell Phone: (816) 803-0297

In Town Reunion and CRE Announcement
Dear Saints –
At this time, we are still planning to have the combined in-town reunion and the Conference of Restoration Elders, June 21 – 26, 2020. Below is the announcement with the registration links and a flyer. Please register.
June 21 - 26, 2020
To register use the following link:
More Information:
William (Vim) Horn
Cell Phone: (816) 803-0297

Old Jerusalem Gospel Class Topic #1 - Unchanging God
----- Forwarded message -----
From: Mark McCormick
Old Jerusalem Gospel Class Topic #1 - Unchanging God
Recording and Information for NEXT meeting May 7
Greetings Saints,
Please see the link at the end of this email for a recording of our first session of "The Old Jerusalem Gospel" Series. Topic #1 - An Unchanging and Impartial God.
We will continue 2 weeks from now Thursday May 7, 2020 6:00PM - 7:15PM
Topic #2 - The Modern Stumbling-Stone
"As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man!"
Zoom information is below for the next meeting:
Topic: CBRB Thursday Service
Time: May 7, 2020 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 524 178 875
Dial by your location
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 301 715 8592 US
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 253 215 8782 US
Meeting ID: 524 178 875
CBRB Church - Old Jerusalem Gospel Series - Topic #1 - Unchanging - God - 4-23-20
This is the first Topic in a series based upon the book, "The Old Jerusalem Gospel" by Elder Joseph Luff Topic #...
You Tube link:
Your Brother in Christ,
Mark McCormick
Proverbs 3:5 "Trust
From: Mark McCormick
Old Jerusalem Gospel Class Topic #1 - Unchanging God
Recording and Information for NEXT meeting May 7
Greetings Saints,
Please see the link at the end of this email for a recording of our first session of "The Old Jerusalem Gospel" Series. Topic #1 - An Unchanging and Impartial God.
We will continue 2 weeks from now Thursday May 7, 2020 6:00PM - 7:15PM
Topic #2 - The Modern Stumbling-Stone
"As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man!"
Zoom information is below for the next meeting:
Topic: CBRB Thursday Service
Time: May 7, 2020 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 524 178 875
Dial by your location
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 301 715 8592 US
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 253 215 8782 US
Meeting ID: 524 178 875
CBRB Church - Old Jerusalem Gospel Series - Topic #1 - Unchanging - God - 4-23-20
This is the first Topic in a series based upon the book, "The Old Jerusalem Gospel" by Elder Joseph Luff Topic #...
You Tube link:
Your Brother in Christ,
Mark McCormick
Proverbs 3:5 "Trust
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